Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ CardCaptor Sakura Year Round Holidays Special Fics ❯ Valentines Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Here is my special Valentines Day Special fic.

Jigokuinu: Ugh. I hate Valentines Day. Too much mush.

Yorutori: Apparently, I enjoy Valentines Day. It is such a great holiday.

Jigokuinu: You just say that cause you get chocolates all the time from Shinjitaka on Valentines Day.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: *blushes* Jigokuinu! *wacks him on the head* Now everyone who reads the fic knows!

Yorutori: I like your chocolates Shinjitaka-chan.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: *face turns red as a tomatoe* Umm..okay. Well, these are my sidekicks, Yorutori and Jigokuinu-SAMA. (Jigokuinu: >:( JUST JIGOKUINU! NOT JIGOKUINU-SAMA!!) You all know Jigokuinu from my popular MeadiMiner fic, "The Time With You". Yorutori you may not know. Yorutori is my EXTRA best friend from Tokyo! I met him once he moved to Tokyo in the second grade and we've been friends ever since! He's half Chinese and..I always forget the other half..

Yorutori: Do I have to tell you a million times? I'm half Chinese and half Hawaiin.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: <| ^._.^ ;|> Aw, yes, what a strange combination.

Yorutori: Hey!

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Anywhoo, Happy Valentines Day and enjoy the fic...

Jigokuinu: And say how GREAT and HANDSOME I am in a review! *gets whacked on the head by Golden_Eyed_Dragon again* Oww..

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Enjoy the Valentines Day Special Fic!


It was a warm humid day outside, and the chocolate cakes and candies were all sitted out on display in the windows of bakerys to show off to the passing people. It was almost Feb. 14th and we all could guess who was excited...

"Valentines Day is coming!" Sakura cheerfully said as she and her best friend Tomoyo walked down the street.

Tomoyo smiled at friend, "You seem very cheerfull this year for Valentines Day, Sakura-chan."

"Yeah," Sakura smiled, "I love Valentines Day and.. Shaoran-kun is supposed to visit for the holiday!" she stared off with dreamy eyes and her face turning red, "Shaoran-kun..Hanyaaaan."

Tomoyo smiled and took out her video camera, "Yes, I wonder why Li-kun and Meiling-chan didn't come back with us after Chinese New Year? Overall, I can't wait. This means I'll be able to take lots of videos of you Sakura-chan."

"Tomoyo-chan, Look!" Sakura shouted from afar of Tomoyo. Tomoyo walked up to Sakura who was looking in a stoor window, "There is alot of chocolates in here shaped as hearts. I need to get one for Shaoran-kun, he loves chocolates after all!"

Tomoyo nodded, "Yeah. But, who will get you a Valentines present?"

"I don't know." Sakura said, "Surely someone will though!" she than walked into the store, "Let's go look at everything else."

Tomoyo smiled, "I'll make sure to give you something, Sakura-chan." she said quietly and followed her inside.

"Chocolates, chocolates, chocolates," Sakura sang as she viewed the all the set up Valentines Chocolates.

Tomoyo walked up to Sakura, "Why can't we just make chocolates for Li-kun?"

"That's a great idea Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura said. "Hurry! Let's buy some chocolate mix!" she ran over to the mix aisle.

Sakura's house....

"He's coming back?" Kero asked.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah. I can't wait!"

"I don't want the kid here.." Kero sweatdropped.

Tomoyo looked down at Kero, "Eriol-kun is supposed to come over as well."

"Why don't we just have EVERYONE come over for Valentines Day?" Kero shouted. "Wait.. That means everyone will bring candy! And I can eat it all!!" he flew around hapilly.

Tomoyo looked at Kero, "You seem cheerful now that you remember the candy Kero-chan."

"Shaoran-kun..." Sakura said dreamily as she had her eyes closed.

Tomoyo giggled, "I see you can't wait to see him, right, Sakura-chan?"

"I know." Sakura said opening her eyes to look at her friend, "I can't wait until I see him, and than when he purproses to me, and when we get married, and have kids!"

