Blood+ Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Of Yesterday And Today ❯ A King's Blood ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Authors Notes: The very beginning of the chapter takes place earlier in the story. Just a small heads up, other then that not much to say.

* *

Solomon watched the snow gently drift towards the ground with a thoughtful expression on his face. He had seen it many times, countless times actually but it was these small wonders that still gave him the greatest joy. It had been sometime since his brothers had passed, leaving him alone without a family. During those times, he began to understand how Carl must have felt. That horrible loneliness was maddening and continued to worsen the longer you stayed in that state.

Perhaps, I, too, am lonely..

He remembered saying those words to Saya once. And that was true. Even when his big brother was alive, he began to realize how alone he was. His family had been falling apart for a long time, and it wasn’t until recently did it truly sink in. The Goldsmith family had become simply a group that shared the same blood rather then true brothers. He wondered when it had all started to fall apart and crumble beneath his feet.

No. Our family hasn’t been a true family in a long time.

Saya. That was the only thing that kept him going, and the only thing that kept the horrible loneliness at bay. But it wasn’t enough. Saya slept for years, and during that slumber he would try to bury himself in work but he didn’t have her by her side. Perhaps, that was the reason he had gotten involved in the twins life, if not directly. It was probably the reason he had decided to help Kai and his friends. In some way, he supposed he was trying to feel a void that Saya’s absence had left behind.

“Are you ok?”

Solomon felt a tug on his pants, and looked behind him, or rather down at the child-like Sif known as Lulu. “I am fine. Are you enjoying things so far?” This was the first time he had talked to her, or any of the Sif really that he could recall.

She bobbed her head up and down in affirmative. “Yup. Thanks for the video game Mr.”

A small, if not slightly sad smile crossed his features. The one he used often. “I don’t think I have gotten you’re name. Lulu, was it?”

“Uh-huh.” The girl’s attention had seemed to shifted to something else already, her face pressing against the window of the balcony to witness the snow. “Wow. How where does snow come from?”

“From the clouds.” Solomon looked out, wine glass still in hand. “Once the air gets cold enough, snow is formed. But normally, you often get rain.”

“Really? Then, where do the clouds come from?”

“Clouds form when water evaporates and goes into the air. Have you noticed that water vanishes if you spill it and leave it alone long enough?”

She nodded, and he continued. “That’s mother nature doing her work. It’s apart of our planets natural cycle.”

Lulu looked slightly puzzled. “I get the cloud part. But who’s mother nature?”

Amusement was clearly shown on Solomon’s eyes, and this time he smiled which was just a little bit less sad then his usual one. “Mother nature isn’t a person, Lulu. It’s a figure of speech used to describe the natural way our world works.”

An small ‘o’ came from the child, but Solomon wasn’t sure if she truly comprehended what he had said to her.

She barely knows me, yet she’s being so kind to me..Brother, did you truly create such beings that can feel like us just so you can later discard them? She reminds me..

“Mr. Solomon.” The Sif began, interrupting his musings.

“Solomon is fine.”

“Uh, you know a lot about these kinds of things..” Lulu fiddled around a bit. “So, maybe you could teach me more?”

Solomon nodded. “I would be more then happy too. If there is anything you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask me.”

Kai watched from his spot, having come back from his room. He thought about going over there but dismissed it and went back inside. He would let the two bond if they wanted to.

* *
Everyone had returned back home with low spirits after that night.

The whole affair had been draining more then just physically, and now the rag-tag group of heroes came to lick their wounds. They knew the twins were alive at least, but they still remained just as out of they’re reach as before, so close but yet so far away. They were in the city obviously, but finding them proved to be much harder task then one would think.

To make matters worse, Kai and the others were brought in for questioning by an police officer. Apparently, despite the fact the streets had been eerily deserted, someone had called in some suspicious figures. Everyone who had been in the scuffle was there, save for Solomon who hadn’t been around during the incident. Hopefully, he would be able to get everyone out of this mess before it became a real problem.

