Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime House: Season 1 ❯ Episode 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Delia Ketchum was standing at a street junction when Pikachu stops his car as the lights
turned red. Then, Delia runs to Pikachu's car and took out a hankerchief and wiped sweat off
Pikachu's head.

Pikachu: Thanks!

Pikachu drove off.


The Anime House: Episode 6

By PikaFlash

Disclaimers: As usual, all characters, scenes, songs, ideas and famous speeches belong to
their respective owners.


Main Cast:
Kasumi Yawa (Misty)
Takeru Takaishi (TK)
Van Flyheight
Brass (Sailor-Multi)
Pikachu, Agumon and Kero-Beros
Hikari Yagami (Kari Kamiya)
Max Mizuhara
Eriol Hirizagawa (Eli)


Dr. Eriol walks to his seat.

Eriol: Is there a problem?

Pikachu: Yeah, I want a Medabot checked.

Brass: Aww, to hell with you, you #!%^! All I needed is to have my voice checked, you prick!

Eriol stared at Brass.


At a wedding, Priest Max was at the altar with Metabee and Brass facing the front.

Max: If there's anyone objecting to his marraige, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Pikachu stood up from the benches.

Pikachu: Yeah, this is just not right, he looks like the nightmare vision of the future,
with that robotic face of his.

Metabee felt his head to have a metal plate with a red glass eye.

Pikachu: I mean, what will his children look like?

Metabee: Pikachu, you idiot.


Max was at a construction site dressed as a bumpkin.

Max: I was working here, moving things around when this fella came over and ask me for
some money. I said, "Look, I don't have any money!" He said, "Its an emergency." I thought
for a while. Then I scab him! The supervisor came over to me and ask me about my anger
management. So I was accepted his offer, then I scab him! You want to pick a fight with me?!


"Tales from the other side"

Eriol was on stage.

Eriol: Welcome back. I'm sensing someone from this corner. You, what is your name?

Agumon: Agumon.

Eriol: You lost friend who died recently? His name is...Tai?

Agumon: Yes.

Eriol: I'm getting a message. Here it comes.

Eriol walks to Agumon and pinched and punched Agumon's arm.

Eriol: A pinch and a punch for the first of the month. Sorry.

Agumon: I'm alright.

Eriol: He has a question, "What's that stain?"

As Eriol points down, Agomon follows the finger and Eriol's finger hits Agumon's chin.

Eriol: Got ya!

Eriol pulls Agumon off the chair.

Eriol: Wedgie!

Eriol pulls Agumon's pants.

Agumon: AHHHH!

Eriol puts Agumon in a hammerlock.

Eriol: Smell the cheese!

Agumon: No!

Eriol: Smell the cheese! Or you want to cry?

Agumon: I won't smell the cheese!

Eriol: Ok, I'm giving you a noogie!

Agumon: AHHH!

As Eriol locked his arms on Agumon's neck, Eriol faces the camera.

Eriol: We'll be back after the brake while I flush his head into the toilet. Nipple Cripple!

Agumon: Ouch!


At a barbecue party, Max was dressed as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7 in front of
Metabee, Eriol and Agumon.

Max: So, I took out the bad guys without any problem.

Metabee: Great. Hey, here comes Squall!

Van appeared dressed as Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8 walks to the group and Max turns

Eriol: Are you still having problems with Squall?

Max: I am not talking to him.

Van: Please, I've only came here to introduce my new partner, Zidane.

Max turns around to see TK dressed as Zidane Tribal from FF9.

Max: Of all the people I meet, it has to be Zidane!

Max angrilly walks off.


Metabee walks into the bathroom to wash his hands when he sees Max crying in the toilet.

Metabee: I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything for you.

Max: That's ok.

Max wiped off his tears.


Pikachu and Agumon were playing street tennis when Kero walks out with a crash helmet on his

*Song begins*

*Kero: Tennis boy, sitting and watching, and waiting and hoping...
Tennis boy, oh will he ever get included...*

Agumon sees Kero.

Agumon: Come on, Kero. Lets play!

Kero: Sure!

Kero ran to the road in front of both Pikachu and Agumon.

*Kero: He gets to his feet, stepping onto the street
and he fells his heart beat getting faster...*

Kero gets hit by a 4-Wheel drive from behind as the 4WD drove past Pikachu and Agumon.


Van was driving with Agumon in the passenger seat. The car slows to a parking spot.

Agumon: How about here?

Van: We'll be out for three hours. This spot only limit us to one hour.

Agumon: Don't worry, the traffic police officers won't come this way. Don't be so worried.
Look, I'll pay the fine if there is one.