Kero sweatdropped, "You don't think ALL of that will happen when he gets here do you Sakura?"

"Yeah.." Sakura said, starry-eyed.

Hong Kong...

"You don't think ALL of that will happen when you go there do you Shaoran?" Meiling asked her cousin.

Syaoran sighed, a grin appearing on his face, "Yeah..."

"Kinomoto-san will be happy to see you, you know?" Meiling said, "And since we are going there for Valentines Day, you should get here chocolates or a stuffed animal or something males usually give their loved ones on Valentines Day."

Syaoran shook his head, "I can't. I have to wait for White Day to give her something."

"You should give her something on Valentines Day." Meiling said, "Kinomoto-san gave you that chopstick case on White Day."

"It isn't a chopstick case!" Syaoran growled, "It's a pencil case!!"

Meiling sweatdropped, "Same difference.." Meiling walked out his bedroom, "I'm going to go pack my stuff now."

"There too is a difference between a chopstick case and a pencil case.." Syaoran mumbeled quietly as he continued to pack his things.

"I can't wait to go back to Japan." Nakuru said, running around Eriol's house. "Can you Suppi-chan?" she knelt down to look a Spinel Sun.

Spinel Sun had a vain pop on his forhead, "I can wait..And I am not Suppi!"

"But Suppi-chan sound so much more cute!" Nakuru said, "Anyway, master said we will get to see all of our old friends."

Spinel Sun hummfed, "I don't want to go. I don't want to see Keroberos."

"I hope everyone remembers me." Nakuru chattered on, "I hope Touya even recognizes me."

Eriol walked into the room with Kaho by his side, "What are you two talking about?" Eriol asked.

"She is jsut being overwhelmed because we are going to Japan." Spinel Sun told him.

Kaho smiled sweetly at Eriol, "It will be nice to go back. We both haven't seen Sakura-san in awhile."

"Yes." Eriol nodded, "It will be great to see her again. Hopefully she is still cheerful as always." Eriol let out a small giggle, "And I would to see my relative again. Even though, he may not be too surprised to see me again."

Nakuru ran up to Kaho and Eriol, "Hurry! Inspirations, please. What should I give to Touya-kun?" she held up two items, "This diamond necklace? Or these keys?"

"He wouldn't like a diamond necklace." Eriol said, "So, what are the keys to?"

Nakuru put a finger to her chin, "I don't know. I found them on the ground."

"Hey," Spinel Sun smirked, "That is the key to turn your brain for it work. But, hey, you never use it. Might as well give it away."

Nakuru smiled, "Now, now, Suppi-chan you have no need to be embarrassed. We all know this is the key to your brain for it to work."

"My name is not Suppi! It is Spinel! SPINEL!" Spinel Sun growled.

Eriol shook his head, "Alight you two, enough arguing."

"That reminds me master." Nakuru said, "Who is going to give you a present?"

Eriol and Kaho looked at eachother and smiled, "I am sure I'll find out."

Sakura's house...

"Alright." Sakura said placing a bowl into the fridge, "We are done making the chocolate."

Tomoyo nodded, "So we will make the chocolate into heart shapes tomorrow."

"Yeah." Sakura nodded. "Let's go up to my room. Onii-chan should get home soon." Tomoyo nodded and they both went up the stairs to her room.

"You are so kawaii Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo said as she and Sakura reviewed a tape of Sakura transforming Clow Cards into Sakura Cards.

"Tomoyo-chan.." Sakura sweatdropped, blushing.

Kero smiled, "I always was the handsome one."

Sakura walked up to her drawer and took out the Clow Book and opened it, revleaing the Sakura Cards. She took them all out and ruffled throught them to see the Hope Card. She smiled, "Shaoran-kun..." she said sweetly.

The next day it was finally Feb. 14th. Sakura and Tomoyo had finished the heart shaped chocolates for Syaoran.

"That wasn't too hard." Sakura said.

Tomoyo shook her head, "No, not at all." she glanced at the clock, "Our friends should be getting here soon."

