Bubblegum Crisis Fan Fiction ❯ Black Knights, Steel Hearts ❯ Chapter 44

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Bubble Gum Crisis OVA's (which this story is based on) are copyrighted
by Artmic Inc. and Youmex, Inc. I am just borrowing the characters for a little
while for non-monetary reasons. Serious CandC will be accepted, out-and-out
flames will result in a Boomer or two being sent after you, once they get around
to building them.

Please, enjoy my take on the Bubble Gum Crisis universe . . .
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Chapter 44

Kanseianpi Medical Research Corporation
Sunday, December 23, 2035

There were a dozen people waiting for the KnightWing as it touched down on the rooftop landing pad. Even as Mackie shut down the engines, Sylia had opened the rear hatch. AS soon as the ramp touch the rooftop, a team of medical technicians dashed up it. The wounded trooper was immediately carry off the craft and placed on a gurney and wheeled inside. To make room for the medical techs to work, most of the passengers were quickly hustled off the aircraft and inside.

Sylia and Greg stood off to one side as the pod was quickly loaded onto a dolly and pushed down the ramp and into the building. He turned to look at her. "Would you care to change out of your hardsuit? I can lend you a jumpsuit."

"I think that would be a good idea."

Greg was silent for a moment. "They're sending out some change of clothes for you and the others. If anyone asks, you're a member of the Black Knights."

"Within five minutes, a woman wearing a dark grey jumpsuit came out, several jumpsuits and baseball caps settled in her arms. She handed them to Greg and went back inside. "This should be about your size," he said, handing Sylia a jumpsuit and baseball cap. "After we get changed, we can go inside and see how Janie's doing."

"Won't I be noticeable in this?" asked Sylia.

Greg shook his head. "There's enough people around here wearing the same outfit that you won't stand out. If you're with me, you'll be less noticeable, not more."

"Give me the jumpsuits for the others," said Sylia. Greg did so, and Sylia took them up the ramp and inside. She returned five minutes later, wearing the jumpsuit and the baseball cap pulled low over her face.

"Very nice," Greg said.

"It'll do," Sylia replied.

Greg waved a hand towards the door. "Red Two tells me they've got a changing room for the Knights. We've got coffee and tea inside for those who want it."

"Can I get some for my people? I don't want to leave the KnightWing unguarded."

"They can send someone in and pick up some, or we can send someone out with some. Your choice."

"I think it would be best that we limit contact with the teams outside of their hardsuits."

"All right. I'll send one of my people out with a couple of thermoses and cups for your people."

"That should be acceptable."

"Already done. Shall we go inside?"


Ten minutes later, Greg was out of his hardsuit and both him and Sylia were walking down a sterile-looking corridor. There were a few people in the hallway, some dressed in similar jumpsuits, while others were dressed in the whites of medical personnel. Greg was right in that no one took notice of Sylia in the atmosphere of busyness.

They reached an intersection, where a heavily armed MALCORP trooper stood guard. When Sylia and Greg approached, the trooper straightened and saluted. "Good morning Sir," he said.

"Where did they take Janie VanDell?" Greg asked.

"Operation room three, Sir." The security man pointed to the corridor to his left. "Down there, and your second right will take you to an observation area overlooking the room."

"Thank you."

They soon found themselves in a circular room, with the center of the room occupied by a large steel-and-glass dome that allowed the people in the room to watch the activities of the people in the operation room below. A few people were standing around watching.

Both Greg and Sylia walked over to the dome and looked down. There were a dozen people in the room below, all clustered around a operating table. On the table, the thin form of Janie VanDell laid, an oxygen mask over her face, her hair tucked inside a surgical cap, and a sheet covering her to her shoulders. At that moment, one of the masked medical people was injecting something into Janie's arm.

"Marcus!" Greg called out to a large man with skin the color of old leather, dressed in a gray jumpsuit who was standing on the other side of the dome. "What's the latest?"

