Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Zanpaku-to? ❯ Case Origin ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tite Kubo owns Bleach. I just borrowed the characters. I do own Atonomatsuri (the bird) and Piecrust (the jerk).
Case Origin
“This is a very serious matter. Captain Fon wishes for justice and had expressed her opinion that your subordinate must be punished severely. She's refrained from asking for his execution, as she could if she invokes the statutes, but she has requested that the rest of the punishment outlined for this crime, be enforced,” Yamamoto told Zaraki.
He looked at Soi, trying to asses her state of mind. She was angry, he could tell that as her foot was taping impatiently and her arms were folded across her chest. Her eyes were hard as she glared at him. Was the anger aimed at him, or Piecrust, and would the fragile peace they'd fostered be broken by the man's actions?
“I don't care if you execute him. It would be fine with me and I'll even supply the snacks. Or you could move Piecrust to her Division and she can do what she likes with the worthless idiot,” was the answer that Zaraki gave. That would solve two problems at once and it was efficient, if she agreed.
Soi laughed, but it did not sound like she was amused. “I do not accept creatures like that in my Division. I have heard about this Yuki person known as `Piecrust' and would not accept him; would never wish a fool like that to require my time and attention. While I may pity you for having him under your command, Captain Zaraki, I will not take that pathetic being off your hands.”
“Damn,” Zaraki murmured under his breath. It had been a slim hope that Soi would accept the man.
“He remains in your Division, Captain. I've told you that previously,” the Captain-General reminded him. “His wounds will heal, given time. Until he is able to stand, I believe we should not make decisions about the level of his punishment. There will be no execution for this crime. I find your attempt at levity ill timed.”
“Look, Soi, Captain Fon, I'm, um, ur, I regr... The man's missing part of his brain and if I'd known what he was planning he would have ended up in a cell in 11th, under full guard and in chains,” Zaraki felt very clumsy in his efforts to apologise.
“I'm aware that the man acted without your knowledge, Captain, but that does not excuse his deeds,” the cold, hard voice of Soi rang through the room.
This was the worst possible time to have Soi offside and Zaraki knew it. Vainly he searched his mind for something he could say that would appease her, but knew it would be difficult. One fact he kept in mind, was he wanted to deal fairly with her, because that was how to treat a friend. He decided to try something that might work. “I express regret on his behalf. I'll put it in writing, if you want.”
Captain Yamamoto laughed unexpectedly. “You're offering to write an apology?” His expression lightened and he looked at Zaraki, the incredulity obvious in his face.
“I didn't say that,” Zaraki said hastily. An apology was not on offer here; just an expression of regret that he had such an idiot in his Division. That was what he was planning to write.
A small grin crossed Soi's face. “Would I be able to read it? Your calligraphy is not known for its legibility.”
What she said was true. Insects crawling through ink and marking paper had more skill than he did with a brush, but he could do it, given the time and inclination. If he wrote it and Soi couldn't read it she might think it was an apology, when it wasn't. Relaxing slightly at the tiny easing in the atmosphere, Zaraki allowed himself a small smile. “I'll write it out and I'll get the jerk to write out a hundred times anything you deem fit, if you want. You might have to wait a few weeks until he recovers. If you can't read what I write, does it matter? You can decide any level of retribution for the guy and I'll see it happens.”
“I'll consult with Captain Unohana, Assistant Captain Matsumoto and your Assistant Captain. I am not the only one disturbed by his actions,” Soi said thoughtfully. “I would prefer the retribution to fit the crime.”
An image of Piecrust naked and in the stocks crossed Zaraki's mind and he pulled a face. That was something he didn't want to see.
“Maybe he could be displayed in the buff at a Shinigami Women's Association meeting. That would be fair,” Zaraki offered hopefully. That way he wouldn't have to look and it was equivalent exchange; that was what mattered, wasn't it? “You could throw things at him.”
“Why would we want to view that? I have already seen it and it's of no interest to me, drunk or sober,” Retsu stated as she entered the room. She retained her normal composure but two bright spots of colour showed in her cheeks, betraying her anger. “That creature is never to set foot in 4th Division again. I am considering withdrawing any assistance from 4th Division to 11th Division after this event. I've saved his sight, barely, though I found it hard to concentrate with the stench of alcohol wafting from the man,” as she spoke, her eyes fixed on the Captain-General and Zaraki began to worry.