"Nani?!" Sakura said. "That means Shaoran-kun is getting here! Hoooeee!!" she looked around, "But I haven't prepared! The house hasn't been cleaned!" Sakura grabbed a towel and mop and ran out of the kitchen cleaning every bit of furniture and wall etc. that came in her way.

Kero came flying down the stairs, "Hey, Sakura, what are you doing?"

"Cleaning Kero-chan!" Sakura said dusting the couch. The sound of the door opening was heard, "I hope that's not Shaoran-kun.." Sakura dreadfully said, knowing she had not finished cleaning.

Someone had walked into the family room to face Sakura, "What? That gaki is coming to our house?"

"Onii-chan??" Sakura said, knowing hat was him. Kero quickly fell to the floor acting like a stuffed animal. Sakura looked up to see Touya standing there with Yukito. "Oh, Yukito-san. Hi!"

Yukito smiled and gave a wave, "Hello, Sakura-san." he glanced at the towel in her hand, "Oh? You are cleaning?"

"Ummm, yeah." Sakura cheefully said.

Touya smirked, "That's out of the ordinary. She usually always makes me do the cleaning around here."

"Onii-chan!" Sakura yelled, "I do alot of cleaning!"

Touya grunted and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. Yukito watched Touya walk into the kitchen and then smiled to, "It's because he is coming, right, Sakura-san?"

"Hoe?" Sakura lifted an eyebrow at Yukito, wondering what he was talking about.

Yukito giggled, "The one you love most."

Sakura blushed crimson, "Y-Yeah..." she said, embarrassed and also thinking about Syaoran.

"Oh yes," Yukito said, rubbing the back of his head, "I had forgoten. Happy Valentines Day, Sakura-san. Here." he handed her a piece of candy. "I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day. I am sure my other form is hoping so, too."

Sakura nodded and glanced at the candy and blushed, "Yukito-san, You don't need to give me anything."

"Well," Yukito smiled, "You are supposed to give things to your loved ones on Valentines Day."

"Yukito-san.." Sakura said, flustered.

"Yuki," Touya said, glancing in from the stairs, "Let's go to my room."

Yukito patted Sakura on the head and went over to Touya, "Okay, Toya." they both went upstairs.

"Ugghh.." Kero moaned, flying back up, "Acting as a stuffed animal is hard work."

Sakura sighed, "Yukito said, 'You are supposed to give things to your loved ones on Valentines Day.' "

"Yes. What about it?" Kero asked, fluttering his wings.

Sakura blushed and hugged the towel, "Then, maybe, just maybe, Shaoran-kun will have something for me as well. Hanyaaaan." she fell over dreamily hugging the towel.

"Oi..Sakura.." Kero sweatdropped.

Tomoyo walked in and giggled, "It seems Sakura is all 'floaty' again, ne?"

"I guess.." Kero answered. "All because of the kid.."

"Here we are Shaoran!" Meiling said happily, turning a corner, dragging Syaoran behind her.

Syaoran was too busy blushing and sweatdropping, "What am I going to say to her, Meiling? What if she is busy? What if she wanted me to come by later? Do I look alright?"

"Say how much you have missed her and you loooove her, and she won't be busy, and she is expecting you by this time anyway, and, you look fine, just like you always do." Meiling said. They reached the Kinomoto's house. Meiling knocked on the door gently waiting for someone to answer, with Syaoran, shivering nervously.

Sakura basically froze when she heard knocking, "Shaoran-kun is here!!" she smiled happily and dazed off into la-la land. Sakura was just about to ran over to open the door until she heard someone go ahead and answer the door.

"Yes?" Sakura heard Touya say, "What do yo-.. You!"

Sakura sweatdropped and ran down the stairs to the door to see Touya and Syaoran having a staring battle, "Shaoran-kun! Meiling-chan!" she said happily.

"Nihao!" Meiling waved as she looked over at Sakura. Syaoran just glanced over and smiled at her sweetly and she did the same back at him. Meiling ran over to Sakura, "Happy Valentines Day, Kinomoto-san."

