Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ A Hunter's Nephew ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Still not mine nor will they ever be. Got parts from an online version of the script for 2 episodes of Buffy so not all the words are mine.
Has now been beta'd. Thank you BluLadyK
Death of an OC.
Chapter 12
Xander grinned as he went over the newly arrived weapons. It was fun imagining the looks that had been on Bobby, Dean and Sam's faces when they had dug them up from the back of Bobby's lot. But hey, where else was he meant to hide them? Not like they would fit in the trunk of his car.
His smile faded as he thought about going over to Giles', apparently Spike had gone back into the Initiative after some information on Adam and Xander didn't like it, the vampire was being a little too helpful even if he was being paid for his services. And on top of that he still had no clue what to do with Jesse. But for now Jesse should be safe enough in the hotel, Xander had set up all of the standard protections and had even had one of the guys from Willies ward the room. Xander couldn't help but grin when he noticed Jesse's wide eyed stare as he carried the weapons inside.
“I've got to go out tonight, you should be safe here but if anything happens you call my cell, okay?” Xander knelt in front of the kid who nodded slowly.
“Good boy, I'll be back as soon as I can.” Xander finished hiding the weapons, gave Jesse one last smile and then left for the meeting.
“I think I lost the buggers.” Spike called as he rushed into Giles' apartment. Xander frowned and took a deep breath, something was off. Willow stood up from where she was sitting at Giles' desk.
“Any luck with the disks?” She asked eagerly and Xander couldn't help smiling, same old Willow. In answer Spike pulled out a few disks from the pockets of his flak jacket and commando pants before handing them to her.
“Took what they had.  Should be something useful on one of them.”
“Hope so.” She answered distractedly as she sat at her laptop. Tara was standing beside her, Xander didn't fully know what to make of her but there was something pure and honest about her that he liked.
“What are we looking for?” Tara asked as Willow slid one of the discs into her laptop.
“Anything about Adam.” The hacker answered. Giles was sitting at the bar, pouring himself a drink.  Xander didn't need enhanced senses to tell the older man wasn't entirely sober.
“Were there any problems getting in and out?” The ex-Watcher asked, seemingly unconcerned.
“No.  I mean, a couple of them made me on the way out, but I took care of `em.”
“Gave them a good running-away-from-them, did you?” Giles asked sarcastically and Xander had to smother a smile. Spike shot Giles a look that had Xander smothering a protective growl.
“Well, yeah.  When do I get paid?”
“When Willow tells me you've brought us something useful.”
Spike turned his attention to Willow.  Tara was looking at what she was doing with interest and Xander could tell he wasn't the only who had noticed the subtle, but intimate way, she was stroking a lock of Willow's hair.  He watched as Spike raised a thoughtful eyebrow, obviously taking note of it. It took everything he had to remain still as the vampire stepped up behind Giles.
“I could've gone straight to the Slayer, you know?  I cut you in, let you pretend you're actually in charge, now you've got to wait for Red's permission to finish the deal?” Giles was practically seething into his drink. Xander managed to catch his eye and shook his head ever so slightly, hoping Giles would get the hint not to react to Spike's taunts.
“As soon as we see what's on the disks.” Giles managed to reply, giving Xander a small yet grateful smile. The laptop making electronic jittery noises got all their attention.
“It looks like gibberish.” Tara stated quietly.
“Gibberish?” Spike asked.
“They're encrypted.” Willow answered, bending over the screen with a frown.
“Oh, wonderful.” Giles stepped away from the bar and disappeared down the hall.  Xander moved closer to look and saw that on the laptop there were small symbols crisscrossing the screen.
“Can you fix `em?” Spike was almost whining to Xander's amusement.
“Crack a government encryption code on my laptop?  Easy as really difficult pie.  Why?”
“You're not exactly the whiz these days either.  God, I'm never gonna get paid.” Xander let a low growl out at that and Spike's eyes went wide. Willow shifted uncomfortably in her chair.
“I am a whiz.” Willow stated.
“She is a whiz.” Tara instantly backed Willow up and Xander smiled at the shy witch.
“If ever a whiz there was.  I-I just need some time.” Willow insisted.
“No.  I just heard you weren't . . .” Willow hit a key and the jittering stopped.
“Your mates said you weren't playing with computers so much.” Spike indicated Tara.
“Into the new thing.”
“What new thing?” Willow asked, frowning.
“You know, you two.  The whole wicca thing.”
“They-they were talking about that?”
“Can we get back to business here?  I've got a deal at stake.”
“What did they say?”
“Talking about, you know, it's a phase.  You'll get over it.” Spike explained with an impatient sigh and Xander straightened up from where he'd been leaning against the wall the whole time, just out of Willow's sight.
“What?  Who said that?  Was it Buffy? 'Cause . . . you know what she means by that.”
