Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Fistful Of Omake ❯ What If Greylle Raised Ranma? ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Another "Worse Father Than Genma" omake:

Greylle stared. Exe stared. Batt stared.

This was an unexpected crossover.

"'What if Ranma was raised by Thomas Magnum?!" Exe exclaimed. "Okay, I'll give it points for being unexpected. Original. Different. He never meets the Tendo family though, and that *was* one of the major stipulations in these simulations."

"He listens to that little voice and never goes anywhere near Nerima, learns to pilot a helicopter and help out 'Magnum PI' in his later years. Eventually becomes a worldclass martial artist, but operating in Hawaii as opposed to Japan." Greylle nodded, his scales gleaming like a chrome waterfall as he swiveled his long neck to observe the two goddesses accompanying him. "Nice, upbeat, happy, but it does fail one of the major points of the simulation as Exe indicated."

"You know," said Batt, motioning to her friend Exe. "There is *one* potential father for Ranma that I haven't seen who would potentially be *very* different."

"Oh? Who?" The dragon had this odd feeling of danger. Was Ares around again?

Batt cast a spell quickly. "You."


What If Greylle Had Raised Ranma? an omake by Gregg Sharp


"In order to make Ranma a True Martial Artist, someone capable of bringing fame and fortune to the Saotome family name, we must go on an extended training trip." The stocky Genma tried not to look nervous but there were several downsides to staying here.

1) The longer he remained around here, the sooner Nodoka would realize that he was *not* Genma.
2) The longer he remained around Nodoka, the weirder her attempted seduction techniques were getting and he was running out of excuses *fast*.
3) Sooner or later, Genma's past would catch up with him. Either Happosai or Tendo at the very least.
4) He hated fat. He really needed to get this body in shape just so he could deal with it. Yechhh.

"No! You can't!" Nodoka picked up a tea tray to repeatedly hit Genma with but by then her "husband" was already gone. All that was left was a note.

"I will bring back Ranma as a credit to the Saotome name. -G"


Genma considered. How to make this different? If he were to try and follow the script, he'd go down to Kobe where Ukyo and her father were training.

"We go train?" Little Ranma asked, sniffling. Not crying of course. That wasn't manly.

"Yeah, i'm just trying to figure out where." Genma mused aloud. The Amazon village? Nah, Cologne might figure out what he was. Tibet? Maybe. Oh. THAT might work. "Come on, Ranma. i know just the place!"

"Where?" Ranma hitched up his pants and tried to keep up with his father.

Genma grinned. "We're going to go see monsters."

Ranma nodded. He'd remembered that from one of those nights he'd been scared. It was the duty of a martial artist to fight monsters.


A giant carnivorous mole sped towards the boy, intending to make a quick meal.

Fifty feet of gleaming silver dragon turned the predator into the prey.

Ranma's eyes were *huge* as the dragon transformed back into his father.

Genma smirked. "Now *that* is an unarmed combat technique that has some serious power behind it. Heh."

"Food first, training later," said Genma. "We give the mole thanks for providing food and sustenance. Then we make steaks and grill them over an open fire."

A half hour later, Ranma blinked up at his father, having a full belly making him a little lethargic. "Tastes like chicken."


The giant birds tasted more like turkey, Ranma decided after careful consideration.

Genma had remembered enough training under the valkyries to put himself and Ranma through the equivelant of boot camp. He was out to make Ranma a martial artist, and going too soft wasn't an option.

Though there *were* some other things he could do.

Watching the six year old boy playing with the younger girl, Genma nodded to the Professor. "Your daughter has some special needs and talents, and i think it's best if she were encouraged to develop those talents in a manner Japanese society will find acceptable."

The Professor nodded back. "Very well. In light of your previous help. I would never have expected those power spikes to appear, it would have been disastrous had those extra protection fields not been installed."

Genma nodded. They would have allowed a supernatural entity known as Pharoah 90 to send Geramatou to possess Professor Tomoe and then use an essence fragment to corrupt his daughter Hotaru. Seeing Ranma and Hotaru playing together was irresistable. "Say Professor - i've got another idea that might interest you."


The buff martial artist (having worked at it so that he had lost fat tissue and now had thick muscles - except for a slight paunch that seemed to defy efforts at its elimination) whistled a happy tune.

