Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cardcaptors: Clow Reed's Mistake ❯ Cardcaptors: Strange Visions-Ch.16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Maurynna
Author's Note: Okay, I got one reviewer that was not happy with Li. Apparently...I make him seem like a weakling, or something like that. I'm sorry if he comes off that way...but...Li is NOT the main character of this story. Never will be. So, I haven't been focusing on him as much as maybe I should. I'm sorry if this doesn't please you *shrug* but I don't really care. I'll change Li if I change Li...that's all I can say. Hope that wasn't rude...
And thank-you to everyone who has been reviewing and has stuck with me. ^______^ You all get a super big grin!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors nor do I claim to. I am not getting paid for this so please do not sue me!
Cardcaptors: Strange Visions-Ch.16
After doing some pretty nifty James Bond sneakiness stuff(wow...what a sentence! ^_^a) Sakura managed to sneak back into her house yesterday without any problems. However, she was beginning to think the sneaking in part had been the EASY part...
"Sakura? Where are you going so early in the morning?"
Sakura mentally sighed, half exasperated, half nervous, as she turned to face her brother. (Oi!...haven't seen him in a few thousand chapters!)
Tory(God how I want to write Touya!) stood with his arms crossed, a seriously I-am-your-brother-and-I-will-know-what -you-are-doing-and-where-you-are-going look on his face.
Sakura scratched the back of her head nervously, "Ummm......I was going to the park. I have to meet Li, I mean Madison! there this morning!" she smiled her best smile at him.
Tory stood ready for the ceiling to come crashing down on his head. "Uh-huh." he said in a monotone. He tilted his head to the side and looked at Sakura in the way he knew made her nervous. "You seem to be going out a lot lately."
"Yeah, well," Sakura laughed nervously. "Can't I go out and be with my friends? Geez, Tory! you're not my keeper!"
Tory continued to stare at her. "I may not be your keeper, but I couldn't help but notice that you avoided coming down to breakfast this morning...waiting until AFTER Dad left."
Sakura gave him what she hoped was a blank, innocent, look, "Why, Tory, whatever do you mean?" his eyes narrowed. Sakura hastily continued in a much more Sakura~ish fashion, "I didn't WAIT for Dad to leave, oh dolt of mine," Tory gave her a smirk and Sakura stuck her tongue out at him, "I just slept in. Sheesh! You'd figure I'd be able to get my needed twenty hours of sleep per day! But NO~OOO!!"
"And what are you doing carrying that raggedy stuffed animal around with you....again?"
Sakura nearly missed the question it was such a change in topic. However, she was still fast enough to grab Kero from her sweater pocket and clamp a hand over his mouth before he could blast the ignorant Tory for his rude comment. Making the hold she had on the Guardian Beast look as if she was only showing him off, she said, "Like you said Tory, I've got issues." she grinned cheekily at him. "Well, if the interrogation's over, I'm gonna go now." she turned to leave.
"Just one more thing," Tory asked.
Sakura turned back around.
"Why are you wearing a damnably long sleeved sweater in summer?"
Sakura mentally winced. So you wouldn't have a break down and freak out once you saw my arms. she thought wryly. "I was cold this morning."
"I see." he said in that voice that meant he didn't.
Grinning nervously, Sakura backed out the front door. "See you later Tory!"
Unfortunately, Tory-being as suspicious and over protective as usual-didn't believe her. Waiting a good five seconds, he threw on a light jacket and re-opened the front door. Trying to act inconspicuous, Tory discretely followed his younger sister to the park.
Sprinting past everyone on the park path, Sakura raced to the King Penguin slide. Kero, having been previously in Sakura's pocket, now flew by her ear. "Sakura, tell me again why you think you need to be faster than a speeding bullet?" Kero asked dryly.
Huffing and puffing, Sakura replied, "Because, I said I would meet Li at eight o'clock. Since I woke up late, and was then deterred by Tory, I am what they refer to as 'fashionably late.' I don't want him to think I'm not coming."
"That's probably exactly what he would like to think." Kero muttered, still uneasy about this whole business.
Coming up on the penguin slide, Sakura stopped near a bench, doubled over slightly, and put her hands on her knees, concentrating on breathing. "Sorry...I'm late...slept in..." she huffed, not looking up.
"We kinda figured that Sakura." an amused voice said.
Sakura looked up in surprise. "Madison!? What are you doing here?" something off to the side caught her eye. "Yue!?!" Li was there, just like he said he would be, however, it appears he decided to bring reinforcements. "Wha'...?" all Sakura could do was stare dumbly at the group. No one had bothered to inform her of this!
Madison grinned. Scratching her head, she said, "Weeellll.....I know Li said he was going to be here, but, I decided to come along too, just in case anything went wrong." seeing the glare Li was aiming her way, Madison quickly held up her hands. "Not that anything WOULD happen with you here, that is!!" lowering her hands and placing one beside her mouth so that it was hidden from Li in a blatant move that suggested he wasn't supposed to hear, and then speaking loud enough so that he COULD hear, Madison winked at Sakura, "I expect Yue's here for the same reason." she whispered loudly.
