Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Hunter ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Chapter 9

“Bitch!” Dean swore as the room flooded with cops.
“Down on the ground, now!” One of the cops ordered and Dean dropped his gun, hearing Sam do the same. He knelt on the ground and another cop pushed him so he was lying face down on the carpet. Another pushed Sam into the same position. He heard the rattle of handcuffs as one of the cops began reading them their rights.
“Sam and Dean Winchester, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense.” Dean noticed Sam wasn't paying any attention and was instead watching the floor near the door. A pair of shoes was there and coming closer.

“Hi, guys. It's been a while.” Agent Henricksen greeted cheerily and Dean groaned. He looked over at Sam to see wide hazel eyes staring at him. Yeah, they were in trouble. Dean closed his eyes and let his head drop to the carpet. Damn Bela.

“They should have been back by now.” Xander growled out and Dawn nodded looking over her supplies.
“We should have gone with them.”
“Too many people for such a small, discrete job and you know it Xander.” She pointed out calmly, moving over to the laptop and powering it up. She brought up the internet and went to work.
“Yes!” She cried after a while.
“Found them....oh shit.”
“Language. What?”
“The FBI has them at the local police station. It's a small station though, shouldn't be too hard to get them out.
“Still got the id badge Giles gave you?”
“Go in as Council? No guarantee that'll help.”
“But it'll get us in the door. We can't kill obviously so we need a spell or potion or something to knock the cops out for a few hours.”
“I'll see what I can whip up.”
Henricksen looked up as the local idiots led two young people into the station. He frowned at the professionally dressed duo. One male and one female, the male was about the elder Winchester's height though had a slimmer build. The female was tall and slender, rather pretty really.
“Can I help you two?” He asked as they came to a stop in front of him. Two id's were handed over and his blood ran cold. He'd only see identification like that once before and the case had vanished from record shortly after.
“We're here for the Winchester brothers.” The male said, staring him straight in the eyes. Henricksen fought the urge to shift; there was something in those eyes....
“Sorry but they're going to super-max.”
“Last I checked, our authority trumps yours so bring them out or I call your boss.”
“Go ahead.” Henricksen tried to call their bluff but to his surprise the female pulled out a cell phone and began to dial. They all stopped as shots and yells were heard coming from the holding cells.
“What the hell was that?” Reidy asked and they all bolted for the cells.
“Put the gun down!” The first arriving officer, Dodd, ordered.

“Wait, okay, wait!” Sam started to kneel down and put his hands up.

“He shot him.” Dodd stated.

“I didn't shoot him, okay, I didn't shoot anyone.” Sam argued and Dean made his way off the cot to kneel beside his brother.

“He shot me!” Dean affirmed, holding his wound.

“Get on your knees now!” Henricksen ordered.

“Okay, okay, okay, don't shoot, please. Look, here.” Sam tried and then his eyes widened as he saw Dawn and Xander, dressed in suits. Xander winked and then looked at Dawn who reached into her pocket for something. Sam took the gun and slipped it through the bars, laying it on the outside of the cell.
“Here, okay, okay.” Henricksen had his gun trained on Sam, not moving and Reidy trained his gun between both brothers, moving it back and forth.
“We didn't shoot him, check the body. There's no blood, we did not kill him.” Sam told the officers, watching Dawn out of the corner of his eye as she slowly drew something out of her coat.
“Go ahead, check him.” Henricksen ordered and Reidy knelt next to the body, checking for a pulse and noticing that there was no blood or sign of any bullet entering and exiting the body.
“Vic, there's no bullet wound.” Reidy said in surprise.

“He's probably been dead for months.” Dean pointed out helpfully, having noticed Dawn was doing something.

“What did you do to him?” Henricksen demanded and then spun to face Xander and Dawn. Xander shifted so he was blocking Dawn's hands from view.

“We didn't do anything!” Dean cried to get attention back on them.

“Talk or I shoot!” Henricksen ordered, turning back around to aim at the brothers.

“You won't believe us.” Dean told him. Sam looked over and decided to give it a try.

“He was possessed.” Sam said, Dodd stared at him, horrified but Henricksen just looked sceptical.

“Possessed, right. Fire up the chopper, we're taking them out of here now.” Henricksen ordered.