“No, she was defending you. 'Cause Xander said you were just being trendy.”
“I don't know what they were going on about.  A person wants be a witch, that's their business.” As Spike spoke Xander's hands convulsed into fists and then he moved into the room fully.
“Any other words you want to put I my mouth vampire?” It was all he could do to stop his eyes from glowing as he stepped between Spike and the girls, his girls. Yeah, Willow and he had drifted a bit since high school but that didn't matter anymore. He ignored the sounds of surprise coming from Willow and Tara as he focused on Spike. He pulled out his gun, a colt like Dean's and aimed it right at Spike's heart.
“What are you going to do with that droopy? Bullets won't hurt me.” Spike sneered though Xander could tell he was a bit nervous.
“Blessed silver in the heart, might not kill you but it will hurt you.” Xander answered and Spike backed off.
“Get out of here. I see you again and I will shoot you.” With that Spike bolted.
“Xander?” Willow asked timidly as he slipped the gun back into his waistband.
“He was trying to turn us all against each other Wills. Divide and conquer.”
“Hey kiddo, you doing okay?” Xander dropped his jacket on his bed and moved into the kitchenette to make dinner.
“Okay.” Jesse answered softly.
“That's good. You were alright here tonight?” Jesse nodded slowly.
“Stay now?” The kid asked and Xander smiled.
“Yeah, I'm in for the night.” Xander handed the grilled cheese over and the kid dug in.
“This will all be over soon.” Xander reassured him softly.
“Stay with you after?” Jesse gave him a blast of his own puppy eyes and Xander mentally swore over teaching the kid that.
“Jesse...we'll see, okay?” The kid nodded and settled down to sleep.
Xander fought not to roll his eyes as Buffy finally realised Spike had been trying to split the group apart, not that he was really part of the group anymore but he was around.
“I just went to Adam's lair and he was gone. But, Spike just happened to be there. He made this big noise about getting information off those encrypted disks.” Buffy told them.
“Oh, I decrypted them.” Willow added excitedly. Buffy shot her a surprised look.
“Well, they decrypted themselves, but I almost had it.” She amended.
“What did they say?” Giles asked.
“A bunch of stuff we already know about 314. But it also said there's some final phase where Adam manufactures a bunch of creepy cyber-demonoids like him. There's a special lab in The Initiative, but it didn't say where.” She babbled.
“Adam fed Spike those disks. It has to be. He wanted me to know about his evil-guy assembly line. This lab, it's in the Initiative?”
“Hidden somewhere.” The red head answered.
“We'll give the demon his due. He thought this one out.”
“What do you mean?” Willow frowned but Xander was nodding.
“You know how overcrowded the containment cells have been at the Initiative?” Willow nodded.
“Those demons were just too easy to catch. It's like they wanted in that place.”
“The Trojan horse.” Giles suddenly realised.
“Adam's gonna make sure the demons attack the Initiative from the inside.”
“Demons versus soldiers. Massacre, massacre.” Xander stated softly.
“And Adam has a neat pile of body parts to start assembling his army. Diabolical, yet...gross.” Willow made a face as she spoke and the others smiled slightly.
“Does anybody else miss the Mayor, I just wanna be a big snake?” Xander asked, actually missing such an obvious bad guy.
“I've got to shut him down, Giles. His final phase is about to start.”
“We need to warn the Initiative.” The ex-watcher stated and Buffy shook her head.
“They're not gonna listen to me.”
“Riley?” Willow offered.
“He's a deserter. He got some bad news anyway, and kinda took off.”
“Okay, so Adam has this evil plan. Why is he so anxious for you to know about it?” Xander asked, trying to figure out what made the cyborg tick.
“He wants me there. Probably figures I'll even the kill ratio.”
“He's not worried you might kill, oh say, him?” Xander asked, he hadn't seen Adam yet so he wasn't sure just how good he was in a fight, especially against a Slayer.
“No, he's really not.”
Xander ignored the shocked looks as he added his weapons to those already on display inside Giles' apartment.
“Certainly no lack of supplies. I only wish I knew which ones would kill Adam.” Giles finally broke the silence but was still staring at the grenade launchers.
“According to Riley, his power source is uranium core embedded somewhere inside his chest. Probably near the spine.” Buffy told them.
“Great, so we just ask him to lie down quietly while we do some exploratory surgery.” Xander quipped out of habit even as he mentally reviewed all the weapons and what sort of effect, if any, they may have on uranium.
“What about magic? Some kind of, I don't know...uranium extracting spell?” Everyone stared at Willow in disbelief.
“I know. I'm reaching.” Giles stood up and headed for his bookshelves.
“Perhaps a paralysing spell.” He muttered, pulling down a book.
“Only I can't perform the incantation for this.”