"I suppose there's no talking you out of this?" Li stated. Not a question.
Sakura shook her head. "I really want to learn Li." she said, looking into his eyes. "You don't understand. You've always had your magic, you were trained how to use it, at a very young age. But I've never been able to use Magic, REAL Magic! I want to know Li, I want to know what it feels like." she finished.
Li shook his head slightly. Sighing and looking up into the sky-whether it was to ask God for patience or someone else he didn't know-Li said grudgingly, "I suppose I can understand that, Sakura." looking at her with a suddenly intense stare, he finished, "But I still don't like the fact that you could be in danger. You can't trust those Cl...the Forgotten."
Sakura smiled slightly, touched that he was worried about her welfare. "Don't worry Li, everything will be fine! I have you, and Kero, and Yue, and..." Sakura stopped mid-sentence, furrowing her brow. Then, grinning, she said, "And Madison! Who will photograph Rage and Love to death if they try anything!"
Madison stuck her tongue out.
Sakura had to cover up her laughter so that Madison didn't smack her. So, as a second option, she removed her sweatshirt-it really was too warm for long sleeves. Underneath, she had on a white spaghetti strap shirt. Sakura looked up in time to see Madison wince and Li narrow his eyes. Looking back down she observed the scabs scattered all over her arms. The larger, deeper cuts she had wrapped up in bandage. Shrugging and hiding her own feeling about her poor arms, Sakura grinned, "What? You didn't expect me to wear something like that did you? God! I'd boil!!"
Madison smiled slightly, willing to pretend that was all she had been interested in. Li just continued to stare at her as if to say, "Those are your fault! You never should have even considered fighting Rage at all!"
As the silence continued, Yue abruptly steeped forward and then past the trio, his wings rustling behind him. Looking over his shoulder he asked, "If you intend to do this Mistress, I suggest we get going. Rage will have already sensed you and Li Syaoran."
Shrugging, Sakura followed after Yue. Madison quickly followed her, chattering a mile a minute in order to forget about certain nasty thoughts that were circling in her head. Li followed more slowly, his hands in his pockets, thinking. Kero abandoned his post near Sakura and rushed on ahead to float beside Yue.
Sakura kept her head turned towards Madison, making sure that she had half an ear on the conversation, but her eyes followed Kero and Yue. She knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but, as soon as Kero began talking quietly with Yue, Sakura strained to listen.
"I can't believe you're going along with this! Encouraging her!!" Kero whispered furiously.
Yue continued to keep his eyes on the trail. "And what would you have me do Kero Beros? She is my Mistress and I her guardian. I cannot order her not to go. Further, I am not encouraging her."
"Oh? And what would you call going along with this without so much as a complaint?"
Yue turned his head slightly this time to regard Kero, "If you are so upset about this, why do you not say something yourself?"
Kero threw his hands up in the air. "As if I haven't tried!" calming down a bit, Kero continued, "I don't like this. The Rage card has proved quite nicely that he can hurt Sakura anytime he wants. I don't know why he hasn't killed her yet. Not that I'm complaining you understand! And another thing...I don't like the fact that Sakura seems to have a soft spot for him. She's convinced that there's some good in him for some reason known only to herself. I think Rage might have figured this out. What if he uses this against her? Uses her faith in him to gain her trust, and then betray her, the ultimate revenge!"
Sakura's eyebrows raised in surprise. Was that a chuckle she heard escape Yue? She couldn't be sure because he was speaking again,
"You think that, perhaps, he might get her to...fight with him?"
Kero shrugged. "Something like that."
Yue shook his head. "He would never so that." he said it with such conviction that Sakura wondered, again, exactly how much Yue knew about Rage.
"Why?" Kero asked. Sakura imagined he was just as curious to hear Yue and Rage's story as she was.
Yue looked as if he was considering something. Then, shaking his head slightly, he said, "It is not his way. He would rather die before stabbing someone in the back. It is not honourable."
"Even if that someone was his sworn enemy's descendant?" Kero asked slyly.
"Even then." Yue replied without hesitation.
There was a short silence, then, "You just make sure you're on your guard, Guardian of the Moon. I can't do much in this form, but you certainly can."
"I will protect her, Guardian Beast of the Seal, do not worry about that."
Sakura pondered what they had said in silence. How could Kero think that she would betray them? No matter what Rage said, even if he did prove that his intentions were good, gained her trust, if he had asked her to fight against her friends,... Sakura's thought path trailed off. Never, I would never do that.
