Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Myster Science Theater 80 ❯ Back to Takari??? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



SINCERITY'S DILEMMA: Part 3 - Back to Takari??

R80: Everybody ready?

Mimi: Refresh my memory, what happened last time?

Jet: Sakura gave TK a tarot reading, then he ran into you at the same restaurant you and the GW boys were having lunch at, we found out he knew Quatre, and then we discover you both joined a dojo run by Vegeta, who is TK's uncle, and Piccolo, whom TK also knew. Basically, it's almost a BOYZ reunion, minus Ranma & Vash.

Matt: Nice short version.

Jet: Thanks. Being an ex-cop, I'm usually more thorough in reports.

SnowAgumon: Camera, action!

The week continued in this way without fail.

Kari: Oh?

After school,

DD: Which school(s)?

TK and Mimi would meet at the dojo,

Matt: Looks like Mimi isn't getting her beatings alone.

SnowAgumon: And unless you want a beating of your own, you'd better cool it. They have murder in their eyes.

let Vegeta and Piccolo throw them around for a couple of hours

Jet: Now they're sacks of potatoes. …Er…

TK & Mimi: *Glare hard at Jet*

and after a half a senzu bean a piece,

Matt: Only half?! They'd need more than half a senzu!

TK: Matt, one senzu is worth ten full meals. You don't want Mimi to lose her girlish figure, do you?

Matt: Point made.

and a

SnowAgumon: Good retaliation.

shared French vanilla ice cream float,

Kari & Matt: *Start to twitch*

they would part ways

Kari & Matt: *Stop twitching*

and start the cycle again the next day.

Kari & Matt: *Start twitching, again*

TK was

Kari: Walking a VERY thin line!

laying on his bed one night when

Mimi: Kari came in through the window.

his mother

Matt: Told him he wasn't allowed to see Mimi anymore!

tapped lightly on his door. "Can I come in?"

TK: I dunno, can you?

"Sure mom." He said absently.

Jet: There he goes again with the absently thing! We might as well call him Absentee.

"TK you've been

SnowAgumon: (TK's Mom) Seeing Mimi too much lately. You're not to see her again for a month, you hear me?

moping around all week

SnowAgumon: How would she know? He's mostly out of the house.

and I'm really starting to worry. Please tell me what's wrong."

Matt: Better siddown, mom. You won't like this one bit.

"Have you ever had your

Kari: Date cheat on you with your own sibling?

life just

Mimi: Crash all around you?

spin totally horribly wonderfully out of your control?"

Kari & Matt: WONDERFULLY?!?!

He asked staring at his ceiling.

Jet: (Ceiling) Your mother's down there beside you ,kid! Don't ask me questions.

"You'll have to start at the beginning, dear."

TK: As usual.

"Okay. About a week ago I walked in on Matt and Kari

Jet: she looks like a smart lady. Leave it at that.

in bed together,

Kari: That's enough!

and it definitely wasn't nap time.


I ran into Mimi

Jet: Again, did you hit her?

and we comforted each other over pasta, salad and wine."

TK: Oooooh, bad move, pal!

Nancy arched an eyebrow.


"Nothing like that, mom.

R80: (Harry Crumb) Sure, sure.

I kinda got drunk and Mimi let me sleep in her bed. But mom, I think I made a big mistake.

SnowAgumon: Make it quick, she's going for her paddle that looks like a baseball bat!

I swore off

Kari: Women!

TK: O.O KARI!!!!

Kari: @.O Did… did I say that?

R80: You did.

Kari: *Takes a mallet and knocks herself out*

falling in love."

Nancy smiled a thin smile.

Matt: That does not look good.

"I once made that same promise

Mimi: Good thing she broke it.

Matt: I'll say.

and I learned a lesson that I'm sure you'll figure out

TK: Typical, mom.

before this is all said and done."

"But I think

Jet: Every time you think, you weaken the nation!

I may have hurt someone. You know the crests we had, or actually have because we still carry the energy inside?"

All: *Sarcastically* No!

"Yes, yours was hope wasn't it?"

R80: "Was" is right, sister.

Kari: *Snaps awake* What was that, Tai?! …Oh, it's only you.

