Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Senior Year Romance ❯ Showering Accdents ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Cardcaptors (*sobs* I wish I did though). Clamp owns Cardcaptors and I don't know who owns Yu-Gi-Oh. I also don't own any of the songs I put in here. The music companies do, but if you wanna sue me, you won't get any money cuz I'm just a broke teenager! (Ha ha! Suck on that lawyers! You will NEVER get my money cuz I don't got none!).

Okay…here's a summary of what's gonna happen. This is a Yu-Gi-Oh/ Cardcaptors crossover. Yugi, Tea, and Joey are moving in with the Kinomotos' for their Senior Year in High School. (This is after he's freed his grandpa). Yugi and Syaoran both fall for Sakura at the same time. How will Sakura choose between them? Also, Kaiba breaks Tea's heart, and Joey is out for revenge. Syaoran + Sakura, Sakura + Yugi, Eriol + Tomoyo, Tea + Kaiba, Tea + Joey. Rated R for language, make-out /perverted scenes/quotes (make-out quote? Hmm… I wonder what that is?), and maybe some violence. Rating is subject to change.

"…" =Talking

`…' = Thinking

*…*= Actions

(…)= Little intrusions of me.

I was grounded from the Internet for a while (bad grades), but I still had Microsoft Word so I decided to type up chapter 2. I'm sorry it took me so long for me to put it up. *bows head in shame* I know I said I would put up 2 and 3 together. Well, I lied. Last night I got a break and my mom let me on. So please don't kill me!(*Runs away from angry fans, screaming*) As I have said many times before and I will continue to say it…if you flame me in grammar/spelling I will hate you forever and I will post your name up here so people can laugh at and mock you! Here's some good news! This is the funny Sakura & Yugi chapter! I hope you guys like it! Notice I moved my rating from PG-13 to R! The R rating is because there is some slight lemon! (VERY SLIGHT!) If was bad this would have a higher rating! Now please read, review, and enjoy!


Yugi, Joey, and Tea were walking down a road, each were lost in their own little world.

`Why can't I stop thinking about that kiss?' thought Tea ` It's the only thing that's on my mind now. Could it be because I have some kind of hidden feelings for Joey?'

`NO WAY!' the other side of her mind told her `I mean this is Joey we're talking about!'

`I know, but it's possible!'

`No it's not.'

`Yes it is.

`No it's not!'

'Yes it is!'

Joey was looking at Tea, watching her face get that weird look it always does when her mind is having a conflict against itself. He smiled. He knew what he was thinking about, because he was thinking about the same thing. Ever since they had kissed, it was all he could think about. He remembered the way her lips felt on his, the way her tounge felt on his, and the passion he felt for her at the time. He hated to admit it, but Joey was falling for Tea.


Joey came out of his trance, and realized he had been caught staring at Tea.

"Earth to Joey. Earth to Joey. Do you read?" said Yugi waving his hands in front of Joey's face.

Joey caught one of his hands and held it there. "Yugi, I'm okay. You can stop now," he said coldly.

`Yep. They were both thinking about it again. Geez, it was a stupid kiss for crying out loud!' thought Yugi.

"Well. We're here in Tomeda," said Yugi pointing at a sign that said, "Tomeda City Limits".

"Great! Now let's go find the Kinomoto's house!" said Tea enthusiastically as she ran down the street. Yugi and Joey both shrugged their shoulders at each other and followed her.

*~*~* five minutes later *~*~*

They all reached the house, all out of breath.

"Do you think this is the place?" asked Joey.

"Only one way to find out," replied Yugi as he rang the doorbell.

Inside the house, the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house.

`That's probably Yugi,' thought Kaiba `I think I'll go to my room and see what happens when he comes in.' He ran up the stairs and shut the door to his room.

"That guy sure is weird," commented Kero from his new home in Touya and Yukito's room.

"No dip," replied Touya, "You're just now finding that out?"