Van: Its not that. I don't want to go to jail.

Agumon: Going to jail for a parking offence?

Van: No, but if they find the body in the boot...

Agumon: Oh. Ok, move along.

Van drives off.


TK was at a bank with Misty looking at some papers.

Misty: Your registration is in good order, but I'm afraid that we can't give you your loan.

TK: Is it possible to borrow something less

Misty: No, I don't think so.

TK: Can I speak to your supervisor?

Misty: I'm afraid that my supervisor is not in at the moment.

TK: What if I dance for you?!

Misty: What?!

TK: What if I dance for you, would you give me a loan?

TK picks up a stereo player.

Misty: I don't think its possible.

TK: Please, let me try!

TK pressed play and began to dance to the music.

Misty: Mr. Takaishi!

TK: Please!

TK continues to dance.


Misty: Welcome to today's memorial event, where we have built the tallest building in the

Misty pulls a cloth off a table, showing five seperate building.

Misty: 5 seperate buildings!

Max raised his pen.

Max: Excuse me, but you're missing the point. Wouldn't the tallest building be one building?

Misty: Let me put it metaphorically. If you have 5 boxes, and if you put one on top of the
other, you'll get one tall box. Get the point?

Max slaps his forehead.


TK was still dancing as he tossed away his tie.


Max was tied to the chair with a group of Nazis surrounding him with Eriol as a General.

Eriol *German accent*: Well, well, well. It is intresting for us to meet up like this. You
know, if its the time of peace, I would think we could be friends. But this is I am
here to interrogate you!

Max: I will never tell you anything!

Eriol: Do you like Ice Cream?

The Nazis took out a bowl of Ice Cream and tried to stuff it into Max's mouth.

Eriol: The cold and smooth taste, so cold that it could freeze your brain. So Smooth that it
could melt your mind.

Max resists the ice cream.

Max: I'll never submit!

Eriol: If that is the case, then, bring it in, boys!

Suddenly, a roller door open, revealing an ice cream van playing the ice cream music.



Back at the barbecue, Zidane (TK) was with the whole gang.

TK: So, I took out those bandits thanks to the Thief Skills from my Trance.

Max: You're just a wuss, because you had your trance that could be used like you're Super
Saiyan 4 Goku!

TK: But anyway, if it weren't for that video games heroes insurance.

Max: Oh, you really are a coward.

Van runs to Max.

Van: Please, don't take it wrongly.

Max: Shut up!

TK: Well, lets go, Squall. Leave Cloudy boy behind!

TK angrilly walks off with a worried Van following him.

Max: Does anyone have a bucket? I feel like I'm going to puke.

Max holds his stomach.


Agumon was sitting on the chair with Officers Max and Eriol were standing up in the
interrogation room.

Agumon: Come on, I don't know!

Max: Well, you are the only person there and you must have some information!

Eriol: Want to look at the photos?

Agumon: No! Not the photos! Look, I don't know who stole your pants!

Eriol and Max were missing their pants.

Max: Damn. You always do that.


A kid ran to the door and presses the doorbell. Misty answers it.

Misty: Yes?

Kid: My ball went over the fence. Can I get it?

Misty: Sure you can.

Misty brought the kid to a locked gate, and as she unlocked it, she pushed the kid past the
gate, closes it and locks it.

Misty: And stay there!

The kid turns around to see some kids that were also locked up by Misty before playing with
some balls.

Kid: Let me out!

A loaf of bread was tossed over the gate and the other kids have a fight over the bread.


Brass was walking through the office when she sees Agumon breathing heavily while drinking
water from the water dispenser.

Brass: You rode your bike to work, didn't you?

Agumon: *catches breath* Yeah.

Brass sees Agumon's bike chained to his leg.


TK walks into a bar with Eriol and sees Misty and Kari.

TK: Hi, girls. This is my friend Eriol. He's on the way to a Stand-up gig.

Misty: So, you're a stand up comedian?

Kari: Did you get any gigs?

Eriol: No many.

Misty: Oh, you make me laugh! HAHAHAHA!

Kari: Yeah! HAHAHAHA!

Eriol: That wasn't a joke.

Misty: Oh, but you're kinda cute!

Kari: Hey, I saw him first!

Eriol: I'm beginning to find you two annoying.

Misty: Well, let us help you stand up! HAHAHAHA!

Kari: Or speak into my pillow!

Eriol: I'd better go!

Misty: Yeah, into my bed!

Eriol and TK walked off.


TK and Kari were tasting wine.

Kari: I think this wine has a odd taste. One that has the taste when you put it on the table.

TK: Solid?

Kari: It pushes your tounge as if you're french kissing someone.