“Yeah, do that.” Dean scoffed. Reidy raised his walkie talkie and spoke into it.
“Bill.” Reidy called but there was only static in answer.
“Bill, you there?” The static continued and Reidy looked at Henricksen who motioned for him to go check it out and then turned back to their guests. Behind him Dodd kicked the gun that Sam had put down away from the cell.
“This is unnecessary. We're here to take custody.” Dawn stated.
“And I'm saying no.” Henricksen growled.
“Then you can tell your boss why you will not cooperate.” Dawn held out her cell to him.
“You're bluffing. For all I know you're with them.” Henricksen pointed at the brothers. With that he stormed out.
“Thanks for trying.” Sam told them and Dawn grinned.
“Who said we're done.” With that they left too, leaving Dean and Sam alone although Xander tossed them a roll of bandages on his way out.
Dodd loaded a shotgun with shells, and they were all frantically moving around, except Henricksen who was staring at the doors, staying still. Nancy was trying to call out on the phone without success.

“My men, Agent Henricksen?” Dodd asked angrily. Xander and Dawn watched the commotion in alarm, they'd hoped to have everyone out but obviously the demons had tracked them down first. Not good.

“What the hell is going on out there?” Another officer, Amici, demanded.
“I can't get a line, all the phones are out.” Nancy told them nervously. Xander pulled out his cell and shook his head, even the cells were dead.

“Henricksen! Four of my men!” Dodd yelled at the FBI agent angrily.
“The Internet, I... my cell, it's all dead, how can it all be dead?” Nancy worried.

Dodd threw the shotgun he just loaded to Amici and started to load another as the lights went out. Henricksen looked around as the rest of them froze in fear.

“Oh, my God.” Nancy whimpered in fear.
“No, no, no. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. We're gonna go. We're gonna go right now, let's go.” Dodd tried to calm the others down. Henricksen turned around to face the others.

“Nobody's going anywhere, everybody calm down!” He ordered and Dodd rounded on him angrily.

“Your partner is out there, my men are out th-“ Dodd started.

“I know! We go out there, we're asking to die too, don't you get it?” Henricksen cut in.

“What?” Dodd asked.

“They're out there and they're coming in here. This is a siege. So this might be a good time for you to lock the doors and the windows, take a breath and maybe deal with this like trained professionals with some sense in their heads.” Henricksen said and Xander nodded slightly. Both he and Dawn could feel the demons approaching, surrounding the station. Dodd took a breath and nodded, walking off to lock everything up.
“Can we get them out?” Xander whispered and Dawn shook her head.
“We're surrounded, we'll never get past them all with so many civilians.” She offered and Xander growled.
“There's one in here too, can't pin it down though.” He told her and Dawn nodded.
“Ward the entries after idiot local locks them. I'm going to see if I can find that demon.” Dawn slipped away to follow Dodd as Xander moved out of the main room to hunt the demon.
“Well, howdy there Sheriff.” Dean greeted in a fake country accent. They both got off the cot to face Dodd as he opened the cell.

“Uh, Sheriff?” Sam asked nervously.

“It's time to go, boys.” Dodd ordered. They edged back away from him, suspicious of the Sheriff's sudden change in behaviour.

“Uh...you know what? We're- we're just comfy right here, but thank you.” Dean argued, moving slightly in front of Sam to protect him. Henricksen walked into the room and entered the cell too, making the boys even more nervous.

“What do you think you're doing?” The FBI agent asked.

“I'm not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it.” Dodd told him.

“It's safer here.” Henricksen argued back.
“There's a SWAT facility in Boulder.” Dodd told him. Henricksen moved so he was right beside Dodd.

“We're not going anywhere.” Henricksen ordered.
“The hell we're not.” Dodd turned to him angrily. Henricksen raised his gun and simply shot the sheriff in the head. Dean grabbed his gun arm while Sam grabbed his other arm, moving together to force him down and push his face into the cell's toilet. The rosary Sam had taken from Nancy was at the bottom, turning the water into holy water. Sam quickly began the exorcism.

“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas.” Sam began chanting and then another voice joined his as Dawn slipped into the room. Amici ran in with his gun only to find himself face first against the wall and someone growling in his ear. Xander grinned and winked at Dean who went back to holding Henricksen down.
“Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,” Sam lifted Henricksen's face out of the water and steam rose off him as he groaned. Nancy came into the room and screamed as she saw the strangers helping the prisoners. Xander slipped to game face and she passed out, getting him a glare form Dawn. He just shrugged it off.
“Omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo draco maledicte et sectio Ergo draco maledicte et legio secta diabolica.”

“Sam, hurry up!” Dean ordered. Henricksen forced his face up and out of the water.
“It's too late, I already called them, they're already coming.” The demon taunted. Sam pushed his head back down and continued the exorcism with Dawn.