Sakura smiled, "Happy Valentines Day." Touya grunted and walked back upstairs to his room. Sakura then glanced at Syaoran who was looking at her with his sweet smile and Sakura smiled back sweetly. Meiling looked at the 'loving glances' they were giving eachother and giggled.

"I'm going up stairs with Diadouji." she walked up the stairs to leave the two together.

Sakura gulped, feeling her heart pound, but she let out a breath and smiled once more at Syaoran, "Hi." she said.

"..Hi." Syaoran said.

Sakura than looked around and looked at Syaoran, "Happy Valentines Day Shaoran-kun."

"Huh?" Syaoran glanced at her puzzled, and than smiled, "Happy Valentines Day Sakura."

Sakura walked towards the stairs, "Umm..let's go upstairs, Shaoran-kun. Tomoyo and Kero would like to see you again."

"Y-Yeah." Syaoran said and walked towards the stairs, =What? No present? But, it's Valentines Day!=

Sakura's room...

Meiling and Tomoyo were talking, while Kero was eating chocolates, and Syaoran and Sakura sat next to eachother looked at eachother every five seconds. "So, Kinomoto-san," Meiling asked, "Have you gotten anything yet for Valentines Day?"

"Yeah." Sakura blushed from embarrassment.

Syaoran gasped a little and felt jealousy clutching onto him, thinking some other male had already charmed Sakura. "Nani!?!?!?!?!?!" he hollered madley.

"Hoooeee???" Sakura looked at Syaoran. She wondered why he was so mad all of the sudden, but leaving a giggling Tomoyo and a sighing Meiling and Kero. "I just got a candy from Yukito-san.."

=What!?= Syaoran thought, =He gave her something for Valentines Day?!?! Then I HAVE to give her something. Because if I don't, I won't seem like a good boyfriend.=

Sakura got a ring from her cellphone. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her cellphone, "Moshi-moshi."

"Nice to hear you, Sakura-san." Eriol said on the other line.

Sakura smiled wih joy, "Eriol-kun!" Syaoran froze when he heard that name and growled madely.

"I was wondering, if I and my accompanies can come over, or would you rather come over to my rentaling room at a motel?" Eriol asked.

Sakura shook her head, "No. That's alright. We will come over. After all, Touya is at home anyway."

"Great." Eriol commented, "We shall all be happy to see you. Ja ne." he said and hanged up.

Tomoyo looked curiosly at Sakura, "What did Eriol-kun want?"

"Hey wants us all to come over." Sakura cheerfully said, "Let's go! WAI!"

Syaoran crossed his arms, "Yippe..."

They were all walking down the sidewalk. Syaoran looking around trying to find something for Sakura to give her. =Wait..= Syaoran thought, =She didn't give ME anything. Why should I give her something?=

"Are we there yet?" Kero asked, poping out of Sakura's purse.

Sakura looked at Kero, "Kero-chan! What are you doing here!?"

"I wated to go too." Kero said, "Afterall, I would like to see Suppi. I have to tell him my new record!"

Syaoran sighed, "Stuffed animal.."

They reached a hotel and Sakura examined a paper to find the hotel, they all walked in. "So, which room is he in?" Tomoyo asked.

"It says 304." Sakura said.

Meiling looked at the door, "We are at 78." she smiled at everyone, "Almost there." everyone fell over.

"I could probably sing the song one MILLION bottles of beer on the wall and get through it before we reach the room 304." Syaoran said.

Kero flew out, "Okay! One million of bowls of candy on the wall, one million of bowls of candy. Knock one down, I'll eat it all, nine houndred ninety nine bowls of candy on the wall."

Few hours later..

They walked up the stairs with Kero flying overhead..still signing, "Six thousand and four bowls of candy on the wall. Knock one down, I'll eat it all, six thousand and th-"

"Here we are." Sakura said, they all looked at the door which has the letters 304 on it. Sakura knocked the door and waited. Eriol opened the door and smiled.

"Hello everyone." He said, "Come in." they all headed in the room and got settled.

Tomoyo smiled, "It's nice to see you again."

