Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ A Hunter's Nephew ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I still own nothing.
Chapter 7
Xander moved around his room, trying to decide what he really wanted to keep and what he should sell, donate or just straight throw away. He hadn't told anyone he was back and didn't know if he was going to. It may be the coward's way but he was very tempted to just leave a note saying he was permanently leaving Sunnydale. It wasn't like he'd spoken to anyone other than Giles since leaving and they hadn't left any messages for him with his uncle like he'd told them they could.
It was sad that he was actually treated better by the newly formed Angel Investigations than by his oldest friends. But Wesley had apparently been tracking him since they'd met up in New York and had told Angel and Cordy what he'd been up to. It was weird to have Angel respecting his skills and offering to spar with him but he hadn't turned the vampire down, he needed all the practise and experience he could get.
Xander packed the remainder of his old Hawaiian shirts up into a box to drop off at the local charity store. They had been okay for patrolling in Sunnydale but they were only good for rags when hunting. His wardrobe had changed a bit in the months he'd been gone and pretty much consisted of dark jeans and shirts though he did have one cheap suit. The suit was useful for sneaking into funerals and the like uninvited, people tended not to question you if you looked like you belonged; something the soldier had known and passed on.
He finally finished packing his things and carefully pushed the boxes and bags out onto the roof. He'd parked a block away and climbed up the trellis to get into his room, not wanting to run into his parents although a quick check had shown they were already passed out drunk for the evening. It didn't take him long to lower everything to the ground and then it was just a matter of moving it all to his car. Once that was done he drove over to Giles' and put an envelope in his mailbox before heading towards the freeway. He'd done what he'd come back to do and now it was time to leave Sunnydale behind him.
Xander headed east, figuring he could stay with his uncle until he decided what he wanted to do. There was no way he could stop hunting but did he want to be like Bobby and have a stable home to work out of or did he want to hunt like the Winchester's? He still didn't have an answer when he hit the South Dakota border.
Xander was at the table cleaning his uncle's shotgun for him when the phone rang. Hearing Bobby pick it up he kept going with what he was doing, not bothered until he heard his uncle say Sam. After that he listened very carefully, trying to figure out what was going on. He heard Bobby slam the phone down and then his uncle practically ran into the kitchen.
“Demon's taken Sam, I'm going to help Dean look. You in?” Xander handed his uncle the shotgun and ran to get his things instead of bothering with a verbal reply.
“One car or two?” Xander asked as they left the house.
“Better take both in case we need to split up. Look Xander, I know you like the boys but you have to realise this is no normal demon we're going after. The risks are...”
“Uncle Bobby I'm going if I have to track you down. No way I'm letting this thing hurt Sam. So let's go. Where are we meeting Dean?”
“Not far from where Sam vanished.” Bobby answered as he got into his truck. Xander followed him out the drive and they both drove as fast as the safely could.
Dean was pacing beside the Impala when he noticed two familiar vehicles coming down the road. He hadn't realised Xander was with Bobby but he wasn't going to say no to extra help that came with enhanced senses. Maybe Xander could track Sam from the diner somehow. He still wasn't entirely comfortable with the kid but they had talked a few times on the phone since they'd split up in San Francisco and he had to admit the teenager was alright. He nodded to them as they got out of their cars and gave him a once over, obviously looking for injuries.
“What happened Dean?” Bobby asked.
“We stopped at a diner and Sam went in for food. The radio was playing up so I turned it off, when I looked up Sam was gone. Everyone else was dead and there were sulphur traces. I tried calling for Sam but he never answered.” Dean explained. Bobby reached back into his truck and brought out a map.
This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month.” Bobby pointed to the map and Xander and Dean huddled round him.
“Are you joking? There's nothing here.” Dean shot him an annoyed look.
“So what, are they lying low for some reason?” Xander asked as he studied the map.
“Well, come on, there's gotta be something. What about the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing.” Dean ignored Xander's question, demons didn't lay low.