"We don't know," Marcus replied, and something told Sylia that this man was Red Two. "When I asked Doctor Mayer for an update, he told me, and I quote, 'Go away and leave us alone so we can fix what's broken.' end quote. He's taking this one personally."

"I see." Greg walked over to a intercom built into the dome and punched a button. "Doctor Mayer?" he asked in a voice that demanded attention.

One of the surgically dressed figures looked up at him, and even from this distance, Sylia could see the anger in his eyes. He stalked over to another intercom, this one built into the wall. "I'm busy," a voice snapped from the intercom.

"I know you're busy," replied Greg cooly. "I want to know what Janie's current condition is."

"She's still alive," Meyers replied testily. "Now, why don't you leave me alone and let me get back to it?"

"Doctor, she is the entire reason we are here. If she dies, then our mission is a failure."

"I know that!"

"Then can you tell me your medical opinion of her condition."

Meyer sighed. "Between the loss of blood, malnutrition, the number of drugs in her system, and some of the worse physical torture I have ever had the misfortune of ever seeing, she's lucky she's still breathing. Did you kill the slime who did this to her?"

"We're not sure."

"Then why don't you go and make sure and leave us alone!" With that, Meyer snapped the intercom off and stalked back to the table.

Greg looked at Marcus. "Keep an eye on things, and let me know if something happens."


Greg touched Sylia on the arm. "I need to talk to you," he said in s soft voice. "But not here." He led her out of the observation room and down the hall to an empty office and said, "Please have a seat."

Sylia chose a chair, while Greg declined the chair behind the desk and instead opted for a couch. "I think it's time to talk."

"About what?" Sylia asked, taking the baseball cap off so she could look at him.

Greg leaned back. "We never did agree to your fee for this operation."

"I thought we agree on that already."

"That was for finding Janie. That didn't including rescuing her."

Sylia leaned forward. "All right. What do you think is fair?"

Greg didn't bat an eyelash. "One hundred million dollars."

There was silence in the office for a moment. What is he doing? Sylia asked herself. "A bit excessive, isn't it?"

"Not really. I would pay twice as much to get Janie back."

"I think I can agree to one hundred million."

Greg slapped his thigh. "Good. Meet me for dinner tomorrow night and we'll hash out the details then."

"Dinner?" Sylia asked cooly.

"Dinner," confirmed Greg. "I refuse to discuss business dressed like this, at this time of the morning, on an empty stomach with very little sleep. You should feel the same way." Greg's eyes were half closed, making it hard to tell exactly what he was thinking.

"I suppose I can see my way to have dinner with you," Sylia replied.

"Fine. Dastari's Restaurant, say seven thirty?"

"Make it Eight."

"Fine. Do you want to stay here and wait for a progress report on Janie, or go home?"

"I think I should go." Sylia stood, Greg half a heartbeat behind her. "It's going to dawn in a very short while. I should get my people home before then."

"Yes. I'll escort you back to the landing pad."

"There's no need. I can find my own way back."

Greg gave her a tired smile. "Oh, no you don't. You're not getting rid of me that easily. My mother taught me to be a gentleman. If she ever heard that I didn't escort you to your vehicle, she'd never let me hear the end of it."

"Does you mother know about the Black Knights?"

The leader of the Black Knights laughed. "Does Mother know about the Black Knights? Who do you think led the Knight's hardsuit design team for me?" He went to the office door and opened it. "Let's go, My Lady. Your chariot awaits."


Sunday, December 23, 2035

Quincy didn't turn when he heard the door to his office open. "Yes?" he said.

Madigan stood in the doorway, a folder on her hand. "The latest reports on the night's incidents."

It was then the Chairman turned from the window to look at her. "Have you read the reports?"

"Yes Sir. We expected to revise the conclusions as we receive more data."

"I understand. I am looking for a preliminary report at this time. I will expect the final report in two days. Come in and summerize the situation as it stands right now, if you please."

The special assistant walked into the room and stood by the desk. "Over the last seven hours, a total of six Gulf and Bradley business were attacked last night, including -"

"Six? I only order five attacks."

