Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey #1 ❯ THE ELEMENTAL ORB ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, here it is! My third chapter! I hope that you enjoy it! If you didn't, then tell me! I'd love a little flames ! Anything to tell me what I'm doing wrong. A little feed-back would help people!



So I had lost my other half to the forest. I didn't know where she was nor if she was alive. All I hoped for was that everything could be normal again and she'd come back home. But it was time to move on because time was running out. If you ask me it was a race against time. And sometimes that's a VERY difficult thing to do.

Adrian followed Terou, who was holding his sword before him cautiously. "Terou?" Adrian asked. Terou swung around and Adrian jumped backwards. "You dolt you nearly diced me! Watch where you put that thing!" Adrian cried. Terou frowned, "What this?" Adrian backed-up. "I'm telling you Terou!" then Adrian's eyes widened in surprise as he felt the ground beneath him crumble and fall away and he grabbed Terou to keep his balance. The two boys fell into the big hole that they had been standing on.

Haruka woke up. Where was she? A voice not too far away reported, "Somewhere we left you that's where." She looked at the boy who looked exactly like her father sitting comfortably in mid-air. Dark hair, gleaming glasses that made a person nervous, but instead of blue eyes he had green eyes like Aunt Sakura. He frowned when he noticed she was staring at him, "What? Why do you keep on staring at me like that?" You look so much like my dad, she thought in awe. Sukare frowned, reading her mind. "Well I'm NOT your dad, understand?" he hissed coldly. "I didn't say you were! If you hate me saying that then why don't you just kill me huh?" she shot at him. "You don't HAVE to say it! I can hear what you're thinking anyway! And I don't kill you because I don't want to." He whispered angrily. "And if you knew what was good for you, daughter of Clow, you'd shut your yap because your life is in my hands!" then with a glare he dropped gracefully out of the air and strode from the room. Haruka glared at his back and hung her head, disappointed, but determined to escape.

Adrian opened his eyes. He attempted to stand and then yelled in immense pain. His right arm felt like it was streaming with hot fire. It was pitch dark. He felt his arm, yipped painfully and yanked his hand back sharply. He held out his hand. "Release!" he croaked. A tall wooden staff with a fist-sized clear gem mounted into the head appeared before him. Adrian snatched it out of thin air and bright light began to stream from the gem. He looked down at himself. His arm..was broken! Adrian groaned. Which meant that he couldn't heal and he'd have to wait until he got back home for Eriol to heal it for him.

He got up with his staff and began to walk with his arm hanging limply to the side. He turned to one side and his arm swung and smacked right into a boulder. He yelled. Then he held out his hand and a bandage appeared. He made a sling for himself then called, "Terou?" there was a groan on his side and Terou immerged from the dark touching the gash on his head. "What?" he groaned. Adrian nodded his head in one direction. This way.

Terou led the way down a torch lit hall. "What happened to your arm?" he asked. Adrian shrugged his good shoulder, "I decided to put it in a sling!" he said sarcastically. Terou smirked, "I'll help you!" he volunteered. Adrian backed away from him, "No that's okay. One arm is enough." Then they stopped seeing a short pillar with a pillow on it. And on that pillow was…NOTHING!!!

Adrian gasped and Terou frowned, "What?! What happened to it?" he asked himself. "I have it." A voice declared. The Terou whirled around and Adrian turned slowly for fear of hurting his arm. A boy with fiery hair and brown eyes held up the globe to show them. "Who're you ? What do you want with the Elemental Globe?" he snarled. "Yoji. The globe belongs to me." Yoji declared. "NOT! It's my dad's. He made it." Adrian said. "Why what are you gonna do about it?" he sneered.

Terou advanced on the sneering boy, "Oh nothing. Maybe rip a few chords out of your throat and leave you to the wolves." He said. Yoji trembled mockingly, "Ooh I'm shaking in my boots!" then he looked at his toes. "Oh wait that's because I'm not wearing any." Adrian sighed, "Nowadays the actors are getting worse and worse." He said and held out his hand. A tongue of fire rushed from his hand. The fire flickered in front of him and slowly changed becoming a hawk of pure fire. The hawk rose into the air and shrieked. "Evasahatz ectomb erradact!" Adrian commanded in a fluent language of magic he'd created called K'mira.

The hawk gave a shriek of fury and dove down at Yoji. "Deshasazav enochsachasec vadactum!Enochzev!" Adrian said sharply. The hawk's fiery form swooped around Yoji. Yoji's brown eyes dilated in fear when waving a hand proved ineffective. Adrian scoffed. Then in a rush of wind the flames that made the hawk blew away and diminished. Adrian gasped, "No." he said miserably and dropped to his knees. "You can't have m-" he stuttered. "You have my sister!" he said painfully.

And it was true. A second boy immerged and pulled with him, Haruka bound tightly with magic. Adrian's eyes widened, "Dad?" he whispered. The boy yelled, "I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT I AM NOT CLOW REED NOR ERIOL HIIRAGIZAWA!! CAPICHE?!" Yoji shrugged and Terou snickered. Yoji held a blade to Haruka's neck. "Come any closer and I'll kill her." He whispered. Haruka trembled and Adrian let out a cry of remorse. Terou clenched his fist and didn't move a muscle as the blade inched closer toward Haruka's neck. Then something happened.