Yue and Kero continued on in silence for the duration of the trek. Madison continued chattering on about Sakura knew not what. Sakura was anxious, and not a bit worried. She wanted to learn how to use sorcery, but, what if she couldn't? Kero, even Li had tried to teach her sorcery in the past, but neither had had any luck. Kero claimed it was because, even though Li knew some sorcery, he was not an actual sorcerer, not like there used to be. And Kero said his failure was due to the fact that he was not in his true form. If he could transform, he claimed that he would be able to show her exactly what she needed to know. He said a big part of sorcery often involved visual, as well as vocal, teachings. However, Sakura was convinced that the failure was on her part.
Sakura wiped the back of her hand across her forehead. The heat wasn't so bad, but it was still rather warm, and Sakura hated to admit it, but she was sweating a bit. Sakura hated to sweat, it was messy and it made her feel sticky and dirty. However, she really didn't see any way around her little problem. Glancing back at Li, she noticed that he looked quite cool and unaffected by the heat. Come to think of it, for as long as she'd known Li, she'd never seen him sweat. Odd.
Sakura must have been staring at him for longer than she had thought because Li suddenly looked at her and raised his eyebrow. Blushing slightly in embarrassment, Sakura said, "I was just wondering...doesn't the heat bother you?"
Li shrugged. A small smile played about his mouth. "If you concentrate Sakura, the heat won't bother you."
Sakura placed her hands on her hips, still walking. "Oh really? Well, no matter how much I concentrate, Li, I can assure you that no amount of that will make the heat seem any less."
Li shrugged again, but he looked slightly uncomfortable this time. "I...I'm using Magic to aid me, Sakura." he said reluctantly.
Sakura could have smacked herself in the forehead. Of course! She should have guessed! And she just had to push it. She realized that Li hadn't wanted to tell her he was using Magic because he knew how much she resented that she could not. And a familiar little pang in her gut made her realize that she was still resentful. Smiling brightly to dispel the feeling, Sakura decided she'd much rather be optimistic then pessimistic. So, she decided to find out how he did it as she was curious anyways,
"How are you doing it? You said to concentrate, what else do you have to do?"
Li gave Sakura a considering look for a moment, as if he couldn't believe she felt as cool as she looked the last time he had tried to teach her how to Magic running through his mind. It had been five years ago, before she had left for Canada. Li squelched the immediate hurt that sprang up inside of him. It had been their sixth time trying. After the unsuccessful attempt to teach Sakura how to reach inside of her to gather her energy to say the element chants correctly, Sakura had burst into tears, announced that she was never going to be able to to this, and then she had run off.
Shaking his head and dispelling the image of Sakura's tear bright eyes, Li said, "Concentrating is the key, Sakura, but it really doesn't take any Magic to do it." Li paused, trying to think of how to explain this so that she might understand. "You don't need to access any Magic at all, really. It's more like, feeling around the edge of your Magic, probing the very beginning of it." Li raked a hand through his hair at Sakura's blank look. "When you reach for your Magic," he began again, "There is a blank space, a void, before you tap into your energy. When you reach that blank space between self and Magic, you stop. Then, when you're in the void, you concentrate, and physical awareness melts away somewhat. You'll still feel pain if it is great enough, but you won't feel the heat, or the cold. Also, most of your emotions will be blanked out as well." lowering his voice to a grumble, he finished, "You don't feel as strongly as you should."
By this time, Madison was looking at Li askance, so was Sakura. Kero was looking over his shoulder with an impassive look upon his face. Yue had a sympathetic look in his eyes and an understanding air about him.
After a few seconds of the uncomfortable silence, Sakura couldn't take it anymore. Grinning, she said lightly, "Well! That proves I don't have any Magic because I have no idea what you were talking about!"
"We're here."
Sakura turned back around and blinked. Glancing at Yue, she asked, surprised, "Already?"
Yue smiled slightly, "It would appear so, Mistress."
Sakura blinked and looked around her again. Okay, apparently, she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings at all. But, she couldn't fault what Yue had said, because, the trees around her definitely looked familiar, can trees look familiar? and Sakura knew they were right beside that clearing with the willow tree and little splashing brook she seemed to be so fond of visiting now. Sakura knew she'd been here too much if she could recognize the trees.
Her smile appearing back on her face, Sakura said, "Well, what are we waiting for?"
As she was about to step forward, Li placed a gentle hand on her arm. When she glanced at him in question, he shook his head slightly. Moving in front of her, he reached behind him and unclasped his sword sheath, ready. Sakura looked exasperated.
"Really, Li. There's no need for that I'm sure."
Li didn't spare her a glance. "I need to be sure Sakura. Just because you're sure doesn't mean there isn't reason to worry." Li entered the clearing.
Sighing, Sakura followed right behind him. She jumped slightly as she felt something whispery soft rub across her back. Glancing behind her, she realized it had been Yue's robes, and that he wasn't a foot away from her. Throwing up her hands, she exclaimed. "Okay! If I wanted this much protection, I would have hired a bodyguard!" pausing as if she was considering something, Sakura then amended, "No, if I was going to get as much protection from bodyguards as I'm getting from you two, I'd have to hire a whole pack of bodyguards!"
