Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Picture Perfect ❯ Mixed Emotions ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I'm so happy! (sniffs, sniffs) Thanks to Mary as well as Kay, I'm gonna finish this fic! I promise. I'm working on it. Thanks for the email Mary and the review Kay! Oh yah sorry if I'm off on my Japanese. I mean cut me some slack..I'm a typical Hawaiian girl!

Chapter 3 is dedicated to Kay

I struggled with the black cat. It yowled, "No! Leggo of me! I want no part in this any more! Eriol was never this bad!" I grunted. Did I ever tell you how much I sometimes despise this cat for his stubbornness? No? Well, I do. Once again I was trying to get Suppi to fit the baby material. Baby bonnet, diaper and all. But I was having a littleerdifficulty. "I'm not my father in case you didn't notice! Come*grunt* ON, Suppi! I need this! Hold still!" I grunted and yelped as I rolled off the bed. THUD. Suppi tried to crawl away. "Uh-uh-uh! You come back here Suppi-chan! I need a guinea pig for this next thing!" I grabbed his tail and pulled him down with me. "Then go to the store and buy yourself one! You're rich! There are plenty there! I am NOT a guinea pig!" he screamed while we wrestled. My purple eyes flared, "That can be ARRANGED if you don't let me do this!" I hissed. He hissed back at me and swiped at my arm. I let go of him with a howl. "OOOWWW!" he scratched me and scrambled for the door. I growled in my throat and pounced, "BONZAI!" THUD!

About ten minutes later I came down the stairs to find Sakura and Syaoran bickering. It seemed that last night they kept playing with the lights. I guess one wanted to go to sleep, the other was busy, so they fought. Typical. They argue like children. I sighed and squeezed Suppi. (squeak). His eyes bulged and I grinned at him with the pacifier I'd stuffed in his mouth. "No talking!" I said sternly. Then I jumped into Syaoran's lap. He started then blinked. I smiled brightly up at him. "Ohayo otou-san!" I crowed. [Ohayo: Good morning. Otou-san: father] "O-Ohayo Mina-san!" he said. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged his neck. Then I did the same to Sakura. I sat down for my cereal and set Suppi on the table in front of Kosuka who was eating as well. "Ohayo-gozaimasu Ino-san!" I said brightly using the former good morning and name for him. I set Suppi on the table. "Make one move Suppi and you'll be in a cage and sleeping on wood shavings with the hamsters." I hissed at him. His eyes narrowed at me in a hateful glance.

While eating my cereal I looked at Syaoran to make sure he wasn't watching. Then I knocked my cereal off the table and onto the floor. Hey, kids make messes! I bawled and Sakura turned around. My bottom lip trembled and I looked up at her. "I'm sorry, mommy. I'm really sorry." I sniffed with tears glistening in my eyes. She picked me up and hugged me. A little too tight. I grunted. "Um, I'll put Mina-san in the living room." I snatched Suppi off the table in case he got any ideas and grinned. Sakura was just as bad as I was, leaving Syaoran to clean up the mess! My kind of Aunt! She set me on the couch and sat down beside me.

Then when Syaoran was done I asked him if I could go outside to play or a while. He let me. I went outside and looked at Suppi in my arms. I took off the bonnet, the diaper and pacifier. He sighed, "What was that for?" he asked. "What do you plan to do now?" I smiled a bit devishly, "The best part! To show them how bad a child can be. And I'm really sorry to report that---" RING RING RING RING RING RING! I jumped half a foot into the air. Then I realized it was the moon and sun locket thingy that my father had given to me before he left with my mother for Rome.

I opened it and saw the face of my father smiling at me in the mirror-like screen. "Hello baby-girl, how are you? Your mother and I have missed you so much! It makes me so happy to see my favorite daughter's face!" Eriol said, his handsome, serene face aglow with happiness. I giggled, "I'm your ONLY daughter. I'd have to be your favorite!" I exclaimed. Eriol smiled secretively. "I wouldn't repeat that phrase in about being my only child in a year, Mina." I frowned, "Meaning?" "We're going to be having a little baby joining us very soon. A little boy." he said proudly. I blinked, "Are you pulling my leg, daddy? Ha! It's been only two days and you and mommy are already enjoying yourselves?" I said. I noted with satisfaction when Eriol blushed red, "Sakura you shouldn't speak so. It's a good thing that you'll have a little brother soon. So how is your plan going? Do you need anything?" he asked changing the subject. I shook my head. "Nope. But I can assure you I'll call you when I do. Where's Naruku and mother?" Eriol grimaced when the door slammed in the background. "Naruku just took your mother on a shopping spree. Wait." then he looked up when a voice called, "Eriol-sama!" Eriol complexion grew dark and he paled. He fled and then the screen grew dark and he hung up. I stomped my foot and mud splattered in my eye. I groaned and then stopped. I smiled. Hmmm. If Sakura and Syaoran had children or wanted them they needed to know that kids tended to throw fits. Normally I wouldn't do something like this unless something very unfair happened, but this was an exception.

