Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Eriol and the Money Dilemma ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Eriol and the Money Dilemma : a CCS Humor fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Disclaimer: Although CLAMP wishes to sell CCS to me…just…kidding…I do not own CCS nor any of its characters. Using them in my fic is for the sole purpose of entertainment…….Don't sue me. I do not have money…. ^^'

Nikki: I won't say I'm back again……oops, I said it again. Anyway, this is not guaranteed to make you laugh. It all depends on how much you like or hate Eriol. Jaa ne…happy reading……and oh, please review! One more thing……I don't hate Eriol, in fact, I love him. I just need to make hypothetical explanations to some of his actions. ^^

------------------------------------------------------------------- < p class="c4">Have you ever wondered where Eriol gets all his money? He doesn't have any support from his parents whom, I think, was never introduced to us and he is not working, eh? So how? Here are some instances based on the CCS series which will answer your questions. note: you can't find these dialogues in the real CCS no matter how hard you try.


Upon arriving at the Tomoeda airport…..(if there was a Tomoeda airport.)

NAKURU: Yay! We're here at last! Master, I wanna see Disneyland, pleeeaaassse?

SUPPI: We're here for work, not fun, you cross-dresser.

NAKURU: *hugs Suppi very tightly* You are sooo kawaii, you know that?

ERIOL: *looking worried* I'm afraid we can't tour Japan, my creations.


ERIOL: I have spent all our money for the plane tickets here. Tickets to Japan are very expensive you know……

NAKURU: Nani?!

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Upon transferring to the large, somewhat spooky, house……

NAKURU: Why Master, do you want to portray as that girl's classmate?! We could, like, be their neighbors, that way, it will be easier to track them down. You have already studied about things taught in that school, for goodness' sake…..

ERIOL: We could spend less money if I wear uniforms everyday. Besides, this house has no rent at all. All we have to do is move in……

NAKURU: My, what a thrift…..

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Episode 48: Sakura and the Awakened Key of Star

…Sakura thanks Eriol for the flowers he had given her.

SAKURA: By the way, Eriol-kun, thank you for the flowers. Where did you buy them?

What Eriol said…

ERIOL: I actually did not buy them. I picked the flowers from my garden.

What Eriol thought…

ERIOL: (Actually, I did not buy them. I picked it from my …… erm……my neighbor's garden. I do not have the money and time to maintain a garden, and all I have in my garden are weeds…geheheh ^^')

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Episode 49: Sakura and the Dangerous Piano

….. while Sakura and Tomoyo were being chased by the piano

SUPPI: Master, speaking of pianos, I did not seem to notice your piano in the house these past few days.

ERIOL: *smiling sheepishly* I had to sell it, otherwise, we can't eat.

SUPPI: We're that poor??

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One insignificant night….. (the reason why Eriol always seems to drink tea)

ERIOL: Nakuru, I'm starving. What's for dinner?

NAKURU: erm……I dunno…..noodles?

ERIOL: sigh….just make me some tea.


Ep. 53: Sakura and the Panic Bicycle

…..When Sakura invited Eriol to dinner…

SAKURA: Yes, please have dinner with us.

FUJITAKA: Hai, I have made something special today.

ERIOL: Uh….(damn, I wanna eat here) no thank you. I have some errands anyway. *walks away before his stomach could decide*

SAKURA: *looks down* oh no…..he forgot his groceries…….Eriol-kun!

ERIOL: Gee thanks, Sakura-san. Invite me again. (ONEGAI! Invite me again!)

SAKURA: Next time, Eriol-kun.

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The reason why Eriol has a few furniture in the house……

NAKURU: Master! You sold my tapestries??

ERIOL: Hai. No objections, please.

NAKURU: Waaahhhh!

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Nakuru thanks Eriol for making his false form a girl…..

NAKURU: Master, I'm so glad you made me a girl. Now I can torment that girl's brother anytime!