"Yes," Eriol said, "It has been awhile since I have came here."

Syaoran rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, just why are we over here."

"We will get to that." Eriol smiled at his relative.

Kero flew off and searched around the room, he spotted an open door and flew over to look in. He saw Spinel Sun lying on the couch while reading a book, "Heheh.." Kero giggled and flew in. He went up behind Spinel Sun, "Suppi.." he whispered.

"Wha?" Spinel Sun said, looking back. But nobody was there. "Hmm.." he got up and looked around.

"Suppi.." Kero whispered again from behind the couch.

Spinel Sun looked around, "What? Nakuru? That you?" he looked behind the couch to see noone. Kero than poped out from the fron of the couch and took the book away and placed a piece of candy there instead. "Heheh.." he giggled and hid.

"Maybe I'm hearing things." Spinel Sun than lyed back down to read his book and saw the candy, "Ahhhhhhh!!!!" he screamed, "Get it away!!" he stopped and looked around madely, "Wait. There is only one person that would do this. And that person is so mean, so rude, and small, annoying, loud, and... yellow." Spinel Sun flew up and flew out the door, "Master, Your lemons are around the house again!!"

Kero waited for Spinel Sun to leave fully and than flew out laughing hysterically, "Hahahaha! Lemons!! What a dope!"

"I knew it was you Keroberos." Spinel Sun said, appearing infront of him.

Kero sweatdropped, "Hi Spinel Sun."

"I was just humoring you." Spinel Sun said, "Now, where's my book??"

Kero looked to his side, "I don't know."

"Keroberos!" Spinel Sun growled, "Where is it!!??"

Kero giggled, "I think I put it in the bathroom."

"The bathroom?" Spinel Sun said, "Okay!" he flew off.

Kero laughed and pulled the book from underneath the couch, "Sucker.."

Living room...

"And, so, that's how you play the game." Nakuru explained, holding a hat.

Syaoran grunted, "So, whosever's name I pull out of the hat, I have to give them a compliment?"

"Exactly!" Nakuru said.

Syaoran sighed, "Count me out."

"Shaoran-kun," Sakura said, "Please play. You may get my name."

Syaoran immediatly jumped up, "Okay. Let's play!!"

"Everyone take a piece of paper from the hat." Nakuru said, placing the hat in the middle of everyone, they were sitting in a circle. Everyone grabbed a piece and looked at it.

Nakuru smiled, "I'll go first!" she looked at her paper and looked at everyone, "You are so adorable, lovable, the best person ever, Nakuru!!" she hugged herself. Everyone sweatdropped.

"I think she meant to get herself." Spinel Sun said.

Sakura smiled, "I'll go next." Syaoran smiled, he was so sure of that she had his name, he was just waiting for them compliments. "You are a wonderful, handsome man,"

= Man?= Syaoran thought, =Then it has to be me!!= he smiled widely.

"Eriol." Sakura finished. Syaoran's jaw dropped to the floor.

Eriol smiled, "Thank you, Sakura-san."

"NAAAAANNNIIIII!!!!!!!!!!?????????" Syaoran shouted, basically blowing everyone's hair off their heads. Flames burst out behind Syaoran, "I can't believe this!! Whoever has my name, switch it with Sakura's RIGHT NOW!!" everyone had millions of sweatdrops.

Kero gulped, "Jezz, someone better do it, before Syaoran's bites everyone's heads off with his fangs."

"Syaoran," Sakura said, a little freaked out, "It's no big deal. It's just a compliment."

Syaoran growled, "But still.." he glared at Eriol and hugged onto Sakura.

"Hmm..where have I seen this before??.." Meiling wondered densley.

Tomoyo looked at her paper, "I will go next." she smiled at Kaho, "Mizuki sensei, you are lucky to have Eriol."

"T-Thank you." Kaho blushed. Eriol looked at her weird.

Kaho looked at her paper and smiled, "I can't wait for the wedding, Sakura." she said looking at Syaoran and Sakura.

