Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ I hope fate is on my side ❯ An unexpected separation ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I've finally decided to put some of my fan fictions up. Hope you'll enjoy it…
Disclaimer: I do not own Daa! Daa! Daa! or Card captor Sakura.
Chapter 1
An unexpected separation
It was sundown at Heiomachi. The once lively Saionji temple was now strangely quiet and lonely. The eerie mist that once hung around the temple had descended again. A girl in a school uniform was slowly making her way up the stairs to the temple.
She was a rather pretty teenage girl with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes, a girl none other than Miyu Kozuki. The gentle breeze played with her locks of hair and made it fly about gracefully
. She stopped at the topmost step and gazed at the temple. She had never realized that Heiomachi and Saionji temple had become so very close to her heart. She was more at home here than she would be anywhere else. It was here, in Heiomachi, that she spent some of the happiest days of her life.
This was the place where she met baby Luu, Wanya and most importantly…..Kanata. And before she knew it, she was flooded by memories… the day she first came to Saionji …baby Luu flying into her arms calling her `mama'…Her embarrassing encounter with Kanata…
Suddenly, the phone began to ring from inside the house. Miyu snapped back into reality and hurried inside. No sooner did she pick up the phone than a person practically screamed from the other line “HI MIYU!!! I've got some great news for you.”. “Mom..???” muttered Miyu, smiling brightly. “What's up? You sure are excited…”
Meanwhile, at Santa's house,
“Santa, I'd better get going. As it is, I had basketball practice today. So I'm already late. If I'm too late, Miyu is going to get worried.” said Kanata, a handsome teenage boy with brown hair and intense brown eyes.
“You better hurry up. Don't want to make your `girlfriend' all worried, right?” asked Santa in a teasing way.
“Cut it out, she's not my girlfriend..” Kanata argued (blushing like a beetroot of course). “Yeah and I'm the Queen of England.” snapped Santa. “Why won't you admit that you have a serious crush on her? She's going to leave soon, isn't she? You'd better tell her now or you're going to regret it. She's really pretty and you know it. Other guys are bound to fall for her too. She might find someone else if you don't act fast...”
Kanata stared open-mouthed at Santa. Since when did Santa know so much about his feelings towards Miyu and how did he become so understanding and considerate?
Anyway, he was right. Kanata knew that he had only a few more days to be with Miyu. He had to act fast or he would lose Miyu to some other guy. He couldn't let that happen. “Today's the day…today's the day I'm going to tell her how I truly feel.” thought Kanata to himself.
“Ok, see you tomorrow Santa. Bye!” he said and ran out, only to come face to face with Christine (Of all people). “Kanata, what a wonderful surprise!!” she said shyly (with the usual background music) and added, “As a matter of fact, I'm glad to run into you today. You see, I had this dream… a very bad dream… To tell you the truth, it was more like a nightmare. I dreamt that today you were all alone with Miyu and you were going to confess to her that you lo.. lov…lov.. AaaaaH!”.
Going into berserk mode, she yelled, “IT CAN'T BE TRUE… TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE…TELL ME!! BECAUSE IF IT IS… I HAVE TO PUT A STOP TO IT!!” and she lifted up a tree in a threatening manner.
Kanata (who's really freaked out) muttered, “Calm down Christine.”
Christine immediately snaps back into normal mode and asked, “Kanata, did you call me just now?” She realizes that she was holding a tree. She swiftly set to work, replanting the tree.
“KANATA!!!” someone called out. Kanata turned around to see Aya and Nanami running towards him, looking positively worried.
“What's up? Where's the fire?” inquired Kanata. Nanami gasped, “It's Miyu.”
Kanata cut in, “Miyu!!?? What happened? Is she alright?”
“I am not sure to tell you the truth.” confessed Aya. She just called me up about ten minutes back. She was acting really weird. She first started telling me what a wonderful friend I was. And suddenly, she started crying. She wouldn't tell me why she was so upset so I gave the phone to Nanami who was staying over at my place.”
Nanami continued, “She wouldn't tell me anything either. Then she said her life was not fair and she said that she would miss us all. Moreover, she told me that you were probably at Santa's place and made me promise to tell you that she was thankful for all the wonderful times that she spent with you…and… and she said `Goodbye' in this really scary tone…” At this point, Nanami started to cry.
“Oh Kanata, I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything. I don't know why she said all that…She seemed devastated about something. We've got to find her now!”
“Miyu…” whispered Kanata and raced off at full speed towards the temple. “Please be alright, Miyu…Please…”
Aya, Nanami, Christine and Santa also hurried behind Kanata. Their friend was in some sort of trouble and they had to help in whatever way they could.
They reached Saionji temple soon enough. Kanata yanked open the door and ran inside calling out “MIYU..” No response.
He ran towards her room (his heart thudding painfully in his chest) and opened the door almost hesitatingly.
His worst fear was confirmed… The room was completely empty. Miyu was nowhere in sight. All her belongings had also vanished without a trace…. Kanata dropped to his knees and stared at the empty room “Miyu, where are you……?”
A/N: The card captor gang will show up only later on. It'll get even more interesting once we find out where Miyu has disappeared to.. I'll try to update soon.