“That's what I'm telling you: there's nothing. It's completely quiet.”
“Well if this was Sunnydale that would mean they were planning something really big and didn't want us to catch them until it was too late. Unfortunately the entire country is a bit harder to search than one small town.” Xander said.
“Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?” Dean asked angrily and then grabbed his phone as it rang. Xander ignored Dean talking on the phone and turned to his uncle.
“We know the kind of demons I dealt with in Sunnydale really don't like this kind so if there's something going on someone in the underground should know. I'm going to head for the city, see what I can find. I'll call you.” Xander told him.
“Be careful and keep your phone on the whole time. We find something I'll call.” Bobby told him and Xander headed back to his car.
“Where's he going?” Dean asked as he put his phone away.
“See if he can find anything through other means. I told him we'll call as soon as we find anything and he'll do the same.”
Xander opened the door to the shop warily. He really did not like demonic seers but it was his best chance for finding information quickly. He froze as a familiar laugh reached him.
“Silly kitten come inside, Mommy won't hurt you.” Drusilla was not who he was looking for but maybe she knew something.
“Hello Dru. I came here.”
“For your mate. He's so beautiful kitten. He suits you well.” Drusilla wandered out from behind the shelves and smiled dreamily at him.
“Um, thanks. Do you know anything that could help me find him?” He shifted slightly, ready to move if she decided to attack but he had a feeling she wouldn't.
“The bad one with yellow eyes took him to the bell and tree. It's so cold there, you should go warm him up.” She traced a hand along his face and Xander forced himself not to move.
“Such a pretty kitten. Go save your mate.” With that she pushed him out the door and ran off laughing. Xander shook his head and couldn't help smiling at her antics. Okay so she was a vampire and insane but despite that she wasn't all bad. He pulled out his phone and called his uncle.
“Hey Uncle Bobby, I've got something. A seer said a bad one with yellow eyes took him and he's somewhere cold with a bell and a tree. That mean anything to you?”
“The demon has Sam at Cold Oak South Dakota. Dean somehow saw it and your information seems to back it up. It's a ghost town and has a large bell with an oak tree engraved on it. We're headed there now. How far are you?” Bobby answered and Xander could hear the sounds of a car around him.
“Maybe two hours? I'll see you there.”
“Be careful Xander, if you beat us don't go in alone.”
“I won't unless it seems like there is no other choice.” Xander told him and then hung up and pulled out onto the highway, his hands clenched around the steering wheel tight enough that his knuckles were white. There was no way he was going to let some demon take Sam from them.
Xander turned off the engine as he stopped behind Dean's Impala, they'd beaten him because he had made a stop on the way. Tucked into a small pouch in his jacket pocket was a vial and various herbs, all used for healing. Luckily their use did not require anything other than the desire to heal since magic really wasn't his thing but he wanted to be prepared for anything and everything. He got out of the car and moved to join Dean and his uncle, noticing why they had stopped here since there was a large tree across the road.
“Have any trouble on the way?” Bobby asked and Xander shook his head, taking a closer look at them.
“What happened?”
“Roadhouse was torched, looks like everyone inside died.” Dean answered and Xander swallowed.
“I'm sorry Uncle Bobby.” Bobby nodded and they turned to the weapons in the Impala's trunk, grabbing what they needed.
“Xander?” Bobby asked when his nephew didn't take anything and the teen shrugged.
“Old habits from home, I'm never unarmed Uncle Bobby. And my aim with a gun still isn't that great. Why I couldn't have kept that skill form the soldier I have no idea.” Xander grumbled the last bit and Dean slammed the trunk shut.