“Retsu, we need you and 4th Division! Hell, I'll try to make it up to you. I mean he didn't see…..” Zaraki said. He only knew that Soi had been wearing her uniform. He didn't know whether the other women were clothed or undressed.
Ignoring his words, Retsu looked at him sharply. “Yachiru is not happy with the man. I am amazed at the speed of your assistant captain, Captain Zaraki. She replaced her sandals and was attacking the intruder before I could even move. Her blade just missed his eyes; otherwise he would now be blind and his reflexes were very slow. She cut his torso considerably,” Retsu's face flushed as she spoke, her eyes sparkled with anger and she was leaning forward as if determined to make her point.
Zaraki admired the heightened colour in her cheeks and the glint in her eyes. It was strange, until he had got to know the woman, she'd always seemed very calm and even tempered, but since knowing him, he'd managed to annoy her on a number of occasions. Was it him or was it other people that made this happen? Well, some of it had been him, that was true, but he wasn't responsible for all the problems; only most of them. Kurotsuchi was responsible for some of the problems, so why did he feel that he should apologise? Forget that! There was no possible way that anyone could make him say he was sorry for all the things that happened. That near attempt to apologise to Soi had been excruciating and he wasn't planning to repeat the experience any time soon.
“Assistant Captain Matsumoto managed to prevent your Assistant Captain from dealing the killing blow. He's lucky to be alive,” Soi continued.
This was sounding even worse. He knew Yachiru had no particular fondness for Piecrust, but her attempt to kill the man sounded excessive. The man must have said or done something to anger her.
“I was impressed how Assistant Captain Matsumoto managed to control her reaction to his comments regarding her, um, outstanding attributes and bravely protected him from Yachiru, though she did kick him in the groin afterwards,” Retsu commented.
Zaraki and the Captain Yamamoto exchanged worried glances. Retsu seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in relaying the last piece of information.
“Three times and she didn't restrain herself,” Soi added and a sadistic smile passed between the two female Captains.
Both Zaraki and the Captain-General winced at the information. Ran had strong legs and the imagined pain was nearly crippling. Swallowing hard, he wondered if that was the worst injury inflicted.
“Even his heavy consumption of drink could prevent him from feeling that assault,” Retsu said complacently. Soi nodded in agreement and they both turned to the male captains.
Zaraki shuddered, imagining how painful it would have been. The Captain-General shifted uncomfortably in his chair and almost crossed him legs, but looking at the three captains in front of him desisted and instead he rested his hands heavily on his legs in a defensive posture.
“I arrested him once the Assistant Captains had, ur, disabled him. It was hard to prevent his blood from staining my coat. When he could finally hear me speaking to him, he told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world, cried and then threw up,” Soi continued, her lip curling slightly at the memory.
“Disabled? I like that. He might be permanently disabled after those well place strikes. It will take days for the swelling to go down. Ran has an unerring sense where to kick to cause the most damage. He was squealing and thrashing around, clutching himself. I wish I'd had a camera,” Retsu said the smile on her face widening.
Wishing he could sit or move his hands into a protective position without it being obvious he shifted his stance a little. It would make him feel better if Soi and Retsu would stop dwelling on Piecrust's `injuries'. Wondering at the enjoyment they seemed to be experiencing it struck him that they seemed amused and pleased that the man had been punished in that manner. Maybe they believed he'd been chastised enough, but that didn't seem probable. Zaraki was rapidly becoming very confused. What had really happened? What had the man seen, done and said? He noticed that Captain Yamamoto appeared to have trouble understanding what was going on also. The two female captains were continuing to bandy comments about Piecrust, but Zaraki tuned them out. Listening to them was too unnerving.
“I thought you were registering a grievance,” the Captain-General said finally, his normal composure shaken by what he had heard.