Turning back on her heel, she trudged towards the willow tree. Stopping and leaning against the trunk with Yue at her side, she glanced about her. Seeing only Li standing at attention and a whole lot of trees, Sakura frowned,
"Where is he?" she questioned out loud.
"Right here."
Looking up, Sakura found herself looking into a pale face. She only knew one person who always looked that pale.
Rage dropped down from his perfect hiding place among the thick branches of the tree and landed gracefully on his feet, like a cat. Smiling slightly at the surprised look on Sakura's face, he said, "Welcome to my humble abode." and then bowed dramatically, mockingly.
Wiping the surprised look of of her face, Sakura crossed her arms over her chest and said dryly, "You like making big entrances don't you?"
Rage shrugged. Glancing about him quickly, he took in and then dismissed everyone else. Sakura noted, however, that his gaze stayed on Yue much longer then it had on everyone else, "I see you brought the whole gang." he remarked.
Sakura shrugged, imitating him. "Yeah, well, I hadn't exactly planned on that. They all just sort of...followed me."
Rage glanced at Kero and Li and smiled slightly, "Like well trained lap dogs." he commented calmly.
Li scowled and took a step forward. Yue shook his head at him.
Sakura favoured Rage with a disapproving frown. "If you two can't get along I'll leave now and hope that the next time we get together you'll both stop acting like school boys."
Li looked slightly embarrassed by Sakura's comparison. Rage simply raised one eyebrow.
Smiling slightly, Sakura said, "Speaking of lap dogs...where's Love?"
Rage's slight smile disappeared completely and Sakura couldn't help but notice that her not-so-accidental jab had hit home, "Love, is nothing like that. He goes where he pleases of his own will." Rage gritted out.
Sakura tilted her head to the side. "Is that so? Well, so does Li and Kero, Madison and Yue. You keep that in mind before you go and insult them again."
Rage dipped his head slightly, conceding defeat. "Of course. That was rude of me. Forgive me."
Sakura grinned. "I'm not the one you should ask forgiveness of." one look at the incredulous look on Rage's face almost sent Sakura into fits of giggles. "No...I'm sure that them...when you feel ready to." she said around the urge to laugh. Calming down a bit, she ventured, "Sooo...where is Love? Is he here and is waiting to make his own grand entrance?"
Rage eyed her for a few seconds before his version of a smile reappeared. "Love on his own business at the moment." lowering his voice, he muttered, "However, he promised he'd be here before long. Said he wouldn't miss this for the world." then, even lower, "Cheeky bastard."
Sakura wondered what sort of 'business' Love had to take care of, and then thought she might not want to know. Inevitably, her thoughts drifted back to yesterday, when Rage had taken Yue's sword through the shoulder. She glanced at Rage's shoulder, now covered by the apparently mended white silk shirt. She didn't know quite what she had expected to see, but there was no blood seeping through, no crimson stain on the fabric.
"Is there something on my shirt?"
Sakura looked up when Rage had uttered that amused question. Glancing into his eyes with concern, Sakura asked, "So, Love did heal you, then? Everything went off without a hitch? You're fine now?"
Rage took on look at those concerned green eyes and found that he didn't ever want to look away. What was it about her that drew him so? There was nothing special about her, nothing different from any other human that he had seen before. Except, of course, that she was more beautiful, more courageous, more willful,... Rage cut himself off in mid thought. Why was it, that whenever he seemed to be with her, all he could think about were things like this? How could she reduce him to obsessed youth who acted like she was the only thing in his universe? How did she reduce him to a weakling? Rage felt an all too familiar cold begin to seep through him. How did she reduce him to a weakling?
"I'm fine." Rage said coldly. Walking away from Sakura's confused look at his attitude, Rage began unbuckling his sword. "Let's start the lesson."
Kero settled himself on a branch above Sakura's head. Glaring at Rage, he said, "If anything goes wrong..." he let the threat hang in the air.
Rage narrowed his eyes, "You just mind your own business, wizard."
Sakura rolled her eyes. Trying to break the staring contest Rage and Kero were having, she asked, "What do you want me to do first?"
Breaking eye contact with Kero, Rage looked to Sakura. "We'll start with the basics. Did you bring Clow Reed's cards with you?"
Sakura flashed him a card and then quickly put it away again, grinning, "Of course."
"Good." Rage set his blade down on the grass and sat down beside it. Looking up at Sakura, who was finally taller than him, he said, "Sit."
Sakura sat across from him.
Glancing up at the rest of the gang, Rage said mildly, "You all might as well sit down, this is going to be a while."