“Let's go.” Dean said tightly and the three headed down the road, weapons ready. They moved quickly but quietly and Xander pulled the hyena closer to the surface, not that it took any effort, she came willingly and he could feel the need to hunt down all threats to the pack and to their mate. It didn't matter to her that Sam didn't know, she had chosen him as such and Xander hadn't really protested that choice. The world around him became clearer and he could make out the sounds of talking and then a fight. He snarled, earning him nervous looks from the others but he ignored them and picked up his speed, outpacing them as he began to run at near Slayer speed.
Xander burst into the ghost town to see Sam dropping a metal poll and standing over another man. He heard Dean behind him call out and Sam looked up. Xander grinned at him and Sam smiled tiredly, beginning to move towards him and Dean who had finally caught up to him. Xander closed his eyes for a second in relief but they flew open as Dean screamed for Sam. He screamed as he saw the man standing behind Sam with a knife buried in his back. His own knife flew from his hand and hit the man in the shoulder, making him stagger back and then run, Bobby chasing him. Xander ignored that as he and Dean ran to Sam, Dean catching his brother as he collapsed.
Xander knelt behind Sam and pulled his clothes up off the wound. Dean looked at him and he knew that what Dean saw on his face was not good as Dean pulled Sam more firmly into his arms.
Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy? Sam! Hey, listen to me. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You're gonna be good as new. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take you care of you. I've got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother? Sam? Sam! Sammy!” Xander ignored Dean's frantic babbling and his calling of Sam's name as he pulled the small pouch from his jacket. He knew it wasn't enough to heal him but maybe he could buy them time to find help. He uncorked the vial and reached around until his hand was at Sam's mouth.
“Open his mouth and help me make him drink this.” Xander demanded and Dean was desperate enough to obey. Dean massaged Sam's throat to make him swallow as Xander gathered enough rain water to wet the healing herbs before placing them against the knife wound. He was clutching at straws and he knew it but he couldn't lose Sam, not now. He was Xander's best friend and as much as Xander didn't want to admit it those other feelings weren't just the hyenas. He was attracted to Sam, had been almost the whole time he'd known the older male. He hadn't had the courage to say anything about it to Sam and now...Xander choked as he heard Sam's heart struggle to beat and then there was silence, his body utterly limp in Dean's arms.
“No. No, no, no, no. Oh, God.” Dean rocked his brother's body, tears streaming down his face. He looked up as arms wrapped around Sam's body to also reach him and found Xander holding them both, tears flowing from faintly glowing green/brown eyes and then the teen threw his head back and screamed in grief. Dean felt his own pain utterly overwhelm him then and he let out his own cry.
“Sam!” They were still kneeling like that in the mud and rain when Bobby reappeared from the mist.
Bobby froze as he saw Xander and Dean kneeling in the mud with Sam cradled between them. He'd heard his nephew's scream and Dean's cry and had known straight away there was only one thing that could cause them both so much pain. He didn't need to check Sam to know the young man was dead, he had heard it in their cries and he could see it in the way Sam's body lay between them. All he could do now was keep them from doing something stupid to avenge him. Bobby knew tears were streaming down his face as he watched the scene. He would truly miss Sam but right now he had to take care of the living.
Xander sat outside the small rundown house they had moved to once Bobby had gotten them to let go of Sam. Xander had been surprised when Dean had let him help carry Sam to the car and to sit in the back with them but he hadn't complained. Uncle Bobby had stopped here since they were all too tired to go very far and they had laid Sam out on an old bed.
Dean had slid down against the wall and hadn't moved since but Xander had fled the hut, needing the fresh air and to be away from what was left of Sam. He could feel the sobs rising up again but he didn't want to cry he wanted to hunt down the man who had done this and rip him apart with his bare hands. Even with the rain tracking him wouldn't be all that hard, he could slip away before anyone noticed he was gone and avenge his mate.
He didn't even realise he was growling softly and crying until strong arms wrapped around him. He started and looked up to find his uncle sitting beside him with Xander now half in his lap. Xander struggled briefly before giving in and crying fully for Sam. Bobby didn't say anything, he just held him as he cried.