A visit to the Kino household with some forged documents had brought out a generations old agreement to unite the Saotome and Kino clans. Ah well, it had waited this long. If it didn't work out, it could wait another generation.

Little five year old Makoto had fixated on her sempai almost immediately. Seven year old Ranma decided that *this* girl wasn't icky. Kind of like Hotaru-chan in that regard.

Ranma strutted along behind his father. "Where now, Pops?"

"There's ancient martial arts in Tibet, full of secret techniques," suggested Genma.

"We flying?" Ranma's eyes gleamed. He'd seen his Pop shift into a dragon and fly before. Looked fun!

Genma chuckled. "Yes. That might work."



Pages of a calendar begin flying by on the breeze.

Eight year old Ranma, walking up beside his father to a hidden monastery in icy mountains.

Nine year old Ranma, looking very embarassed as shrine maiden apprentice Hotaru heals his hand of a cut. Little Hotaru is looking embarassed too but very very pleased.

Ten year old Ranma, on a Marine base, learning their martial arts and how to drive a jeep while Genma works on souping up other jeeps.

Eleven year old Ranma fighting Thai slavers alongside his father.

Twelve year old Ranma riding an old beat-up motorcycle alongside his father through a montage background of temples and dojos.

Thirteen year old Ranma manifesting huge amounts of chi as he learns the dragonfist. Genma looks suitably impressed.

Fourteen year old Ranma bidding farewell to twelve year old (but just as tall) Makoto. Makoto flinging herself on and clinging until Genma apologetically pulls her off. Ranma just looks embarassed.

Fifteen year old Ranma standing in an arena, holding a massive golden belt over his head.


Ranma looked over the fantastic apparatus built in this lab and tried to figure out the purpose.

"That should do it," said Genma, dusting his hands off. "Professor Tomoe, can you check the accumulators?"

"Everything looks like its working, though I admit the principles seem more a work of fantasy than science." Soichiro Tomoe looked carefully at the device and even though he had been following the blueprints mailed to him, along with some very strange parts, admitted he wasn't too sure about its operation either.

"It's simple enough, are you familiar with the Dreamtime/Overworld concept?" Genma checked a few indicators himself and grunted in satisfaction. Years of working under Hephaestus and later on his own had given him some familiarity with various magical theories.

"No," admitted Professor Tomoe. Ranma (and Hotaru - who was hiding) were both glad of that response as they didn't either.

"Okay, uhm, picture a multi-strata gas giant such as Jupiter... no never mind. Uhm, picture a chocolate parfait. One with several layers. Except the boundaries overlap some. Our existence - the so-called 3Dimensional world (though that's quite inaccurate) is one layer. Partially drifting through the 3Dimensional world is the Astral plane. Your earlier attempts at a microuniverse was actually a dimensional shunt into an underdimension. What we're doing is going slightly up. Though this is a vast simplification."

Ranma nodded. Some form of quantum shift then? Instead of a full etheric shift from 1.0 to 2.0 you were going to 1.5 or something? No wonder you needed stabilizing mechanisms and shield generators.

Hotaru blinked, completely lost.

"I see," said the Professor. "So what is this device supposed to do?"

Taking a deep breath, Genma continued. "There are entities far friendlier than Pharoah 90, Professor. Specifically there are Spirit Lords of each animal type. Hotaru, sooner or later, will become one of Earth's champions against an extradimensional evil. She will be attacked by her own allies, at least two of whom will try to kill her."

"They ain't gonna lay a finger on her," growled Ranma. "Or else we'll see how they handle a Ryunoken!"

Hotaru grinned at the evidence that Ranma-sempai would come to her rescue.

"That's very well and good, Ranma, but not all of her future allies will be intent on striking down Sailor Saturn and if you strike them down it will cause other problems." Genma patted the machine. "Such as all of them deciding to come after you and then Hotaru. Against one or two, you and I can prevail. Against all? Even if we defeat them, we sow the way for other menaces in the future. Hotaru can not win alone. This is what will help."

"Spirit Lords?" Professor Tomoe sat back and examined the machine. Was that a pair of emerald eyes forming briefly in that cylinder. Had they just *winked* at him? Surely not.

