Bubblegum Crisis Fan Fiction ❯ Bubblegum Avatar #1 -- "Tin-Sell City" ❯ Chapter 5 - "How to win friends and influence people...." ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5 - "How to win friends and influence people...."


After showing Craig to the guest room, Sylia had Mackie guide him around the Knight Saber headquarters. Craig, a serious expression on his face, had kept his comments to a bare minimum, but she could see he was impressed. After the tour, they returned to the living room, where Sylia excused herself and went into the kitchen. Soon there was the sounds of pans and utensils coming from the kitchen.

"She's cooks?" asked Craig, looking over his shoulder in the direction of the sounds.

"Yes," replied Mackie, flopping down in a chair. "It's the closest thing she has to a hobby."

"Oh." Craig sat on the couch, but he kept looking over his shoulder. "I never thought of her as a...cook."

"She took over the household chores after Mother died, and with father working -"

"I think I understand. I don't want to go stomping around into family business."

Mackie shrugged. "According to Sylia, you're now part of the family."

Craig smiled. "In that case, just consider me the crazy cousin."

"What did you do to Priss? She was pissed at you for some reason."

"Besides show up alive and breathing?" He shrugged and gave Mackie a grin. "I think calling her Priscilla ruined any chance at romance between us."

Mackie looked perplexed for a second before he caught on. "You took a chance there. She hates being called Priscilla."

"I should apologize, but she isn't the flower and candy type." Craig leaned forward. "Tell me something," he said in a lower tone of voice. "Why don't you go to school?"

Mackie leaned forward himself and replied, "Sylia taught me at home and I already passed the college entrance exams. I'd thought I'd take a couple of years off first and help Sis."

"Ah." Craig settled back into the sofa. "Family loyalty. I can understand that."

"Do you have a brother or sister?"

"Actually, I have one of each, both younger then me. We don't see each other much, but we stay in contact." Craig's face suddenly changed to sadness. "We did stay in contact."

The conversation after that became disjointed. Craig withdrew into himself and Mackie, seeing the change didn't press. Sylia's calling Mackie to help her set the table finished the conversation for the time being.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Sensing Craig's mood, both Sylia and Mackie kept the discussion light and nonthreatening. Craig responded to questions directed at him, but otherwise ate in silence. Despite Sylia's insistence that he didn't need to assist, Craig carried the dishes into the kitchen and helped clean up.

They returned to the living room, where Sylia turned to Mackie. "Go get the backpack. It's time." Mackie nodded and left, but not before giving Craig a worried look.

"What backpack?" asked Craig as he sat down.

"When I met you, you were wearing a backpack with some items that concern me. It's time we discuss them."

"Fine by me."

"I had another reason for sending Mackie for the backpack." She leaned back. "Why don't you tell me your impressions about the other members of the team?"

"Who do you want me to start with?"


Craig grimaced. "You're not going to tell her what I say, will you?"

"This is between you and me only."

"All right. If I had to use three words to describe her, I'd use tough, stubborn, and angry. Doesn't back down from a fight, and she's relentless when she's in one. She sure as hell doesn't like me."

"She doesn't like anyone."

"Oh, she likes a few people, mostly you and the other Sabers. She'll lay down her life for any of you. On the other hand, I'm the 'new guy', which she interprets as 'possible threat who will die painfully and horribly at the first hint of treachery.' I don't think her trip out to the snowbank via 'Ish air' improved her disposition towards me any."

"She'll come around. What about Linna?"


Sylia raised an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

"She's a perfectly normal woman with a normal set of hobbies - boyfriends, martial arts, aerobics, and going hand-to-hand against Boomers." He gave her a silly smile. She sighed.

Craig continued in a more serious tone. "Linna isn't driven by the same things you and Priss are. She's trying to live a normal life, despite her part time job."

Sylia nodded. "She will be the one helping you brush up on your hand to hand combat skills."

"I suspected she was going to be the one. Priss would take too much enjoyment in hurting me, fighting isn't Nene's forte, and you're too busy."

"Speaking of Nene, how would you describe her?"

"The idealist of the group."

"Some would say she's naive."

"What's wrong with being naive?" Craig shrugged. "But she isn't stupid, and frankly she's the one member of the team I don't want pissed off at me."

Sylia looked surprised. "Oh?"

"Sure. The worse the rest of you can do is kill me outright. Nene can make me look like the worse criminal since Al Capone, a deranged superboomer, or cut me off from all financial accounts I may have, all without having to more then hit a few computer keys. She can't kill me directly, but she can make it hurt on so many levels...."

