Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Keep Your Head Down ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

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A/N: Argh…oh no…I forgot the disclaimer for the last chapter! >.< Me and my forgetfulness. Thanks to Zidane, who reviewed my prologue. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. This story is welcome to any feedback, flames, criticism and anything else. Review for fun. Read on!

Summary: Since the birth of the Sakura Cards, the world is finally at peace, the gang can relax, and the small town of Tomodea is no longer plagued by strange spirits of the unknown. But unbeknownst to everyone, the disaster of about to start again, for Sakura Kinomoto cannot keep them under control…what will happen now?


Keep Your Head Down

By Semmerie

When we last left Sakura and her friends…

I bet that you, I, and everyone else can guess what is going on now… Beware the wrath of the Sakura cards. Once you anger them, you cannot escape…

The Sakura Book shivered slightly on Sakura's desk.

It made small shuffles, as if it was alive, and after a few painful minutes, toppled onto the carpeted flooring…and its pages burst open with a burst of dazzling roseate. They turned, rapidly flipped over by an invisible hand, and one by one…the cards flew out.

Jump, Shadow, Wood, Rain, Fly…

Glowing with the power of Sakura's aura, they rose up and hovered ten feet from the ground.

Illusion, Silent, Thunder, Sword, Power, Shield, Time, Flower, Mist…

Going one after the other, in perfect accord…

Storm, Float, Erase, Move, Fight, Loop, Sleep, Song, Little…

They slowly began to arrange themselves into a loop…and started moving…

Mirror, Maze, Return, Shot, Bubble, Dark, Light…


Windy, Earthy, Firey…Watery…

…And the seals burst open with a flow of blinding white light.

Each card was enveloped in a swirling whirlpool of their own respective colors. Turning, Twisting, Circling…when done, the card dissolved and all that was left were silvery colored pieces of dust silently gilding onto the floor.

Then, the solid-less forms began to take shape. Even Sakura would have been amazed to see the transformation…eyes began to take color, clothes began to form, and the different elements were surrounded by fire, water, earth, and wind again

It had begun.

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"TOUYA!MY ROLLERBLADES! You dumb, headless, brainless idiot…"

"Well, you stinking, disgusting, little brat, I really do suspect that you did not bathe this morning! Ew-ww, what that smell? Someone farted…"



After what like seemed like 5 minutes, the clow seal had disintegrated and the glow subsided.

"Now, what happened now that we are out of our cards again?" Watery asked curiously, twirling a single strand of ocean-colored hair onto a finger, letting it loose, and twirling it again. Droplets of water sparkled on her wet skin and dripped onto the floor.

"Nothing much, only that Sakura lost her temper!" The two twin cards giggled simultaneously, did somersaults in the air, and started to intermingle with the rest of the Sakura cards. Chatter started.

"Isn't it albeit squashy in here?"

"Hey, stop pushing!"

"Shut up."

"Stop pulling my hair!"

"Well, I thought it was mine!"

"Stop squashing…Oh, no…I cannot feel my legs… Oh there they are!"

"That's my leg! Go find your own…!"


As it turned out, the room was totally filled with spirits, and as the Sakura cards themselves had a certain misconception of height, they were now sitting on a flat surface.

The wrong flat surface…

Egad, what kind of card would ever give up her pride and sit her own self onto the ceiling?!


The clow cards tumbled onto the floor in a tangle of transparent limbs.

"My Word-"

"That was so close…"

"I could have been severed by those blades of yours, you twit! Keep them where they belong!"

"Put your bloody tongue back into your own mouth, and stop sticking up my ear!"

The chatter turned into quarrels, and the quarrels turned into fights, and soon, the whole enclosed space was filled with voices. The voices got louder and louder, higher and higher…

…Until a piercing scream screeched everyone's conversation to a stop.

It turned out to be Firey, who had been absolutely drenched while falling onto Watery while they were descending from the ceiling.

She was in a wreck. Her flames had slowly been smothered and had slowly went out in puffs of smoke, and her too-pale skin looked even paler without the wrap of glowing red flames embracing her forehead. She was seething, garnet eyes flashing fire, but even with these pointed observations, she didn't look the least like the fire elemental we knew.

She looked like a pathetic drowned rat. She gave a smoldering glare at the Water Spirit.

"Why you little imbecile--"

Watery sniffed and gave her an innocent look.

"But, I did not do that on purpose…!"

Soon, Firey heated up and returned back to normal, her fire bursting up at full flame. She snapped back a retort of her own.

"And you expect me to believe that!?"

Watery grinned unexpectedly.

"Of course you won't, you will never believe me. We have our own senses of honor, you know."

And with that last word, she smirked, showing her tiger-like fangs and shot a shimmering blast of cold water onto her unsuspecting victim.


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"Why shouldn't I?"


Sakura aimed an almighty kick at Touya's shin.


============================================================== =======


Watery barely dodged a fire-ball that was rapidly heading her way, and burst forward with another stream of water, gaining speed. She swerved forward and tapped Firey's back.

"You can never catch me…"

Firey responded by hatching a gigantic ball of fire and launched it at her like a bazooka. Her hands moved as swiftly as lightning, she also aimed several comets of ember.


Watery moved stealthily out of the way, making an intricate trail of water behind her. Her sleek form dodged in and out, weaving a passage in between various fireballs. Her head was covered in a sheen of fine sweat, and her momentarily launched channels of water on her own and extinguished several death bombs of Fireys.

Firey only produced more.

Up and down, up and down…not, working…

A plan hatched in Watery's head and she grinned evilly. She ceased in her tracks, and turned to face Firey…

Then, she held her palms backward, miming pushing a tremendous load forwards.

Firey gasped and her eyes widened, realizing her intents, but it was already too late.

Water gushed out in torrents from Watery's outstretched palms, foiling all attacks and heading straight towards Firey.

It hit her straight on, the impact pushing her backwards, and all the water carried her onwards---

…Gushing out of Sakura's open window.


To Be Continued Shortly.

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Semmerie: Short chapter? Exactly my thinking…!! Why can't I write more? ;_; Sorry…The next chapter will be posted up soon, I promise! Just review while I'm gone…^^"

PLEASE REVIEW! <( '' )> <(''<) (>'')>

Hmm…I'm sure that I have missed at least some cards when I said their names…oh well. May bygones be bygones…or mistakes stay mistakes. So long, Amigos, Sayonara!