Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams ❯ Moonlight ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~[ c · h · a · p · t · e · r · 6 ]~

"Is she going to be okay?" Galaxiamon asked Jyou.

"Hai. I guess the pressure of both Yamato turning evil again and Yan-san's arrival was too much for her. She'll be just fine after she gets some sleep," Jyou answered, looking at the sleeping Heza.

Taichi sighed in relief. "That's good."

Kamira was a bit paranoid. "I don't like how this is turning out... first Yamato-kun disappears, then Yan-san shows up, and now this..." She looked up at the sky. "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take it..."

"Well... the next time Ishida-san shows up, we're going to bring him back. Ne?" Kagemon asked, his tail flopping a bit.

Syaoran thought a bit. *This isn't like anything me or Sakura-chan's faced before... how are we going to bring him back without hurting him?* "I don't know... but whatever we have to do, we can't hurt him."

Taichi clenched his fist. "I can't believe that after all that they've been through, Yamato had the nerve to command ArcticGarurumon to attack Heza-chan like that..."

"Taichi-kun, you're not taking it into account that Yamato's turned evil again!" Sora said. "You remember back when we were younger, and Cherrymon told all of those things to Yamato-kun..."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

Kyoto yawned loudly and lay down on his back. "You guys can't get any more boring..."

Kamira glared at him. "At least I'm not a hentai like someone I know..."

"Woah, Kami-chan. Calm down..." Koushirou said, laying a hand on her shoulder.

She looked down at her feet. "I guess I'm still a bit upset about what's happened..."

"Aren't we all..." Ryouumon said. He yawned and buried himself in Kamira's hair. "I'm tired."

"I think Ryouumon has the right idea," Galaxiamon said.

"Hai, we should all get some sleep... it would be best to prepare for tomorrow, in case Yamato decides to wake us up with an ambush," Taichi said.

Soon, everyone had arranged themselves on the ground and fell asleep, all except for Sora and Taichi. Taichi still sat on his log, watching Heza sleep.

Sora sat down beside him. "You know... you really should get some sleep too, Taichi-kun..." she said.

Taichi shook his head. "It's my turn to keep watch..."

Sora looked at him. "... Alright. Just stay on guard..."

Taichi nodded. "I will..."

Sora smiled, then stood up and walked over to where Biyomon was sleeping. She lay down on the ground next to her and easily drifted off to sleep.

Taichi looked down at Heza. *Heza-chan... even if Yamato's not here, I'll still be here to protect you...* he thought. He reached down and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face before laying down on the ground and falling asleep.

********************************************************** **********

"Rise and shine, fools!"

Taichi's eyes snapped open as he heard Kyoto's voice. "Eh? What in the..." He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"It's time to move it! If we want to find the remaining Digi-Card, we've got to get an early start!" Kyoto said, Chiikomon perching on his shoulder.

Mimi sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. "What time is it?" she asked sleepily.

Jyou checked his watch. "It's... five o'clock in the morning?!"

"Yan-san, what's the idea of getting us up THIS early?"

Kyoto sneered. "We want to be prepared for any enemy ambush, Tachikawa-san." He narrowed his eyes. "Now GET UP!"

"Okay! I'm up..." Taichi said, shaking Agumon awake.

Heza sat up and held her head in her hands. "Cretin..." She stretched her legs out. "Ohayo, minna-san..." she said, yawning. When her eyes fell on Kyoto, she twitched a bit and lay back down on the ground. "Oi..."

"Yes, even you have to get up, bishoujo-subeta..." Kyoto said, crossing his arms. He then looked at Sakura, who was cracking her knuckles. Pseudomon sat next to her, flapping her ears to the the feeling back in them. *There's something strange about that girl... it's almost as if she had the power of the Clow Cards inside of her... nani? Could this be the legendary Clow Mistress...?* "Okay, let's get moving!"

"So, Li-kun. Where's the next Digi-Card?" Takeru asked as the group began moving. He yawned loudly.

"It's very closeby... I can feel it..." Syaoran said. "I don't know exactly where yet, but it's definetely closeby..."

