Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura & li's first date ❯ epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ A - All Readers ]
"It's done!!" Sakura yelled out of joy, which woke up Kero-chan.
"W-Wh-Wha-What? Is it finished?" Kero-chan asked.
"Yup!" Sakura answered brightly. Just then her cell phone rang.
"Hi, this is Sakura. Oh, Madison."
Madison was in the choir concert, she said nervously. "Today our teacher came and cheered us on, and he said that Li-kun is leaving today at 10am!"
"Ten?!" Sakura looked at the clock, it was already nine.
"To take the ten o'clock plane, he should've left his house already!" Madison was feeking out.
"No...I haven't tell him yet, he can't go! He can't!" Sakura was so worried that she cried.
"Don't worry, you will make it. Because you've got you're magic spell."
Sakura wiped her tears. "Everything will be just fine' Madison...thanks, !" She hung up, took the present that she was making, and left the room. Madison wished her good luck..
Sakura stumbled down stairs. "Monster" Tori teased.
"What's the hurry?" Jullian asked.
"I've got to get to the bus station that has buses to the airport in five minutes!" She put on her rollerblades.
"You'll never make it on rollerblades!"
Sakura's father and Tori appeared, both of them look so worried.
"I knew it..." Tori said. "Just jump to the back seat of my motorcycle."
"Big-bro!" Sakura was surpisingly happy.
In the bus station, Li was on the already. "Even though I have got an answer from Sakura but..." He has decided, and won't change his decision, he's going back.
Just then, Sakura came rushing towards him. "Li!!"
Li heard his name and open the window. "Sakura...?"
"I...I understand now, how I feel...the person I love is you, Li!" She hand him the teddy bear doll that she spent the night on. It's a little bear with wings.
Li was speechless. "Thanks..." He said. "Can I call this teddy bear 'Sakura'?" Sakura nodded, "Sure, then I'll start calling the one you gave me Li..."
"Great!" (according to Madison, if you make a teddy bear, give it to your love one, and name it after you, the two will fall in love.)
The bus started to leave. "I'll come back!" Li yelled.
"When I have finished with what I need to take care of!"
"How long would that be?"
"Will you wait for me? Sakura? No matter how long?"
"Yes, I will." The bus left. Sakura watches it leave. [I'll wait for you, no matter how long, because you're the one I love, Li...]
---Few years later---
"I'm going to school" Sakura went off to junior high, she's a very fine young lady now. [Man, big-bro still picks on me, says the I still wake up late even now.] On her way, she saw a tall young man standing in front of her. He was holding a teddy bear with wings in one hand, and a school bag in the other. He was wearing the uniform of the junior high Sakura attends.
"Li...?" It's him alright.
"From now on I live here, in Japan." He said, using a manly voice.
"Really?" Sakura asked.
"Really." He answered.
(In the background Flower is scatering Cherry Blossom Petals and Rose Petals all around.)
"So we don't have to contact using phones and letters, anymore?"
It's like a dream, Li's really here now, with her. Sakura's so happy that she cried.
"From now on...we'll be together forever."
They hugged in the mid-spring air, promising that they'll never leave each other again...
(At their wedding Flower was once again scattering flower petals everywhere.)

ok that's the last one bye