Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams ❯ Waterflower ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~[ c · h · a · p · t · e · r · 4 ]~

Back at Camp Kayomata...

Poora looked up at the sky, her blue eyes filled with concern. The sun had just began to set. *I hope everybody's okay out there...* she thought.

Nesu approached her from behind. "Poora-chan?"

Poora turned around to look at him. "Hai?"

"Are you okay? You've been worried about Taichi and the others ever since they left..." Nesu asked, a bit concerned himself.

Poora shook her head. "It's nothing..." She then closed her eyes and began to pray. *Please let everyone be alright...* A vision then appeared in her head. It showed PharaohGreymon, ArcticGarurumon, Skydramon, and KingKabuterimon. Her eyes opened wide. "Nesu-kun!"

"Hai?" Nesu blinked.

Poora turned around and grinned at him. "They've already found four of the Digi Cards! Sugoi!"

"All right! See, I told you that they'd be okay..."

"When did you tell me that?" Poora asked, laughing.

"Just now." The two of them nearly fell over laughing.

******************************************************** ***********
Back in the Emerald Forest...

Mimi, Jyou, Sora, Sakura, and their respective Digimon soared over the treetops on the back of Skydramon.

"Whatever you do, don't look down!" Skydramon instructed.

"It's kind of hard NOT to look down!" Jyou shouted, clinging to some feathers on the dragon's body.

"Hey, that hurts..."

"Mimi-chan, do you see anything down there?" Sora asked as she examined the trees.

"Iie! How about you, Sakura-chan?" Mimi brushed her pink hair out of her face.

Sakura remained silent as she scanned the area below, looking for signs of movement.

"Sakura-chan?" Pseudomon asked, hopping on her partner's head.

The cardcaptor then closed her eyes, and appeared to meditate. Pseudomon watched her with wonder. Suddenly, Sakura's eyes snapped open. "Minna!"

Her friends turned to look at her.

"I sense something! Down there!" Sakura shouted, pointing down and a bit to the right.

"Is it a Digi Card?" Sora asked.

"I don't know yet. We'll have to get closer. Skydramon, fly down toward that beach!" Sakura instructed.

Skydramon nodded and began flying down to the beach. She seemed to lose control of her flying though, and went down in a nose dive as the four Digidestined and their Digimon clung to the short pink feathers lining her back. She landed in the ocean with a splash.

Jyou surfaced, spitting out a mouthful of salt water. "Cretin! Why does it always have to be water?!"

Gomamon floated past him, obviously enjoying it. "I think it's swell that we ended up by a beach. Now I can go swimming whenever I want to!"

Mimi, Sakura, and Sora each strolled up on the beach. Pseudomon, Palmon, and Biyomon followed shortly after.

The three girls flopped down in the white sand and sighed simultaneously. "I hope we don't run into any big Digimon..." Mimi said.

"With our luck, it'll be huge..." Sakura grumbled.

"I have a feeling that we're being watched..." Sora said, turning around to look behind her.

Jyou stumbled out of the lake, wringing out his shirt. "This is just great..." He then stopped, and appeared to be listening.

"Jyou-kun?" Mimi asked, standing up.

"Shh..." Jyou said. "Listen..."

Mimi stopped, and listened calmly, as did Sora and Sakura.

"That's weird... what's that sound?" Sora asked.

"I don't know what it is... but it's beautiful!" Sakura said.

Pseudomon lifted her large ears. "Strange... I don't hear anything..." she said, confused.

"Me neither," Biyomon said.

"Or me," Palmon said.

Gomamon emerged from the lake and shook out his fur. "I have water in my ears!"

"I think it's coming from over there," Jyou said, pointing to the forest several feet away.

The three girls turned to look in the direction he was pointing. Past the brightly coloured flowers, a row of bushes marked the edge of the forest. A pair of pinkish-coloured eyes peeked out from the middle bush.

"What's that?" Biyomon said, flying to the bush. As soon as she reached it, the eyes disappeared, a loud rustling following. "Wait, come back?"

The song seemed to follow the creature as it ran through the bushes.

Sora and Sakura picked themselves up and ran in the direction of the song, Mimi and Jyou in tow. "I think it's running that way," Sakura shouted, pointing to a clearing in the trees.

The group skidded to a stop in front of the clearing. The sight before them was not only mysterious, but beautiful, just like the music coming from it.