"Why do you hate that guy so badly?" asked Yukito.

"Lots of reasons," said Touya, "His family is my mom's brother's side. Her brother hated my dad, and was totally against their marriage. He did everything in his power to stop the wedding, but all his plans failed. After they were married, when Sakura was three years old, Seto's dad and my dad had a fight to the death. While Seto's dad and mine were dukin' it out, Seto and I got into a fight of our own. He beat me, and he still torments me about it. Anyway, Uncle Kaiba was getting down to the last punches, and last one he aimed at dad's neck, I guess he was trying to break it. Mom jumped in the way at the last second, and the blow killed her. Dad was devastated, but for some reason ever since then, we have called Seto, Kaiba, because he won his fight with me. Some kind of honor thing, or something. We told Sakura that Mom died of a disease so she wouldn't have to bear the pain we have. I don't want her remembering anything."

"One question," said Yukito, "Why is your dad letting Kaiba stay here?"

"Dad believes that the whole forgive and forget thing will try to erase all the pain of Mom," replied Touya

"Oh…" commented Yukito as the trio fell into an awkward silence.

*~*~* Downstairs *~*~*

"That's okay you guys. I'll get it," remarked Fujitaka to himself as he opened the front door. In front of him he saw a guy with red and blond spiked hair, another guy with blond hair, and a girl with medium-length brown hair.

"Hello, Mr. Kinomoto. My name is Yugi Moto and these are my friends Joey and Tea. How do you do?" said Yugi.

Joey and Tea both held back hysterical laughter as they gave each other a look at each other that said, "Yugi? Polite?!" Yugi saw the look and elbowed them in their stomachs.

"Hello Yugi. Come on in!" said Fujitaka, cheerfully, "Touya! Yukito! Sakura! Come on down! Yugi and his friends are here!"

Touya peeked into Sakura's room and was about to say something, when he saw her sleeping on her bed.

`She looks so peaceful,' he thought `Just like mom used to when she slept. I don't think I'll bother her.' He closed the door and ran down the stairs after Yukito to meet their new guests.

"Dad, Sakura's asleep. I didn't want to wake her up. You know how she gets when you try to get her to get up from a nap," said Touya.

"I tell ya…It's a sister complex," Yukito whispered in his ear.

"Shut up Yukito," said Touya in a low, threatening voice.

"Touya. Yukito. This is Yugi Moto, and his friends Tea and Joey," said Fujitaka pointing to each as he said their names, "Yugi. Joey. Tea. This is my son Touya and his friend Yukito. My daughter, Sakura, is upstairs taking a nap upstairs. I'm sorry she isn't here to meet you."

"Aw, that's okay," said Yugi, "I'm sure we'll be able to meet her later." (And will he! Hehe! *grins evilly and then starts laughing like a maniac*)

"Do ya want us to take your things?" offered Yukito.

"No thanks. We can carry them fine! We've carried them all the way from Tokyo. I think we can carry them the rest of the way!" said Yugi cheerfully.

"Okay!" replied Yukito, "Well, let me show you were your rooms are at least."

Yukito started up the stairs with Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Touya not too far behind.

"Here ya go Tea. You'll share a room with Sakura. She's the door to the left here," said Yukito pointing. "Yugi. Joey. Your room is the one two doors down from that. The bathroom's in the middle. There are doors in both rooms connecting to the bathroom. Any questions?"

"Nope," replied Yugi and Joey simultaneously.

"Okay then," said Touya, "We'll let you guys get settled in then."

Tea walked into her new room and shut the door quietly. She quietly got undressed and stepped into the bathroom before anyone else could take it. She needed a shower, and she needed it now. She turned on the faucet and enjoyed the feeling of clean, cool water cascading over her hot, sweaty body. `Mmmm this feels good' she thought.