"Hooooeee!!" Sakura blushed deep red, along with Syaoran

Meiling looked at her paper, "Thanks for warming the room up, Shaoran!" she looked at his red cheeks, she giggled.

"Shut up!!!" Syaoran growled. He looked at his paper and scowled, " are okay, Keroberos.."

Kero's eyes shined, "Really, kid?! Thanks!"

"For a stuffed animal." he said.

Kero growled, "Nani!?"

"You are a human, Meiling." Spinel Sun said. Everyone looked at Spinel Sun weird. "What??"

Kero looked at Suppi, "I stole your book, Suppi."

"YOU WHAT!?!?" Spinel Sun growled, "That's not a compliment!!"

"Heheheheh." Kero giggled.

Sakura giggled looking at Kero, she than looked at Syaoran and smiled, "I almost forgot." she said to Syaoran, she immediatley got his attention, "I have a present for you." she said.

"Really?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura nodded, "Here.." she reached in her purse and gave him a bag of chocolate hearts. "Happy Valentines Day, Shaoran-kun."

"T-Thanks.." Syaoran blushed and took them, taking a bute out of one. "They are delicious." he smiled.

Sakura sighed, "Thank goodness."

=So she DID give me something..= Syaoran thought, =But I have nothing for her...I feel terrible. I have to thingk of something quick..= Syaoran looked around to find something and then just turned to her, "Sakura, I have something for you too."

"Really?" Sakura said happily, "What?"

Syaoran leaned in fastly and kissed Sakura. Sakura blushed deep red and Syaoram pulled back, "Happy Valentines Day." he stuttered.

"T-Thanks." she said, everyone giggled at the two. "I think this is the best Valentines Day I've ever had." she said sweetly and hugged Syaoran.

Syaoran smiled, "Me too."

"Me too.." Spinel Sun said madely, as he held his book all wet from toilet water.

Kero laughed, "So it was in the bathroom."



Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Hey-Hey-Hey-Ho! Welcome once again to the segment "Leave It To Shinjitaka!"

Yorutori: How did you like the story.

Jigokuinu: It was longer than the other one..

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: We are asking for the readers opinion..

Jigokuinu: So? I have my own opinion too, ya know.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: No questions but I will pust some comments.

Rachie- For you not knowing that much about the Chinese New Year, it seems you did a great job.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Ha! *sticks tounge out at Jigokuinu* See! She thinks I know alot about it!

Jigokuinu: Oooh suck-up reviewers..

PikaFlash- Pretty good for a fanfic about Chinese New Year

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Oh yeah! 2 points for me! 0 for Jigokuinu!

Jigokuinu: Ugh!

azn rice princess- ::clap::clap::, nice! short fanfic, and purdy fun and cute ^-^lucky they get 100...heheheeh

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: What do you know? ANOTHER person saying it was good! Ha ha Jigokuinu! They think I do know about Chinese New Year!

Jigokuinu- BE QUIET!

Yorutori- ^_^; You two...Yes, sometimes we don't get 100 though..

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Now, Author's Notes!

*Just if you don't know, about the whole pencil case; It's from the CardCaptor Sakura Manga

*All of this chapters of Holiday fics on this story happen AFTER the whole Hope inccident and stuff.

*Not so sure, but should I make a White Day fic??

*Expect a St.Patrick's Day fic in the next month

*About the whole Meiling thing when she said, "Hmm...Where have I seen this before??..." when Syaoran was hugging onto Sakura, Just think back to the episode where Meiling came and after Sakura caught the Fight Card, Meiling hugged onto Syaoran, member? At the very end. Imagine Syaoran doing that to Sakura. So, Meiling wondered where she saw that kind of situation before. And yes, she did not remember... <|^._.^|>;;

*That "compliment game" well, every Valentines Day at my school in California we play that game.

*Read and Review

Jigokuinu: That's it.

Golden_Eyed_Dragon: Keep an eye out for some of my NEW fanfics (not sure if they will be out soon) and some new chapters to this story and "Stealing Your Heart" (which won't take THAT long)

Yorutori: Ho na!