“We are, but the main harm was done to Rangiku and Yachiru. Rangiku had nearly removed her shirt and Yachiru had taken off her sandals, socks, armband and sash. The poor girl is very sensitive about people seeing her bare feet. That fool Piecrust, expressed his disappointment that he'd arrived a few seconds too early to see, what were the words? Oh yes, `the red haired babe's rack'. He encouraged Rangiku to take off her shirt, made a rather personal comment about her breasts, which I see no point in repeating, and then leered at Yachiru and told her he would wait until she was grown up. `Little girls should watch and learn' he told her,” Retsu said. Her normally quiet voice became louder as she retold the events. It was easy to see that his words had infuriated the 4th Division Captain and not only for her own sake, but her compassionate nature made her feel for those who were targeted by the dim wit.
Even so, a feeling of relief ran through his veins, mixed with anger. Yachiru was unharmed, as were the other females and it could have been so much worse. All the same, the man had proven his stupidity again.
“The fact that he didn't see anything does not excuse the man,” Zaraki said through tight lips. “Even if he was drunk, as I believe Captain Unohana has inferred.”
Retsu nodded in agreement. “If he hadn't rid himself of the contents of his stomach in the bathhouse, shortly after he was felled by Assistant Captain Matsumoto, I believe would be treating a case of acute alcoholic poisoning. The stench of rum was overpowering.”
It made a little more sense that the man was under the influence when he marched into the bathhouse, but no sane male Shinigami would do that, no matter how drunk he was. Even if an idiot was determined to do that his friends or drinking companions would normally prevent the invasion. But all indications were that Piecrust had no friends; his actions and behaviour had estranged him and made him a joke amongst the other Shinigami. It might even be possible that members of 11th Division had encouraged him in the rash act. He'd have to investigate. How the man had managed to get so drunk so early in the day? If it was a holiday or special occasion, he might overlook it, but at a time when they had to be vigilant it was a careless and stupid action.
Then it struck him. The man had been drinking rum. Did that mean anything, or was it a coincidence?
Putting that question from his mind, Zaraki remembered some of the punishments that could result from this type of infraction. They were particularly harsh, but he felt no pity for the man. “If I could demote him even further, I would. He'll be on latrine duty and garbage disposal for the next 70 years, in addition to any of the penalties outlined in the law.” Even though the crisis was less than he had feared he was still furious. “Can he take over cleaning the sewers under 11th Division?” he asked Retsu.
“That would not be appropriate. The sewers are under all the Divisions and he could use them as a means to make other unfortunate intrusions,” the Captain-General said sharply. “We are agreed the man did break the laws, but in fairness to Captain Kurotsuchi, I believe we should shelve this matter until after the hearing tomorrow. We need to concentrate on Captain Kurotsuchi's case first as it has priority and he is a Captain facing serious charges.”
“I agree, Sir. I should return to assist Captain Ukitake with the prosecution,” Soi said, bowing slightly as she prepared to take her leave.
Captain Yamamoto raised his hand to prevent her exit. “The matter cannot end there. To be fair, though there is no doubt of his guilt, we will schedule a hearing regarding this matter so that justice may reign. I will keep Pie, I mean Hisutanga confined until the hearing can be organised.”
“Perhaps it won't be so bad,” mused Zaraki as he watched the others agree. If the Clown Captain's hearing lasted a long time, Piecrust's interrogation could be deferred.
“I think, given the gravity of the situation, we will need to investigate this incident involving Yuki Hisutanga with a formal hearing. As you are his Captain, you will render the defence. I do not expect you to commence work on the defence until after the other matter is resolved.”
Stunned, Zaraki looked at his superior officer. The old man couldn't mean it. He had to provide the defence for Piecrust? He knew nothing about law, nor was he interested. It would mean he'd have to read books about the subject and that didn't appeal to him at all. Reading things for pleasure was fine, but law? “But,” he began.
“I will assign another Captain to assist you. Captain Fon and Unohana you will prosecute with the assistance of the other affected parties,” was the next direction.
The little knowledge that he had on the law made this seem wrong. “Captain Yamamoto, that can't be right. They're involved and they can't be impartial.”
“Impartial? Big word, Zaraki, and you're correct. Appointing them is against every legal precedent,” Atonomatsuri said, her voice heavy with sleep.