"Yes it was.

TK: Wonder if there are any openings for other crests?

R80: Lesse… there's Justice, Loyalty, Honor…

My friend Sora's was love

Mimi: Still is, too.

and I guess..." He trailed off.

Matt: oh come on! Mine's Friendship, Tai's Courage, Willis has Destiny, Mimi Sincerity, Joe Reliability, Izzy Kowledge, Kari Light, Ken Kindness, and Davis Miracles… though I dunno why he has that.

"Well I still haven't figured it out totally yet, but I think she can feel the love of the other Chosen Children,

R80: She ended up in the hospital because you renounced love, OF COURSE SHE CAN!!

and when I swore swore off love,

TK: Must be an echo around here.

she had some kind of seizure and ended up in the hospital.

Kari: Of course, we already knew this.

I told her that I'd try to love again

Matt: (TK) I make no guarantees.

for her but she told me

SnowAgumon: She was taken already.

something odd, that I'm starting to understand.

Matt: That's weird, he's usually a fast learner.

TK: Not always, though.

She said, 'Always for yourself. Never for another.'"

"And I agree.

Jet: But that's just being selfish!

If you force yourself into love

R80: Like that one guy in "Like Water For Chocolate," who married the eldest daughter to be near the girl he really loved.

Kari: I never did like that book.

R80: Me, neither.

you only end up unhappy.

R80: exactly what I'm talking about. The guy in that book finally had the girl he wanted, but he died before they could marry.

Jet: Thanks for the spoiler, boss! I was only one chapter away from finishing that book!

I learned that the hard way. But recently,

TK: You mean she's found someone else?!

where do you go everyday?"

Matt: Guess not.

"You remember uncle Vegeta?"

Kari: How could she forget?

When Nancy nodded, TK continued. "He's Mimi's martial arts instructor

Mimi: To my horror.

R80: Hey, Vegeta's not that bad!

Matt: Maybe your Vegeta isn't but this one is!

R80: *Thinking* Maybe I should get Vegeta in here for the final chapter…

and Piccolo is his partner. I've been going there for lessons."

Nancy gave him a look that clearly said she didn't believe it.

TK: WHAT?! She believes in Digimon and yet finds it hard to believe her brother-in-law and my one ex-roommate are partners? …Actually, that is kinda hard to swallow.

"Is there anything else?"

"Nothing I can explain mom. But I promise when I figure this out, I'll tell you."

Jet: Sure, he will.

Nancy sighed only a little better informed than when they started. "Okay Takeru." I trust you. She thought leaving her son to his own devices.

TK: Nice to see she gives me my space.

TK got up and looked at the picture Andromon had taken on their first trip to the digital world.

TK: Right next to the one taken from the apartment in BOYZ before we parted ways.

His eyes strayed from Kari who stood beside him to Mimi who was standing behind him.

R80: Here comes the song of the fic.

Jet: We riff?

Matt: No, we listen.

"How did you get here?
Nobody's supposed to be here.
I've tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says 'No! No!
Nobody's supposed to be here!'
but you came along and changed my mind.

I've spent all my life
on a search to find
the love who'll stay for eternity,
the heaven sent to fulfill my needs.
But when I turned around
again love has knocked me down.
My heart got broken.
Oh, it hurt so bad.
I'm sad to say love wins again.

So I place my heart under lock and key
to take some time and take care of me
but I turn around and you're standing here.

How did you get here?
Nobody's supposed to be here.
I've tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says 'No! No!
Nobody's supposed to be here!'
but you came along and changed my mind.

'This time I swear I'm through.'
But if only you knew
how many times I've said those words
then fall again. When will I ever learn?
Knowing these tears I've cried
this lovely black butterfly
must take a chance and spread my wings.
Love can make you do some crazy things

So I place my heart under lock and key
to take some time and take care of me
but I turn around and you're standing here.

How did you get here?
Nobody's supposed to be here.
I've tried that love thing for the last time.
My heart says 'No! No!
Nobody's supposed to be here!'
but you came along and changed my mind.

I give up."

R80: That's his new catch phrase.

He sighed. "I swore I would never do this again but..."