Kero-chan fluttered between Sakura and Tomoyo. "Well isn't this just peachy? We find half of the Digi-Cards, then someone disappears. Nifty."

Just then, a shadow appeared over the group. Kamira sqinted her eyes as she looked up at what was making it. "Nani? What's that...?"

The group stopped walking and watched as ArcticGarurumon landed on the ground, Yamato on his back. "Konnichiwa, minna."

"Yamato! What are you doing here?" Taichi asked, clenching his fist.

Yamato hopped off of the digimon's back and took a few steps toward the group. "I'm here to destroy you. What else?"

"Well you're not going to get very far!"

"Oh really now? Go and get them, ArcticGarurumon!"

ArcticGarurumon charged at the group.

"Let's go, minna!" Galaxiamon commanded.

"Agumon! Digivolve to... Greymon! Greymon, card-digivolve to... PharaohGreymon!"
"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon! Birdramon, card-digivolve to... Skydramon!"
"Tentomon! Digivolve to... Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon, card-digivolve to... KingKabuterimon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve to... Togemon! Togemon, card-digivolve to... Demetemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon! Ikkakumon, card-digivolve to... Aquamon!"
"Patamon! Digivolve to... Angemon! Angemon, card-digivolve to... GoldAngemon!"
"Tailmon, card-digivolve to... Nekomon!"
"Ryouumon! Digivolve to... Keromon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"
"Kagemon! Digivolve to... Chimaeramon!"

As the Digimon began fighting, Taichi approached Yamato. "You know, you've really outdone youself this time, Ishida."

"And that's just the beginning..." Yamato grinned and grabbed Taichi by the collar. He seemed a LOT stronger than usual.

Taichi felt his feet lift off of the ground. In one swift movement, he kicked Yamato in the leg.

"Pathetic. You expect me to feel that? That was the puniest kick I've ever felt!" Yamato delievered a swift punch to his face before letting go of his collar.

He then heard someone coming up behind him. Just as he turned around, Heza clamped onto his shoulders. "Yamato, knock it off! You don't know what you're doing! Let go of this darkness that's-"
Heza was cut off by a painful blow to her face. She felt herself let go of Yamato's shoulders, then hit the ground hard.

Everyone gasped as they watched Yamato lower his fist. "Back off. This is between me and Yagami."

Heza slowly sat up and held her hand to her right cheek. She looked down at the ground and closed her eyes tightly.

"Heza-chan!" Kamira shouted, running over to her friend. She kneeled down at her side. "Are you okay...?"

Heza didn't answer. Instead, she looked up at Yamato, tears welling up in her eyes. She wearily stood up, still facing him. A tear ran down the side of her face, and she quickly turned around and ran into the woods.

Taichi then tackled Yamato to the ground. "What the hell are you thinking?! How could you do something like that to Heza?! You bastard!" He punched Yamato in the face as hard as he could.

Yamato acted as if he didn't even feel it, and threw Taichi to the ground. He stood up and stepped on his back. "... It appears that I am not wanted here. Let's go, ArcticGarurumon." Yamato motioned for the winged wolf to follow him, and began walking off.

Kyoto narrowed his eyes and smirked. *This is going exactly like I planned... Ishida-san makes a good ally.*

*********************************************************** ********

Heza slowly walked out of the woods, approaching the spot where Yamato had first disappeared. She collapsed onto a nearby boulder at the edge of the lake, her face wet with tears. She looked down at the crystal-clear water, her vision blurry. *What can I do to bring you back...?* she thought to herself, wiping her eyes.

She then reached into her pocket and took out a small Swiss army knife. She popped out the sharpest blade and examined it, careful not to cut herself on the edge. *If you're not in my life, Yamato... then there's no reason for me to live...* she thought as she moved a few of her bracelets apart on her right wrist. She looked at the knife, then at her wrist. Slowly, she brought the sharp blade down.


Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly snapped the blade back into the main part of the knife. "Who's there?!" She whirled around to see Taichi approaching her. "Taichi-kun..."

Taichi kneeled down beside the boulder she was leaning against. "Are you okay?"

Heza looked back to the water. "Gee, what do you think?"

