Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Picture Perfect ❯ The Nighttime Masquerade ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Um for all those reading I am so sorry Um for all those reading I am so sorry. Somehow the fic got cut off. No seriously. I promise it was all a mistake. But somehow it stopped at the perfect spot. Very unusual. Here's the rest of the chapter. I guess it'll be chapter 5. A little short because it's SUPPOSEDLY only half a chapter. Hehehe not any more!

They closed their eyes. Lips were puckered. Hands linked.
I held my breath. Mission accomplished. Then , a couple coming by bumped into Sakura's and Syaoran's floats and they overturned in the water. I slammed a fist onto the bench behind the bushes where I hid. NO!!!!! Sakura and Syaoran spluttered in the water, surprised. AH so close! I sighed and fell off the bench anime style. I don't think I'm gonna live through this. I'm going to die of the suspense!

When we finally got home I saw Yaozumi across the street all drenching wet looking at me like I was the worst little girl in the world. I smiled brightly at him. You see, I sort of-um, lost my temper after that. So I took my anger out on him. When we walked past him I couldn't help but notice he was standing near the pool. And the dude was sweating, so I kind of, um, tripped . He was still frozen in place so I leaned on him briefly to help myself up and he went down backwards into the water. Hehehehehe.

I walked down the street towards him in his car. "Moshi moshi Hashimoto-san." I greeted him twirling my wet pigtail. He pointed across the street to Syaoran laughing with Sakura. "Who is that man?" he asked. I made my purple eyes shine with movie stars and I whispered to him, "That Syaoran Li. He is a great businessman from America. Aunty Sakura is trying to get a job from him, so he's living with her for a day to see if she's a responsible businesswoman for the company. She doesn't want anybody to bother her concentration until he leaves tomorrow afternoon. She's really under a lot of stress." My lip trembled and tears formed in my eyes, "I don't know what to do to help her. I'm so afraid she'll scold me!" then the tears came out and I got on tiptoes to hug Yaozumi's neck. He looked a bit surprise. I grinned. Atleast he was taken care of. He promised not to come back until tomorrow. Phew.

Late that night in my room I sighed in bed with content. Thank goodness that was over with today. Tomorrow, I had somewhere to go. It was all planned. But today's plan wasn't completely over. Something still had to be done. Sakura and Syoaran needed to know how good it feels to have someone to love. Suppi was near the window reading his book. I walked to the window. I raised my arms to the sky. It began to rain and the wind picked up. Electricity sizzled from my fingertips and went down my arms and throughout my body. I turned to Suppi, electricity crackling like wind around my body. The static made my hair stand on end. Freaky picture, but cool none the less. My eyes glowed lightly a bit blue. "I hope you enjoy seeing the beauty of lightning." I said calmly. Suppi looked at me in awe.

I smiled at him and the static in my hair ceased. The electricity swirling around me died down. It fizzled and with a clap disappeared. My eyes return to their regular purple color. I grabbed one of the books that Sakura and Syaoran had written in the past during their partnership. The story of the Void Card. It would remind them that despite the threat of the Void Card, their love was almost lost. Keyword, almost. Of course they made it through. So what stopped them after that?

I listened through the closed door to Sakura's room where they slept. Syaoran on the floor, Sakura in bed. It was quiet. I put my hand on the doorknob. I hope they aren't doing anything, um personal while I come in. I made my eyes wide, forced the tears to come out and made my lip tremble. Then I let out a shriek and ran into the room. I jumped into bed with Sakura and slid under the covers. I hugged Sakura and cried as the lightning flashed. I trembled. "Strike." I whispered. Lightning struck and the power went out. I let out a yip of terror. "Okaa-saaaaan!" I whimpered.

I heard Syaoran come closer and jumped up, still under the covers. Like a ghost I wailed and clung to him, half way to falling off the bed. Please don't let me fall. It would spoil the act. I felt Syaoran's strong muscles tense and he moved closer to the bed. I held tight. Come on come on. He slid into the bed with Sakura and I and I hugged him tightly in case he planned on getting out. He stroked my head and whispered words of comfort.

Suppi slipped into the room to watch and I grinned under the covers. I had them right where I wanted! In bed together nestled close to me, together like a family should be. I stopped trembling and gripped the book. Slowly I immerged from the covers with remnants of tears. When the lights flickered back on I put the book into his hands. "Daddy always reads me a story when I'm scared. Can you read to me, onegai?" he looked at the book in surprise. "This is t-" he looked at Sakura but began to read. I don't know what else happened that night, but I knew from Suppi that it worked out. I of course fell asleep. But I was ready for the next day. Because it was that next day that many things happened. The fourth day was the climax of my plan. Many good things happened that completed my plan. But many bad things happened as well that caused everything to spin out of my control.