R80: Old habits die-hard.

"It'll be

Kari: A black mark on your record if you keep breaking your promises.

good for you."

Matt: That's what they all say.

A familiar voice said from the window.

Mimi: Not again with the familiar voice crap!


SnowAgumon: Uh-oh!

Did she send you to

Mimi: Fetch him?

Kari: Deliver a love letter to him?

Jet: Deliver a bomb to him?

spy on me?" He said icily.

SnowAgumon: Heh, we must be related! Can you do the Blizzard Bite?

"She's my partner, not my master."

Kari: Damn right!

The little cat snarled.

Jet: Sounds like kitty got a beef.

"Can I come in?"

Matt: (TK) I dunno, can you?

TK walked over and

R80: Played Kick the Kitty.

Mimi: (Ike) No kick the kitty.

Kari: Kick that kitty, and you'll be a scratching post.

gathered the small digimon into his arms. "Did she hurt you?"

Kari: Me, hurt Gatomon? Not without getting hurt back.

"Yes... no... I don't know." She said.

Mimi: Make up your mind!

"I wanted to tell you about what they were doing as soon as I found out

Kari: Traitor!

but she threatened to

Jet: Feed her to the dogs?

Mimi: Have her spade?

Matt: Poison her fish?

destroy her digivice.

DD: What would that do?

I was drawing so much of my energy from Kari

SnowAgumon: Surprised she didn't become a backstabbing bitch like the Kari in here.

Kari: So am I.

that destroying the conduit,

Jet: The what?

the digivice,

Jet: Ah.

would have destroyed me as well."

TK: That's harsh!

Kari: That bitch Kari! …Yes, I know I dissed myself. So what?

"How long has it been Gato?"

R80: Okay, here's how long Matt & Kari have been together. Brace your selves.

Jet: *Pulls out his gun* I'm ready for crowd control.

"Two years." she murmured


Jet: Yikes.

SnowAgumon: Ouch.

burying her face in his chest.


TK fell onto the bed in shock.

Jet: How many volts?

Two years?

R80: That's what the cat said.

Mimi: Matt… and Kari… two years?!

Matt: *Faints from the shock*

His attention was refocused

TK: Now what?

as Patamon gracelessly hit the floor.

SnowAgumon: Yet another casualty of this tragedy.

TK: The Digimon are connected to their partner as well as the crests. That's definitely not good, in this case.

"Oh Pata." Gato jumped gracefully and cradled the other digimon in her arms.

Jet: A cat in love with a flying hamster?! What's with this series-?


Jet: *Mallets himself before TK or Kari can* Happy now?

"Nothing. I don't feel anything."

Mimi: She must be Renard's cat.

Kari: Renard-? Oh, that guy from The World Is Not Enough!

She whispered sadly. "DAMN YOU TO HELL KAMIYA HIKARI!"

Kari: Eep.

SnowAgumon: She's not bitter.

She yelled before breaking

Mimi: (TK) No, not the vase!

TK: What vase?

Mimi: Just sounded funny. :P

down sobbing.

"Shush." TK said scooping

TK: I do NOT do cat litter!

Matt: *Wakes up* Cat litter?

Kari: Gatomon showed up, remember?

Matt: Oh yeah.

both of the digimon into his arms.

Jet: Must have big arms to hold both of them.

Gatomon quieted down a bit

Kari: Quiet as a mouse.

but poor Pata may as well have been dead to the world.

SnowAgumon: Now they've killed Patamon, too!

TK: No, no, not that!

"What's wrong with him Gato?"

R80: Must've been something he ate.

TK: I told him not to eat the meat Matt made me take home!

Matt: You gonna start that again?

TK: Matt, remember the old Gong Show? *Mallets Matt*

Matt: Akane's a BAD influence around here.

"Sora wasn't the only one

TK: With a cracked crest?

who's crest was damaged in all this."

R80: Nice one, TK.

TK: It was too obvious.

She sniffled. "You lost your

Mimi: Girl, we know!


Mimi: Never mind.

because of all this. Damn it Kari,

Matt: You're gonna see hell by next chapter, I'm guessing.

you have to think

SnowAgumon: With your heart and NOT your sex drive. *Gets malleted* -_- Gotta stay on my toes more.

about the consequences!"

