Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey#2 ❯ ANGER HAS KNOWS LIMITS ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey! I just noticed something! I actually got some reviews! THANKS A BUNCH FOR THE REVIEWS! [sniffs] I'd like to thank the academy. Ok ok I'll shut up now. I can just picture a few scowls and gagging in the crowd. So here 'tis.

I was honestly scared I was gonna die. I said to myself, "Adrian this is it. The next thing you're gonna see is Heaven's gate opening and a halo floating over your head. Then those irritating white tunics, dammnit." But I was really shocked when I DIDN'T die. And Akira! My BEST FRIEND! He was the Fallen Demon. How cool was that? But one thing was NOT so cool. That THING I found asleep in the hole.

Adrian swam out of the room with his arms turning like windmills. He swam out of the hole and up to the surface for air. When he got it, he went back to the fork in the hole. This time he picked the right tunnel and had more luck that whole day. He saw the glass orb on a purple pillow and swam toward it. His breath was really running out. Adrian picked up the orb. He felt his lungs burst. Slowly consciousness began to slip from him. He knew he was going to black out with the orb in his hands. He would die under a pit of lava, his grave. But maybe, just maybethis is only a test T hen he began to glow bright blue. Adrian felt his spirits lift up. Energy flooded his body and his lungs were suddenly filled with oxygen. He was going to make it! Akira sat with his wings spread, legs crossed, and his eyes close in deep concentration. He was glowing bright blue and breathing deeply. Every few seconds he'd blow air out. Sukare watched with fascination. What was he doing? Where was Adrian? What was taking him so long? He found himself asking millions of questions in his head.

Adrian turned around with the orb in his hand. Then what he saw nearly made him drop the orb. The same sleeping serpent hissed at him. He wasn't asleep anymore, that was for sure. It hissed at Adrian and exposed sharp fangs as though to warn or brag. Adrian panicked and thrust the orb out at it. The serpent screamed and writhed in pain. Adrian swam as fast as he could for the exit. Akira helped him out of the hole. "QUICK RUN! SERPENT!" Adrian gasped as he scrambled o his feet.

Then the lava boiled and the fiery serpent was towering over them. It screamed and wavered to and fro. It's gonna strike, Adrian realized. Sukare watched thoroughly absorbed. Very interesting. Then the serpent struck. It lashed out at Adrian. Akira jumped into the way and the serpent's tongue struck his arm. Akira yelled. He clutched his arm and fell against the wall of the volcano. [Duh, lava=volcano] "AKIRA! NOO!" Adrian yelled. He ran over to his fallen friend. Akira was pale with fear, was it? Sukare hovered higher and he looked down to see them.

Akira smiled at his best friend, "Y-You o-okay?" he asked. Adrian frowned, "That's my line, you ass." he said weakly. "I-I--I don't know. I fe-I feel dizzy." he groaned weakly and lost consciousness. Adrian grounded his teeth and yelled with rage. He stood up and his staff flashed before him. His blue eyes blazed with cold hard fury. He lifted his staff and pounded it on the ground. There was a very loud boom of air and Adrian whispered, " Nasadatchtca powetamula yulaktva bereavesh! Taluctevanna erratuctivelum shallahaz!" then he yelled "FIAT!" Sukare jumped up in shock. "WHAT?! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! I DON"T BELIEVE HE'S DOING IT! THAT'S TOO POWERFUL!!" he yelled. But he was doing it. Suddenly the serpent burst into flames. It shrieked and fell backwards into the lava.

Sukare frowned, "How could he harvest so much power?" he whispered and stroked his chin with thought. Then he came up with the only solution, "Anger. Anger knows no limits." Then he clapped. "Good job!" he said loudly. "Very impressing show." He said. Adrian whipped around. "You want some of this too, dad? " he spat. Sukare turned pink. "Ha Ha." He said blankly. "But that isn't what I came for." Adrian backed up. "Who are you? Why do you look so much like my dad?" Sukare brushed his cloak away. "I look like your father because I.Iit's in my genes! I don't know! What do you want me to say? That I'm somehow connected to you, perhaps? That I stole your father's looks? No, no. That isn't what I am here for. I think you know what I want. " his glasses gleamed. "I want that orb." Adrian stuffed the orb in his bag. "No. You still didn't tell me who you are." Sukare sighed, "Very well. Sukare." Adrian tensed, "Sukare what?" he asked. A strange look passed over Sukare's calm, pale face. "It isn't thenone of your business! I've never had a last name. Now stop changing the subject dammnit!"

There was a whistling sound Sukare whipped around and held out his hand. He glowed slightly red and the sword glanced off the side of his hand and flew into the lava. Terou brandished a second sword. "No need. I have another one." Sukare sighed and held out his hand. He glowed red again and a tiny key grew into a staff. It was a crescent moon and a pentagram. He gripped it tensely. Sukare held it high [still glowing red] in one hand and swept it downward. The whole volcano rang with a resounding pitch of a whistle. Terou, Haruka, and Adrian held their ears and yelled. Sukare's eyes narrowed and he vanished. Then the ringing stopped. The three of them straightened up in confusion. "Where'd he go." Sukare's voice rang loud and clear, "I've decided to give you all one chance. Your first, and your last. Now go, before I decide any differently, all of you." They took the hint. Adrian ran to pick up Akira in his arms. The redheaded boy was very pale and sweating. He clung onto Adrian's shirt. Adrian tossed his bag to Haruka and they made their way down the volcano. The earth rumbled and Adrian tripped. Akira whimpered as the person carrying him stumbled off balance. "Oh shit." Adrian breathed. Haruka grabbed onto his shirt. "Don't let go." Adrian cautioned. Haruka moaned as Adrian's T-shirt ripped. Adrian's tumbled down the volcano. Adrian clutched Akira and held his arms around the boy tighter. Then there was a slide of rocks and Adrian stopped on a warm body. Terou pulled him up and they went into the portal back home.

Adrian paced the room nervously. Then Eriol came out of the room. Adrian brushed past him and sat on Akira's bed. Eriol followed Adrian into the room. "Dad, he's the Fallen Demon." Eriol looked up and a weird look settled on his handsome face. "Adrian, leave him alone. I don't want you asking questions on his identity whether or not it is accurate." He said gently, but firmly." Adrian looked down at his unconscious friend. Yes, the questions would have to wait until later. Much later.

Though many of you might not know this is the end of the 2 nd story of the quartet. Sorry it was short eh? Tell me if you liked it or not. I have to improve my writing. But the next one might not come out for a while. Although please do keep an eye out! Hope you enjoyed it.