“Ut Ecclésiam tuam secúra tibi fácias servire libertáte servire, te rogámus, audi nos.” The two continued chanting. Henricksen's head came up and he yelled as the demon poured out of his throat and across the room. They all ducked out of the way except Dawn who threw something from her pocket at the cloud, missing it as it fled.

“Is he- is he dead? Nancy asked as she slowly moved closer to the bars, having woken pretty quickly from her faint. As if in answer to her question Henricksen coughed and rolled to his side.

“Henricksen, hey. Is that you in there?” Sam asked and the agent moved up onto the cot, Dean watching him carefully.

“I, uh...I shot the Sheriff.” Henricksen said weakly as Xander released Amici.

“But you didn't shoot the Deputy.” Dean and Xander said in unison and then grinned at each other. Sam glared at them and their grins widened.

“Five minutes ago I was fine, and then...” Henricksen trailed off, still in shock.

“Let me guess, some nasty black smoke jammed itself down your throat?” Dean offered and Henricksen looked up at him, eyes wide.

“You were possessed.” Dawn offered.

“Possessed, like...possessed?” Henricksen stammered out.
“That's what it feels like, now you know.” Sam told him.
“I owe you the biggest I-told-you-so ever.” Dean half taunted him. Dean stared at him and then handed his gun back.

“Officer Amici, keys.” Henricksen ordered, Amici took the keys out of his pocket and handed them over. The chains fell to the ground as Henricksen released the brothers.
“All right, so, how do we survive?” He asked.
“Speaking off who are you two, really?” He turned to Dawn and Xander who shrugged.
“Just here to help.” Dawn told him with a cheerful grin.
The window that Amici looked out of is shattered, jagged edges of glass protruding, as whoever got in stood up. Dean ran in gun drawn, and Henricksen follows behind him.

“How do we kill her?” The agent asked as Sam joined them.
“We don't.” Sam told him.

“She's a demon.” Henricksen argued. Sam put his hand on the shot gun he was holding and lowered it.
“She's here to help us.” Sam told him.

“Are you kidding?” Amici asked in shock.

“Are you gonna let me out?” Ruby asked and Sam leant down to scrape apart the trap she was standing in, setting her free.
“And they say chivalry's dead.” She looked around at them.
“Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here.” Dean and Sam exchanged a look at that and then they followed her from the room, leaving Sam behind to fix the trap and salt line.

“How many are there?” Dean asked the demon as they entered the main room. Ruby opened her mouth and then froze as Xander growled at her.

“Thirty at least, that's so far.” She answered, keeping an eye on the two Sunnydale survivors.
“Oh, good.” Dean drawled and Xander smiled at him. The others soon joined them.
“Thirty. Thirty hit men, all gunning for us. Who sent them?” Ruby cocked her head and looked at Sam

“You didn't tell Dean? Wow, I'm surprised.” She told Sam who shifted nervously.

“Tell me what?” Dean asked.

“There's a big new up-and-comer. A real pied piper. Her name is Lilith. And she really, really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. Guess she sees him as competition.” Ruby stated and everyone looked at Sam.

“You knew about this?” Dean asked and Sam just stared back at him.
“Well, jeez Sam. Is there anything else I should know?” Sam looked away and Ruby scoffed.

“How about the two of you talk about this later? We'll need the colt.”
“How about you get lost?” Dawn asked, reaching for the banishing dust she'd made. Ruby ignored her but still kept as far from her as she could.

“Where's the colt?” Ruby demanded.

“It got stolen.” Sam admitted.

“I'm sorry, I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you were stupid enough to let the colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy, idiotic hands.” Ruby snarked.
“Fantastic!” Ruby growled and then walked away to look out the window.
“This is just peachy.”

“Ruby- “ Sam tried but she held up a hand.

“Fine. Since I don't see that there's any other option, there's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive.” Ruby said.
“What's that?” Dean asked.

“I know a spell. It'll vaporize every demon in a one mile radius, myself included. So, you let the colt out of your sight, and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful. How's that for a dying wish?” Ruby told him and Dean frowned in thought.
“Okay, what do we need to do?” Dean asked.

“Aw, you can't do anything. The spell is very specific; it calls for a person of virtue.” She answered.

“I got virtue.” He shot back and Ruby laughed.
“Nice try, you're not a virgin.” Ruby answered and Dawn gasped.
“No way in hell.” She snarled at the demon.
“I figured out what spell she wants to use. It requires the heart of a virgin and yeah, it'll get us out of here and get rid of all the demons but I will not stand here and watch a person be sacrificed.” Dawn spat out and everyone stared at Ruby who was staring at Nancy.