"So I have to love and hope again?" TK said exasperated.

Jet: It's never that easy, is it?

TK: With me, not a chance in hell.

"This is impossible!"

Kari: Dooon't you believe it!

"Not impossible Takeru. Just takes some time."

Mimi: To get your feet back on the ground and turn the Titanic back around. …Though that ship was sunk before they could go back.

The white cat said licking his face

Jet: You think Arch will pull a TK/Gato lemon chapter in Mesmermon's Castle?

TK: I heard that!

R80: He was only kidding. *Glares at Jet* Right?

Jet: Did I say TK? I meant… er… Patamon!

as she crossed to the window and vanished into the night.

Matt: She's a magician.

R80: Or an escape artist.

TK: Or Renamon in disguise.


Mimi was surprised when she arrived at the dojo alone.

Jet: Alone?

DD: Alone?!

TK: There may be hope yet.

"Piccolo, where's TK?"

Kari: That's what I wanna know.

"He won't be here for today's session.

Matt: Took a sick day, huh?

R80: If he wasn't sick, Vegeta would murder him.

He said he had some urgent matters to." The Nameck answered.

Mimi's eyes narrowed

Matt: Oh boy, she's not happy. TK'd better hide someplace deep till she calms down.

as she pulled out her

TK: Tracking Device.

cell phone. "Nancy, is Takeru there?"

"No Mimi."

SnowAgumon: Uh-oh.

She paused as if debating something then said. "He went over to the Kamiya apartment after school."

TK: YES! Takari back on track!

Kari: Oh yeah!

R80: Don't hold your breath, guys.

"I see." Mimi said numbly. "Thank you."

Jet: TK's gonna die.

She managed as she collapsed

TK: Wimp!

Mimi: Hey!

TK: Not you, your fic counterpart!

her phone. "He's going back to her." She said as she stood in shock.

Jet: Though why he would after she slept with his brother for two years is beyond me.

R80: Love is blind.

Matt: I thought Justice was blind.

R80: That, too.

"I thought we had something."

Kari: Guess what? WRONG-O!

"Never make assumptions woman." Vegeta growled.

TK: Assumptions are the mother of all F***-ups, as I heard on Under Siege 2.

"Any relationship, be it friends, lovers, enemies, or healer all depend on trust.

TK: Since when is he an expert on relationships and trust?

R80: Since he got married, that's when.

Kari: Very funny, boss. A real riot.

Now get out of here.

Matt: Look, it's Boney from Weinerville!

Your mind wouldn't be on the lesson anyway."

SnowAgumon: Ah, your brother drinks pickle juice!

As she wheeled around

Mimi: My car's good for getting in and out of tight spots.

and stormed out, her shock was replaced by fury.

Kari: Female fatal fury!

I'll show him. She thought storming down the street.

Kari: She's flooding the town!

R80: Where's Noah when you need him and his floating zoo?

If wants to get back together with that two bit hussy,

SnowAgumon: That's not Mimi, it's Ukyo.

Mimi: Why do you say that?

SnowAgumon: Ukyo says "hussy" all the time, you don't.

then I have a reunion of my own.

R80: Better warn the GW boys.

Mimi: Like I'd date guys who are cold-as-ice, or emotionally dead, or call themselves the God of Death-.

TK: We get the point!

Do you really want to do this, Mimi?

Kari: O.o She's haunted!

Her conscience asked

Kari: …Or not.

sounding more than a little like Lillymon.

TK: Like we never saw that one coming.

Takeru was nothing but good to you. You swore you'd never hurt him,

Mimi: Says who?

but if you go back to Matt and you're wrong, you'll hurt him worse than Kari ever could.

But what if I'm right?

Then doesn't he at least deserve a chance to tell you to your face?

R80 & Jet: Decisions, decisions. *Look at each other*

Jet: You scare me sometimes.

R80: Sometimes I scare myself.

Right. She said changing course

Mimi: Again with assuming I'm a ship.

and heading for the Kamiya apartment.

Jet: Showdown time.

