Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ The Island Tournament ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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**** Next day Normal P.O.V.****
The boat arrived at the docks of a rather large island with huge buildings placed on top of a REALLY tall and BIG hill to the right of the island. Everyone was getting his or her luggage ready and packing up. Teri had arrived at her room the night before with the help of Oliver. She had immediately fallen asleep once left alone. Fallon on the other hand wandered around the ship all night and fell asleep at 4:00 am… and she's still asleep… on her bed… shifting every now and then… also having a bad dream. Rayne stayed up until 12:00 but had her cape overall time to make up for the insane things she did earlier that day.
*** Flash back Rayne's P.O.V.****
`I'm so board' I thought as I sat on my bed staring out the window. “ I KNOW!” I yelled as I sprang up off of the bed. I ran out the door and ran a few feet to Yuna's room. I threw open the door knowing that she was out eating dinner. I looked around and found a bucket (don't ask where that was from because I have no clue… WHAT! I've never been on a big boat before only a very large plane.) And ran into the bathroom. I filled it up with ice cold water and some soap, mixed it up and put it on the counter. Then got some string from who knows where and tied it to the bathroom door then looped it around the buckets handle and tied the other end to the little hooky on the ceiling. I then slipped out the door and closed it half way. I then darted out the door and went back into my room.
**** End of flash back****
`After that she got soaking wet and blamed Alice for it' I snickered. “That was so funny,” I said allowed. I glanced at the sleeping form on the other bed. I sighed quietly and stood up, then walked over to the door and turned the handle and came face to face with Ray. “yes” I said in an annoyed tone.
“I came to make sure you 2 were ready,” he said quickly.
“Fallon is still sleeping but other then that yes,” I said between gritted teeth then shoved forward past him and slammed the door shut. “And I would suggest that you leave her be.” With that said I walked away leaving a baffled teen behind me. `That was fun' I thought silently to my self as I walked past some people.
**** Teri's P.O.V…. 10:00 in the morning on the docks****
`That jerk he didn't even recognize me' I thought as I gritted my teeth quietly.
;: but you have to admit that that Oliver guy was cute.:; my bitbeast said in my head.
`Yeah… WHAT AM I THINKING! That was so not a good thought' My eyes widened as I thought Really bad thoughts about him. I couldn't stop my self it just wouldn't stop.
:; HOLY CRAP I'm outta here.:; my bitbeast said quickly and fled my mind.
After a few minutes I got my mind under control and was walking along the dock avoiding as many people as I possibly could, I only ran into a few boys who I found out could whistle very loudly. I stopped walking and looked out at the sea. The wind played with my hair as I sighed. `So calm' I thought. I leaned against the rail that separated me from the sea. `So calm and quite' I thought as the wind once again, took my hair for a ride. `I feel so outta place'. I lifted my arms off of the rail and continued walking around.
**** Fallon's P.O.V.****
`lets see sandals or tennies?' I thought as I glanced between the 2 pairs of shoes. “ ARGH! I CAN'T THINK!” I screamed aloud. I roughly grabbed the sandals and shoved them on then put my Tennies in my suitcase. I then stormed out the door. `shesh I'm already mad and I've only been awake for about 30 minutes.' I sighed and continued walking. I ran into the shrimp named Ian. “watch it shorty” I growled angrily.
“go eat squid” he said with a grin at his lame joke.
“I think about that because I just had that last night.” I hissed right back at him then stormed away.
**** Alice's P.O.V.****
I was looking around cautiously for any D-boys. I had almost let Spencer see me a few minutes ago and now I was jumpy. I turned a corner and saw Tala leaning against the wall of a building. I squeaked and ran. `he didn't see me, he didn't see me.' I kept repeating in my head as I ran. I turned a corner and saw Brian standing in the middle of the dock while talking to Ian. `CRAP!' I screamed in my head.
I Turned and came face to face with Tala. My eyes got big and I turned again and ran like I was in Mexico and they had just released the bulls. I looked behind me and saw Tala chasing after me. `HE SAW ME!' I thought. I turned a corner and saw my hotel then ran in that direction. I looked back once, again and Tala was about 5 yards behind me. `MUST GO FASTER' I screamed in my head. I dashed threw the door and ran over to the open elevator door and ran it. I pushed the button that said 5 on it and the door started to close. “CRAP” I yelled out loud, Tala had done one of those baseball slides and made it in the doors by like an inch. I felt my blood run cold. I pushed the button 2 and then elevator stopped. By now Tala had stood up and was closing in on me.
The doors opened and I burst out of the stupid elevator and ran to the stairs. Well… I would have if Tala didn't stop me. He had grabbed my wrist roughly and pulled me back into the elevator. I gave a little squeak in suprize. He shoved me against the wall and planted his hands on eighther side of my head then looked at me with curious eyes. I in turn glared at him with my best glare I could muster at the time and position. The elevator wasn't moving but the doors were closed. My eyes widened as I looked at the control panel. The button that says “stop elevator” was pushed.
(I made up the button ^_^ )
Reioca- CLIFFIE!
Trility- will Tala recognize her on not?
Maddy- …
Reioco- why are you so quite?
Maddy- (still hugging the now unconscious Ray)
Reisha- oh…..