"Look... I know you're upset about what happened today..." He then saw the pocketknife in her hand and quickly took it from her. "But it's nothing to kill yourself over..."

Heza turned to look at him. "And why is that? Now that Yamato's gone and joined the enemy, what else is there to live for? I don't have the nerve to fight now..."

"Heza-chan, there's plenty to live for! There's Galaxiamon, and Kamira, and all of us..." Heza blinked and wiped her eyes again. "... And me."

Heza looked at him in surprise. "N-nani...?" Her face softened a bit. "Okay, but... I don't know how I can live with this. It's just like a nightmare that keeps coming back to me..." She then started to cry again. "It just won't go away!"

Taichi sighed. He then put his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her to him. "Shh.. it's okay. Go ahead and cry, let it all out..."

Heza rested her head on his shoulder, crying softly. "I just don't know what to do..."

Taichi sat there for a while, holding Heza while she cried. He then put his hands on her shoulders, and pulled her away from him a bit. "Heza-chan... there's something I have to tell you..."

Heza sniffled and wiped her eyes. "What is it?"

"Well... you know how I would always tease you and Yamato...?" Heza nodded. "Well... it's because I..."

Heza looked at him in confusion. *What is he trying to tell me...? Is he trying to say that...*

"I... well... for a while now, I've... I've been in love with you. I know, you're about to say 'What about Sora? I thought you were with her,' but... it's just that you're such a great person, with a great personality. I don't know how anyont *can't* love you..."

Heza stared at him in shock. "Taichi-kun..." Taichi looked at her, sincerity in his eyes. "I never knew... why didn't you tell me?"

"Well.. I know this sounds silly, but... I was afraid that you would laugh at me..."

"Me? Laugh at you? Taichi, I would never laugh at you -- except when you do something funny, but that's different -- and you know that..."

Taichi smiled. "Hai, I guess you're right. That's what I like about you, you always see the best in people."

"But still... with Yamato gone, I... I don't know what else I can do..."

Taichi put a finger to her lips. "You don't have to do anything..." He brushed a few tears from her face, then leaned over and briefly brushed her lips with his.

Heza's face turned bright red. "Taichi-kun..."

Taichi looked at her and smiled. "Everything's going to be fine. We're going to get Yamato back no matter what."

Heza nodded, a look of confidence in her eyes. "Right."

Just then, Galaxiamon and Agumon came bursting through the trees. "Heza-chan! Taichi-kun!" Galaxiamon shouted, out of breath.

Heza stood up and grabbed her friend by the shoulders. "What is it, Galaxiamon? What's wrong?"

Galaxiamon took a few deep breaths, then looked up at Heza. "Yamato's back! He's got Kinomoto-san!"

"Nani yo?!" Taichi shouted.

"It's really bad," Agumon said. "Li-san's even got his sword out!"

"Oh man. Come on, let's get back there!"

********************************************************** **********

"Ishida-san, what is your problem?!" Sakura shouted, Yamato's arm around her neck.

"Problem? My problem is you, Clow Mistress.. you are a threat to Lord Armageddomon. You ad those cards..." Yamato said.

Syaoran stood in front of Yamato, his sword drawn. "Let her go! Or you'll regret it!"

Sakura took out her wand. "Ugh.. Firey! Earthy! Release and dispel!"

Kero-chan watched as his two elemental cards came out. He felt himself changing into his true form, Keroberos. The armour plating appeared on his head and around his neck, while his wings grew to ten times their size. He stood next to Syaoran, growling. "You will release Sakura-chan."

"Oh really? Not bloody likely. Get that overgrown stuffed animal, ArcticGarurumon!" Yamato commanded, pointing at Keroberos.

ArcticGarurumon and Keroberos began fighting. Kyoto suddenly started clapping. "Well done, Ishida-san. I never thought you could be such a gullible person..." he said, crossing his arms.

Yamato looked at Kyoto in confusion. "Nani? What are you saying?"

"You were lured into my trap by hurting your friends like this... your agression has only made me stronger. Now go, Chiikomon! Warp digivolve!" The NeoCrest of Anarchy began glowing with a great darkness.