The leader of the Knight Sabers nodded. "Are you scared of us?"

"No, but I have a real healthy respect for you and the others. It may not appear that way at times, but I do respect you - I have to."

"You wouldn't have a problem with taking orders from me?"

"Why should I?"

"Some men might have a problem taking orders from a woman."

"The only problem I would have with taking orders from a woman is if the woman in question is an incompetent jackass with delusions of intelligence. The same holds for any man, and believe me, I've worked with some real idiots, both men and women. From what I know about you, you are neither incompetent, or have delusion of intelligence. You don't need me to tell you what to do."

"You're not trying to patronize me, are you?"

Craig shook his head. "Me? I don't know what the hell I'm doing, you do. Now, I do have ideas that I will throw out from time to time, but you have the final say."

Sylia's expression was unreadable. "We'll leave that for now. What is your impression of Mackie?"

"The kid needs to get out more."


Craig smirked. "Meaning that he's living a life most red-blooded guys would give their right arm for. He tinkers with incredible machines, hangs out with four beautiful women, and occasionally gets to blow things up."

A flicker of surprise crossed Sylia's face before she recovered. "That's a novel way of looking at it."

"We male neanderthals are such an easy group to please most of the time." Craig leaned forward. "If you want me to, I'll try and curb his voyeurism."

"What's to prevent you from taking his place as a peeping tom?" asked Sylia in a measured tone.

"Self-interest. Mackie's your brother, so the worse that will happen to him is he gets bruised up and verbally abused. On the other hand, I don't have 'little brother immunity' and given a choice of being used for target practice by the team, with hardsuits, or living in complete ignorance, I take ignorance every time."

'I don't think even Priss would take it to that extreme."

"Maybe not, but I find an overactive imagination, couple with a healthy dose of self survival can work just as well in keeping certain hormones under control." He put his hands together, then stretched his arms over his head. "Do you want my impression of you?"

"It would be only fair."

"I can sum it up in one word - brilliant." Watching Sylia's expression, he continued. "You clearly inherited your father's skills and combined them with leadership and small unit tactics to produce a well coordinated team."

"That's being patronizing," Sylia said flatly.

Craig's voice became serious and somewhat cold. "Is it patronizing to tell you I know you can beat me if we were to go hand to hand right now? I am not in your league when it comes to technical knowledge. I don't know heck of a lot about small unit tactics, leadership skills or fighting boomers, or even which side of the street they drive on here. I have to rely on you and the others to get me ready for this war with Largo. Ish seems to think I'm cut out for this role. I'm not so sure, and if it's patronizing to say you're a person that can help me, then so be it."

Mackie hurried back into the room, carrying the backpack. "Here it is," he called out hurriedly.

Craig frowned "That does look like my backpack."

Mackie gave Sylia the bag. She took it from him and unzipped it. "When I ran into you, you were carrying this stuff." She reached in and withdrew several large books and handed them over to Craig. After he took them, she pulled out several more books and some discs and held them while Craig looked at the books in his hands.

His expression one of surprise as he saw what they were. "Oh boy," he whispered He skimmed through the first three books and browsed the last two, then looked up at Sylia. "I wasn't dreaming the bit in the lab and you in the hardsuit and --"

"You recognize them?" Sylia asked.

Craig nodded. "I have these three," he said holding, up the role playing books. "The others I've heard of, but I've never seen physically seen them." He held up the B-CLUB. "I maybe a fanatic, but I wasn't about to spend five hundred dollars for one of these."

Sylia nodded, then glanced up at Mackie. He nodded at the unasked question. Sylia stood. "There was something else we wanted to show you, Mackie has it set up in the computer room, so I suggest we go there."

Five minutes later, the three of them were in the computer room, staring at the large screen in the center of the console. Mackie slid into the seat, and look up at his sister. "Which one?" he asked.

Sylia looked at Craig. "Pick a number between one and eleven."


Mackie typed a command on the keyboard. "Four it is."

The screen went dark, then the words 'YOUMEX PRESENTS' flashed upon the screen. Sylia saw Craig tense, and a startled looked crossed his face. The scenes of a monster car wreaking havoc among members of motorcycle gang were watched in silence, but Sylia watched Craig's expression go from surprise to anger.

As the screen flashed up the words, 'REVENGE ROAD' flashed across the screen, Sylia heard Craig hiss, "I don't believe it. That low-down, smiling piece of.... " the rest tailed off into a series a curses involving Ishmael's parents, personal habits and his chemical make-up. After that went on for a minute or so, the muttering changed into what was going to happen to Ishmael if he came within range of Craig's hands or fist.

