Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Horeru ❯ the prologue ( Prologue )

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The sun is just started to shine and a new day is here. Thinking of a new day Sakura just remembered that she promise to clean the dishes for her brother for helping her on her homework. "I'd better start it now. Hi, my name is Kinomoto Sakura. I'm 18 years old and I'm studying at the Tomoeda's High School. Today is Sunday so I don't have to go to school but I must be quick doing the dishes cos'...(can you guys guess why, I bet ya did) I have a date with Syaoran today but he never admit it's a date. There's a secret I've been hiding that is I am the Sakura card mistress. The card's real name is Clowcard; the creator is not me. I just make it more powerful that's all. Oh my, I better wash the dishes first. After done doing the dishes she quickly ran to her room and getting herself ready to meet Syaoran.

Sakura than wear her shoes (it was pink, a pair of cute little pink shoes) and step out of her house and when to the Penguin Park where she has promise to meet Syaoran (a very popular place for them to meet). Syaoran had been waiting for Sakura for a while. Where is she anyway, she never been this late. I wondered what kept her so long. Just as he puzzling his head, he saw Sakura in front of him that makes him scared to death.

"Sa...Sakura, you scared me." Syaoran.

"I'm sorry but you look really cute when I saw the expression when you are thinking. What are you thinking about?" Sakura.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing." Syaoran.

"Oh..." Sakura.

Then she kisses his cheeks and Syaoran blushes.

"Where should we go today?" Syaoran

"Um...? I haven't thought about this yet, I thought you gonna plan it." Sakura.

"But I thought you would...Ah, forget it. How about we go to the library, its quite there and I think no one is gonna bother us there." Syaoran

"Great, then we can have a long chat together. Won't we?" Sakura

Sakura stared at him with her shiny green eyes; Syaoran blushes. Then they walk together holding hands (so romantic) towards the Tomoeda's High School library (it's really a huge library) They haven't notice that someone was tapping what have they done just now, (Can you guys guess who will it be?) it was Tomoyo. (Who would it be if it's not that rich gal) She was walking around and she saw Sakura and Syaoran together. It was lucky she had brought her camcorder, so she recorded the moments of Sakura and Syaoran. Suddenly a boy put his hand on Tomoyo's shoulder, it was Eriol (I like him very much).

"Still with your old hobby Tomoyo, tapping Sakura's life. Why don't you find any boys to be your date? You're nice, clever and beautiful. It's impossible if there's no one who admires you. " Eriol.

Tomoyo blushes.

"Thanks but Eriol-san I think I'm sill not ready for that. By the way why should I, even if I do have any boyfriend my mother will not agree about my feelings to the person I love." Tomoyo.

"Why?" Eriol.

"She doesn't wanted me to have any boyfriend because she said that it's better to married the person your parents had chose for you. I just wish my mother would be just like Sakura's father." Tomoyo

"I see now why you don't have any boyfriends. You always make everyone feels comfortable with you. You are really a warm-heart kind of people. That's why I like to be your friend." Eriol

Then Tomoyo blushes and smile to Eriol.

"You are the second person to say that. The first person is Sakura, that's why I like to have a friend like her. You are so nice Eriol-san. Now I know why are Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon are loyal to you. I'm so happy to have a friend like you Eriol-san." Tomoyo

Eriol just smile at Tomoyo. While they were living the place, two figure of a young man and a young girl who might just be he same age as Tomoyo and Eriol appear on the top of the Penguin King slide.

"Hmm, looks like Clow-san power is weaker than the last time we met him." The girl.

"He has been separated to two parts that's why, but he should have the power to sense us. Maybe you're right, his weaker than the last time we met him." The Boy