“Right. Don't you have to speak it in Sumerian or something?” Willow asked.
“I do speak Sumerian. It's not that. Only a...an experienced witch can incant it, and you'd have to be within striking distance of this object.”
“See what you get for takin' French instead of Sumerian?” Xander asked Buffy with a grin. He took a look at the spell and frowned as he read it.
“Yeah, that looks hard.” He commented softly enough that only Giles heard him.
“What was I thinking?” Buffy joked back.
“So no problem, all we need is combo Buffy--her with Slayer strength, Giles' multi-lingual know how, and Willow's witchy power.” Xander was thinking out loud but he stopped as Giles looked at him.
“Yeah, don't tell me. I'm just full of helpful suggestions.”
“As a matter of fact, you are.”
“Nervous?” Xander whispered and Willow shook her head.
“No way. I'm full of that good old kamikaze spirit.” She answered.
“Children, just because this is never gonna work, there's no need to be negative.” Giles chided them softly.
“The adjoining spell, is it powerful enough to defeat Adam?” She asked.
“It's very powerful. It's also extraordinarily dangerous.”
“Game faces, guys. We're going in.” Buffy told them just as she kicked in the window.
“Colonel—“ But the man cut Buffy off.
“Shut up. You've got some nerve, lady. He unzipped one of the bags they'd brought, thankfully not one of the ones Xander had packed.
“ You think you and your friends can just keep waltzing into a government installation brandishing weapons like—“ He held up the device.
“Like—“ He trailed off, unsure.
“It's a gourd.” Willow pointed out helpfully.
“Magic gourd.” Giles automatically corrected.
“What kind of freaks are you people?” The colonel put the gourd down.
“Adam is here, Colonel. In the Initiative.” Xander finally decided to try.
“Nice try.” The colonel glared at him and Xander gave him his best bored look.
“Those overcrowded containment cells of yours: courtesy of Adam. He's pulling a Trojan Horse on you, he's just waiting—“ Buffy tried again.
“Everything in this installation is under 24-hour surveillance.”
“Including the secret lab?” Willow innocently asked.
“Including everything!...What secret lab?”
“The one Adam's been using. The one built for the final stage of the 314 project.” Buffy growled out. The colonel had a blank look on his face.
“And you have no idea what I'm talking about.” She drawled in annoyance.
I know everything that goes on around here. A tick on a mouse couldn't get in without my knowing it. And if Adam wants to try we're ready for him.”
“Jolly good. How--How exactly do you plan to get close enough to Adam to remove his power source?” Giles asked, a bit of Ripper coming through.
“Hit him simultaneously with multiple taser blasters. Incapacitate him with as much voltage as we can muster.” The colonel answered and all the Scoobies groaned in disbelief.
“Great plan. That's right up there with "duck and cover".” Xander quipped.
“I've seen Adam hit with taser blasts. He feeds on it. And now you're gonna provide him with an all-you-can-eat buffet?” Buffy asked in disbelief.
“You telling me my business?”
“This...is not your business. It's mine. You, the Initiative, the boys at the Pentagon--you're all in way over your heads. Messing with primeval forces you have absolutely no comprehension of.”
“And you do?”
“I'm the Slayer. You're playing on my turf.”
“Up there, maybe. But down here, I'm the one who's in control.” Xander almost laughed as the lights chose that moment to go out.
“Sir, the power grid's down. Backup's not responding.” One of the soldiers called out.
“We're locked in.”
“Containment area's been breached. Hostiles are loose.”
“How many?” The colonel snapped.
“All of 'em, Sir.”
“It's Adam.” The Colonel looked at Buffy.
“Look, I'm the only one who can stop him now. Just let me handle this. Get your people out of here.”
“All right, you men follow me. We gotta take the Armoury now.”
“Sir.” Was the immediate reply.
“Colonel.” Buffy tried again.
“These people are under arrest, do you understand?” The Colonel ordered.
“Yes, sir.” The soldiers and the Colonel left while those who remained watched the group. A soldier moved closer and Buffy kicked him in the chest. Another tried to attack her and she banged his head into the desk and then hit him in the face. He was out cold before he hit the floor. Xander took out the remaining soldier by disarming him and giving him a taste of his own blaster.
“ We've gotta find Adam.” Buffy told them.
“On it.” Willow sat down at the computer.
“The enjoining spell is extremely touchy. It's, uh, volatile. We--We can't risk it being interrupted. We need a place that's close to you and quiet.” Giles explained and then flinched as screams were heard.
“Uh...quiet?” Xander sighed, this was going to be hard.
“Okay, it should be over here.” Buffy called. Xander helped her move a crate in front of the door. She opened up two doors and then turned to them.
“Once I'm in, barricade the door behind me. Is this place okay to be Magic Central?”