“Sorry.” Xander muttered when the tears stopped and he pulled away.
“You've got nothing to be sorry for. At least you're grieving.” Bobby answered gruffly.
“Still just sitting there staring at...at Sam's body. He won't eat or talk.”
“That a hint I should eat something? I can't, not yet.” Xander admitted, staring out into the trees.
“Hyena's pretty active isn't she?” Xander shot him a startled look and Bobby shrugged.
“You're eyes are still a bit green, you've been growling and that scream when he...well it didn't sound too human. Are you okay?” Xander shrugged.
“I'll deal, I always do. It's just...when I was with them in San Francisco I realised something and now...” Xander's hands clenched into fists and he growled again.
“You liked Sam more than a friend.” Bobby filed in for him and Xander's jaw dropped.
“Hey I may be old but I'm not blind or deaf. I've seen the way you light up when he was mentioned or you were talking. I'm guessing she approved?” Xander nodded.
“Considered him our mate after San Francisco even though I never told him or did anything with him. Every instinct I've got is saying track that guy down and rip him apart and it's so hard to ignore.” Xander wrapped his arms around himself and Bobby put a hand on his shoulder.
“Would hunting something else help? There's game around, not much but still.” Bobby offered and Xander cringed.
“I'm not talking gun hunting Uncle Bobby.” He hated admitting that he still felt those cravings occasionally but he also didn't like hiding things from the one family member who loved him.
“Figured that Xander. Go do what you need, we'll still be here.” Xander stared at him for a bit and then nodded. Bobby watched as his nephew walked away into the trees and wanted to scream at what had been down to the bright child he had once known. He hated seeing Xander so torn over his instincts, instincts he shouldn't even have to deal with. At least he dealt with them on animals and not humans. He could deal with that, even though he could see it disgusted Xander as much as it excited him. He wondered if his friends in Sunnydale had ever realised just how much his possessions had changed him, just how far from human some of his instincts were now.
Bobby hated that he sometimes felt nervous around the boy even though he knew it wasn't necessary. Hyenas were pack animals and Xander had told him he saw him as pack so he was safe even if the hyena ever somehow gained total control. What he had gone through was nothing like demon possession thankfully. Actually if his research was right that was one thing Xander didn't need to worry about.
When Xander reappeared an hour later Bobby didn't cringe at the blood on his nephews clothes and face even though Xander averted his eyes, obviously ashamed. At least his walking inside covered in blood finally got a reaction from Dean. The last Winchester jumped up and began checking Xander for injuries until the teens reassurances finally got through to him that it wasn't Xander's blood. Xander pulled away and went to clean up.
“Let him go Dean, he needs to deal with that alone for now.” Bobby told him.
“What happened?” Dean asked, his eyes drifting back to Sam's body for a second.
“He has other instincts to deal with, I made him go hunting game to deal with them. He hates that he needed that.” Bobby explained briefly.
“I still know it's better than snapping the next time someone not pack annoys me.” Xander said as he pulled a clean shirt over his head, still refusing eye contact.
“So who is pack?” Dean asked, watching Xander closely and Bobby smiled. Dean needed someone to take care of; maybe looking after Xander could help him move on.
“Uncle Bobby of course, you, S...Sam, Giles and a few others in Sunnydale were but not really so much anymore. Pack's safety comes before anything else and we failed to protect him.” Xander finished quietly.
“You didn't fail him, I did. I was the one that was there when the demon took him. I should have gone in with him.”
“And when you ended up dead like the others in that diner then what? We never would have known what had happened.”Bobby insisted and then took a deep breath.
“I'm going to go get some food then we need to figure out what to do next.” Bobby looked at the two boys and then left.
Xander looked up at Dean who was once again sitting near the bed and then slowly walked over to him and sat beside him, shoulders brushing slightly, trying to offer some form of comfort. He relaxed when Dean didn't push him away and they sat like that silently, waiting for Bobby to get back.