R80: Just hums


Mimi was just coming up the stairs as Tai opened the door.

Mimi: The moment of truth!

She hastily pressed herself into a corner to listen.

Mimi: Lucky for me I watch my figure.

TK: You're not the only one who watches your figure.

Kari: Hey!

TK: I didn't say it was me!

Kari: Keep it that way.

"Thanks a lot Tai." TK said as he pulled on his jacket.

R80: Any yaoi cracks and there'll be more than hell to pay!

All: No argument!

"I really appreciate the advice."

"Hey anything to derail that back stabbing snake who calls herself my sister.

Kari: *Flames shoot from nose and bares fangs* YOU'RE A LOTTA HELP, TAI!!!

But I gotta admit, you and Mimi?"

Matt: Not gonna happen while I'M alive.

R80: You should live so long.

Matt: o.O

"I can hardly believe it myself,

TK: Don't!

but somehow... I fell in love Tai.

Kari: Nooooo! You're MINE!

She's sweet and kind

Mimi: *Blushes slightly* Flatterer!

Kari: HEY!

Mimi: It was still nice of him to say so.

and perfectly flawed,

Kari: HA!

Mimi: …Nobody's perfect.

if that makes any kind of sense."

"Actually it makes perfect sense.

TK: This coming from a guy with a lotta hair and few brains.

Kari: Yep.

My sister broke your heart

R80: You break it, you bought it.

and you walled it off. Without even trying, Mimi's slipped past those walls to start rebuilding.

Mimi: *Puts on a hard hat* Tee-hee!

Kari: Where'd you get that?

Mimi: Quatre. He used it in the final scenes of the Endless Waltz movie.

I bet you were surprised?"

TK chuckled. "Not half as much as she'll be when she sees this."

Matt: Sees what?

R80: You'll find out in part 3.

Tai whistled appreciatively. "I'm not gonna ask how. But TK what you're thinking of is a very serious step."

Matt: *Gets an idea, and hates it* Aw no, he wouldn't-!

Kari: Wouldn't what?

R80: NO SPOILERS!!!!! You never know if the readers haven't read Arch's fic before.

Matt: I so hate you.

"I know. And I also know I've never been more certain of anything, or wanted anything more badly than I want- no, need this now. There is no other ending for this."

Kari: Sure there is… THIS IS ALL A BAD DREAM, SO WAKE UP!!!!!

"Then I'm behind you, but there's something else you need to know.

TK: Thanks, but I already had that lesson in health class.

After Sora told me about Kari,

Matt: Hey, looks like I win the bet I made with Char!

Jet: Hope it wasn't anything big.

I did some snooping around."

Kari: Why am I not surprised?

There was a rustling of paper as the boys flipped through some forms.

"Are these for real?" TK said in shock.

"Very real. Kari and Matt are married."

All but R80: MARRIED?!?!

R80: `Fraid so.

Mimi: DIE YOU GONNA!!! *Attacks Kari, starting a brawl*

Matt: *Dashes out the door before he can get jumped again*

TK: I'll get him later. *Watches the girl fight* Come on, Kari! Get tough!

Jet: Should we stop them?

R80: You wanna try? Be my guest.

SnowAgumon: Let's finish this fic and fast!

R80: Don't worry, we just have the ending and that's all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

"So what do you think so far?" I asked spinning away from the keyboard.

R80: You know my thoughts. As for the DD, well… no comment.

"Aside from the fact that you no less than half a dozen plugs from Robster's fic, 'The Boyz' and you've turned me into a real bitch, it's great." Kari said.

TK: Not for my gal, it ain't.

"The song was Deborah Cox's ' How Did You Get Here?' Right?" TK said.


Jet: Thanks, we didn't know that.

Now to get to work on the next part, provided you're not gonna faint on me." I chuckled.

Jet: Hate to run off on you, boss, but this MSTing is hazardous to my health.

SnowAgumon: And I think I'll go with him, just to keep him company.

R80: S'okay, guys. Thanks for filling in. *Faces audience* Short break before we start the third and final part of the trilogy. Gotta find me some more MSTers. *Looks at fighting girls* BREAK IT UP!!!!!

End for now