Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ The Day Yugi Duels The Bladebreakers ❯ The Last Chapter ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Deep mysterious voice) Yami Yugi was determined to prove that the Bladebreakers were worthless uncool card players so he set up the battle arena for him and…
Joey: Oh shut up Yami Bakura, I know you have a deep voice and all, and that Stardust girl always dreamily looking at you no matter what you do!
Yami Bakura: Like you have any fans (raises his head up proudly)
Joey: WHAAAAA!!!! Niki!
Niki: There, there. What's wrong Joey?
Joey: Yami Bakura bullied me!!!!
Niki (thinking): Oh my god, this is just like the time Lucy sorta bullies Anna and then Anna just comes and tells… IT IS ANNOYING!!!!!
Niki: Yami Bakura stop bullying Joey and Joey stop dobbing on Yami Bakura. (That should oughta do it…) ^-^
Stardust: I'm warning you Niki…
Mika: Fight, fight, fight, fight…
Anna donks Stardust, Mika and Niki on the head with her saucepan.
Anna: I think that should oughta solve everything.
But she was wrong; they went to bash her up. ^-^;
Yami Yugi: Everyone please, I need quiet to teach Kai how to play Yu Gi Oh.
Yami Bakura: Yeah Niki The King of Games has to CONCENTRATE…(sarcastically)
Niki gives Yami Bakura a dirty
Yami Yugi shoves a pack of Yu Gi Oh cards at Kai
Yami Yugi: Now Kai, first of all you have to pick five cards out of your deck.
Kai looking though the whole deck of cards: What! Only five? I loved about 20 of them!
Yami Yugi with his fist clenched: You're not allowed to look at your deck…
Kai: Right…
Kai picks 5 cards without looking.
Kai: Am I allowed to look at these cards King of Games?
Yami Yugi: Baka… (It means idiot/stupid in Japanese)
Kai: I am Japanese too you know and I am really offended…
Mysterious judge who appeared out of nowhere: No language other than English in this game please.
Yami Yugi: That is racist!
Meanwhile Blaziken was secretly toasting the judge's flares (they are pants)
Judge: Yeouch!!!!!
Kai: Is that you Dranzer? Did you scare away that awful judge?
Blaziken: Blaze? (Head leans to one side to look cute)
Yami Yugi: Hem hem, can we get on with the game Kai?
But Kai wasn't listening and was patting Blaziken happily on the head
Kai: Hey you are actually much easier to command than my Dranzer. Aren't you a little cutesie wutesie?
Yami Yugi: KAI!!!!!!
Kai: I'm sorry Blazie but I have to play cards with someone else now. Sit Blazie!
Tyson: *Yawn! * This is getting boring…
Ray: Come here little Blazie, come to papa… (Delicious little chicken aren't you…)
Niki: Ray don't you dare sink your teeth into my Blaziken.
Ray: Awwwww you're slack! Just one bite please…
Niki: NO!
Max: Hey where are you guys going now?
The truth was the characters from Yu Gi Oh were running away from Anna's (me the writer) Swampert named Bubble. It was using the attack Mud Shot!!!!
Anna: There, they won't be coming back for a long time. Oh how stupid I am. I scared away Bakura! Sob sob…
Niki: There, there Anna. (Pathetic little sobby dudes)
Mika: I just read Niki's mind Anna and she said you were one of the pathetic little sobby dudes
Niki borrows Anna's saucepan and donks Mika on the head
Mika: Oww! Why you little…
Meanwhile out through the warp came Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Ron: I just hope I won't go crazy again like last time. That was like out of this world!
Yami Yugi changed back to Yugi: Don't stop running everyone! I have calculated that…
Ron: Oh my god… (I need therapy, seriously) O_O;
Joey: Let's just jump in. Out of the way humans!
Téa: I have a bad feeling about this guys…
They jump through the warp hole
Tristan: WHAT????? We're back at Sesame Street!!!!!
Tumble weed rolls into sight… O_O
Weird voice: Sunny Day sweeping the clouds away
Joey: And we'll be having bird today
Weird voice and Joey: So tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Streeeet.
Yugi: Um, Joey we're right here and you find it through a warpy thing for your information…
Joey (cheerfully): I know that!
Back to the Bladebreakers
Tyson: Hey guys, I really need to go home. You see Hilary she…
Ray: Ooh, Hilary! (Ray wolf whistles)
Tyson: SHUT UP RAY! I need her to do my homework!
Max: (gives Tyson the suspicious and cheeky look)
Kai: Oh stop being so immature lets go home.
Max: Nobody can make me mature!
Tyson: Right…
Back at the new Beyblade stadium.
Tyson: Do my homework Hilary or else
Hilary: Or else what?
Tyson: Or else um, I would go out with Kai and get married!
Kai: Eeww, yuck, why not Ray? He's gay enough.
Ray: Why you little **** (insert swear word here)
Kai: Please do the homework Hilary!
Hilary: O_O; Alright…
Max: My SUGAR collection!!!!! Oh home SWEET home.
Kai: Yay my favourite wall in the shadows! Mmm, comfy…
Ray: And my favourite art book full of MICE!
Kai: I learnt how to play Yu Gi Oh!
Max: Ooh, ooh! Show me!
Kai: First you pick 5 cards out of the deck without looking.
Tyson: Aha…
Kai: Then you look at the five cards
Ray: I know that
Kai: And… That's about it I think…
Ray: You are sooo stupid…
Kai: But I learnt it from the King Of Games! (Stupid Yami Yugi…)
Blaziken and Bubble: Blaze… Swamp…-_-; -_-;
Anna and Niki: hehehe… ^_^; ^_^; (How did we ever become to love him?)
Stardust to Mika: I know the ancient kick-wenjay's-butt move. ^_^
Mika to Stardust: Well I know the modern um, the command-your-enemy-attack ^_^;
Stardust: Oh, how does that work?
Mika: Like this! Sit Stardust
Stardust sits obediently
Stardust: piffle… (Darn it works…)
And so this is the story of WHEN YUGI DUELS THE BLADEBREAKERS! I am Anna Xie. Good night! (Although Yugi only taught Kai how to play Yu Gi Oh for like about 10 seconds)
Hope you enjoyed these stories please read and review. Thank You! ^_^ Ka ching!