Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Shopping for Trouble ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shopping for Trouble
By: eternalsailorsolarwind AKA youkai_girl
Disclaimer: Bleach and all of its characters are owned by Tite Kubo, his Japanese publishers, and Viz. I only play with them for grins and giggles.
A/N: Written for a prompt from Sharikqah on LJ: Grocery carts (or baskets or trolleys) without their wheels. Faint Ichigo/Tasuki.
Tatsuki watched in growing disbelief as she watched Ichigo - in shinigami form - decapitate his sixth grocery cart. A Hollow the size of a half-grown Labrador puppy darted up and down the aisles, ducking under every swing of her old friend's blade. Other, more mundane, customers kept looking at their carts in disbelief when the heavy wire baskets slammed to the ground, their wheels continuing on without them.
Fending off Kon's wandering hand with a punch to Ichigo's nose; Tatsuki planted herself directly in the Hollow's path. It skidded to a stop in front of her, just missing knocking her down. Whimpering like the puppy it resembled, it cringed as she glared at it. Ichigo flinched when she turned the glare on him.
“Can we get this over with, already? People are staring.” At her, since they couldn't see either the Hollow or Ichigo with his enormous sword.
Sheepishly, Ichigo did his job, the Hollow dissipating in a puff of smoke. He climbed back into his body, expelling Kon. “Dammit Tatsuki, did you have to hit me so hard? I think you broke my nose.”
“Serves you right, young man,” said an older woman as she passed by. “You shouldn't try to take advantage of her distraction that way. In my day, boys didn't try to feel up girls in public.”
Mortified that the incident had been noticed, Tatsuki gave Ichigo her patented Stare of Doom. “You are never bringing that furry little delinquent with us again. He's worse than Keigo or Chizuru, got it?”
“Y-yes, ma'am.”
“Good,” said Tatsuki, smiling at him. “Let's get this stuff to your sister. You promised me a good dinner tonight. And after this, I deserve it.”