For some reason the birds support made him feel a little better, but looking at the Captain of the 1st Division he knew it wasn't going to provide much help. “In this instance I believe that the injured parties should be compensated. Their prosecution of the accused will assist them in redressing any issues they have with the man. It may also serve to impress on Hisutanga the severity with which we view such behaviour within the Seireitei. But, there will be no further physical contact,” was the judgement provided by Captain Yamamoto.
`I will send Iemura to care for Pie…the prisoner,” Retsu said briefly. Both female captains bowed briefly and left the room.
Sighing loudly, Zaraki turned to the Captain-General, preparing to appeal to his common sense. “The guy should be sent back to Soul Society. He's not cut out to be a Shinigami. His reiatsu barely registers, he's annoying and can't fight with a weapon,” he began.
A cool look from his superior made him pause. That look indicated that he would not rid himself of the nuisance that easily.
“Why did I end up with him? 11th is a fighting division, not a place for idiotic weaklings,” was his next protest and the Captain-General raised a finger for silence.
“You will keep him. We have gone over this before. I selected you as the Captain best able to bring out his hidden abilities,” was the explanation offered.
Frowning, Zaraki wondered what hidden abilities the man could have. Was annoying people a talent, because Piecrust couldn't be beaten on that? The only indication of ability was his possible skill in fighting without weapons. Even if that could be improved, it was useless against Hollows as the zanpaku-to was essential in defeating them. Maybe he attracted Hollows and that was his hidden talent. Or by comparison he made every other Shinigami look competent.
“Sir, let's cut through the crap. Why are you forcing this dimwit on me? I demand to know,” even as he spoke he knew he was pushing hard and might anger the old man, but it was about time he was given a reason.
“It's not your business, Captain Zaraki,” was the only reply he received. The old man was frowning at him, his heavy eyebrows drawn together.
Anger rising Zaraki replied, “It is my bloody business. You lumber me with this worthless piece of offal and insist I train him. He's a drunkard who abuses women, falls over his own blade and insults people who try to help him. Forget being a Shinigami. He's has trouble remembering that he should breathe with his mouth closed.”
Maybe he was exaggerating a little with the last claim, but it seemed like Yamamoto didn't understand and he wanted to express his displeasure.
“I don't think this is the best time to impart this information,” Yamamoto said stiffly.
“Best time? What's the best time? Hell, Old Man, if you don't sodding tell me I'll fill 4th Division with casualties. Or you could fight me,” he felt a bloodthirsty smile tug at the corners of his mouth. Maybe it was time for payback to `reward' this man for forcing him to become a Shinigami.
“I won't fight you. Not when there are so many other issues that need my attention. Very well, Captain. I will tell you the reason that I have appointed that person to your Division,” the Captain-General said, his demeanour shifting to one of even more authority.
Disappointed that he wasn't scoring a fight, but willing to take what he could get, Zaraki leant forward, impatient to hear the explanation.
“Calm down, Zaraki. Stop grinding your teeth; it makes a very loud and annoying noise. There was no choice; he had to place that worthless object in your division. You must see that. Come on; use that anger for something worthwhile. We need another training session. Walk to that place we were this morning,” the pleas from Atonomatsuri were loud in his ears. The concern in her voice was lost on Zaraki who had nearly wrenched the door to the 1st Division Captain's office off its hinges as he left. As it was, he pulled out the handle which he had thrown at Sasakibe when the Assistant Captain gave him a disgusted look.
“Send me the bill,” he bellowed as he stomped out, not caring what the man thought or said.
Despite his intentions of heading to the nearest bar, he found he was again in the field. “Damn it, I want to fight. Atonomatsuri, get that lazy butt of yours out here and fight me,” was his harsh demand.
With a flurry of feathers and flapping of wings, the vulture appeared in front of him, her eyes shining. “It will be interesting to fight you when your anger is not directed at me, Ke…Zaraki.”
“I didn't call you here to chat, so don't expect tea and biscuits,” snarled Zaraki, the words emerging through his clenched teeth. “Shut up and fight.”
“But first, let's move this somewhere a little less noticeable,” Atonomatsuri said agreeably.
“I don't give a damn about people noticing. Once that news gets out….”
