Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura & Syaoran's First Date Version 1 ❯ why ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sakura & syaoran's First Date

Chapter 2

~Sakura's POV!
I had a date in less then 3 hour, I didn't know what to wear, plus I had no idea how to stop Touya from killing Syaoran.
The bell rang 'Yes Tomoya's finally here.' I thought as I raced down the stairs and nearly crashed into Touya who stopped me and asked, " I thought you said the Gaki wouldn't be here untill 7."
I signed in exzazeration(?), " Touya , it's Tomoya."
He made a face "I know that, Kaijou." He started to walk away but " I am not a kaijou!" That's all it took. He turned around grabbed my arm (and started to twist it) angrily and screamed at me " Shut up, and you are not going anywhere with the Gaki,"
I was shocked. Touya had never gotten this angry before. I tried to hide my shock by screaming " I will go out with whoever I want and you can't stop me!"
The bell rang again. Touya let go of my arm which, by now was bleeding, ' I might be strong but I will never be stronger then Touya', and threatened "If the Gaki gets anywhere near you I will rip him to shreds!"
I gasped 'I can't believe Touya hates Syaoran so much'. By now I was crying. "But T-Touya that's not f-fair." I sobbed. He turned around and slapt me. " Answer the doorbell and we can talk about this later." "B-but Touya…"
"What is it now?" He asked his eyes narrowed
"My arm." I held it up for him to see.
"Go to your room and I'll tell Tomoya that you felt sick and that you went to sleep."
I walked upstairs to my room and fell to the floor sobing. 'I can't believe Touya would hurt me this much'
~Sakura & Syaoran's First Date: Version 1~
~End of Chapter 2~
****************************************************** I am very sorry that it is so short but I am going to start typing chapter 2 of Sakura & Syaoran's First Date: Version 2. All of it is going to be different except for the First chapter. Please R+R.Ja!