It was a humanoid Digimon, with long forest green hair. She was wearing a green-and-white kimono of sorts, had pale green skin, and was carrying a sliver harp, which was making the music.

"Wow... she's beautiful!" Sakura said.

The Digimon stopped playing the harp and looked up at them. She then bowed politely. "Greetings. I am Sonatamon."

"Wow.. Sonatamon is an Angel Digimon, strangely. She uses beautiful music to lure her enimies into traps!" Pseudomon said.

"You are intruding in my private space..." Sonatamon said calmly. "I have been commanded by Armageddomon to destroy you..."

"This looks like trouble! Let's Digivolve!" Biyomon said.

"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve to... Togemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"

Sonatamon sneered. "Four Champions? You amuse me. Now you will die..." Her eyes glowed a bright white as she initiated her attack. "Tropical Rhapsody!!" Her harp began playing on its own, loud and clear, as hundereds of flowers circled the area.

Jyou, Mimi, Sora, and Sakura all held their ears. The music was still beautiful, but it was getting too loud.

The four Digimon were injured badly by the attack. Shiramon pulled herself up, then charged at Sonatamon. "Novakinesis!" The jewel on her forehead began glowing as she released the multicoloured ring of energy.

Sonatamon easily dodged the attack, as she leaped into the air and did a swift drop-kick to Shiramon's back. Shiramon howled in pain and dedigivolved to Neomon.

Sonatamon then delivered a swift kick to Ikakkumon's chest. As large as he was, he still flew across the area and slammed into the trees, knocking them over. He dedigivolved to Bukamon.

"Bukamon!" Jyou shouted as he ran to his fallen friend.

Birdramon hovered in the air, then when Sonatamon wasn't looking, she dove down to the Ultimate-level Digimon and dug her talons into Sonatamon's shoulders. Birdramon then took off into the air again.

Sonatamon shouted out in pain as Birdramon's claws created gashes in her neck and shoulders. She then grabbed her harp in fury. "Dream Song!" She began playing a soothing melody on the harp.

Birdramon grew weary, then her eyelids began to get heavy and drop. Sonatamon chuckled a bit, and continued playing the harp. The bird Digimon then fell into a deep sleep and dropped from the sky, carrying Sonatamon with her.

Sonatamon pried the talons away from her shoulders and dropped to her feet as Birdramon landed on the ground with a loud thud, and dedigivolved to Biyomon.

"Yokomon! No!" Sora shouted.

The only Champion left was Togemon. The cactus Digimon ran at Sonatamon and began punching her at a blinding speed. "Lightspeed Jabbing!"

Sonatamon was pummelled a few times, but managed to grab a hold of one of Togemon's boxing gloves. Sonatamon then threw Togemon into a tree. However, she didn't dedigivolve.

Togemon groaned, sitting up.

Mimi ran to her friend. "Togemon! Are you alright?!" she asked, her eyes welling up with tears.

Togemon leaned against the tree in pain. "I don't know..."

"Come on, Togemon! I just can't let you give up like this!" Mimi said.

Togemon closed her eyes.

"Togemon! Don't go! You're the best friend I've ever had! I don't know what I'd do without you!!" Mimi shouted. "Togemon!!" A tear finally dropped from her face and landed on Togemon's foot.

Just then, a bright green light came from Mimi's NeoCrest. It was so bright, it even reached deep into the forest. A human-like organism then materialized. It ran through the forest on light footsteps, then burst out of the forest like an explosion.

"What... is that?" Jyou asked, holding the unconscious Bukamon.

"It has to be! The Forest Digi-Card!" Sakura shouted, grabbing her wand. "Firey! Release and dispel!!" The winged humanlike mass burst from the card like water gushing from a waterfall. It glared at Forest, which was a beautiful thing itself (Think: Fantasia 2000. XD).

Firey sent out a wall of flames from its wings. Forest, however, dodged it easily. Forest then snuck up behind Firey and grabbed its neck. Firey then shot up into the air and spun around many times, creating a tornado of fire. When it stopped, Forest floated down to the ground, badly scorched and defeated.

Sakura started to raise her wand, but again, Forest materialized itself into the card. It caught on the wind (again) and flew into Mimi's hands. She looked at Togemon, whose eyes were still closed. "Digital Card Digivolve!!"