I whispered something into Suppi's black ear. He purred and was only happy to oblige. SWIPE! SCRATCH! He bolted off down the street. I threw myself on the ground and screamed at the top of my lungs. "NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN"T DO THAT! NO NO NO NO NO NO! ARRRGGGHHHH!" I screamed feeling my face turn red. Inside I REALLY wanted to stop. This was giving me one heck of a headache. But it got the affect that I had hoped for. Sakura, Syaoran and Kosuka came rushing outside with looks of panic on their faces.

Syaoran scolded me and picked me up. I kicked and screamed with all my might and he hissed, "Mina-san! Shizuka ni, onegai!" [Be quiet please! I think] I didn't listen. But I knew I should have when he dumped me naked into the cold and soapy bathtub. I swallowed water and he grinned in satisfaction when I spit it out. Cold water! RRRGGH! I shivered, "Y-you a c-cold m-man, o-otou-san!" I accused him. He crouched low to me and put a strong hand on my head. "Mina-san, I'm sorry but there was nothing else I could have done. Hush." he said softly and kissed my soapy head. I hope you eat soapsuds, buddy! The water got warmer and warmer and I sighed with the magic filling the tub. My shivering soon ceased. I grinned and threw a handful of soapsuds at him. His reflexes were excellent. He ducked and I missed instead hitting Sakura in the forehead. Sakura spluttered in surprise and Syaoran laughed at her.

Then it was war. I threw soapsuds, then Sakura, and finally Syaoran. Our battle was furious. Hey, one time I even managed to get Suppi in the face. He frowned at me. His ears drooped and soap clung to his fur. He meowed angrily and duck-walked from the room. I laughed at him and the SOAP WAR continued. When we were done I was sitting on the couch nestled warmly between Sakura and Syaoran in a towel. Kosuka kept asking questions about the family. Like when they got married. They told him the day that they had captured the last Sakura Card, the Void. Well, the date. He asked so many questions. Too many questions. He talks too much I thought as I fell asleep. Suppi said later Sakura looked down at me with a warm smile and looked at Syaoran. He smiled at her and picked me up into his arms. Then he carried me to my bed and Suppi curled up beside me. As I slept, I dreamed of having a little brother that looked just like daddy. Little did I know that it was no dream. It really did happen. And I would love him more than any other child I had ever known. Because he would be a truly unique little boymy own little brother to watch over.

I woke in the middle of the sunset that day, which surprised me. I had slept for half a day! Wow! I must have been really tired. I sat up. Suppi told me that I had missed the moment when Sakura and Syaoran had walked outside together. I bolted up. "I have to see what happens to them!" I exclaimed. I curled my arms around him and disappeared. I reappeared in a tree near the back doorsteps of the house where Sakura and Syaoran were talking. "This is so uncomfortable." Syaoran said. "I mean I do love Mina, but I have a feeling she had planned this all along," he said. I gripped the tree. Uh-oh. They're onto me. Not good. Not good at all. Sakura looked at him. "Do you think so?" she asked uncertainly. Syaoran nodded. "If she did, then she's just as devious and convincing as her father was. We never ever suspected Eriol. Not once, did we?" I pounded the tree with my fist. I'm losing my touch, then! But the fact that I was convincing and devious like daddy pleased me. Good. Very good!

Sakura sighed, "If she is, then she's doing a good job. Because I'm already falling in love with you again, Syaoran." she whispered. Syaoran looked up hopefully. I smiled. YES! YES! YES! YES! It's working and I beamed. Mina-san you're a genius! They leaned forward. SLAM! They broke apart when Kosuka came through the back door. "Gomen nasai, am I interrupting?" he asked kindly. I gritted my teeth. NO NO NO NO! You ARE interrupting you sack of horse dung! I almost had them! ARGGGHHH! I felt like ripping a little hair out but I didn't. It wouldn't be cute if I had a bald spot on my head. I sighed and disappeared. Bed. I have to think. I thought as I settled down for sleep in my bed. Lucky thing too, because Syaoran came to check up on me. I'll get them tomorrow, I vowed. Tomorrow I'll have a little fun with them. Maybe embarrass them enough to hopefully kiss and make-up. I fell asleep with thoughts of embarrassing them dancing in my head. This was going to work out just fine.