"Chiikomon! Warp-digivolve to..."

He grew to many times his size, and armour plating appeared on his head and wings. His eyes, glowing bright red, peeked out from under the steel helmet.

"... IronVulturemon!"

IronVulturemon hovered in the air and looked at Yamato. He powered up a dark ball of energy in his mouth. "Mercury Rising!"

"Rainbow Lightning!"
"Nova Blast!"

The two sudden voices cut off IronVulturemon before he could initiate his attack.

The group turned to see Taichi and Heza running out of the forest, Galaxiamon and Greymon not far behind.

"It looks like we made it just in time," Heza said.

"What in the..." Taichi muttered, looking at IronVulturemon. "Where did he come from?!"

Sakura grabbed Yamato's arm and flipped him over her shoulder. She dusted herself off. "Never mess with the Clow Mistress."

Syaoran dropped his sword and ran to Sakura. "Are you okay?" he asked, taking her hands.

Sakura's nose turned a bit pink. ".. Hai, Syaoran-kun..."

"Let's Digivolve!" Pseudomon said, hovering up to them.

"Greymon! Card-Digivolve to... PharaohGreymon!"
"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon! Birdramon, card-digivolve to... Skydramon!"
"Tentomon! Digivolve to... Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon, card-digivolve to... KingKabuterimon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve to... Togemon! Togemon, card-digivolve to... Demetemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon! Ikkakumon, card-digivolve to... Aquamon!"
"Patamon! Digivolve to... Angemon! Angemon, card-digivolve to... GoldAngemon!"
"Tailmon, card-digivolve to... Nekomon!"
"Ryouumon! Digivolve to... Keromon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"
"Kagemon! Digivolve to... Chimaeramon!"

The eleven Digimon faced IronVulturemon and ArcticGarurumon.

Galaxiamon clenched her fist. "You guys get the bird, I'll take care of ArcticGarurumon!" she shouted.

"Galaxiamon, are you sure? ArcticGarurumon is an Ultimate. Maybe you should try to Warp Digivolve..." Heza said.

"I already know I'm not going to be able to, Heza-chan..." Galaxiamon said.

Heza nodded. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. "Ahh!" She swayed a bit, then fell into Taichi, who helped her stand.

"What is it, Heza-chan?!" Taichi asked frantically.

Heza held her hands to her head and began to talk as if someone else was doing the talking. "The Star-Digi Card... I must be released... only the Ninth Child can set me free..."

"Heza-chan, what are you talking about? What must be released?!"

"She said something about the Star-Digi Card..." Syaoran said. *Wait just a second... I'm still feeling the powers of the next Digi Card... could this be it? Could it be... inside her?*

The pain went away, and Heza stood tall. "I... I know what to do now..." She looked up at Yamato (who was picking himself up after Sakura sent him for a tumble) with fire in her eyes. "Takeru! Syaoran! Restrain him!" she shouted.

Takeru and Syaoran looked at each other and shrugged, then ran to Yamato. They each grabbe done of his arms.

Yamato thrashed about wildly. "Let... go... of me!!" he shouted.

Heza walked toward Yamato. "Ishida Yamato... I am going to try one last time to bring you back to us. If this doesn't work, then all is lost." She took a deep breath. "Yamato, if you're not in my life then I've lost all hope. This morning, when you hit me... it caused pain not only to my face, but to my heart... but I still love you. Every tree on Earth, or every star in the sky could not measure my feelings for you. And that is why I'm doing this..."

Yamato stopped his struggling and watched as Heza walked closer to him, took his face in her hands, and pressed her lips to his.

Taichi looked at them, smiling. *It's for the best... Heza and I weren't meant to be like that...*

A million thoughts and memories went through Yamato's head as Heza kissed him. He remembered everything, from when Heza first arrived in the Digital World, to just before his disappearance. He remembered when Heza's soul was shattered in the battle against Kitusomon, and how MegamiGalaxiamon gave her own soul to save Heza's life. He remembered the fun they had in the last four years, when he gave her the crescent-moon necklace on her thirteenth birthday, when she made head-cheerleader for Odaiba High's team, when they shared their first kiss. It was like a flood; Yamato then felt the darkness in his body weakening.

