Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ The Island Tournament ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reioco- (laughing like tomorrow would never come)
Reioca- (holding back the laughter by stuffing a muffin in her mouth)
Oliver- that wasn't very funny.
Oliver- O_oU um okay anyways the disclaimer is in some other chapter so yeah we'll start the story now.
Maddy- NOT YET! (Grabs Ray) OKAY!
Ray- O_OU
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The Island Tournament
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**** Teri's P.O.V.****
I watched as Oliver came up to the surface. His face looked to funny. He had and angry and surprised expression on his face. I started to laugh really hard and accidentally flipped over while laughing and suddenly realized, I can't breath under water. When I was all the way up side down, I took in water and started to well drown and I tried to flip back over but I couldn't and I black out.
**** Oliver's P.O.V.****
I watched as she flipped over so she was floating with her knees on the surface and little bubbles floating up to the surface. I frowned at that it was kinda embarrassing to have that happen. The little bubbles stopped coming up to the surface and I thought `she should be coming up for air about now' as she moved her arms under water and didn't turn around to come up. By then, I got a little worried but she was still moving. A few seconds later she stopped moving I looked at her. Then looked up at everyone else, they were too busy to notice us. I suddenly realized that Teri wasn't even conscious I picked her up so her head was out of the water and pulled her over to the edge of the pool. A bunch of people ran over to see what I was doing and I just ignored them. I then climbed up and did CPR. (I'm not gonna explain that because ya should already know how to do that)
I stopped for a second to see if she had her pulse back. I pulled my head up about 1 foot and her head turned to the side and she coffed up the water she had swallowed and then started to breath on her own. I sighed a breath of relief and sat down next to her.
**** Teri's P.O.V.****
I opened my eye's only a slit and saw like a thousand people floating about me then slammed them shut. 'That was so not cool' I thought as I tried to sit up. I was stopped by a hand on my arm that kept me down. Then someone said, ”you shouldn't try to get up yet” I opened my eyes and saw about 10 green haired boys. I immediately shut my eyes and laid my head on the ground. I moaned at the sharp pain that flew through me head. ”What…. Happened” was all I could manage to get out. I head the same voice as before say. “You drowned but I saved you” that got my attention right away because I knew what CRP was and how you do it. I heard my Bitbeast snicker in the back of my mind `oh shut up' was my reply. I shook my head and sat up quickly before he could say anything. I heard a few gasps from the thousands of people that were flying. Well I thought they were flying. At the thought of people flying, I immediately stood up only to lose my balance and fall back wards. I landed in someone's arms, at first I was all stiff then ho ever caught me said, “I told you not to get up yet” he said. I relaxed in his grip as he put me back on my feet.
He still held onto me and I was glad he did. Other wise I probably would have fallen over. I opened my eyes 1 more time and saw that the people were now just moving really fast, in fact they were moving so fast that they were blurry. This time I kept my eyes open and looked around. I saw a giant pool of what looked like clear bugs squirming around, the green haired boy who looked just fine and not all blurry, then there was the people. The stupid people were now all around the pool of bugs and then I saw a few people jump in. My jaw must have dropped to the ground when they did that. I shook my head and then looked at the pool… I looked like a normal pool, not a pool of bugs. Then I looked at the green haired person holding me upright. “You okay” the green haired boy said. “Yeah, I think… I was wondering…what's your name?” I asked with a hint of curiosity in my voice. ”Oh I'm Oliver from the Majestics. Aren't you Teri from the Zodiacs?” he said. “Uh yeah I am… how did you know that?” I asked. “I was on the main deck with the rest of my team, we met Fallon and Tyson, they were arguing, something about Tyson being related to someone. But I can't remember, Oh yeah um do you need any help getting to your room, because your still a little bit wobbly” he asked cautiously not wanting to sound like he was taking advantage of me or something.
**** Oliver's P.O.V.****
`gosh I hope I said that right' he thought. He knew he had said it right when he got “um yeah that would be nice” for an answer. He smiled and helped her to her room.
Maddy- don't worry, she'll continue or else Trinity's new blade goes bye-bye.
Kai- and I have to participate or else Dranzer goes to the boys… I mean Dranity and Drality. They're guys not girls.
**** Tyson's P.O.V.****
I was completely dumb founded. She didn't even look or act like Teri… My cousin was always trying to kill me not be friendly. Her hair was also different… I was a lot longer and not so… crazy looking. I finally snapped out of it when somebody said. “Now that was strange… I mean she's… so… cute unlike Tyson.” Tyson spun around and glared at Johnny who was now smirking.
“ YOU THINK THAT WAS STARANGE WELL HOW ABOUT I STRANGLE YOU!” I made a dive for the Red head but I was caught off guard when a stroller came and made me trip. I fell flat on my face and moaned in pain. I heard some laughter and looked up to see Robert smirking and Max giggling. I humphed and got up then stomped out of the main hall place.
Maddy and Kai- O_oU
Ray- can't… breathe. (Passes out from lack of air) X_X
Maddy- NOOOOOOOOOOO! I KILLED HIM! (Breaks out in tears of sadness) WHY!
All except me because I'm laughing right now- O_OU
Trility- um…
Agro (my new bitbeast)- (Aussie accent)you know what to do Sheila's and Bloke's… REVIEW!
Maddy and Reioca