Kai waited in a chair alongside Okamura in a questioning room as they waited for the officer to come back. The others were on they’re own, but Lulu didn’t seem to be in any serious trouble but stayed anyway. Okamura didn’t seem bothered, he was leaned back into his chair with a bored expression on his face. From his body language and general mannerisms, one would think he was going to a trip to the dentist rather then being questioned a police station.

“Aren’t you at least a bit nervous?” Kai said, slightly irritated by his friends lack of worry.

“Naw.” Okamura grabbed a doughnut from the table. “You see, you might find this hard to believe but I’ve been to the police station a couple of times.”

Not really. Kai thought, but kept it to himself.

“So, it might not be come to a surprise to you that your old buddy here knows a thing or two about the law.” The reporter bit into his doughnut, chewing. “Way I figure, they got nothing solid to tie us in. The best they got was that we were there, so most likely they just want some questions on what we seen. I mean C’mon, it’s Chiropteran’s we’re talking about. Not something police are used to even if its not a secret anymore.”

Kai frowned. “There’s one thing that’s been bothering me. The Chiropteran’s we fought didn’t look like the ones we fought before. Why is that?”

In response, the older man shrugged. “Hell if I know. If we had Julia here it make things easier but since we don’t, we’re shooting in the dark.”

Further conversation immediately stopped when the door opened, stepping through was an older cop in his forties. “It seems your story checks out, so we’re done for now. Before you go, someone would like to talk to you.”

The person who stepped in was the person they least expected: Dr. Thomas stood in the doorway.

Giving a brief nod to the ‘doctor’ the cop left the three alone.

“I have to say, that was quite sloppy work you’re group did.” Thomas said somewhat distastefully as he sat down at the other end of the table. “I had to pull some strings just to keep you’re miserable lives out of trouble.”

Kai wanted to leap across the table and strangle him, but kept a hold of himself. “Why are you helping us?”

The doctor blinked once, as if hearing a stupid question. “If you go to jail, then it ruins my chances of retrieving the specimens. Consider it mutual interest rather then genuine concern of your actual well-being.”

“I’m slightly surprised you’re still alive.” He continued, looking at Kai. “Then again, I suppose I shouldn’t be, all things considered. You had you’re defect friends help after all.”

Instantly, Kai knew he was talking about the Sif. While he had mellowed out, he still of course had a temper when it came to his friends. “Shut the hell up, what do you know?”

“Apparently, more then you.” Thomas chuckled, standing up. “I’ll admit, the Corpse Corps performance the other night was..lacking. That will soon change however. They’ve become obsolete tools, as last night has recently proven. If you’ll excuse me, I have things I need to take care of.” Without another word, he left the two to their thoughts.

Obsolete tools huh.. For some reason, even if the Corpse Corps weren’t truly sentient like the Sif, the fact they could be discarded so easily like trash bothered Kai. It reminded him to much of that SOB Amshel. Kai almost shuddered at the unpleasant memory.

“Not exactly a winning personality.” Okamura finally said, once he was completely sure the crazy man had left. “We should get going before our friend comes back.”

“Yeah..” Kai voice was somewhat distant. He did however finally move from his spot, heading out the door where the group was waiting patiently. Karman was there, looking displeased and slightly irritated about one thing or another. Irene, Lulu, and Mao were there as well sitting across one another on the seats. Moses was to the side, arms crossed with his head slightly down, an pensive look on his face.

Solomon was there as well. If it wasn’t being questioned that was bothering Karman, then it was likely being stuck close to Diva’s Chevalier’s presence.

Moses looked up once Kai and Okamura came closer. “How did things go? Are we in the clear?”

“We’re fine for now. Next time we just have to be more careful.”

“You act like we had a choice.” Karman muttered, wishing he had his cloak so he could cover his head. What was the point of these human police stations? They didn’t seem to be able to do they’re job and go after the real bad guys anyway.