“It, uh, should do.” Giles told her.
“As long as we don't get blowed up or nothin'.” Willow added, looking around.
“What're the odds of that?” Xander asked, aiming his gun at the door as something hit it.
“How long before the ritual kicks in?” Buffy asked.
“Five minutes, give or take.”
“Buffy, I still don't like you going in alone.” Xander pointed out, again. Buffy smiled at him and he remembered why he'd once been in love with her.
“I won't be.” Willow closed the doors and moved a cart against them. Giles and Xander moved a gurney against the other door. Then they began preparing.
Giles lit a candle as they sat on the floor and Willow took a deep breath.
"The power of the Slayer and all who yield it. Last to ancient first, we invoke thee. Grant us thy domain and primal strength. Accept us in the power we possess. Make us mind and heart and spirit joy. Let the hand encompass us. Do thy will." She chanted.
“Spiritus...Spirit.” She handed a card to Xander.
“Animus...Heart.” He chanted as she handed a card to Giles.
“Sophus...Mind.” Giles intoned.
“And Manus...The hand. We enjoin that we may inhabit the vessel--the hand...daughter of Sineya...first of the ones... We implore thee, admit us, bring us to the vessel, take us now.” Willow finished and in the room with Adam Buffy suddenly stood up, her eyes glowing orange.
“You can't last much longer.” Adam stated.
“We can. We are forever.” Buffy answered but instead of just her voice there were others mixed in with it. She began to speak in Sumerian.
“Interesting.” Adam fired at Buffy, but she generated some sort of force field while continuing in Sumerian.
“Very interesting.” He fired a rocket at her.
“Kur.” Buffy called, still in Sumerian, and the rocket burst into three birds. She held up her hand again and Adam's rocket launcher turned back into his hand. Adam attacked but she blocked every blow. She kicked him in the stomach and he fell. She grabbed his head.
“How...can you—“
“You could never hope to grasp the source” Xander voice could be heard.
“of our power.” Buffy's own voice finished. She uppercut him, sending him flying to the ground. She picked him up and kicked him against the wall. Buffy reached into him and pulled out the uranium.
“But yours is right here.” Adam groaned and then fell to the ground. Riley walked up to her, bloody and battered from his own fight with the altered Forrest.
“Buffy.” He called and then stopped to watch as the uranium began to levitate. A woman began speaking Sumerian, and the uranium disappeared. Buffy's eyes returned to normal and she fainted, but Riley caught her before she could hit the ground. Outside the room the others dropped as well.
“Wow. That was—“ Willow said as she slowly sat up. The door broke and a demon came inside the room. Xander struggled to raise his gun but then Spike appeared, breaking the demon's neck.
“Nasty sort of fellow. Lucky for you blighters I was here, eh?” The vampire said.
“Yes, thank you. Although your heroism has been slightly muted by the fact that
you were helping Adam to start a war that would kill us all.” Giles pointed out.
“You probably just saved us so we wouldn't stake you right here.” Xander told him.
“Did it work?” Spike asked as they all stood up.
“Well, then everything's all right. And we all get to be not staked through the heart. Good work, team.” Buffy and Riley chose that moment to walk in.
“Buffy.” Giles called in relief. Willow went over and hugged her.
“Wasn't it amazing?” The witch asked.
“You were great.” Xander told her with a grin.
“We were great.” Buffy corrected him.
“We still got men out there.” Riley pointed out.
“Well, let's go save 'em, by gum.”
“You guys get to the exits, get 'em open.” Buffy ordered and then turned to Riley.
“You, organize the soldiers, pull 'em back. I'll take point.” She started to walk out.
“Are you up to this?” Willow asked and Buffy grinned.
“I am.” She knocked out a demon.
Xander was whistling as he approached the motel but when he took a deep breath and caught the scent lingering he growled. Pulling his gun and knife he bolted for the room and kicked the door in only to stop dead in his tracks. Jesse, or what was left of Jesse, was on the bed the kid had been using.
His attackers hadn't gotten away unharmed. One of Adam's demonic soldiers was laying around the room, literally. His protections hadn't been strong enough to save Jesse but they had taken care of one of his attackers. As for the other...Xander had become far too familiar with that scent recently. He should have followed his instincts earlier instead of waiting. Well he was done waiting, Spike was his. Xander knelt beside the bed and ran his fingers through blood soaked hair.
“I'm so sorry Jesse, I never thought...” He trailed off. Why had Adam had Jesse killed? He was just a kid! Demon or not. Or had Spike done this on his own initiative? Xander threw his head back and screamed, the hyena joining him in his grief. He stood up slowly and went about packing his things. Once he was done he gathered Jesse up and left.
Yes, it's now been edited. Next chapter is the last but don't worry, there is a sequel.