Madison immediately took a seat, not seeing any reason why she should have to stand for God knew how long. Li just crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the side of Rage's head. Yue grimaced slightly, remembering the last time he had sat down on the earth and the trouble his wings had given him. So, instead of sitting on the ground, Yue picked his feet up off the ground and sat cross-legged on air, his wings comfortably hanging lazily behind him. He rested his chin in his hand and prepared to watch the proceedings. Madison grinned up at him, finding his position and the reason for his being there amusing.
"Now, you have not used Magic before, at least, not that you know of, ever?" Rage questioned.
Sakura shook her head.
"Okay, first thing you have to realize, your power over Clow Reed's cards, your ability to transform his former staff, that is Magic." Sakura began to protest but Rage held up his hand. "Yes, most of what you do happens to be due to the fact that you are related to Clow Reed, but the means is still Magic." Rage placed his hands on his knees and eyed Sakura, thinking, "When you are controlling the cards, when you wield the wand, do you ever feel anything? Something filling you?"
Sakura shook her head again. "No, I feel exactly like I always feel. I mean, I feel happy when I use the Clow cards, but that's it."
Rage shook his head. "That could mean more than one thing." he paused, thinking again, "What about when you sense Clow cards, when you sense me. Do you feel any different then?"
"No. I just concentrate a bit, and I can sense a Clow card."
"Maybe we'll start with that then. You can sense us, which is a start, but it's not good enough. You need to be able to tap into Magic so that you can sense us more strongly, then you'll be able to get a better sense of our location. Also, if I can, I'll teach you how to hide your energy so that others won't be able to sense you."
Sakura sat up straighter with interest. "You can do that? You can hide yourself from other cards?"
Rage nodded. "It isn't so difficult. That day we fought, Love and I had hidden our energy from you. That is why you could not sense us that day." he smiled slightly. "I was slightly impressed that you were able to find us. What?"
Sakura had been looking at Rage askance since he began speaking. Frowning in puzzlement, Sakura said slowly, "But...I did sense you that day."
It was Rage's turn to sit up straight. "Excuse me?"
Sakura looked up at Kero for help, but he was giving her the same look Rage was. Surprised, a bit wary, disbelieving, incredulous. She looked back at Rage. " first...I sensed you just fine. Then your energy just seemed to disappear. I was wondering at that, and I kept trying to sense you. Then, when I got close to where you were, I sensed you again, along with Love." she glanced around at everyone. Yue was staring at her and Li looked slightly uneasy. Kero had a dumbfounded look to him and Sakura thought he might just fall off his branch. Returning her attention to Rage once more, she asked, "What's wrong?"
Speaking slowly, as if he was piecing together what she had been saying, Rage said, "You were able to sense both of us, separately, and you were able to tell that one of us was me, because you had sensed me before? You can recognize specific energy forces?"
Sakura looked around nervously. "I don't understand. What's the problem?"
"You shouldn't be able to do that, Mistress." Yue said quietly. Sakura turned to face him. "No one has been able to distinguish who's essence is who's."
"And no one should have been able to sense me at all." Rage said quietly.
Sakura turned to face him. "Why not?"
"Because, I was shielding my energy from you. Just ask the wizard and the boy. They could not sense me, but you could for some reason."
"So what...what does that mean?" Sakura asked uneasily.
"It means," Rage said quietly, "That you're a lot stronger than you think you are," he smiled. "And you don't have a clue how to use Magic." he sounded vastly amused, but underneath the amusement was a slight hint of worry.
Sakura glanced around at all the uneasy faces. "Yeah..." for lack of anything else to say. "So...what now? Can you still teach me Magic?" she asked, half hopeful, half fearful.
Rage nodded. "I can. However, I'm not exactly sure where I should start now." his brow drew down in thought. "You are using Magic, whether you want to believe it or not, but, apparently, you're not tapping into your Self to do it." he smiled a one sided smile. "I must admit, I have never heard of it's like before. Well...I guess we should start with something simple, something you know." Rage gestured in front of him. "Place Clow Reed's cards down in front of you, face down, in even rows. Shuffle them first." Sakura proceeded to do so.
Kero frowned down disapprovingly from his high perch. "I don't really think she should be doing this, well, I never thought she should be doing this. But what I mean is that it's extremely dangerous to meddle in sorcery if you're not sure what you're about." Kero's frown intensified. "You could well harm her in some way...or was that your plan all along?" he asked slyly.
Rage simply looked at him. "I am well aware of the risks, wizard. Do not assume to preach to me. I will take this in slow steps, do not worry. When I feel it is safe to move on I will."
"Okay. Done." Sakura said.
"Good. Now, what do you know about the cards? Has Kero Beros taught you how to use them at all?"
Sakura scrunched up her face a bit in confusion. "I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, but I know how to read them, like Tarots." she supplied, in what she hoped was helpful.
"That's it?" Rage tamped down his astonishment. Was the wizard that incompetent? Rage shook his head. "We'll start with that."
"Oh no you won't." five heads turned in the direction of the trees. Rage was the only one not surprised. "You're not starting the show without me." Love said grinning, appearing as if out of nowhere.