“Karman..” Moses warned in a low tone, causing the taller Sif to relent, if only slightly. He knew that tone as ‘I’m-not-in-the-mood’ and didn’t want to press his luck.

“..Its not you. This place is just irritating.” Karman said finally. It wasn’t an real apology for most people, but it was the closes thing Kai could get from him and he couldn’t complain. He had come a long way after all

“Kai...are you...ok?” Irene asked after a moment, he really did seem troubled.

“I’m fine Irene.” He lied, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Lying about how he was really feeling for everyone else. “They didn’t question you to, did they?” He directed the later question to Solomon.

“No. I came to help Mao and Irene while they were being questioned.” Solomon glanced briefly at the only child of the group. “Naturally, Lulu was the only one besides myself that wasn’t brought in for questioning. I was going to assist you two but someone beat me to it.”

“Dr. Thomas.” Kai almost spat out the name. Just bringing him up got him in a bad mood, besides the fact he wanted his kids, something about him irked the young man to no end.

“He was here?” Mao questioned. “The happy science freak we saw on the T.V.? I didn’t see him come in or leave.”

Moses frowned a bit “Neither have I. And that’s what troubles me. We’re close to the only entrance and exits, there’s no possible way we could have missed him. In either case, it would best to continue this conversation elsewhere.”

Kai didn’t know what they were going to do for they’re next move and his mind had drawn a complete and utter blank. They still didn’t know anything about the enemies that controlled those things called Nertu’s. Again, they were almost back to where they started at the very beginning which was making him feel like they running in circles, or maybe a square was more accurate. You would think you where going somewhere for a minute, only to find out you haven’t gotten any further.

The first order of business was leaving the station; which the group had no problem doing as everyone wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Solomon wasn’t paying attention to what the group was doing, not as much when he picked up a vaguely familiar scent. He knew who it was; Dr. Thomas wasn’t to far from here and it was time to pay him a personal visit.

“I’ll catch up with everyone later.” Solomon announced.

Karman eyed him a bit. “And just what’s so important you have to leave so suddenly?”

“Its none of our concern.” Moses interrupted before it could turn into anything. “He’ll return to us on his own when he’s ready.”

Giving the Sif leader a grateful nod, Solomon left the group and headed into one direction.

Him and the ‘Dr’ truly needed to chat.

* *

Solomon tracked him down to a small park. It wasn’t to busy and only a few children and adults were scattered around the area. Not to much, but enough people to prevent either of them from fighting out in the open if they wanted to keep their secrets in tact. He stopped walking, stopping behind Thomas who was sitting on a bench.

“Mind if I sit here?” He asked, his ton surprisingly polite.

“Its not taken.” The other man replied simply, an careless tone. Solomon sat on the opposite side of the bench, neither side said nothing for a while.

Writing something down in a personal journal, he spoke in a casual tone as if they weren’t enemies.“You’re Solomon Goldsmith. I had thought you had died, but it seems you’re very much still alive. I wonder, what kind of man can survive such a large fall from two stories?”

Solomon knew what he was doing. He was challenging him. Since they couldn’t fight physically yet, he resorted to wits and word play. Which was fine. This Chevalier was more then used to such things.

The blonde-haired man gave back a small smile. His fake one. “The same man that apparently survived being shot multiple times in a very vital area. It seems we were both blessed with good luck.”

“Luck. Is that all it is I wonder?” Thomas didn’t seem to directly address him. “This world is full of strange beings that hide behind a personal shell.”

“But usually those very individuals who accuse are strange themselves.”

“Aren’t we all strange Mr. Solomon?”

“Not as much as you’d like to believe.”

Finally, Thomas chuckled. “I think that’s enough of that. What do you want?”

“Answers.” Solomon said. “How did you discover about the twins? There should be no way you would have known, at least during you’re disappearance.”

“As I said, I have eyes around where I need them. That’s all you need to know. I find something funny though..”

Solomon frowned a bit. “And what might that be?”

