Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Debts ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

By: eternalsailorsolarwind
Disclaimer: Bleach and all of its wonderful characters belong to Tite Kubo, Shonen Jump, Viz, and a couple other legal entities whose names escape me at the moment. I just write fanfics with them.
A/N: My first foray into Bleach! A short character piece that deals with Ichigo's reasoning behind the rescue mission into Soul Society. Ichigo's POV, with very blink-and-it's-gone IchiRuki.
Everyone keeps asking him why he's risking his life - and friends' lives - for a Soul Reaper that he's known for barely two months. For a short, bad-tempered girl with a mouth like a sailor who'd turned his life upside down one night. There were moments, when his own blood made Zangetsu's hilt slick and difficult to grip, when even he wondered why he was doing it.
But he always remembered why. It wasn't just because she'd saved his life. It wasn't because she'd given him the ability to save the lives of his friends and family from the hollows that hunted and lusted after his reiatsu. It wasn't even because of how she had tried to keep him safe from the bastards that came to take her back to Soul Society.
No, it was all of those reasons and one more. Probably the most important reason of all. The night that Rukia Kuchiki dropped into his life - and his closet - was the night that one Ichigo Kurosaki began to live again. In the short two months that Rukia lived in his closet, Ichigo remembered how to smile. He remembered the joy of discovering new things. Even though he still wasn't ready to admit it, even to himself, he learned how to love again.
He owed her everything. And Ichigo Kurosaki was a man who believed in paying his debts, come hell or high water.