Rage sighed. "I was hoping your oh-so-important business would keep you from making an appearance."
Love scowled, but there was no heat in it. His eyes shone with mischief. "I aim to please." Love strolled jauntily over to Rage and plopped down unceremoniously beside him. Reclining on his elbow, Love grinned at everyone and waved, as they were still watching him, enjoying the attention he was getting. His eyes settled on Yue and his smile seemed to cool somewhat. "You've come to terms with the angel then have you?" he asked, seemingly without much interest.
Rage glared at him. "I need to be able to concentrate, Sakura more so. In other words, behave yourself and keep your mouth shut and the world will be a happier place." Rage turned his attention back to Sakura, then swiveled it back to Love, and said in an afterthought. "If you do not be quiet I'll remove you."
Love simply turned his head, safely supported in his hand and then elbow, and said, "You see what I have to put up with?"
Rage ignored him.
"As I was saying," Rage continued, "We'll start with that, but something more basic, I think. You can read the cards, but seemingly without the aid of your Magic. What you need to try and do is reach your Magic while handling the cards." Rage used his index finger and tilted her chin up to make sure he had her complete attention. That, of course, was merely an excuse to touch her. "I want you to attempt to read the cards, but when you do so, concentrate. When you touch a card try and feel it's energy. When that happens, let it soar through you, and when you are filled with it I want you to reach out and grasp it, hold it. If you can get that far, you should be able to feel a slight tingle in the back of your mind. That would be your Magic. Reach for it. If you manage to catch hold of it, keep it tightly leashed or your inexperience might cause it to run rampant, and that could be disastrous." Rage removed his hold on her grudgingly. "Do you understand?"
Sakura nodded. "I'll try." she reached for a card.
Rage grasped her wrist and shook his head. Letting go, he said, "No, not that way. You must close your eyes."
Sakura frowned. "Why would I need to do that? How will I see the cards and know which one to pick up?"
"Closing your eyes will enable you to concentrate better. And do not worry about the location of the cards, they will guide you to them." Rage said calmly.
After a last look at Rage, Sakura closed her eyes. She reached out with her mind and tried to grasp the sense of the cards. She figured she would start with that since she knew she could sense the cards since she was fourteen. Sure enough, their energy was there. Following Rage's instructions, she tried to take hold of it and draw it to herself. Wanting to jump for joy when she felt the energy enter her, Sakura smiled. It was hard though, and it felt odd. Sakura got another sense and, not knowing what she did, tried to draw that to her as well. Almost immediately, she felt two hands on her shoulders and Sakura's eyes popped open.
Rage's face was not more than an inch from hers. With a cornered, panicky look in his eyes, that immediately had Sakura worried, he said, "Let go. Draw no more to you." his voice sounded strained.
Sakura glanced over his shoulder at Love who had sat up. He had almost the same look in his eyes, but his weren't panicked, just concerned. Concerned for Rage apparently. Why? Love looked like he wanted to do something but didn't know what.
Shrugging, Sakura released the cards' energy. Rage withdrew his hands from her shoulders and sat back, looking extremely relieved and trying to hide it. Frowning in puzzlement, then worry that she might have failed after all, Sakura asked, "Did I do something wrong?"
Rage didn't answer her immediately. Love raised an eyebrow at him in a silent inquiry that only the two of them seemed to understand. Rage shook his head slightly, apparently indicating no, and a reassurance, if the relieved look on Love's face was anything to go by. Replacing the blank mask, Rage replied in a monotone. "You did nothing wrong. Try it again. This time, however, if you feel anything besides the energy from the cards, do not reach for it."
Sakura nodded slowly, wondering what was really going on, but knowing that asking would only get silence as an answer. Closing her eyes again, Sakura reached for the cards. It was easier to draw them to her this time, and Sakura had a better time holding the energy. She felt that odd presence again, the other sense, just outside of her, but declined reaching for it again. She knew it wasn't a Clow card that she had missed, because it didn't feel like a Clow card. There was something different about it, but Sakura couldn't place what and couldn't identify it. So, ignoring the other sense for now, she concentrated harder on the energy within her, trying to feel more intune with it.
Sakura searched for that tingling awareness in the back of her mind that Rage said should be there, indicating her Magic, her Self. Nothing was there. Disappointed, Sakura intended to let the energy go again, convinced she had failed once more. However, she was stopped from doing so when her left hand seemed to move of it's own accord. Feeling surprised, in a sort of detached way, Sakura waited to see what would happen. Her eyes still closed, she picked up a Clow card and turned it right side up, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to see it.
Suddenly, an image appeared in her mind and shocked Sakura even more. She knew which card it was, "Sword card." Sakura's voice was eerily detached. Sakura mentally noted that it even sounded creepy to her.