"Perhaps a Spirit Champion or Totem would be more accurate." Again Genma tapped the machine. "This simply allows the link to be set up. In defense of the planet or at other times, the Totem will allow the linked person to transform into a Beast Warrior - sort of lycanthropy without the dependence on the moon or tendency to go feral."

"The benefits of which are?" Professor Tomoe was frankly skeptical.

"Increased speed, strength, healing factor, some other abilities. The link could only be forged with the willing participation of both parties. As long as the person is not given to fits of, say, unreasoning anger or evil thoughts, the spirits attracted will be neutral at worst or good at best. That's why the absolute secrecy of this project. The potential for misuse is considerable."

"Hmmm," said Soichiro Tomoe. Maybe they could test this on mice first.


Ranma snuck into the lab. Even after the Ryunoken (Dragonfist) training, after all the special techniques, his Pop still wouldn't teach him how to turn into a dragon. He still wasn't strong enough to defend Hotaru against the menaces in her future?

Well, that was *BULL*. If he could get stronger this way, he needed to. Hotaru and the world - both needed strong fighters.

Besides, he'd learned from years with his Pop - it was easier to get forgiveness than permission.

The device was ridiculously easy. It was even powered up. All he had to do was hit the activation sequence detailed in the cheat sheet, step into the cylinder, and...

Ranma's eyes widened as he saw a shape sneaking away from where she'd been concealed. Hotaru. What had she been...?!

*Why seek you my strength?*

"To defend the world!" Ranma said.

*You say that, but I see truth. Pride. Yet you have other reasons as well. To protect your mate. To protect others. To prove yourself. Yesss. You will do.*

Ranma screamed as power flooded through him.


"You two should be ashamed of yourselves," Genma said sternly. "Do you know what chances you took?"

Hotaru's tail twitched behind her, betraying her agitation. Her ears were flat and her manner downcast.

Ranma wasn't much better. "But..."

"No excuses!" Genma turned his eyes heavenward. "You try your best to raise a child, and what happens the moment your back is turned?"

"True." Soichiro looked disapprovingly at his daughter. "Hotaru, I am very disappointed. Perhaps we should cancel the engagement."

The fur all along Hotaru's spine went up in a ridge and if anything she looked even more miserable. "No, Papa. PLEASE?!"

Professor Tomoe felt his resolve beginning to waver under that tearful look. Hotaru was just old enough to be able to appreciate boys and understand exactly what was involved in a marriage. She wouldn't be able to get married for a few more years yet, but from the way she eyed her fiance and nearly fainted from the resulting blush - she was hardly averse to the concept. "What exactly did they merge with?"

Genma was better at ignoring the pleading look from Hotaru and the sullen look from Ranma. "Hotaru has merged with the Panther Totem. Notice her fur is so black it has purple highlights. Once she gets used to it, she'll be able to change back. Just watch she doesn't pick up too many feline mannerisms and start clawing the furniture. Ranma has the Cheetah Totem. Tsk tsk."

Ranma grumbled something indistinct.

"It could be worse. We could go to Jusenkyo and then you'd turn into a *female* werecheetah."

Ranma, Hotaru, *and* Soichiro shuddered.


"Oh, do we gotta?!"

"Yes, Ranma. Unfortunate. A man must stand by his honor. Fortunately, there are other more pressing engagements so we'll deal with this one quickly."


"Excuse me?" Soun stared. "You're..."

"Genma Saotome," agreed the individual.

However he didn't *look* like Genma. This guy was leaner and far more muscular. He had a long thick mane of silver hair and his glasses were wraparound blue-tinted sunglasses.

"We're just briefly dropping by," continued Genma. "The union of the Saotome and Tendo schools was made improperly, and there are both more important and more pressing claims."

Ranma smiled apologetically. "Nothing can be done. Sorry."


"Besides, i have it on reasonable authority that if we try to unite the two schools, the Master will return."

Soun sat back down. "Oh. Reasonable authority, eh? How reasonable."

"A shrine priestess in Juuban who makes uncannily accurate predictions," said Genma. "For the sake of the world, He Who Must Not Be Named must not return."

Soun deflated. "True. How true. And so we must sacrifice the merger in order to safeguard all of Japan. Ah, the path of a true martial artist is littered in tragedy."

"Besides, you've got to choose one of your daughters to marry that Chardin fellow, remember?"