Togemon woke up as the Forest Digi Card re-energized her.

"Togemon! Card Digivolve to..."

She turned humanshape, as if she were turning into Lillymon. The orange tuft of hair on her head grew out longer until it reached her knees. Her outfit consisted of what appeared to be a grass skirt, a flowered top, and winglike extensions on her arms which appeared to be made from ferns. A long vine intertwined with her hair, braiding it and ending with a purple hibiscus blossom on her ponytail. A crown of leaves appeared on her forehead.

"... Demetemon!"

Mimi stared at the Ultimate Digimon in awe. "Sugoi..."

"Wow! She's so pretty!" Sora said, grinning.

Demetemon faced Sonatamon. "I am Demetemon, a true flower child. My Wildflower Wave and Petal Punch attacks use the power of nature! Prepare to meet your match!"

"Psh. You amuse me. Let's rumble..." Sonatamon held up her harp.

Demetemon began spinning around, her arms in the air. "Wildflower Wave!" A cyclone of flowers similar to that of Sonatamon's flew at the other Digimon.

Sonatamon chortled. "Pathetic! Tropical Rhapsody!" Sonatamon's harp began playing on its own again, countering Demetemon's attack.

"It's not working! It didn't even faze her!" Mimi shouted. "Minna! Help me!"

Neomon and Bukamon both digivolved to their Rookie forms, Biyomon hovering behind.

"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"

Sora took out the Sky-Digi Card.

"Birdramon! Card-Digivolve to... Skydramon!"

"Sky Scorcher!"
"Wildflower Wave!"
"Harpoon Torpedo!"
"Psy Storm!"

The four attacks were powerful. But they barely scratched Sonatamon.

"Ugh... this is not good!" Jyou shouted.

"You little twits! Now you'll pay! Dream Song!" Sonatamon played the calm melody on her harp again, lulling the other Digimon slowly to sleep.

"... Can't... sleep..." Demetemon mumbled. She strugled to stay awake, then nothed somthing. *Why is it that every time I hit her, she isn't hurt? Maybe I have to look for a weak spot...* Demetemon slapped herself so she would stay awake. *That harp... she never lets go of it... maybe that's the key!* She stood up shakily, smacking herself again.

"Nani?! Impossible!!" Sonatamon shouted, amazed that Demetemon was still awake. Everyone else had fallen asleep, why hadn't she?!

Demetemon shook Skydramon awake. "Come on!"

Skydramon slowly opened her eyes and struggled to sit up. "Nani..."

Sonatamon began playing a more furious melody on the harp. "WHY! AREN'T! YOU! ASLEEP!"

"Because I know your weak spot!" Demetemon yelled. She charged at Sonatamon. Her fist began glowing a bright pink colour, and sakura petals swirled around it. "PETAL PUNCH!" With that, she drove her fist into Sonatamon's harp, smashing it into many pieces.

"Nooooooo!!!" Sonatamon shouted as her harp dissolved into thin air. She was vulnerable now.

"Yat-taa!" Demetemon shouted. "Come on, Skydramon!"

Shiramon and Ikkakumon woke up, then stood tall.

Sonatamon looked at them in horror. She was about ready to give up.

"Phoenix Feather Blizzard!" Skydramon shouted, flapping her wings. A hurricane of rainbow-coloured feathers filled the area.

Sonatamon couldn't attack now, without her harp. She braced herself, waiting for the attack.

"Sky Scorcher!"
"Petal Punch!"
"Harpoon Torpedo!"
"Psy Storm!"

Sonatamon was hit by the full force of the attacks, and screamed as Demetemon's fist went *right through her.*

"This isn't over yet! My buddy Oceanumon will come shortly!!" Sonatamon yelled, dissolving.

Demetemon, out of breath, dedigivolved to Tanemon, as did the others to their respective In-Training forms.

Mimi, Jyou, Sora, and Sakura finally woke up, as they too had been lulled to sleep by Sonatamon.

"What happened...?" Mimi asked.

"I did it! I defeated Sonatamon!" Tanemon said, jumping up and down.

The four Digidestined looked at each other and smiled. "You sure did..."

********************************************************** *********


"Master, it wasn't me this time! I swear! It's all Sonatamon's fault!" Chiikomon squawked frantically.