ERIOL: Actually Nakuru, I made you a girl hoping you can apply as a cultural dancer here and help us with our living.

SUPPI: heheheh

ERIOL: *turns to Suppi* and I made you a cat so that you could steal fish for dinner. Now go!

NAKURU: We should get back to London…..

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Ep. 56:Sakura, Kero, and a Candy Date

….. The day Kero and Suppi met (while Eriol and Syaoran were working as servers in the school festival)

ERIOL: (to Li) I'm so glad I can work here as waiters in the school festival…..I have been needing money this past week

LI: Who told you we're getting paid here?

ERIOL: We're……not…..? -.-'

As Kero-chan chased Suppi…

KERO: Suppi! Why do you eat that much?? I could hardly eat that all.

SUPPI: *teary - eyed* You should have my master for a master. He scarcely feeds us…WAAAAHHH!!!

KERO: You should report him to the animal cruelty office.

ERIOL: *overhears* o.o''

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Ep. 57: Sakura, Syaoran and the Elevator

…..While Sakura and Li are trapped in the elevator….

ERIOL: Tomoyo-san, I'll call the maintenance. Please stay here.


ERIOL: *goes downstairs, pulls out a mask and goes outside wearing the mask and holding his staff* This is a hold - up. Now gimme your money! (eheheh…..this is the only way…forgive me, my dear ancestors…)

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Ep. 60: Sakura and her Precious Friend

…..The reason why Eriol trapped Tomoyo in a room and let Sakura and Li find her…..

ERIOL: I can't believe they felt my presence here….I'll make them suffer for this.

NAKURU: You just don't want to let them know that you are working here in school part - time….

ERIOL: Shut up!


Ep. 62: Sakura and the Mysterious fortune

…… When Sakura and Tomoyo found Eriol working on the fortunes booth

SAKURA: Eriol-kun! Why are you here?

ERIOL: The person who was supposed to give fortunes had gone, so I came as replacement.


What really happened…

KAHO: *fans herself with one hand* Okay, Okay, you win.

ERIOL: Thank you, Kaho. Do you know that you are the most amazing, astounding, wonderful woman that I…

KAHO: Just go take their fortunes, for goodness' sake. And don't forget our contract! Our marriage contract.

ERIOL: *sigh* Things poverty can do…

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Same Episode:

SAKURA: I wonder why Eriol-kun is still wearing his uniform when we saw him.

TOMOYO: Hai. But it's not Tomoeda's uniform. It's light blue, which means it's Seijyo High's uniform. It's vacation isn't it? Maybe he loves his uniform so much?

SAKURA: I wonder how he got a Seijyo High uniform.

ERIOL: *in hiding* This was supposed to be Nakuru's. Only he wants to be a girl.

SUPPI: *from behind the bushes* No, he just don't like doing laundry.

NAKURU: *from beside Suppi* No, he just don't like buying clothes……

ERIOL: -.-'


Ep. 66: Sakura and her Favorite Person

….The Seijou School Fair

NAKURU: Please come this way. We made this ourselves. *lets Sakura and Yukito in*

ERIOL: Did you make them pay the entrance fee?

NAKURU: Erm….no. There are friends right? And besides, we'll make them suffer inside so why make them pay?

ERIOL: Damn…'re so kind.

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Ep. 70: Sakura's True Love

…Yue meets Eriol

YUE: Why Clow? Why did you give us a new mistress if you're to be reincarnated?

ERIOL: Yue, let's not talk about this anymore.

YUE: *suddenly looks innocent* If you don't tell me, I'll tell the others the REAL reason why you're going back to London……you're deported right?

ERIOL: Err…Clow is not entirely me but you're free to come to me and talk about him *Smiles uneasily*

YUE: Good. Okay.

Author's notes: Well, it's kinda short for now, but I'll be updating it every now and then. If you have any suggestions on what I may add on Eriol's list, please feel free to e-mail me on the address above. Thank you for reading ^^