The bird took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Only you and Captain Yamamoto know. Even Piecrust isn't aware of that particular truth.”
“Yet,” yelled Zaraki, as he drew his blade and lunged, without warning, at the vulture. She dodged the blow, a little too late, barely escaping receiving the full impact through her chest. As it was, her wing suffered and she bit back a gasp of astonishment.
“Zaraki, I am training you to use me,” she scolded him, her voice wavering in fear as she spoke.
“I don't give a stuff what you think you're doing. I'm here to fight to the death and you're the only person who is prepared to fight me. If I could get the old man to let me go after some Hollows….,” he said and faltered.
How could he fight Hollows if he had been one? How did that work? Had he been in a better situation as a creature that only lived to absorb souls? The memory of that time was still blocked to him and he could only imagine what it would have been like. No responsibilities, no paperwork, no annoying meetings. Just the thrill of the hunt, the fights and appeasing the insatiable hunger for souls. That didn't sound so bad. Why should he fight what he once was? Would it make the world better? The souls who were eaten by the Hollows; wasn't it their own fault for not accepting they were dead and moving on to Soul Society? Why hang around the human world? It wasn't that fascinating watching humans live. As for the reason he had become a Hollow? That wasn't important. It was so long ago that no one cared, least of all him.
If he went to the human world to protect some fools who didn't know if they were alive, he could accidentally let himself become a Hollow, lose all the stupid thoughts and rid himself of Atonomatsuri. The idea appealed except for two things. It would mean he would have to lose a fight and he hated losing. The other was that he'd be trapped in Hueco Mundo with Aizen and the other losers. Being in a place where Tosen was considered a superior being was enough to persuade him that it was a bad idea. Sometimes he wondered if he preferred Kurotsuchi to that blind injustice. Remembering the fight he'd had with Tosen he again wondered why the man had been made a Captain in the first place. He admitted he hated fighting, and from Zaraki's experience he wasn't very good at it. And that bankai was dumb. It only took him minutes to work out how to counter it. How could that be considered a bankai? All the guy did was hide in the darkness and attack. Yamamoto must have been desperate when he appointed that joke as a Captain.
“Kenny, could you please pay attention. You wouldn't like being a Hollow again because you'd miss my company,” the words of the bird invaded his thoughts.
“That's one good argument for it,” was the curt reply he gave. He yearned for the time when he could be alone, completely alone without the bird in his head and the teeming mass of his Division constantly expecting something from him. Why was he even thinking about this?
“It's called avoidance, Kenny. You know that. Fighting is another way to stop thinking and we need to fight; we need to train,” the persuasive note was hard to ignore.
“You want to fight? Let do it,” he turned on the bird and slashed at her as she stepped backwards.
Rolling her eyes, which was an interesting sight, Atonomatsuri quivered, possibly with anger, or laughter. “Not like this. Say the words. Summon my other form.”
Through lips that seemed unwilling to move, Zaraki said “Yawn, Atonomatsuri.”
His frustration and anger broke his concentration and he couldn't focus his reiatsu. The large blade slammed into the flower bed under the blade, digging a large divot and destroying the symmetry. Pleased at bringing chaos to order, he swiped at the flowers again, removing their heads and making it look less like an ordered arrangement. Lifting the heavy blade seemed easy, this time; why he didn't know or question. A few minutes and the unwanted flowers were gone.
“Feel better now? Destroying something in which I took pleasure. Are you happy now, Kenny boy?”
Responding to the accusation in the voice, Zaraki turned and grinned wildly at the spirit of his zanpaku-to. “Yeah. I can lift this now. I reckon I could fight with it.”
Puffing out her chest, Atonomatsuri leant her head to one side. “That's not what we're here for. You're here to learn control.”
He didn't listen to her words, too intent on trying to use the zanpaku-to as he normally did when fighting. The size was difficult to estimate and he would sometimes misjudge what he could do only to find the blade thudding into the dirt once more. Consciously he knew he was not trying to fight Atonomatsuri, but instead trying to beat the size of the blade, to make it possible to use the unwieldy item in its natural form. Instead he cut at the things in his mind that did not seem to fit. “I wish it was this easy to remove unwanted ideas,” he thought as he demolished another flower bed; one containing gaudy pink chrysanthemums.
