Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ ore wa omae ga mamotai desu. ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Umo… a shot Touya POV that takes place in the third season sometime right before episode sixty-five. The title hopefully means 'I want to protect you'. Hopefully is the key there…

I love CLAMP. I mean, they have the most kawaii anime (Cardcaptor Sakura, Angelic Layer, Magic Knights Rayearth) and gory ones (like X and X/1999) and then there's… Clover, Chobits… and whatnot. And yaoi. Lots and lots of yaoi. And the thing is, it doesn't take a perverted mind like mine to find all the yaoi in them. Aww.

Anyone can be happy with CLAMP. In Cardcaptor Sakura alone there's Touya+Yuki as their most apparent yaoi, Tomoyo+Sakura as their yuri and Shaoran+Sakura as the het. Aww. Kawaii desu!!


乃公 は お前 が 守るです 。
Ore wa Omae ga Mamotai Desu.

Am I supposed to be completely ignorant of what's happening - and has been happening - around me? This little world that seems to exist to Sakura. I'm not stupid. And now she's gone and dragged Yuki into it all.

Who are they trying to fool anyway?

I'm not so stupid. What I want to know is how I'm expected to not notice something concerning those I love. Every time she leaves she puts herself in danger. And every time all I can do is watch and hope for the best. Is it worth her safety? And with that gaki always following her. He's far too close to her for my liking. Then there's Yuki.

Sakura's suffering through all of this, she's had to miss school and she's not been her happy self lately. But Yuki's just… I have to tell him, because I don't think he knows. I only get these… feelings… around non-humans. Yuki isn't human. At least… not completely. I don't know what he is. Damn Akizuki for not giving me a chance to tell him, to confront him! She's always in my way, and he needs to know. It's not as if I care if he's human or not.

Yuki wa Yuki desu.*

I don't want him to change, I just don't want him to disappear. There's a difference… at least, I think there is. I want him to return to how he was before all this… There was that lovely bit of peace during the holidays when Sakura wasn't doing anything either. I've known there was something… different about Yuki for sometime. Perhaps that's why we get along so nicely?

Since the day we met, we've always been so close. It seems like I've known him forever. And if that isn't the world's most corny line. But it's true. My family loves him. And there's his group of fangirls that seem to follow him everywhere. I can hardly get a moment alone with him. If I could maybe I wouldn't be so worried now. Whenever we have any peace either Akizuki comes or I just can't form the words. How am I supposed to tell my best friend that he's not human and that I know he's not?

Is that all I am to you, Yuki? We've been just that since the beginning. 'Best friends'. Can anyone blame me for wanting more? Yuki, you're perfect, you really are. I don't know when I realized that how I felt, that I was yet another one of your fangirls. Although 'fangirl' is a generic term, I know I'm not female. Is that okay with you, Yuki? I know you can't love me, you can't possibly feel the same for me that I do for you. Let me hope. And let me give you all that I can. Right now you need my power, I know you do. My maryoku, my magic. If it can make you stay with me a little longer, than you can have it, all of it. Take it! Just don't leave me alone. I don't want to be alone. I'll watch over you, Yuki. Forever. I watch Sakura because I'm her onii-chan. I want to watch you because I love you, Yuki.

Yes, Tsukishiro Yukito, I love you and I would give my all to see you happy and alive forever. Anything you want, anything at all, it's yours. Just let me love you. that's all I ask from you. Let a fool like me be in love with you.

*Yuki is Yuki.