Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Cherry Blossom ❯ Hogwart's First Food Fight ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS or Harry Potter. CLAMP and J.K. Rowling do.
NOTE: I changed some things from the other chapters. And Fred and George came back.
Gryffindor table
“This is great Sakura. You're in our house.” Harry commented.
“Yeah. I agree. And I'm Fred; this is my twin brother George.” Fred said, leaning over Harry. “This is our little brother, ickle Ronnie.”
“I could tell.” Sakura grinned. “But I thought his name was Ron.”
“Yeah I thought it was too.” Meiling said.
The twins exchanging wicked grins, which terrified Ron that they where going to say something to embarrass him.
“Well…….” Fred said.
“That is his name” George continued.
“But everyone at home calls him ickle Ronnie”
“Because he is so cute. Isn't that right Fred?”
“Right George. And he was always so icky. But we all loved him to the bottom of our hearts.”
Fred wiped away tears that weren't there. George nodded and pressed his hand to him heart. While everyone bursted out laughing.
Ron was red right up to his ears right now with anger and embarrassment. So angry and embarrasses that he couldn't speak. So he picked up a bowl of mashed potatoes and threw it at the twins who never saw it coming. That stopped everyone from laughing. And watched what the twins would do next. The twins were stunned for a second. But they were not going to take getting hit with masked potatoes without a fight.
They tried to take revenge by throwing a pie at him. But he ducked and it hit a Ravenclaw behind him. So the Ravenclaw threw chicken at the Gryffindor who he thought threw it. And it went in a never-ending cycle causing Hogwart's first ever food fight.
The staff where trying to stop it by stunning the food so they would stop. But they would just drop down on who ever was under it. Peeves was all to glad to help. Throwing him own fair share of food. And the food just came on coming. Compliments of the house elves who just thought they were all just starving. Dumbledore just continued eating calmly watching the fight which amusement in his eyes.
“Albus aren't you going to do anything?” Professor Mcgonagall asked as she ducked an incoming pudding.
“Let them have their fun.” Dumbledore said solemnly. “They probably spent all their summer worrying over Voldemort. They may never have any other time to try and be like there isn't a powerful wizard out there planning a way to destroy us all.”
After that the teachers quietly sat down each pondering their own thoughts. And trying to dodge the food. And the fight went on for a long time. They all had a punishment of having to clean the whole Great Hall with own buckets and mops. Every student in the school sleep tiredly that night. But they where all watched by unnatural glowing eyes.
(Sorry this is so short. I just wrote it. I had a major writes block. The idea just came to me. Like I said I'll try to add the uncaptured clow card and make it longer in the next chapter, but I can't guarantee it.)
s300: Thanks for reviewing. For the longer chapters I will make them longer. But for chapters 1-6 I already written them and posted them on, so I didn't want to change them when I put them on So do you get the idea?