*~*~* Meanwhile *~*~*

Joey and Yugi opened the door to their room, and they screamed in surprise when they saw who was on the other side…

Tea was just rinsing the conditioner out of her hair as she heard Yugi and Joey scream. She jumped out, wrapped a towel around her, and opened the door that opened into Yugi and Joey's room. When she saw who was standing there, her jaw dropped, and the towel she was holding in place fell to the floor.

"Kaiba…" said Yugi, Joey, and Tea simultaneously.

"Well… well…well… who do we have here?" said Kaiba in a humored voice, "By the way Tea, nice outfit."

Tea looked down and gasped. She reached down and grabbed her towel and wrapped the towel back around her, but not before everyone got a good eyeful of her. She blushed 20 shades of deep red and purple.

"Kaiba, leave her alone!" yelled Joey, "It's not her fault you're here!"

Kaiba chuckled. "No, it's not," he replied.

"Okay… I think I've handled enough embarrassment for a month, let alone a day," said Tea, "I'm gonna go get some clothes on now."

"Good idea Tea," said Kaiba, "and don't show off so much skin when you wear it, okay?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP KAIBA!" screamed Tea.

Kaiba laughed, "Why should I? It's fun making you mad. You look so cute when are."

`Did he just call me…cute?! Is he feeling all right?' wondered Tea.

Joey stared at Tea, looking for her reaction. He saw her face get its funny look again. Her mind was once again battling itself. He felt a jealous pang in his heart. Joey knew Tea liked Kaiba, but he also knew that she felt the same passion he felt for her when they kissed, or else she wouldn't have kissed him back.

Tea looked at Joey and saw a pained expression written all over his face. She wanted to go over there and tell him she didn't give a damn about Kaiba, and that she didn't care how many times he she was cute, that she'd always hate him. But that wasn't true. She had feelings for Kaiba, even though he did act like a jackass sometimes. Loving Joey just wasn't an option.

Meanwhile, Kaiba was looking at the way Joey and Tea was looking at each other.

`Well…well…well…looks like the chihuahua has feelings for the girl, and it looks like she's torn between me and him. Funny. I could use this to my advantage…' he thought. (Such an evil bastard!)

Yugi looked at Kaiba and saw the glint of genius in his eye. `What's going on in that head of yours Kaiba? What are you planning?' wondered Yugi.

Tea cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "I'm gonna go get some clothes on now, see you guys later," she said as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

*~*~* Meanwhile *~*~*

Sakura opened her eyes to see a bed about 10 feet away from hers with a duffel bag on it. She sat up. `Dad must have put the bed in here while I was sleeping' she thought. Sakura heard a door open up behind her. She turned around and saw a girl with a green tank top and blue jean shorts standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Oh you're up!" said the girl.

"I guess you're Tea," said Sakura groggily.

"Yep," replied Tea, "How did you know?"

"We've been kind of expecting you and your friends," said Sakura, "As you can probably tell, I'm Sakura."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you!" said Tea cheerfully.

"You too," said Sakura. She yawned, and stretched her arms and legs. "How long have you guys been here?" she asked.

"Long enough for me to finally take a shower. I'm done in case you wanna use it," Tea replied.

Sakura quickly checked herself and saw that her hair was a mess. "I think I will," said Sakura, " I look like crap."

Tea giggled, "No you don't Sakura. You look fine."

Sakura smiled, "Tea, I think you and I are going to be very good friends."

Tea smiled also, "I think we are too."

Sakura walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She undressed and stepped into the shower. She turned around to turn on the water, but she just stood there and screamed…


Author's Notes: Ooh…cliffhanger. * Looks at everyone's angry faces and majorly sweatdrops (^_^)* * I'm gonna reveal who (or what) Sakura sees next chapter. I'm gonna try to type on this thing everyday, but updates may take a while. As I have said before, I'm on Internet probation. (In other words not totally grounded, but still grounded.) I hope you guys like it! Please review! And thanx to everyone who has reviewed! They are so funny! (and sweet!) I feel so luved ^_^! Peace out and bye peoples! Syaonara!