"I was about to explain that sir."

"Indeed?" Quincy waved his hand toward a chair. "Sit and explain."

"Yes, sir." Madigan sat. "The one Gulf and Bradley subsidiary that was not on the list you approved was the Gulf and Bradley Biomechanical Research Institute."

"Someone attacked it?"

"Yes Sir. A mix of armed intruders, at least one team of Black Knights, and an attack helicopter. According to the reports we have, the building was heavily damaged."

The Chairman nodded. "MALCORP did not waste any time, did they?"

"No sir, they did not."

Quincy walked over to his desk and sat down. "What other targets did MALCORP attack?"

"To the best of our knowledge, they also attacked two other targets, both of them were on the list. One was the ARNPTSE Storage Compound, where they clashed with our own attack force and an unusually large guard force. The other was --"

"Gulf and Bradley - Japan headquarters building," finished Quincy.

"Yes Sir."

"A logical conclusion. I take it that Janie VanDell was not recovered by our forces?"

"She was not."

"And the Bradley Twins?"

"There has been no sign of them."

Quincy sighed. "So it is very possible that they escaped?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Those two are displaying a cunning I did not think they had. You will, of course, activate a hunter team with orders to locate and eliminate the twins."

"Yes sir. Do you wish to activate another hunter team to retrieve the VanDell girl?"

The Chairman thought for a moment. "No," he said finally. "Mr. Mallory has shown he is willing to go to extreme efforts to recover what he feels is his. No doubt any effort to take the girl from them would result in too much effort for too little return. We will allow Mr. Mallory his victory."

"Yes sir."

"Back to the report. The results of the attacks?"

"Both the ARNPTSE Storage Compound and Novastar car plant are complete losses, which means a minimum of a year to rebuild and restructure their manufacturing plans. Their headquarters building is heavily damaged, as is the Biomechanical Research Institute. We predict a minimum of two months before they will be back at one hundred percent. The other targets are not as seriously damaged, but they will be out of operation for several weeks."

Quincy leaned back in his chair, steepled his fingertips and looked at Madigan. "What are the effects on Gulf and Bradley's overall profitability?"

Madigan glanced down at the report in her lap. "The preliminary reports indicate that Gulf and Bradley -- Japan lost thirty percent of their annual profits for the next twelve months, decreasing to fifteen percent for the twenty-four months after that and returning to current levels after that. We also project that the corporation will have to take a two hundred million dollar charge against their profits for the next two quarters to cover the repair, construction costs and lawsuits resulting from tonight's actions."

"Have a team investigate the possibility of GENOM purchasing one of more of Gulf and Bradley's subsidiaries. I want a list of the top five possibilities in two days."

Madigan made a note. "Any consideration of location, field of business, or profitability?"

"Not at this time."

"Yes sir." She stood. "Anything else?"

Quincy looked at her with half closed eyes. "Yes," he said softly. "Mr Mallory interests me. It appears that he is interested in an 'alliance' with Miss Stingray. Maybe it's time we took a closer look at him and his corporation."

"Do you wish to take action against him?"

The chairman shook his head. "Not unless we have to. It has been a long time since I had a challenge, and Mr. Mallory might be the one to supply it. For now, we wait and watch."

"Yes sir."

"Now," said Quincy firmly. "You will go and get six hours of sleep as you are in need of them. You will join me for lunch at one-thirty, where we will continue this discussion. Any questions?"

"No sir."

"You may leave. Good morning, Miss Madigan."

"Good Morning, Sir."


Outside Gulf and Bradley - Japan Headquarters
Sunday, December 23, 2035

The four vans slowed as the street became thick with smoke. In the front passenger seat, Martha Desalvo was having a hard time controlling her temper. If I ever get my hands on those two, she swore to herself, I'll kill then with my bare hands!

