Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Seireitei Serenade ❯ Fairy Tale ( Chapter 17 )

[ A - All Readers ]
17) Fairy Tale
Pairing/characters: UryuuxOrihime
Description: She was the princess, and he was the warrior.
Warning: No real spoilers, unless you're really looking for them, het, crack
Dedication: KibaSin, my good friend and beta, for requesting this.
Rating: T


Orihime had always wanted a knight-in-shining-armour, she had just always seen Kurosaki-kun as that person. She hadn't expected her knight to shoot a bow, or to sew like nobody else ever could - making him an irriplaceable asset, in her opinion - and she sure as heck hadn't expected him to be Ishida.

A Quincy. Her knight was a Quincy, not that she was complaining. She especially loved how he told her the loveliest stories she'd ever heard. Her favorite was about the princess and the warrior.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. The evil bastard from the evil land of the dead people came and took the beautiful princess away, claiming that her purity would be the rise of his empire. Well, when her most loyal warrior, whom she hadn't ever truly seen but was there nonetheless, heard of her predicament, he wanted nothing more than to protect her and rescue her.

So when his 'ally', also a dead person, though quite annoyingly alive at the same time - unfortunately - determined that he'd save her himself and hog all her love for only him, the warrior halted his training and went with the other dead-but-not-really man, travelling with him and their trusty mexican guard dog to the evil bastard's lair. Once there, they kicked the evil bastard's minion's asses and rescued the princess.

And you know what, Orihime?

What, Ishida-kun?

The warrior got the princess this time, not the knight.


I know. It was rather odd, wasn't it?