Seeing her father's hair sticking out in all directions, Nabiki made a wild guess. "Any more engagements you've forgotten to mention, Daddy?"


"So come on," challenged Akane. She really wanted to measure herself against a true martial artist as opposed to the idiots at school. Ranma was supposedly the Heir to the Saotome side of Anything Goes.

Ranma looked over the girl, assessing chi level and general skill. "Nah. Even if I went at 10%, that might still be too much."

Genma nodded. "You should never fight the weak if there is an alternative. Sorry, Miss Tendo."

"Weak?" Akane repeated.

"We ought to be going soon anyway, we have some serious matches to participate in over the next few days," explained Ranma. "You know. Some really strong opponents."

Akane's eyes narrowed. "So you're all talk? Some kind of coward."

"Now she's done it," grumbled Genma. "Okay, Ranma. Just hold back a lot and no transforming! No major chi attacks, and don't use any special manuevers. Treat her like a fragile little girl, you don't want to injure her."

"I already know all that," responded Ranma. "Yeesh."

Akane was beginning to glow blue and twitch. "Don't underestimate me!"

The trip out to the dojo, far from giving Akane time to calm down, caused her to get even more upset. Especially from the flippant attitude the two were giving. Genma was making a bet with Nabiki about how long she'd be unconscious?! Her father was wailing about the imminent death of his youngest daughter? Nabiki was getting an ambulance company set up on the speed dialer? Kasumi was checking to make sure the first aid kit was ready?

By the time they'd taken their places, Akane was more than ready to wipe that smirk off this Ranma Saotome's face.

"Last chance," said Ranma, not really wanting to beat up this girl. "You're pretty cute, I'd hate to humiliate you in a casual yet aggravating fashion."

Normally Akane would respond to being called pretty or cute in a positive manner, however this was just further indication how little regard her fighting skills were being held in. She was Akane Tendo, undefeated champion of Furinkan High School! She was the Heir of the Tendo Anything Goes Martial Arts! She practiced a whole two hours, four days a week! She was going to have to seriously maim this insufferable boy to show him who was really a Master Of The Art.

"Begin!" Nabiki dropped her hand and raised the videocamera. Talk about transformations had intrigued her.

Akane ran forward and threw a punch.

"Too slow." Ranma grabbed, spun, and threw Akane.

Feeling herself flying through the air, Akane reacted in the manner of a really good martial artist, rolling in a flip that would let her land properly.

"Still too slow." Ranma was somehow there ahead of her. He struck, his fists going into a blur that stopped Akane and reversed her direction again.

"Don't make me humiliate you" (zip) "any longer" (zip) "Miss Tendo." (zip)

Nabiki's mouth was hanging open as she watched a game of volleyball where her sister was the ball and both opposing teams were the same guy just moving faster than Akane could fall.

Akane finally hit the ground.

"Come on, Ranma. Stop showing off." Genma sighed. "Your daughter will be fine, Soun, she'll just be a little bruised for awhile. You should have trained her better than that."

Soun went from outraged to sheepish.

"A *little* bruised?!" Nabiki looked at her sister. "Is there any part of her skin that *won't* be bruised?!"

Ranma briefly thought about that. "Uhm yeah. I didn't hit any 'Instant Kill' points or anyplace improper. Uhm, you might want to give her some extra pillows to sit on though. And I'd suggest soft foods for awhile. I was holding back a lot but..."

"We'll have to train you more on working with delicate and fragile targets I see." Genma sighed heavily. "More training. Just when I was hoping we could stick around one place for awhile."


Genma wiped tears away from his face. They made such a beautiful couple. They'd had to wait a few years, but as he understood it these older guy/younger girl pairings were fairly endemic to certain genres of anime.

Sixteen year old Hotaru shyly kissed her husband, the nineteen year old Ranma Saotome.

From wastrel martial artist to world savior. That wasn't too bad.

The extra wards around Happosai's prison meant that the little pervert wouldn't be showing up after all.

Ryouga never met Ranma, never formed a vengeance obsession, and likely had never visited Jusenkyo.

Everybody was happier, right? Except that Genma felt he'd missed something somewhere. Someone wasn't happier. Who? Genma tried to think of who it could be.


Akane Chardin tried to pull the skirt on her maid's outfit down and wondered if maybe Kuno wouldn't have been a better choice.