Kyoto scowled and watched as Heza broke the kiss. She backed up a few steps and looked at the surprised Yamato.

Heza reached into her pocket and took out her pocketknife. She popped out the sharp blade and turned to look at her other friends. "Well minna... it's been great knowing all of you..."

Taichi's face paled. *What is she doing?* "Heza-chan! You're not going to-"

"It's the only way, Taichi-kun..." She nodded at him. "Well... sayonara, minna-san... I love you all... and Yamato..." She turned to Yamato again. "You'll always be a part of me." With that, she drove the sharp blade of the pocketknife into her stomach.

Everyone stared in shock as Heza fell to the ground, blood pouring from the deep wound in her waist.

"HEZA-CHAN!!!" Galaxiamon yelled.

Then, an extremely bright fuschia light poured from the NeoCrest of Determination, much brighter than any of the other lights.

The light covered the entire area, and Yamato felt the darkness being destroyed.

The light reached Kyoto and IronVulturemon, and both of them collapsed in pain. IronVulturemon soon dissolved. Kyoto stood up, trembling as the light began destroying his body. "Well.. it's been fun, but I must be going now!!" Kyoto flashed a bit, then turned into a giant silver dragon.

"What is THAT?!" Koushirou shouted.

"You fools. I am Armageddomon, Dark Lord of the Digital World. You may have managed to foil my plan of destroying the Ninth Child, but she has appeared to destroy herself!" With that, Armageddomon disappeared in a flash of black light.

Everyone turned to look at Heza's wounded body, and stared in shock as a humanlike organism lifted from her body. It slightly resembed MegamiGalaxiamon (PC's Note: GoddessGalaxiamon ^.^).

"This is it! The Star-Digi Card!!" Syaoran shouted. "I was right, is was inside Heza's body!"

Without even being attacked, the Star changed itself into the card. It was like it had been wounded enough when Heza drove the knife into her stomach. The card then hovered over Heza's body, and it began glowing brightly.

Galaxiamon felt herself begin to change.

"Galaxiamon! Card-Digivolve to..."

Her hand began glowing a bright gold colour, and from it came a whirlwind of silver dust. She spun around many times as the dust wrapped around her and formed her new clothing, which consisted of a black-and-blue double-layered skirt that came to about mid-thigh. A golden sash wrapped around her waist, forming a heart in the middle. A black strapless top appeared, covering her chest, while two large stars appeared on it, covering her shoulders. Her hair grew out to resemble a style similar to Heza's, only three different tones of blue. A violet sash grew from the bracelets around her wrists, connecting them. Pink ribbonlike antennae sprouted from her head, and were topped with tiny yellow stars. Black heels appeared on her feet, which had tiny wings on the backs of them, and a crescent moon appeared on her forehead. Her skin turned pink, and her hand, still glowing, formed a wide arc of golden energy. This energy formed a boomerang in the shape of a crescent moon.

"... StarGalaxiamon!!"

StarGalaxiamon stood proud and tall. She looked down at herself, then at the boomerang in her hands.

"WOAAAH!" Koushirou immediately looked at his laptop. "StarGalaxiamon is a very powerful Card-Ultimate. The boomerang she carries is her primary weapon, used in her Star Twister and Crescent Moonmerang attacks. Prodigious!"

Yamato, unable to hold in the darkness any longer, shouted out in pain as a black fog wrapped around him. He collapsed on the ground.

StarGalaxiamon faced ArcticGarurumon, fire in her eyes. "Now listen here. I'm going to take you down."

"If I'm going down, then you're coming with me!" ArcticGarurumon growled and charged at her.

The boomerang in her hands began flashing brightly. "Crescent Moonmerang!!" She swung it like a sword, forcing a beam of energy to fly from it. It hit ArcticGarurumon once, then flew around in a great arc and hit him again.

"Do you think we should help her?" Kamira asked.

"I don't think so, Kami-chan... StarGalaxiamon needs to do this on her own..." Koushirou answered.