A vision struck her out of nowhere. She saw a grassy meadow, right near a small town. Something was odd about the town though. She didn't see any cars, or skyscrapers, or even a house like hers! She saw cobbled streets, and horses, and simple, straw and wood houses. A commotion behind her drew her attention away from the town, however. Sakura turned around. She saw two figures in the horizon. Both had swords drawn and were battling each other. She couldn't quite make out who they were...but she could tell they both had long, white hair...
The vision abruptly ended. Before Sakura could comment on it, though, he hand was moving again. Putting down the Sword card, she picked up another. "Fight card."
Another vision hit her and Sakura only had a moment to wonder at the oddity of two visions in a row before she noticed her surroundings. Nausea quickly hit her and she felt like vomiting. She didn't know if throwing up in a vision was possible, but she figured she could make it possible real soon. All around her was death. thousands of bodies lay strewn about what used to be a field...some weren't in one piece. Putting a hand over her mouth, Sakura turned around only to be confronted by more dead men. There was a slight change in scenery, however. There were still people fighting in this view, but, as Sakura watched, they were all quickly cut down by red bursts of energy. Sakura turned her sights to the left and saw four men sitting on horses, just sitting there, looking out at the destruction dispassionately. Sakura had no doubt in her mind that one of them were causing the red balls of energy. At that moment, an orange streak raced across the field. Almost faster than the eye could see, it pounced on the third figure on a horse and they both crashed to the ground. The red Magic abruptly stopped. Sakura noted, with some horror, that the orange shape had been Kero, in his true form. He was now tearing at the man underneath him, using teeth and claws. Apparently, he had no intention of letting him live. The other three had dismounted and were now closing on him. Sakura wanted to cry out, to warn him, but when she opened her mouth...nothing came out. She could only watch as the trio stopped, and the one on the left dressed all in black robes, lifted an arm...
The vision gone, Sakura placed the Fight card down over top of the Sword card. Trying to find her voice, to ask someone, anyone! for help out of this nightmare, Sakura tried to open her mouth. Except, she couldn't seem to open her mouth. She tried to stop her arm from reaching for the next card but it wouldn't obey the signals her brain was sending it. Sakura realized, beginning to panic, that she had no control over her physical body.
The arm reached down, the hand grasped another card, and in that eerie voice, she said, "Mist card."
Another vision. To her left, there were eleven figures, all hidden by a thick, white mist. They weren't standing close together and Sakura got the impression that they didn't like being any closer to each other then they had to be. She also knew, somehow, that they were all fighting for the same thing...and whatever that was, Sakura knew their intentions were downright evil. To the right, were two lone figures. Again, Sakura could not make out who they were on account of the mist. But they stood side by side, determination and sense of purpose practically reeking off of them. Sakura sensed that they were somehow connected and that they fought for the same thing. That they fought against the beings on the left; Sakura knew the beings on the left definitely were not human. The two seemed to blend into themselves a bit as well, their shadows mixing together. This suggested to Sakura that they were very united in their quest. But then, something began to happen. Sakura watched as a tear began to make itself apparent between the two figures. In the tear was nothing but blackness and Sakura knew that it was tearing the two apart. Sakura watched with a pang of loss as the two were further separated. The feeling coming out of the blackness had only one feeling to it...
The vision dispelled, Sakura reached for another card against her will. Hell, if this was her will, she would have put a stop to it before the second vision struck. Picking up the card, she said, "Power card."
In this vision, she saw Clow Reed. Her eyes widening, Sakura could only gape. This was unexpected, although, she supposed it shouldn't have been. Clow Reed was dressed in the same ceremonial robes of a sorcerer the last time she had seen him, when she had defeated Yue and her staff had turned into her wand. Sakura was in some sort of cavern, if she had to guess. The walls were gray and bleak, only a few objects Sakura had never seen before decorated the walls. Clow Reed walked towards what looked to be a well, the circular wall around the well was made of brick. Sakura followed him. Clow Reed leaned forward, his hands in his sleeves, and peered into the well. He frowned. Wondering what could have displeased him about the water, Sakura leaned forward and looked into the well, too. She expected to see a reflection of Clow Reed, if not herself. She didn't know if her reflection would be there on account of the fact that she wasn't really there at all. What she saw was NOT was she expected. In the water, thirteen faces stared back up at the sorcerer. They were all mouthing something silently at him, but, not being able to read lips, Sakura had no idea what they were saying. Clow Reed's normally cheerful face was now pale and solemn. Sakura bet he knew what they were saying.
Then, something happened that completely, for lack of better words, freaked Sakura out...
Clow Reed straightened up, readjusted his robes, and then, looking right at her, said, "This is what happens when you experiment with things...that you never should have touched."
Then that vision ended as well.
Sakura put the Power card down. Wondering which card would be next, Sakura picked up the fifth card. As soon as she turned it over, she was struck speechless. At least, in her mind she was, her body had no difficulty uttering the name of the card, "Time card."