The reports that came in while her and her security teams were en route pictured a disaster of incredible magnitude. The Alpha Star Refinery -- out of action for at least two months. The Biomechanical Research Institute -- seriously damaged with valuable research lost. A storage complex -- loss of cargo, time, and the monetary losses running into the millions already. Other Bradley-owned businesses were in a state of havoc, as their management tried to sort out the thunderbolt of chaos that struck overnight. And the Headquarters building....

A barricade blocked the van's progress. A heavily armed police trooper with the letters ADP on his flack jacket stepped over to the van. Desalvo rolled down her window, trying to ignore the stench of rubber, plastic, and other odors that hung in the air. "Yes?" she snapped.

"I'm sorry Ma'am," said the trooper. "But I'm afraid the street's blocked."

Desalvo pulled a small leather case from her pocket and opened it. She thrust it in the surprised policeman's face. "My name is Martha Desalvo, Executive Vice-president in charge of Internal Affairs for Gulf and Bradley. The men with me and myself have been ordered to secure the Gulf and Bradley-Japan Headquarters building from any non-authorized personnel. If you do not let us through, you Mayor is going to receive a personal call from Janson Bradley, CEO of
Gulf and Bradley, who is already extremely angry at the total incompetence of the city's police and emergency services. If you hold us up any longer then is absolutely necessary, the city with be hit with a lawsuit so big that anything not belonging to GENOM directly will end up belong to us, including your useless hide! Do you understand?"

"I need to contact my superiors," said the trooper as he stepped back.

Desalvo rolled up the window again. The driver next to her looked solemn. "Do you think the twins managed to escape?" he asked.

"Knowing those two, Hyde, they crept out at the first explosion." Desalvo looked over at him. "Tell the team leaders -- Cora and Carlton are considered SOS targets."

George Hyde had worked with Desalvo for several years now and recognized the tone in her voice "What about Ozu?"

"I want him alive and able to talk. Anything short of that is allowed."

The man shrugged. "I don't think Mr. Bradley's going to like having his niece and nephew under a 'Shoot On Sight' order."

"Well, he's going to like it less if those two go on trial for kidnaping, murder, terrorism, wilful destruction of property, plus any other charges the police can throw at them. And if it's any incentive, I know that MALCORP and GENOM will also be gunning for those two, so we won't be alone in out pursuit."

"Is that wise? We're already going to take a hit for this fiasco, that last thing we need on top of that is a circus right here in Quincyland"

"I want them dead. The sooner that happens the better."

"Do you really think Quincy will go after them?"

Desalvo looked at him. "The old bastard didn't get to the top and stay there by being stupid or leaving live enemies behind him."

"I don't want to have to fight both the twins and GENOM."

"Quincy won't actively interfere with our operations. I bet right now, he's sitting back, laughing at all of us."

"No bet," grumbled Hyde. "What else do you want us to secure once we're inside?"

"The computer system for one." Desalvo scowled. "Once we've secured the communications system, I want all subsidiaries reporting to this headquarters locked down and secured until we can clear them of any of the twin's influences."

"Oh shit. Do you know how long that will take?"

"Think of it as job security. Or would you rather be out, pounding the pavement?"

"Did Mr. Bradley okay it?"

"He did. Got the authorization as the temporary head of Gulf and Bradley - Japan."

Hyde looked over at her. "The old man made you the head of this disaster?"

"He did. He wants all of the twins's influence eliminated before he hands it off to someone else. That's my job." She looked over at him. "And as of right now, you're the vice-president."

"Me? Why me?"

"I trust you. I don't trust anyone working here yet."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," muttered Hyde. "We're going to need more security teams, though."

"I talked to Mr. Bradley before we landed. We'll have another five teams here from Houston before the day is out, and another five teams from other parts of the world by this time tomorrow. You're in charge of all of them."

"How's the old man taking it?"

"How do you expect? He's frothing at the mouth. You're safer here right now then in Houston."

The ADP trooper walked back over to the van. "You're cleared, Ma'am," he said briskly."Please stop by the headquarters trailer first and speak to Inspector Wong. He'll have information that you should know before you enter the building."

"Thank you," snarled Desalvo. "Let's move it, Hyde."