“The defects, or you might know them as the Sif are still alive.” Solomon said nothing, and he went on. “Perhaps there is more to those defective products then I realized if they have survived so long. Lulu is pretty interesting, being an child technically raises many interesting questions I-”

“You will leave Lulu alone.” This time, Solomon dropped his gentlemen demeanor.

“Or what?”

“If not, the next time we meet; I’ll kill you. Personally.”

Irritated, Dr Thomas turned away to face him just this once. But the spot Solomon was at was empty, leaving nothing behind but a light breeze and the gentle descent of the leaves.

* *

Irene wasn’t sure what had happened, but when Solomon came back he wasn’t in the best of moods. He hid it fairly well, his posture was the same, even his voice had the normal calmness to it but she could just tell. It was simply the feeling he gave off. And add to the fact Irene was pretty observant made it more then concrete. Either way though, he wasn’t talking about it and the female Sif wasn’t one to push, especially to someone she was still a bit unsure of.

Back in the apartment, everyone had retreated to their own personal space: Karman and Moses for once took a small break from their searches, Lulu was watching T.V. but didn’t have her usual care free expression. Mao and Okamura she wasn’t sure where they were at, but knew they were still inside; their scent was still strong.

Seeing the silent Kai, Irene made her way over, taking a seat on the bar area. She didn’t say anything, not because she didn’t want to but lacked the words. It was these times her upbringing(or lack of) became very obvious. Still, she had to try.

“Kai.” She said softly.

Kai didn’t immediately answer, at first. “I was thinking of something. Sorry didn’t hear you at first. What’s on you’re mind Irene?” He turned and smiled at her, but she always knew when he was forcing it.

“You can’t take the blame for everything, Kai.” Kai looked a bit surprised, but she went on. “Don’t forget, we’re here for you. You have a habit of taking the blame for everything and then bottling up how you feel.”

“That’s not..” Kai didn’t expect this from Irene, though he shouldn’t have been surprised. He had seen this side to her a few times, and he knew she really wasn’t stupid. Even so, he didn’t know how to respond, because she had hit the mark. Finally, he smiled a little. “Ok Irene, I’ll try not to.”

Irene nodded, seeming to accept the answer and left it alone. Then after a moment she spoke up about something that had been bothering her. “That man with those things, he felt different.”

Used to the way she talked at times, Kai put two and two together. “You mean that guy that had those Nertu?”

“Yes..” Irene was quite for a moment. “He felt like Saya.”

Moses and Karman who had been discussing something between themselves took interest in the conversation. They had enhanced senses as well but had been unable to tell that anything was different(besides the obvious) perhaps it was because Irene’s was more advanced out of the remaining Sif.

“Like Saya, how Irene?” Moses questioned patiently.

“His blood is like Saya’s, and felt similar. Its not a Chevalier it was..” Irene tried to come up with the proper way to describe it. “Pure.”

At the announcement, the three thought over a number of things. Each having their own thoughts about the subject but all coming to the same conclusion.

Moses’ voice confirmed their thoughts. “So, this means then, that we’re dealing with an Original, or Originals. Only their male.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Karman was skeptical about the whole thing. “Aren’t Queens the only original ones?”

“Remember, we don’t know everything there is to know about the Chiropteran race. For all we know, there could have been males at one point.” Moses paused. “However, we would need someone like Julia for something more concrete seeing as this is her field. But if this is true, then we are dealing with Kings.”

Everyone was silent, but Kai felt a sense of dread. “Then does that mean they took my girls so they could restart their race when their older?”

While Moses thought that was the most logical answer, he held back not wanting to upset his friend further. “We can’t know either way now.” He replied tactfully.

The doorbell rang, temporary putting the conversation on hold. Mao, who had been closer because of her room went over. “I’ll get it.”

Opening the door were to familiar faces. One was the stoic and never changing face of an immortal being, while the other was less then perfect; walking limply with a cane. Though, neither of them were to be underestimated.

Coming into the suite, one of them; the head of Red Shield known only as Joel smiled a bit at Kai. “Good afternoon Kai.”