"First you come back to me with NO report of Kiyonimon and the Digiegg's whereabouts. THEN you come complaining because YOU IMCOMPETENT GOONIES couldn't take care of the DigiDestined. Well guess what, Chiikomon... I'm not going to let you fail anymore!!" Armageddomon shouted angrily.

A groan came from the nearby wall. Armageddomon looked at his victim. It was a boy, with long black-violet hair tied back into a ponytail, jet black eyes, and pale skin. "Yan Kyoto... my victim... you will now assist me in the capture of the Ninth..."

Kyoto looked up, battered. He was chained to the wall. "What's so important about the Ninth child...?" he asked.

"The Ninth child is the commander of the stars and heavens. She is by far the most powerful DigiDestined. She was the one who defeated Kitusomon, my ally. And she must pay for the damage she has done..." Armageddomon said, narrowing his red eyes. He then looked to his front. A large screen popped up in front of them. "Now... show me what the most important thing in the Ninth child's life is..."

Several images popped up. The first one showed three humans. A short fat man, a tall skinny woman, and a girl whom appeared to be in college. "Hmm... family... not good enough." The second image showed a picture of Lunamon. "The Digimon... we don't know where she is..." Armageddomon's eyes lit up upon seeing the third image. "Ah, yes... a fellow DigiDestined... the holder of Friendship, and the Snow-Digi Card..."

********************************************************* **********

"Well, now that THAT's out of the way..." Jyou said, dusting off his hands.

Mimi turned around and looked toward the ocean, then twitched. "I think we're in for a rude awakening..."

Sora and Sakura stopped what they were doing and looked at the huge tidal wave heading their way.

"Tsunamiiiiiii!!" Jyou said, running around. "We're all gonna die now!"

"Surf's up!" a sudden voice yelled from the top of the large wave.

Sakura blinked at the figuere perched on the tsunami. "Is that... a SURFBOARD?!"

Sure enough, the creature riding the wave had a surfboard. It looked like a normal human, only with light blue skin and long dark blue hair. It was wearing blue-and-white trunks.

"If that's a Digimon, then I'm a Troutmon..." Gomamon said, blinking.

The Digimon slid down the wave on a black-and-blue surfboard. It stopped at the beach before hopping off and tucking the surfboard under its arm. "What's up, duuuuuudes? The name's Oceanumon!"

Sora facefaulted. "Oceanumon...? Where have I heard that name before?"

Biyomon looked up at her friend. "Remember? Sonatamon said something about him before she dissolved.."

"WHAT? You defeated Sonatamon?!" Oceanumon shouted. He appeared depressed. "Aaaaaargh... you guys will paaaaaaaaaaay!!!"

************************************************ ********************

"This sucks! I can't ride on KingKabuterimon like I used to..." Koushirou complained as he rode on PharaohGreymon's back with Taichi and Kamira. Tentomon flew at their side.

Ryouumon sat on Kamira's head. He seemed cheerful. "Lalala..."

Kamira looked upward at the cabbit Digimon. "You sure are happy..."

"What can I say? I just hatched like, a while ago... and it feels GOOD to be a Rookie!" Ryouumon said happily.

Kamira smiled at her partner.

"Just where are we going again?" Heza asked from ArcticGarurumon's back.

"We're supposed to find the Emerald Forest! We think that Sakura and the others might be there!" Syaoran shouted, riding on Chimaeramon. Hikari and Tailmon were also on Chimaeramon. Takeru and Angemon flew beside them.

"How can you be sure?" Lunamon asked.

"Don't you think I'd know where the next Digi-Card is?! Besides... there's an ocean there too, and that would be a likely place for Jyou to find his!" Syaoran said.

"Now if we could just break through this barrier here, then we'd have no problem getting into the forest..." Yamato said.

"That shouldn't be a problem, we have three Card-Ultimates on our side!" Taichi shouted. "Wait, stop..."

"What's the problem, Taichi-kun?" Kamira asked.

"Someone gimme something to throw!" Taichi said.

Heza took off one of her bracelets. "Will this work?" she asked, throwing it to Taichi.

"Hai!" Taichi then threw it forward. About five feet away from them, the bracelet began giving off an immense amount of electricity. "Yep, that's the barrier..."

"Okay guys! Let's go!"

"Tentomon! Digivolve to... Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon, Card Digivolve to... KingKabuterimon!"