TK: Mixture?

Kari: It makes me feel so hot!

TK: Hard?

Kari: Gives me pleasure!

TK: Kai from Beyblade?

Kari: Yes, that Kai.


Brass was on camera in the kitchen making a delicious turkey.

Brass: Well, after I put on the parsley, I'll put it in the oven at 180 on high. Fortunetely,
I have prepared one earlier.

Brass took out a bowl of roast turkey out of the oven.

Brass: And here's another one I've made even earlier.

Brass took out a bowl with the turkey covered in spider webs and mould.


Max was dressed as the school traffic crossing officer.

Max: Earlier, a kid wanted me to stop the cars on the road to go to his father's car
on the other side of the road. So I let him cross, then, I scab him! Then, the kid's father
walked to me and asked me why I hit his son. I apologised to the man, then I scab him! At
that instant, the teacher came to me and threaten to sack me, so I scab him! After a while,
the principal came and sacked me. So I scab him!


Metabee and Brass were cleaning up the backyard when they saw a trashed Cloud (Max) sitting at
the wall.


Metabee and Brass pulled Max into the shower and turned on the shower on him.

Max: Thanks.

Metabee and Brass walked off.

Max: Does anyone have a towel?

Van enters the room with a towel and walks to Max.

Max: Squall, you're back!

Van: Yes, Cloud. I am here to help you.

Both Van and Max hugged.


Brass was sitting with Agumon in an office.

Agumon: One color that I would recommend for this place is a "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah".

Brass: Excuse me? I didn't get that color.

Agumon: The color is a "blah, blah, blah, blah".

Brass: Did you say "blah, blah, blah"?

Agumon: No, a "blah, blah, blah, blah".

Brass: Lets talk about something else.

Agumon: Yes, the mahgony table would add a touch to the room, so you would ned a "homemare".

Brass: You've made the color up, didn't you?

Agumon: No. I mean, I've done this job for 15 years and I can tell the difference between
my "mahoey" and my "frangipipipi".

Brass: What's wrong with a red, yellow or blue?

Agumon: Are those type of fishes?


TK and Kari were tasting wine.

TK: Its a good year.

Kari: Yes, its like the new year.

TK: Chinese New Year.

Kari: The year of the Tiger.

TK: It can make you want to spin.

Kari: Its like someone famous.

TK: Ray from Beyblade?

Kari: Yes, it taste like Ray from Beyblade!

TK and Kari continued to taste the wine.


Dr. Eriol sits on a chair in front of TK and Kari.

Eriol: I have good news. He's a Medabot.

Kari: Thank goodness!

Eriol: You must be happy.

Metabee was leaning on a wall behind Kari.

Metabee: I've been telling you that I've been a Medabot for years!

Kari: I would prefer to hear from an expert, Metabee.


Agumon, Pikachu and Kero were setting the table.

Agumon: So many people on a video game
With nothing to say to me.

So I made a promise to myself
If I ever got on a video game.

Pikachu: Did I use my time to say something really important.

Pikachu/Agumon/Kero: AHHHH, AHHHH, AHHH...

Kero: So here goes.

Pikachu/Agumon/Kero: Aeris Gainsborough, with your outfit,
you're the one for me.

Agumon: No, I'm serious
If there is a chance that you are watching tonight,

Pikachu and Kero sets up a banner for Aeris.

Agumon/Kero/Pikachu: Any chance at all.

Agumon: Contact us care of this special website.


Agumon: Or this number to call.


Pikachu, Agumon and Kero were waiting in front of the dinner table.

Pikachu/Agumon/Kero: Aeris, we're waiting.

*Song ends*

A true thanks to the crew:

Main Cast:
Kasumi Yawa (Misty) - Pokemon
Takeru Takaishi (TK) - Digimon
Van Flyheight - Zoids: Chaotic Century
Brass (Sailor-Multi) - Medabots
Pikachu - Pokemon
Agumon - Digimon
Kero-Beros - Card Captor Sakura
Hikari Yagami (Kari Kamiya) - Digimon
Max Mizuhara - Beyblade
Eriol Hirizagawa (Eli) - Card Captor Sakura
Metabee - Medabots

Producer: Taichi Yagami and Ash Ketchum

Top of the Props: Izzy Izumi.

Runner: Hikari Yagami

Sketch Director: Ash Ketchum

Make up: Sakura Avalon

Camera/Editor: Izzy Izumi

Daidouji Corpration managed by: Madison Taylor

Tai Enterprises managed by: Taichi Yagami and Hikari Yagami

Planned by Tai Enterprises with the help of the Daidouji Corperation.