ArctciGarurumon recovered from the hit, then powered up his attack. "Northern Lights!" He fired the blast of blue-and-purple energy at StarGalaxiamon.

She agilely backflipped out of the way. She then began spinning around rapidly, her hands held high over her head. "Star Twister!!"

The attack formed a tornado of stars. StarGalaxiamon wrapped her arms around ArcticGarurumon's neck as the twister picked both of them up. ArcticGarurumon flapped his wings to attempt to escape the funnel, but his efforts were useless. StarGalaxiamon then flipped around so her feet were pointing downward, then as the twister widened, she pulled herself and the other Digimon down to the ground. "Comet Rush!" They began falling at a faster pace until all of the stars from the twister dissolved.

The impact from the fall was great; it knocked everybody to the ground. When the smoke from the landing cleared, StarGalaxiamon was standing, Gabumon at her feet. He slowly sat up, a bit dizzy. "What... happened?"

StarGalaxiamon smiled.

The darkness had completely left Yamato's body. He picked himself up, his vision a bit blurry. "Itai..." When he saw the sight in front of him, his eyes widened and his vision became clear as glass. "HEZA!!!" He ran toward her unconscious body, which was being supported by Taichi and Kamira.

Yamato pushed Taichi aside and took Heza in his arms. "Kami-sama..." He looked at the deep wound in her stomach, then slowly pulled the pocketknife out and threw it aside. "Heza-chan... what did you do to yourself?!" he whispered, his eyes watering.

StarGalaxiamon stood watching the whole scene. "No... not again..." she muttered, dropping to her knees. She dedigivolved to Lunamon. "I can't... lose her again..."

"Heza? Wake up..." Yamato said, shaking her a bit. The NeoCrest of Determination was still glowing, only very faintly. "Come on... don't do this to me... I know I've been a real jerk but don't do this! Not again!"

Jyou and Koushirou kneeled down beside them. Jyou took Heza's wrist and pressed his fingers against it. "Whew... there is a pulse. But it's just barely there."

"What can we do to wake her up?" Kamira asked, her face wet with tears.

"Well... it's a long shot, but we can try and stitch up this wound. Hopefully, no major organs were damaged..." Koushirou said, wiping his brow.

"Really, Koushirou-kun? Do you think you'll be able to save her?"

"I hope so..."

"Please try..."

Koushirou looked at the sadness and pleading in Kamira's eyes. He looked at Jyou and nodded. "Okay, we can try..."

Just then, a bright light appeared in the area. It disappeared to leave Gennai standing in the middle of the area. "Now what's happened here?"

Yamato looked up at him, his eyes red from crying. "Heza-chan sacrificed herself to bring me back..."

Gennai scratched his chin. "Hm. A very serious case indeed. I tell you all what, I'll teleport the group to my house. There, Jyou and Koushirou can operate on Heza, while the rest of you can take a nice long rest.

"Sounds good, Gennai. We owe you one," Taichi said.

"Let's go."

************************************************************* ********

Armageddomon lurked around in his fortress atop Spiral Mountain, tending to the wounds he recieved when the light from Heza's NeoCrest had forced him to retreat. He looked to Kyoto's unconcious body nearby. "Curse that Ninth Child... She spoiled my plans... if only she hadn't been so stupid as to do that to herself, I would not have been forced to retreat... Chiikomon is gone; destroyed. I am down to three minions. THREE. And once they are gone I must recruit a horde of fighters..."

An Ogremon ran into the room. "Lord Armageddomon, your final three minions have arrived."

Armageddomon turned his dragon head to look at the three Digimon. Of them, one was Tornadomon, who had assisted in the capture of Kiyonimon. Another one, Hangmon, teld a rope noose in his hands. The final one, Dreammon, was another humanoid Digimon.

"We are here to serve you, Lord Armageddomon..." Dreammon said, bowing in front of the giant dragon. Hangmon did the same, as did Tornadomon (well, to the best of his ability ^.^).

Armageddomon narrowed his eyes at the three Ultimates. "Good..." He then turned to look out a window in the dark fortress. "I WILL avenge you, Kitusomon... you are lucky I survived that attack from MegamiGalaxiamon..."