Sylia let it go on for another minute, then elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Shut up and watch," she whispered in a firm tone. Craig grunted from the blow and gave her a baleful glare. She returned it, with interest, and after about ten seconds, Craig looked back towards the screen.

The rest of the episode passed without comment. As the last of the end credits died away, Craig looked at Sylia. "You have all eight episodes?"

She nodded. "We also have three labeled, 'Bubblegum Crash.'"

"There isn't any labeled Bubblegum Crisis 2040, is there?"

Sylia frowned and looked at Mackie, who returned the look of puzzlement. "Is this something we should know about?" she asked, looking at Craig cooly.

Craig shrugged. "Same basic concept, same character names, different character designs. That Sylia is a one eighty in looks and personality to you. She's a couple of RAM chips short of a full slot, if you take my meaning."

Sylia arched an eyebrow. "In the infirmary, you asked me if I was from the OVAs or the TV series. You were wondering which version I was, correct?"

Craig nodded. "That Sylia was the most radical changed of the group, but the other Sabers didn't escape either."

"In what way?' asked Mackie.

"Imagine Nene as a short-hair blond, Linna as a country girl, and you as a Boomer. About the only one who escape with most of their personality intact was Priss."

Mackie blinked. "Me? A boomer?"

"Is Mason in it?" asked Sylia.

"Oh yea. Mason is a cold hearted bastard here and now, but that Mason is a real sick puppy." Craig stopped at the look on Sylia's face. "Er, anyway," he continued hurriedly, waving an arm in a random direction to emphasize his point, "don't worry about that series because that's off in that direction somewhere. You've got all the OVA episodes, right?"

"What's OVA?" asked Mackie, a somewhat strange look on his face.

"Original video animation."

"We have all the...OVAs," replied Sylia.

"Then why am I here?" Craig stepped back and pointed at the screen "You have all the knowledge that I have about...this time and place."

"There's something else you should see." Sylia gave Mackie a nod, and his fingers flashed across the keyboard. The screen darken and a list of files appeared. "Do any of these look familiar?" she asked.

Craig took one look and became pale again. "The fanfiction too?" he groaned.

"I take it you recognize these files?"

He nodded. "There's an archive that collects these stories." He pointed to one. "I was writing that one. Now it'll never be finished." He pointed to a directory. "That's Bert's stories. That's where Ish's Largo version comes from." His eyes narrowed slightly at the name of one folder. "Sylia, can I speak to you alone for a moment?"

The leader of the Knight Sabers motioned to the door and they both stepped outside, Craig waited until the door was closed before he asked in a low voice, "Has Mackie done anything with those files yet?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

Craig looked uncomfortable. "I strongly suggest that you delete the folder marked 'lemons' before Mackie goes through it."

"Any particular reason why?"

"Because if anyone here, including you, read those stories, things could get...stain -- er, strained."

"In what way?"

"They're not the type of stories....They're rather, er...risque."

"In what way?"

"Er...." Craig's expression was one of discomfort mixed with embarrassment. "Let me put it this way, if Mackie was to read them, he'd probably die from blood loss."

Sylia folded her arms. "I still don't understand."

"They're the type of stories he'd drool over, only more so. Remember what I said about his voyeurism?"

A shocked look came over Sylia's face. "You are not serious," she breathed. "The Knight Sabers?"

"Very." Craig began fidgeting. "I think the best thing that could happen is that those stories end up missing."

"Have you read those stories?'

"I plead the fifth amendment to that question," he said quickly, looking even more uncomfortable. "Can we go in and get rid of them now?"

Sylia nodded. "I'll go tell Mackie you need to talk to him out here alone. I will need at least two minutes."

"I'll keep him busy. Just make sure you delete them all."

Sylia went back into the computer room. "Mackie," she said, "Craig wants to speak to you alone for a moment."

Mackie frowned. "Sure." After he left the room, Sylia sat and started entering commands. Half way through, she paused. After several seconds of though, she copied the files in the 'lemon' directory into a hidden directory, encrypted them, then locked the directory with a password. Once that was done, she wiped the files from the directory on the screen, then leaned back. She wasn't going to take solely his word on the directory's contents. She would look over them later and make her own determination on the files contents.

She secured the computer then walked over to the door. She stopped and listen to the conversation on the other side of the door, wanting to hear what was happening before she showed herself.

"-- three years older then me!" Mackie was saying.

"Have you actually asked her?" Craig asked. "You like her, right?"

"Yes, but -"

"And you two have a lot in common, right?"

"Yes, but -"

"So why don't you ask her out?"

