Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey #1 ❯ A JOB FOR CHILDREN ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
So now I'm gonna start my second fan fiction. First of all I'd like to say that I PROMISE that all of these ideas are my own and that CCS belongs to CLAMP. Please have patience with me, cuz I tend to run on at the beginning of the fic. Then that this story is short because I got 4 more sequels I'm getting ready to post some time later. So if you like this one then I have more coming out 'kay? All right. Now I'll shut up and start!

Time since the Sakura Cards had indeed passed. Much time. As many as 20 years had passed since Sakura sealed the last of the cards. So here I was, living with my parents and my twin sister in the Hiiragizawa Mansion. My name is Adrian Hiiragizawa, and I'm 13 years old. That's right, Hiiragizawa. As you might guess, Eriol is my dad and Tomoyo is my mother. My tomboy twin was my sister, Haruka. So you know that my life isn't normal. I'll show just how un-normal it is!

When Haruka and Adrian got to class, the bell immediately rang. They sat
down at their seats and were surprised to know that there were two new exchange students. Adrian exchanged glances with his sister. "There are two new students here. The first is a student from Ireland. Akira Tsukishiro."
Adrian's ears pricked up at the name as a boy with red hair with soft brown eyes and glassses entered the class. He knew that Yukito Tsukishiro was the false form of the guardian his Aunt Sakura had set free 14 years ago, but had never met him[C the 1 st paragraph for his age]. Could this behis son? He found out later on that it was. Yukito had moved away to Ireland with his wife Kaho Mizuki. Adrian guessed that the "angel-man" as he called him was back!

The last student was a girl named Kaho Tajomo. She HAD to be a goth with her black hair and lip gloss. Adrian had never met or heard of the girl except that Akira frowned at her with a look of deepest saddness and rejection on his face.

The day was boring. Adrian even tried to make friends with Akira. "Hi!" Adrian said, "So you're from Ireland?" Akira frowned at Adrian and ignored him. Adrian would try to get his attention but the dude would push him away. He didn't want anything to do with him. He decided to try his luck again tomorrow.

So Adrian walked home by himself because Haruka went to Terou Li's house. Sakura's son he thought really had a thing for his sister. Terou had his dad's [Syoaran] hair and Aunt Sakura's green eyes and he always taught Adrian's sister the martial arts.

As soon as Adrian got home Adrian knew that something was wrong. Eriol was talking on the phone with somebody and Tomoyo sat in his lap listening. Adrian sat down and waited, as Eriol's face grew solemn and grim. Then he got off the phone with a sigh. "Adrian." He said. Then he looked down at his wife in his lap. "What were you doing, Tomoyo?" he asked. "Yes?" Adrian answered. Eriol's head snapped to the side at his son, "He have a big problem. We have to go to the Li house." Then he stood up and opened a portal. The three stepped through the hole that led to Sakura and Syaoran's house.

Sakura appeared in the doorway of her kitchen. Suddenly there was a crash as the window broke and something yellow flew through and into Adrian's face. Adrian yelped and wrenched the tennis ball out of his face. Then the tennis ball squeaked and Adrian let out a yip of surprise as he realized it was ALIVE! The tennis ball flew out of his hand on its own accord. Kero frowned at the young sorcerer and settled beside Sakura. "What's wrong? Play baseball again?" Adrian sympathized. Kero frowned at him even more and didn't reply.

Eriol sat down beside Tomoyo and Adrian sat next to Akira who had arrived with Yue, his father. Akira made a face and scooted away from Adrian. Yue looked at his son with a small scowl and Akira ignored the warning. Adrian tried to smile, and Akira looked away. Eriol addressed the others and cleared his throat, "It has been brought to my attention that the Sakura Cards have ceased to function." There was a gasp among the people and Eriol held up his hands. "But this does not necessarily mean that it will stay that way. There is a way." Yue looked at his former master, "What must be done?" he asked calmly while pinching Akira who was glaring at the smiling Adrian. "Be nice." He scolded. Akira flinched.

Eriol cocked his head. "The Sakura Cards have been getting their energy from three different orbs of magic. It's what keeps them going. And every hundred years the orbs must be recovered to rejuvenate the Cards. It is time to do so right now." Syaoran stood, " Where are the orbs hidden? I'll find them!" he said with determination. Eriol turned and shook his head, "It is not your job to find them." He said grimly. "Whose job is it? No," Syaoran said, "Sakura can't get them. She's-" he trailed off. Terou looked at his father from his spot beside Haruka. "Mom's what?" he asked. Syaoran didn't say anything.

Eriol looked away, "It is not your job to collect the orbs, my cute little descendant." Syaoran turned purple with the suspense, "WELL, THEN WHOSE JOB IS IT??!?" he roared.
Eriol was paler then usual and Tomoyo placed her hand and his chest. He embraced her and put his chin in her head, "It's our children's job to recover the orbs. It isn't a safe journey in finding the orbs but it is something that must be done, before it's too late." He said weakly.

Akira fell of the side of the couch with a yell. Adrian looked away. Haruka's eyes grew the size of teacups. Kero looked at Haruka and snickered. "Your eyes don't get any bigger do they?" he said smugly. Kero shrugged when Terou shot him a look. "Like I said, 'Expect the Unexpected.'"

Outside, a figure in the trees was secretly listening to every word. Then it straightened up, "Those KIDS are going after the Orbs of Fire?!" he whispered with disbelief. A second shadow on the ground snickered, "Wanna bet for the couch tonight that they won't last more than an hour after they reach the temple?" he asked. The figure in the tree looked down with a small smile, "You're on. I ain't losing. That couch AND the Orbs have my name on it, brother." Then in a shimmer of dark grey light they disappeared in thin air.