Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ What if Tyson hadn't beaten Tala? ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What if…? Tyson hadn't beaten Tala?
“Where am I?” The classical question. “Ouch…” Tyson Kinomiya stood up from the dirt and cleaned his clothes, which he noticed where from three years ago. “Freaky…what happened?” he asked again. The sky above him was grey unto the horizon, covering the blue sky. Lightning struck, and a few seconds later, the rumble of thunder. He didn't see any buildings in the distance.
And a voice, no less scary than the roar of thunder: “What are you doing here?”
Tyson didn't want to look up, but he was forced to because of the sudden sound of a beyblade ripping through the air, and, unfortunately, in his direction. Before he could take out his Dragoon, a body suddenly pushed his towards a bunch of debris that were piled in such a way they made a cave.
Of course, Tyson was still confused. The body that pushed him out of harm's way was a girl's, he found.
“Hey! What's your problem?” Tyson was quick to demand.
“Shut up. Wait.” The girl peeked to see if the danger was gone. Tyson had cooled off by that time, and instead, wanted answers.
“Where am I? What happened? Just a while ago, I was at my house and then-”
“Shht. You're in Japan. And you don't seem to come from your house.” The girl finally turned to face him. She observed him for a while, then frowned.
“You look like- but you can't be. It could be just a coincidence.”
“What's a coincidence! I don't understand! Who do I look like?! Tell me!”
“You look like Tyson Kinomiya. But you couldn't be. He died.”
R&R please! ^_^