Sylia arched an eyebrow. What was Craig up to? Deciding that she had heard enough, she opened the door and interrupted them. "I hope I'm not intruding," she said pleasantly.

The two of them gave her similar looks, that of a couple of kids caught by a teacher doing something they shouldn't have been doing. Sylia gave them an expectant look."We're just finishing up," Craig said in a strained voice. Mackie nodded enthusiastically.

"I see. In that case, Craig, can you point out which stories might have a bearing on our current situation?"

"Sure," Craig said quickly. "Right now?"

"If you don't mind."

Sylia stepped aside, allowing the other two access to the computer room. They scurried inside, still looking guilty. Sylia closed her eyes and sighed. This sense of frustration wasn't new, but somehow she knew that she was going to become quite familiar with the feeling over the next year or so, especially when dealing with their newest member....


The lab was almost in complete darkness, with only a few safety lights keeping the chamber from being totally dark. Doctor Ming and the other technicians had already left for the evening, which suited Mason just fine.

He had been standing there, in silence, for a full five minutes, staring at the damaged boomer inside the cylinder. Something, he didn't know what, had drawn him back here tonight. And that was enough to make him uncomfortable.

He glanced at his watch. It was after midnight, and while the Tower was far from occupied, there was no one else within four floors of this level except for the guard boomers outside the lab. He was alone with the superboomer.

He snarled, stifling the urge to take a heavy blunt object to the tube and its contents. Its appearance reeked of a plot of some sort, but as to who it was aimed at and the purpose behind it, he didn't know. And that was the thing that gnawed at him.

With a snort of disgust, he turned away and strode to the door. He had things to do. As he'd expected, Madigan hadn't found anything wrong with Project Lazarus, but he wanted to make sure that nothing would surface that might make her suspicious. Just a quick check of -


Startled, he spun, looking for the owner of the voice, but there was no one in sight. "Who are you?" he growled. "Show yourself!"

There was a deep hollow chuckling. [I am right here,] the voice said. Part of Mason recognized the male voice but couldn't place it. [I have been here since the day I landed on the roof of GENOM Tower.]

"I find your attempt at a joke lacking in humor!" Mason half shouted, his eyes darting around the chamber. "Now, show yourself!"

The voice sighed. [This is no joke, Mason. I am inside the tube right before you.]

Mason strode around the chamber, his eyes flickering from one spot to another. "You have five seconds to come out!"

[Then you don't want to know what I know about your plan you privately call 'Rebirth'?]

A cold stab shot through Mason. "What are you taking about? I've never heard of this 'rebirth plan'!"

The voice sighed again. [The shell you were planning to use for this project of yours was JFF dash one three one four. The shell will be damaged in a transport accident in about seven hours. You will be forced to use shell JFF dash one three one six for your project.]

"I don't believe you!"

[It is true. I know you better then you know yourself. I know how you handled the motorcycle punk that decided to try and blackmail GENOM. You should have taken out his girlfriend, but you missed your chance.]

For the first time in a long time, Mason felt uneasy. "Who are you?"

[Remember Doctor Stingray? How you shot the fool twice in the head? The look of surprise as he realized you were going to kill him? Then the explosion you arranged to cover up the murder?]

"What slander is this?" Mason roared, "I -"


There was silence in the chamber for several heartbeats before the voice continued, the voice cold and hard. [I know of your ambitions to become chairman, but so does the Old Man. He will dangle the possibility in front of you, but he will never give up his power willingly. I can help you.]

"Why should you help me?"

[Because I can.]

"That isn't a reason."

[It isn't, but it will suffice for now. We have common goals and common enemies. We can work together to gain what we want.]

Mason walked over to the cylinder and looked down at the superboomer. The panic that had gripped him had faded, but he was too experienced to ignore it completely. "Suppose I agree to this alliance," he said in a cool tone, "What do I get out of it?"

[The chairmanship of GENOM and the destruction of the Knight Sabers.]

"And what do you get out of this?"

[The destruction of the Knight Sabers. Beyond that, I cannot say.]

Mason mind worked frantically, weighting the options and formulating a plan to use this...thing while shielding himself from harm in case things went wrong. "Let me think about this overnight," he said finally.

[That is fair. I will await your reply about this time tomorrow. Fair enough?]

Mason nodded. "Fine." he turned and walked to the door. Before he reached it, he turned. "What is your name? I like to know who I'm dealing with."

[Fair enough. I am called Largo.]

Mason nodded. "Very well, Largo. I will give you my decision tomorrow." He walked out of the lab.

The silence lasted for several minutes before a low laugh echoed around the chamber before it died away into stillness.
