Black Lagoon Fan Fiction ❯ Maid Team ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Black Lagoon, they all belong to Rei Hiroe. This story is NOT CANON and contains mild spoilers for the seventh manga.

The MAID Team

Ever since Roberta had first come to the Lovelace family years ago, she had tried her best to put aside her warlike past. Still, years as a FARC had left her with a... sense, when things were going to go wrong, and as she watched the junior maid hurrying towards where she and the other house maids were waiting she knew they were in deep trouble.

Her maid's uniform stained with dust and sweat Tavia stumbled to a stop by their car as the brown haired woman declared, “The young master has been kidnapped!”

“What!?” Masica declared, the somewhat more bosomy black haired maid cried, grabbing the smaller woman by the shoulders. “What happened?”

Tavia's short hair fell across her anguished face as the maid declared, “We were shopping in the market when we were separated. I was buying groceries when I turned and saw a tall man spiriting him away from me!”

“Where were they headed?” Roberta demanded, the tall, black haired maid already gearing herself up for battle. “What did he look like?” she asked flatly. She had rescued the young master once, she knew she could do it again.

With a surprising degree of accuracy Tavia described the kidnapper as she added, “They were heading westward when I lost them in the crowd.”

“The air field is in that direction,” Fabiola realized, the shorter black haired maid looking alarmed. If master Garcia was taken on a plane, it would be far more difficult to catch up with him....

“Head back to the house,” Roberta ordered, hurrying to the waiting jeep's driver's seat, but to her surprise Karin had already taken the seat, starting the engine.

“Let's go,” Karin said, her reddish brown hair falling into her eyes.

“Get out of the car,” Roberta ordered even as Fabiolas and the others began to get in.

“We have a responsibility to the young master too,” Fabiola told her firmly, “and the longer we stand here arguing, the colder the trail gets.”

Roberta didn't hesitate, grabbing the shotgun seat even as she nodded grimly, “Go.” She knew she could have forced the girl's out, but Fabiola was right, it would take too long. She would just have to hope she could protect the maids while chasing the young master's kidnapper.

They ran through town then got out at the market, scattering as they asked around about Garcia. Within minutes Masica managed to get them a lead, the group racing back to the jeep then hurrying off once more out of town.

“How did you...?” Karin asked, expertly handling the jeep over the rough road.

Masica smirked as she gestured to her maid's uniform with the top unbuttoned over her breasts. “These tend to get answers from men,” she noted mildly.

“Heh,” Roberta smiled slightly even as the jeep raced down the road, the potholes making their teeth rattle. Karin really was a surprisingly good driver, weaving through the rough path and even dodging the occasional person with ease.

“What will we do when we catch them?” Fabiola asked Roberta softly, the shorter girl looking up at her excitedly.

“We will politely ask for them to give him back,” Roberta answered. She smiled grimly, “And if that doesn't work, we will have to be... firm.”

“Roadblock!” Karin yelled as she reluctantly slowed down, the police and army officers having put a barricade across the road and several men standing around warily.

“Why...?” Tavia wondered.

“May not even involve us,” Roberta admitted, knowing that the government was still fighting both drug smuggling and anti-authority guerrillas. Still, she tensed as she swiftly took in the guards manning the roadblock. With the weapons she always carried she could take them all out, but it would be very messy. Worse, they might be able to sound an alarm....

“Head matron,” Fabiola said to her quietly as she rested a hand on her arm, “please let Masica handle this.” Roberta gave her a questioning look and Fabiola smiled reassuringly, “I have seen her at work, it will be fine.”

Roberta watched in surprise as Masica nearly fell out of the jeep when they stopped, her breasts nearly spilling from her unbuttoned uniform. The army dog didn't know where to look, blushing as he helped steady her.

“Oh, thank the Virgin we found you,” Masica declared dramatically as the men gathered around her, “we were so lost!” Within a minute or so she had them eating out of her hand, and in not much longer they were on their way once more.

“Well done,” Roberta had to concede as they drove on, only speeding up once they were out of sight of the cops. It had taken longer than she had wanted, but if she had used force she was certain they'd have been chased by the army or worse, prevented from saving Garcia.

Masica smiled back shyly, “Thank you.” She grinned as she added, “According to the guard trying to pick me up, a man and a boy bribed their way past not long ago. The description sounded like the man and our young master.”