"Solar Flare!"
"Northern Lights!"
"Hand of Fate!"
"Lightning Paw!"
"Star Dust!"
"Kawai Flare!"
"Ancient Storm!"

The attacks combined, easily destroying the barrier between the Blue Arctic and the Emerald Forest.

"... Is it just me, or was that a BIT too easy?" Heza asked, scratching her head.

"Who cares how easy it was, let's get going!" Yamato said. ArcticGarurumon flew forward again.

*********************************************************** *********

The four DigiDestined sweatdropped as Oceanumon screamed in a fit of rage after hearing that they had destroyed Sonatamon.

"This guy's pathetic... should we kill it or leave it to suffer?" Gomamon asked.

"I say we put him out of his misery," Mimi said.

"Okay, let's get 'em!" Pseudomon said.

They all turned to look at Oceanumon, who was still hysterical.

"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve to... Togemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"

Oceanumon stopped running around screaming. He then picked up his surfboard. "You guys crossed the line! *snif* Hydro Twister!" Oceanumon began spinning around, creating a tornado of rushing water. It picked up every Digimon. Birdramon and Togemon dedigivolved upon contact, but Shiramon and Ikkakumon remained Champions.

"Ugh... Novakinesis!" Shiramon shouted, attempting to harness the twister in a ring of psychic energy. However, it backfired and wrapped around her instead, sending her flying out of the twister. She hit the ground hard and dedigivolved.

Ikkakumon, still engulfed in the tornado, swam toward Oceanumon. "Harpoon Torpedo!"

Oceanumon stopped spinning, causing the twister to disappear. Ikkakumon crashed into the ground.

Oceanumon grew angry. "You killed Sonatamooooon!! *snif* You will paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!" He then grabbed the nearest person by the collar, which happened to be Jyou. He began shaking him violently.

"A-a-a-a-a-i-i-i-i-i-e-e-e-e-e kno-o-o-o-ock i-i-i-i-i-t o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-off!!" Jyou muttered throught the shaking.

Mimi tackled Oceanumon from behind. "Leave Jyou-kun alone!!" she shouted.

Oceanumon let go of Jyou's neck and grabbed his surfboard. "Surfboard Smash!!" he shouted, swinging it at Mimi. She took the force of the hit in the side and went flying into the ocean.

"Mimi!!" Jyou shouted, diving in after her.

Sora and Sakura stared blankly. "Is it just me, or is there something he's not telling us...?" Sora asked.

"I think so..." Sakura said, blinking.

Oceanumon dropped to his knees and grabbed his head again.

Jyou swam as fast as he could to where Mimi was sinking. He was running out of breath. Mimi was sinking at a rapid speed, and she was unconscious. Before long, he finally reached her. He grabbed her around the waist and began swimming upward again.

"They've been down for a long time..." Sakura said, worried. "Do you think they're okay?"

"I don't know..."

Just then, Jyou surfaced holding an unconscious Mimi. His NeoCrest was giving off an immense white light. He coughed a few times before laying her on the beach.

"Jyou-kun! Are you alright?!" Sora asked.

Jyou didn't answer. Instead, he turned and glared at Oceanumon with a fire in his eyes, worse than the fire that had caught on the forest where Taichi got his Digi Card. "You. Are. DEAD."

"Excuse me?" Oceanumon said, turning around.

"Korosu!!" Jyou shouted, charging at Oceanumon.

"Nani?! Cool your jets, man!" Oceanumon said before recieving a hard punch to the face. "Besides, now you know how I feel!"

From deep inside the ocean, a spiritlike mass formed. It took the shape of an octopus. It quickly swam to the surface, then burst out of the ocean.

"Woah... that must be the Ocean-Digi Card!" Sakura shouted.

"I can counter it!" Palmon shouted. "I'd do anything for Mimi-chan!" she said. "Poison Ivy!" She shot out several vines from her hands, wrapping them around Ocean. She swung it around several times before throwing it to the ground.

"... That was a bit too easy..." Sakura said as Ocean changed into the card and floated to Jyou's hands.

Jyou sneered and looked at Oceanumon. "Now I'm gonna get you. Digital Card Digivolve!"

"Ikkakumon! Card Digivolve to..."

He shrunk a bit. A blue ring circled his stomach. Ikkakumon's top half changed to that of a human, with pale skin and blue hair. A silver horn sprouted from his forehead. His bottom half turned into that of an octopus, with eight long dark blue tentacles. In his hand grew a long silver three-pronged triton with the Crest of Faith embossed in gold on it.

