Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Princess Diaries ❯ A Princess? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sakura tried to speak but all she could do was manage an "Ummm.Uh..ummm"
Everyone was staring at starting to laugh and point. She felt so bad
not being able to talk and letting Madison down. Meilin yelled to the
class "Oh look the "FREAK" doesn't know how to speak..maybe she needs
to go back to Grammer School..hehehehehehe" she giggles along with the
rest of the class. Minus Madison and Li of corse. Sakura starts to feel
dizzy want almost passes out before running out of the class. Everyone
errupted in laughter. Madison stands up and runs out after her friend.
"Hey Sakura" Madison sreams down the hall "Are you ok?" Sakura turns
tears filled her eyes "Do I look ok? What do you think? Huh? I get up
and look more like a freak then normal and everyone was laughing at me"
She cried. Madison smiled and looked at Sakura "Not Everyone...." she
winked at her friend which made her smile and blush a bit. Just then
Sakura's name was called from down the hall "Sakura Wait up" She turns
to see Li walking toward her. "Hey are you alright?" Sakura blushed
like mad and looked up at him. "Yea, I am ok I'm used to it by now"
she frowned. "No don't listen to anything Meilin says she is just
julouse thats all." Sakura looked at Li confused "Julouse of what?"
Li just smiled and walked back to class. "HOE.. he just spoke to me."
Madison was giggling behind her video camera. The end of school bell
rang and Sakura and Madison ran out to the gate. "Well, I gatta get home
I will see you tomarrow" Madison exclaimed. "Yea tomarrow bye Madison"
Sakura replied as she waved bye to her friend.

"Dad, I'm home" Sakura yelled as she walked into the door. "Welcome
home sweety, I am glad you are home. We have a guest that would like
to talk with you." Sakura looked at her dad a bit confused. "Who is it?"
Aiden looked toward the living room "It's your Grandmoother, your mothers
mom." "HOE here to see me what for?" Aiden looked back to Sakura "I am
not sure you need to go and talk to her." He smiiled. Sakura slowly
walked into her living room and layed her eyes on a women she looked to
be young, but she is not.. she has short brown hiar with Emeral green
eyes just like Sakura's she is slender and tall,and wore a dark blue
dress with fancy diamond jewlery. "Hello, My dearest Sakura." She said.
Sakura looked at her shyly. "Umm hello." she said nervously. "Please
sit down here, and don't need to be nervouse...I am so glad to finally
meet you, we have missed alot." Sakura nodded at this comment. "Well
grandma, how have you been? and why the sudden visit?" Her Grandmother
smiled "I have come to tell you something very important about your life
that you must know." Sakura looked dumbfounded "And what would that be?"
"Well Sakura, you know your mother was the Princess of Geno and that is
why she couldn't ever been here for you." Sakura's mouth dropped as she
stared. "My mother was a princess?" Her grandmother smiled. "Yes she
was and that makes you..." "A Princess?" Sakura interupted. "Yes you
are the rightful heir to the thrown."

Sakura set there just staring for a while trying to let this news sink
in. "There is a ball I want to present you at.. if you choose to be the
princess... and I can give you lessons on manners, clothing, languages,
and any other things you need to know." She said. Sakura was so shocked.
"Me oh my gosh I can't do this I can't run a country..... I can't even
talk in a small class of people." Aiden walked in "Sakura, will you
atleast think about it and attend the princess lessons and at the ball
you can decide if you still wish to be the princess." Sakura thought
about it for a moment "That sounds fair I guess," she frowned "Wonderful,
but please don't tell anyone this must be a secret we can't let the press
know." Sakura looked at her "DUH, Like I want anyone to know." Aiden
smiled hoping she would take her right as hier to the thrown in Gano.

Later that evening her grandmother had left and she was telling Kero
everything. "WOW Really, thats so KAWAII Sakura you have to do this..
it will be the coolest thing ever to happen to you." Kero sang as he
danced around the room. Sakura smiled a bit "Kero calm down I haven't
decided anything..I have to think about this." Kero frowned "Well you
better make the right choice." Sakura smiled again sweetly at the
little Beast. "Ok Kero, I going to bed I have along day ahead of me
tomarrow with school and Princess lessons GoodNight." "NITE" Kero said
as he slipped into his dresser to sleep also. Meanwhile at Meilins
house her and a few friends were there talking about a way to get Sakura.
"I can't beleave he looked at my LI and he smiled at her UGH I can't sit
around and let that Brat Sakura still my Li!!" Meilin fumed. Her friends
all shook there heads agreeing with everything, just to be cool. They
set and thought hard of a plan.... "HEY, I got it." Meilin squeled.

OOPS Gatta wait til the next chapter, I need some reviews so I can be
inspired to write more, Thankies R&R