Karin thumped the wheel eagerly with a fist as she said, “Oh, good going! We must be catching up to them!”

“Floor it!” Tavia agreed as they bounced along the rough road leading to the airfield.

Bouncing from a pothole they emerged from the trees into a clearing, taking in the rural airfield. Like many of it's type it was mostly deserted, a few roughly built hangers over to one side, a single runway and several planes sitting out in the sun. The maids swept the grounds eagerly, looking for any trace of their master.

“There!” Karin pointed, her other hand sure on the wheel as she turned their jeep towards a plane taxing to take off.

The man who had snatched the young master from the market had a almost smug look on his face as he piloted the plane away from them. Roberta felt her blood go cold as she saw Garcia in the passenger seat, looking out at the maids with wide eyes.

“No!” Roberta growled as it lifted off, carrying their master god knew where. 'I could try to shoot it,' she thought bleakly, 'but he could be hurt....'

“Park the car!” Tavia yelled as she bodily leapt from the jeep nearby another plane that was just starting it's engines. She rolled to a stop then got up, running over to the plane, yanking the door open and grabbing at the stunned pilot.

“What are you?!” the older man blurted.

The click of a gun froze him as Fabiola peered over Tavia's shoulder at him, her expression calm as she ordered, “Get out, now.”

Tavia turned as the rest of the maids hurried over, “Let's go.” As several maids protested she added, “I can fly! My father taught me. Now let's go!”

There was a moment of dead silence as they weighed the risks of taking off with a rusty, half-trained pilot versus letting the pilots go, then almost as one the group of women crammed themselves into the small plane.

“This was not intended for this many people,” Roberta murmured as they took off, all five of them barely fitting into the confined space.

“I'm not complaining,” Karin murmured as she felt Masica's full breasts pushing up against her side.

Masica gave Karin a thoughtful look as the other maid blushed faintly, “Well, well....”

“Could you two do this later?” Fabiola asked wryly.

“There he is!” Tavia yelled as they caught up with the other plane.

Roberta felt a familiar, feral smile tugging at her lips as they finally came up alongside the other plane. The pilot had a rather dumbfounded look on his face as if he could not believe that they had chased them all this way. Garcia also has a odd look on his face, a mix of pride, embarrassment and a fair bit of trepidation too. He turned from them and looked at the pilot, nodding once.

“What is he...?” Tavia wondered as the pilot pulled a lever.

“Look out!” Roberta yelled as a pop of smoke came from the rear of the plane and something came free.

The cloth smoothly unrolled from a compartment in the rear of the other plane, the wind catching it as it stretche4d out to it's full length. In just a few moments it was fully extended, but the words took a moment to register with the maids: Happy Birthday, Roberta!

“EH??!!” everyone in the plane yelped.


“I'm really, really sorry about all of this,” Garcia told them sheepishly after his pilot dropped him off then took off again, hauling the banner across the sky.

Fabiola shook her head wryly as she asked, “I guess you wanted to surprise Roberta?”

“Yes,” Garcia admitted, “I thought I could just slip off for a few hours, come back and no one would be the wiser.”

Roberta sighed, pushing up her round glasses tiredly. “Young master,” she told him patiently, “you've been kidnapped before and it's something we all dread happening again. Just slipping off is really not a option.”

“Yes,” Garcia conceded quietly.

Roberta looked back up as a smile teased her lips, “Still, it's a very nice banner.”

Garcia smiled back, “Yes it is.”

AS they watched the show Garcia found himself looking at the maids, watching the five of them interact. While in the past there had been a high wall of reserve between Roberta and the other maids, they now seemed much more relaxed as they offered their senior maid birthday wishes. Roberta still held herself apart from them a little, but at least it seemed she valued their talents and abilities.

'This wasn't what I intended, but it's turned out well,' Garcia thought. He smiled as he murmured, “I love it when a plan comes together.”


Notes: In Black Lagoon volume seven, Fabiola tells Revy the names of the other maids at the Lovelace manor, but claims they are all ordinary maids. Then again, that's coming from a girl who carries twin sub-machine guns, a sawed off shotgun and has knives in her boots so one wonders how she defines 'ordinary.' Since we don't know anything about the maids I modeled them on the A-Team, with a pilot, con-man, driver etc etc. Let me know what you think!