"... Aquamon!"

Aquamon pulled himself across the beach. "I am Aquamon, a marine Digimon. My Thunder Triton and Ocean Current attacks use water energy and can dampen the spirits of anyone who gets in my way!"

"Izzat so?" Oceanumon shouted, glaring at the half-humanoid Digimon. "Well, pretty boy... let's hang ten! Hydro Twister!"

"Thunder Triton!" Aquamon thrust his triton forward, sending a a blast of water intertwined with thunder at Oceanumon.

"Duuuuuuuuuuuude... that was brutal.." Oceanumon shouted. He then picked up his surfboard again. "Surfboard Smash!"

"Spark Flash!"

The blast of electricity that rippd through the area destroyed Oceanumon's surfboard. Oceanumon blinked, then slumped to the ground. "Ugh..."

"Looks like we made it just in time!" Koushirou said, trailing behind KingKabuterimon. The rest of the group followed behind him.

"Koushirou-kun!" Sora shouted.

"We finally made it..." Heza said, leaning against a tree to catch her breath. "And look who we picked up!" Lunamon gave everyone a wide grin.

"It's Lunamon!"

Syaoran and Chimaeramon approached Sakura and Pseudomon. "Konnichiwa, Sakura-chan..."

Sakura turned a little pink. "Tadaima... I missed you, Syaoran-kun..."

Now it was Syaoran's turn to blush.

Taichi ran up to them. "This isn't the time to get all lovey-dovey! We have to take care of that weird ... blue thingy over there!" he said, pointing at Oceanumon, who was going crazy over the loss of his surfboard.

The twelve Digimon all looked toward Oceanumon. "Nyaaaaaahhh... go ahead and destroy me so I can be with my precious Sonatamon..."

Biyomon and Palmon both digivolved to their Card-Ultimate forms. Pseudomon then digivolved to Shiramon.

"Let's go!" Taichi shouted.

"Solar Flare!"
"Northern Lights!"
"Sky Scorcher!"
"Wildflower Wave!"
"Ocean Current!"
"Hand of Fate!"
"Lightning Paw!"
"Star Dust!"
"Midnight Spiral!"
"Psy Storm!"
"Shirka's Eye!"

Oceanumon twitched a bit, then accepted each and every attack. As he dissolved he said: "Sonatamon... I'm coming!"

The Digimon all dedigivolved to their Rookie forms, with exception of Aquamon, who reverted to Bukamon.

"Well, it looks like we're a team again, huh?" Heza said, picking up Lunamon.

"Yeah... these Card-Ultimate digimon ROCK!" Taichi said, crossing his arms.

************************************************************ ********


"Uh-oh... I'd better skedaddle..." Chiikomon muttered to himself, flapping his short wings.


Chiikomon froze in place, then turned around to look into the dark void. "H-h-h-hai, Master?"

"YOU LET THEM DESTROY OCEANUMON, YOU IDIOT!!!" Armageddomon's voice boomed, shaking the entire fortress.

"G-g-g-gomen nasi, Master... I'll do better next time..."


Chiikomon looked down at his tiny birdlike feet. "Shimatte..."

The void began glowing brightly, and out of it flew a giant silver dragon.

"Oh no... this is really bad... whenever Lord Armageddomon comes out of his void, there's trouble..." Chikomon said, cringing.

"Now, Chiikomon. We are going to get the Ninth child in our possession if we have to kill every other DigiDestined to do it!" Armageddomon shouted. He then turned to his prisioner. "YAN KYOTO!" he boomed.

Kyoto opened his jet black eyes and looked at Armageddomon. "Hai...?" His eyes opened wide in horror as Armageddomon's body disappeared into his. "Aaaaaaargh!!!" Soon after his body stopped glowing red, he clenched his fists tightly, breaking the chains that bound him to the wall. A pendant formed around his neck, creating a new NeoCrest. The NeoCrest of Anarchy.

"... Master? Are you okay?" Chiikomon squeaked, fluttering up to the now-human Armageddomon.

Kyoto/Armageddomon (Note: I'll be referring to him as Kyoto ^.^) looked up, his eyes glowing red. "Let's go, Chiikomon... let's go and show the DigiDestined what the definition of total annihilation is!"