Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Right Here Waiting ❯ Right Here Waiting: The Lunch ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Note: I've based this on the English version so the names will follow accordingly.

Right Here Waiting

White. That was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes.
When he had first moved here, the ceiling was painted white but
now there was dust gathering at the corners and little brown spots
all over it. He blinked once and exhaled slowly. Turning his head
to the side, he focused his eyes on the calendar hanging on the
opposite wall. The 17th. "It's Friday." The young man said aloud
to himself and then he smiled "I'm finally gonna see her today."
He sat up and ran a hand through his messy dark hair. The blanket
slipped down revealing a lean yet muscular torso. Syaoran swung
his legs over the edge of his bed and stretched. He glanced at the
clock at his bedside. It was almost eight. He had better get ready
now or he'd be late for school. Not that being late mattered to him,
as long as he got to see her today. He literally jumped out of bed
and went to the bathroom where he noisily began his morning routine.

"Ok class, that's it for today's lecture. Remember to read up on
chapters 11 and 12 for your upcoming assignment. One more thing
before you go, there will be a quiz in two weeks time. Have a nice
weekend." The lecturer concluded, drawing groans from the students.
"Aww, shucks. I thought you said this was an easy subject, Syaoran."
"It is, Zachary. If you bothered to study." His light amber eyes
showed amusement at his friend's comment. "By the way, have you
even opened your books this year?" "Erm. nope." Zachary replied,
giving Syaoran his familiar grin. "Thought so." Syaoran shook his head.
Zachary was the most relaxed guy he had ever met and he smiled so
much that his eyes were permanent slits so no one really knew what
colour his eyes were. Even his girlfriend, Chelsea swore that she
honestly didn't know either. "Let's go for lunch, I'm meeting Chelsea."

They both headed towards the cafeteria to their usual table. Chelsea,
Nikki and Rita were already seated and eating their lunch. "Hiya Ladies!"
Zachary greeted them. "Hi!" "Hey Syaoran!" Greetings were exchanged.
"I'm gonna get my food, be right back baby." Zachary winked at Chelsea
"I am not your baby!" she exclaimed but the smile on her face showed
how she really felt about it. Syaoran looked at all of them and realized
hat they hadn't changed much over the year. Zachary was his usual
nonsensical self and Chelsea still dragged him away whenever he
started telling his famous stories; Nikki kept her black metal-framed
glasses and Rita still had the same hairstyle as in 4th grade. "Coming
Syaoran?" a voice cut through his train of thought. "Huh? Oh, yeah."
Syaoran and Zachary joined the queue and he ordered his usual Friday
meal. Pancakes. Zachary had laughed and teased him when he first
saw Syaoran ordering it but Syaoran didn't care, it reminded him of her.
She loved pancakes and she made the best pancakes he'd ever tasted.
Memories came flooding back to him. Lazy Sundays in her house,
mixing pancake batter in the kitchen, getting into a food fight with her
and ending up throwing the flour at each other and messing up the
whole kitchen. He would never forget that day. They were both covered
with flour and giggling hysterically. "Tori's gonna kill me when he comes
back and see what we've done." She turned to face him, smiling.
In spite of all the flour on her face, Syaoran thought she looked beautiful.
Her light brown hair had streaks of white in it and her incredible green
eyes were shining. It was as if a magnetic force was pulling him closer
to her. He couldn't focus on anything other then her lips. She seemed
to be under the same spell too and she came closer to him and closed
her eyes. Syaoran closed his eyes and drew closer, so close he could
feel her warm breath on his face. His lips touched hers "Hey! I smell
pancakes!" they jumped apart guiltily. Syaoran wasn't even sure if
he'd kissed her. "What are you guys doing on the floor?" Kero flew
up to them with an accusing look on his face. "No. Nothing. Just
cleaning up." She stammered, blushing. "Yeah. I'll. er, get the
broom." Syaoran's face was totally red and he rushed out of the room.
"Syaoran!" "What! Huh?" "Dude, you're totally spacing out. What's up?"
"Nothing." Syaoran blushed. He quickly paid for his food and walked
back to the table. He sat down and cut his pancake into pieces. He
speared a piece with his fork and was about to put it in his mouth
when he heard a low voice say "Hello Syaoran." He looked up and
saw her sitting opposite him. In his haste, he hadn't paid attention
to anyone except his food. "Hi Madison. How's it going?" He smiled at
the dark haired girl. For once, she wasn't carrying her usual video recorder.
"Pretty good. You?" "Been real busy with projects lately `cos Zachary
here been slacking so much, I've been working twice as hard for both
of us." The girls giggled and Zachary grinned and put his arm on Syaoran's
shoulder "That's exactly why you're my best friend Syaoran!" He said
sending the girls into fits of laughter.

Once the laughter had died down, Nikki asked "You guys free tonight?
The Collage is holding a disco." "Alright!" "Cool!" "Let's all go together!"
Everyone started talking at once. "I'm not going." No one seemed to
notice what Syaoran said at first then Rita suddenly asked "Why not?"
Everyone at the table turned to look at Syaoran. "Well, erm, `cos, I. I
have something to do." "Such as?" Madison prompted. "Er, research for
the upcoming assignment." Five faces of disbelief stared back at him.
"Oh alright, I'm already meeting someone." He mumbled. "You have a
date? You little wolf!" Zachary thumped him on the back. "Who's the
lucky girl?" Madison asked. "That's a secret." "What?" Outraged voices
yelled at him "Sorry but I'm not telling. I have to go now." Syaoran
stuffed the rest of his lunch down and ran off before the others could
ask him any more questions.

"What on earth was that Zachary?" Zachary shrugged. "No idea, Chelsea."
"I've noticed a trend." "Huh?" They turned to look at Nikki. "Well," She
took off her glasses and cleaned them. "He never goes out with us on
a Friday. I mean, he always has something on every Friday but no one
knows who, where or what he does." She finished, replacing her glasses
on her face. "Hey, that's true! How come I never noticed it before?" "That's
`cos you're always so dense, idiot." Chelsea smacked him on the head.
"Owww." Zachary rubbed his injured head. "I have a plan." He smiled
his famous grin. "Let's trail him tonight." "What? You want us to spy on
him?" Rita accused him. "Not exactly, we're all his good friends and we're
concerned about him so we should find out if he's in any trouble or not,
ouch! What was that for?" Zachary tried to defend his idea but was stopped
halfway by Chelsea pulling his ear. "Hmm. not a bad idea. I'm in." Madison
declared. "Right on! Anyone else?" Zachary looked round. "I'm coming too."
Nikki said. "I guess I have to keep you out of trouble." Chelsea sighed.
"Rita?" "It doesn't seem right. oh, what the hack, ok." "Great! Now here's
what we'll do..." Five heads huddled together as they listened to Zachary's plan.

To be cont'd.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from CCS.

Right Here Waiting