Sakura heard Li exclaim, "What the hell?" and she silently echoed that question. She didn't own the Time card, Li did. It was in his deck, and Sakura was one hundred percent sure it hadn't been in her hand when she shuffled and then laid down her cards. did it get there? And what did it mean?
Sakura didn't have any more time to wonder as she felt herself being pulled into something. Thinking it was another vision, she was quite surprised when the only thing that appeared was a bunch of blackness. No...not quite all black...far into the distance-at least, Sakura thought it was far into the was hard to tell with nothing around her to indicate distance- there was a light. A single ray, in the shape of a doorway. And in the doorway, was a black shape. Squinting, Sakura realized it was a man, an old man, in baggy green robes. Sudden realization hit was the Time card in it's animated form.
Sakura set off at a run towards the light(head twords the light! *_~ ) Sakura could tell the Time card was watching her. She stopped when she was about five feet away from him. She noticed he had his hourglass in his hand, and the sands had almost run out. Sakura wondered what that meant. Then Time was speaking...
"Hurry, this way." he said in an ancient voice.
Sakura didn't move. "Why? What am I doing here? Is this a vision?" Sakura noted with some surprise, that she was able to talk now.
Time shook his head slowly, "No, this is no vision. I have come here at the bequest of the other cards as well. You must come with me, Mistress. There is not much time left."
Sakura eyed the white light suspiciously. "In there? Why?" she asked again.
Time shook his head, although he had an urgent air about him now. "I would explain if I could, Mistress, but there is no time. You must come with me, it is of great importance! Your life is forfeit if you do not." then, lower, "And perhaps forfeit if you do."
Then, before Sakura could so much as blink, Time had grasped her arm and pulled her through the gateway.
Madison jumped to her feet and eyed the now empty spot that Sakura had been in with rising hysteria. Where had she gone?
The others were on their feet as well. Each had varying degrees of surprise and shock plastered on their faces. Even Rage.
Before the scene could erupt into chaos, which Madison was sure it would, another little problem presented itself...
Tory stepped out of the trees looking like he'd swallowed a toad. "What the hell just happened?! What the hell is going on here?!"
As soon as he'd said that, Madison knew he'd been watching the entire time and had seen everything. He had probably heard everything as well.
Oh bloody hell...
Sakura landed unceremoniously on her rump. "OWW!!" she exclaimed, rubbing her offended bottom. Her Clow cards fluttered down around her to land in disarray. Glaring around at...nobody...Sakura blinked. The Time card was nowhere to be seen. Muttering to herself, Sakura began picking up her Clow cards. Pretty sure she was back in reality now, Sakura grouched, "I'm never doing that again. I don't care what you say Rage, there is no way..." Sakura trailed off abruptly as she looked up, expecting to meet Rage's cool blue eyes, and found herself alone. Twisting her head back and forth like an owl, Sakura looked for the rest of her friends.
Only green grass met her wide eyes.
"Okay, Sakura, don't panic," that was a really stupid thing to say, considering that she could feel herself becoming hysterical, "There is a simple explanation for this. They're playing a trick on me...yeah...Madison probably cooked it up herself." placing her cards in the back of her shorts pocket, noticing that the Time card was still there, Sakura stood up, "Okay, Madison, ha ha, you can come out now."
Turning around, Sakura saw something that made her really hope she was hallucinating, because, she could tell by the way she felt that this wasn't a vision. That same run down town she had seen in her vision the Fight card had provided her with, sat right below her into the distance a bit. It looked exactly same as it had in her vision, except, in her vision, the town had been deserted. She could plainly see from her high vantage point, that the town was definitely populated, and something seemed to be bothering the townsfolk. They were all milling about like bees, chaos ensuing. The men were running every which way, grabbing armour, swords, and other weapons. The women all stood watching from their houses, and Sakura would bet that their faces were tearstained.
Sakura hoped that the conclusion she was coming to was NOT the right one. Her hopes were soon dashed away into the wind, though, when she heard a galloping of horses. Looking to the right of the town, she saw four horsemen come galloping across the field. They stopped when they were just outside of the town and just sat on their horses. The people in the town had stopped as well, sitting, waiting, apprehension and fear thick in the air. Sakura glanced back at the four individuals on the horses...and saw that the one on the left wore robes...all in black.
Then, the third horsemen raised his hand and a red ball of energy exploded from it, heading right for the town. The townspeople began screaming and they scattered. The men vaulted up on the nearest available horses and galloped towards the intimidating horsemen. The rest followed on foot, all yelling war cries. Then the red ball hit the town and an explosion of dust and bits of other...things...drifted up into the air.
Sakura gazed down at the wreckage and only one thing came to mind, "I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore..."
To be continued...
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Ooh..... 0o0 where do we all think Sakura went? I know...THAT...was a big cliffhanger. ^_^ So sue me. Well, don't sue me... oh...nevermind. Just review and tell me what you thought. Things are going to get very interesting...