“What?” She asked nervously.
“Whoa, what, are you crazy?” Dean asked Ruby.

“I'm offering a solution.” The demon answered.

“You're offering to kill somebody.” Dean spat back.

“And what do you think's gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in? You think they'll let her live just because she's a virgin?”

“We're gonna protect her, that's what.” Henricksen stated. Nancy tried to interrupt the verbal fight.

“Very noble.” Ruby sneered.

“Ex-excuse me.” Nancy wasn't heard.

“You're all gonna die. Look, this is the only way, trust me.” Ruby said.

“Yeah, yeah, there's no way that you're gonna prove to me-“ Dean started.

“Will everybody please shut up!” Nancy finally yelled. They all looked at her and even Ruby looked impressed by her shout.
“All the people out there, will it save them?” Nancy asked Ruby who nodded.

“It'll blow the demons out of their bodies. So, if their bodies are okay, yeah.” The demon answered. Nancy hesitated, thinking it over before looking at Ruby.
“I'll do it.” Nancy said.
“No you won't.” Dawn argued.
“Can you get all of us out of here?” Xander asked and Dawn shook her head.

“We don't sacrifice people. We do that, we're no better than them.” Henricksen pointed out.

“We don't have a choice.” Ruby argued. Xander growled and slammed her into the wall.
“We do not kill humans.” The vampire growled out.

“It's my decision.” Nancy argued and Ruby smiled at her over Xander's shoulder.

“Damn straight, cherry pie.” Ruby answered.

“Stop! Stop, nobody kill any virgins.” Dean argued.
“I've got an idea.” Dawn suddenly said.
“Xander, Sam I need a clear area in the middle of the room.
“Watcha thinking Dawn?”
“Oh, nothing much. I can't move us but what if I can move them?” She answered and Xander grinned. Once they'd cleared an area Dawn grabbed a permanent marker and began placing symbols down on the floor.
“Everyone give me room. Sam I need you in here too. This might feel weird but I'm using you as a secondary battery. You have power, even if you can't access it, I'll need to tap it for a boost.” She ordered and Sam stepped into the circle.
“How?” He asked and Dawn smiled.
“Kiss me.” She answered and Sam lowered his head so that their lips brushed. She held his head in place with one hand, deepening the kiss, slashing the wrist of her free hand and letting her blood flow onto the symbols. Xander growled softly at the scent of her blood. Everyone watched as a soft green light began to fill the circle even as Sam's arms moved to wrap around Dawn's waist. The light became brighter and brighter until they all had to look away and then suddenly it was gone and Sam was holding an unconscious Dawn.
Xander moved to Sam's side and raised Dawn's arm, lapping at the wound to seal it. Sam watched him in fascination but the cops and Henricksen shivered in disgust.
“Will she be okay?” Sam asked quietly and Xander nodded.
“She just needs some sleep. We're clear now so I suggest we all be long gone before anyone comes to check what's going on.”
“Why?” Henricksen asked and Xander turned to him, face shifting back to human features.
“Because their boss wasn't here and I doubt we want to be if she shows up.” Xander answered.
“Pack it up, lets head for Boulder.” Henricksen ordered and they scattered to grab what they needed.
“She'll be fine Sam.” He nearly jumped at the sound of Xander's voice. Sam turned to find the vampire still damp from his shower.
“What exactly did she do? It felt...”
“Like the best high ever?” Xander supplied and Sam nodded.
“Magic can have that effect, it's why a lot of people get hooked. Dawn told you she used to be the Key? Well not all its energy dissipated, that's why magic comes so easily for her. She basically opened a small dimensional rip and magically shoved them through. Since we don't care where they ended up it took a lot less power than trying to move all of us to a safe place.” Xander explained and Sam nodded.
“You hurt her and they'll never find the body Sam.” Xander threatened and Sam's eyes went wide.
“What?” He spluttered and Xander grinned.
“I saw that kiss Sam. You're a good guy and I know you'll look after her.”
“Xander I.....” Sam tried and then fell silent as a low moan came from the bed.
“Morning sunshine.” Xander called and then ducked the thrown pillow.
“Bite me.” She growled. Sam choked back a laugh at that, ignoring Xander's glare.
“I'll go see what's taking Dean so long with breakfast.” Sam said and then turned as the door opened and Dean came in, carrying a few bags and a tray of cups.
“Turn the news on. Good thing we made sure everyone left.” Dean said, nodding towards the TV. Sam flicked it on and they watched the news report of the police station that had burnt to the ground.
“Demon.” Sam and Dean answered.