“I liked that arrangement. I created it especially,” the bird said, piqued by the destruction.
“Hideous damned flowers. All head, no scent. Over bred, inbred, modified, unoriginal and ugly,” Zaraki turned and bared his teeth at Atonomatsuri, now preparing to fight her. He could handle the blade and she was an obvious target.
“Are you talking about the flowers, or a person?”
The question; what did she mean by the question? Of course he was talking about the bloody chrysanthemums. He wasn't fond of flowers and for some reason he'd always loathed the pompom headed weeds. “The flowers. What else would I be talking about?”
The bird tutted and looked crestfallen. “I thought we had established the beginning of trust and now you lie to us both”
The accusation was an invitation and using the long reach of the blade he swung his zanpaku-to at the bird's neck, wishing to decapitate her and still her words. There was nothing that she could say that interested him.
This time she ducked under the swing of the blade and sighed irritably. “For the sake of sanity, focus your reiatsu and fight me properly. Piecrust is unimportant and you'll work out what to do with the jerk later. For now we need to work on this; you need to manage to consciously call on the too late powers that can be used in this form.”
Widening his eyes, Zaraki looked at the bird and then a sneer lifted his lip. “That's what you really want, isn't it? You want me to become some little obedient individual, focused on control, who ignores the adrenalin rush that comes from fighting. You want me to lose the blood lust and the fun so you can take over and tell me what to do. It ain't happening, bird. Understand?” This time he moved slower, skulking closer to her as she watched, planning on cutting at her legs and disabling her ability to move.
Her razor-sharp beak stabbed through his foot, pinning him to the ground. The shock of the attack caused him to jerk back, but he couldn't budge and the blood welled out of the wound. Removing her beak from the puncture, the bird placed her talons on the wound, applying some pressure, making it difficult to move.
“Try to get away and I'll rip the rest of the foot open, Zaraki. It will disable you for some time. Once you leave here, you'll have to go and see Retsu quickly because you need to be at your best for tomorrow. I only did that so you'd listen to me. You need to train with me. I'd tell you why, but in the mood you are you won't listen,”
Ignoring her words he tried to pull his foot from under hers. She dug her talons in, pushing them through the flesh and into the ground underneath. The look of disdain and pity she turned on him was the main reason he desisted, or so he told himself. He ignored the sting of pain, the wound was minor compared to some he had suffered, but he could feel that she was close to severing some of the tendons in the foot.
“Get your stinking talons out, Tweety,” the voice that emerged was gritty with suppressed rage.
“You don't face unpleasant truths well, do you Kenny boy? I can see why Yamamoto didn't want to explain about Piecrust before this. He must have anticipated that you'd react excessively to the facts.” Hearing the words, guessing what she would say next almost made him try again to pull his foot free.
Instead anger overwhelmed him and he bellowed at the bird, venting the frustration and bewilderment he felt. He'd lost it a few times when the Captain-General explained, but out of respect for the man he'd tried to keep a lid on it. Now he didn't need to, but the bird seemed to have some weird expectations. “Shut that hole in your face! You really like it when I'm given bad news.”
The bird spread her wings, and shrugged her shoulders. The pain of the talons did not grow less, but her voice, as she spoke was low and soothing. “I didn't know about this, Zaraki.” She looked at him kindly. “I want to help you; that you can trust. Yamamoto only told you because you insisted. At least you know the truth.”
“Yeah. Like it's a relief to know that Piecrust is the son of the man I killed to become Captain of 11th Division,” Zaraki yelled.
Author's Note:
Okay, how many people guessed Piecrust's parentage? I almost felt sorry for Piecrust when I wrote the first part of this chapter. I said almost.
The chapter title is a very bad and cryptic hint. Do I have to explain? Okay, don't blame me if it's dull. Another name for a Piecrust is a pie case, shortened to case and it I have to explain origin I think I'll go and have a nice relaxing discussion with Atonomatsuri. On second thoughts I might just bang my head against this convenient wall a few times. Ouch. Yeah, that feels better.
Please review.