Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Star Sanctity ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Orion Alai

Star Sanctity
by: the Lioness

Chapter I
This is a CCS Story, and I'm just writing a disclaimer to inform you, the reader, that I do not own any of the
CCS characters entered in this fanfic though the characters I made up belong to me.
"Here you sit. Here you stay!"
Hands akimbo, face scrunched into a scowl of distaste, Spidra forced her classmate into another chair.
No one took her reserved space. She turned back to the desk before her, unsure of whether to touch the contaminated seat or not. Someone had just violated its pureness, by seating their unsanitary bottom upon it. Now, what was she to do? She picked up her little datapad, and pulled up some personal files. A smile crossed her lips. Good, all her vaccinations had been cleared, so there was nothing to worry about. With deliberate daintiness, she placed herself down, and began to rearrange her hair, which had been frazzled slightly by her outburst.
"Oh, I must learn to calm myself." She muttered to her mirror, "It's ruining my hair."
She'd just gotten every strand perfectly in place, when there was a slight breeze from the door, blowing a strand out. Her eyes went wide, and she looked up to scold the newcomer, lips puckered in a frown. She relaxed a little as the culprit caught her eye. Little Sakura. Well, well, well. With a careless hand pushing back her jet black hair, she walked towards Sakura, swinging her hips in rhythm with the tap of her high heels. Carefully, she stood behind Sakura, and cleared her throat.
Sakura turned upward, and a groan escaped her. Not again.
"Excuse me." Spidra said with forced politeness, "but, I just came to inform you that you have interfered in my daily routine."
"Pardon, Ms. Spidra." Sakura turned back around, only to feel several slender fingers spin her slowly back.
"No one, gets away with ruining my style."
"Well," Sakura's eyes were innocently calm, "If you weren't so set on the seat next to the door, you wouldn't be having this problem. Would you?"
"The problem is not where I sit..." Spidra began.
"Spidra," Sakura dropped all formalities, "If you only took a seat near the back, your hair would stay in perfect condition from the start, to the end of class."
"...It is your problem! If you only opened the door a little more carefully."
"There is no careful way to open a door! Whether it's done slowly or not! There is bound to be an updraft."
The two females were standing now. From beneath her coat, 6 arm appeared on Spidra where none had been before. She waved each of them at Sakura.
"I don't care if you think there is a way! My request," She strained the last word, "is that you make a way!"
Before more could be said, Spidra stalked back to her side, leaving Sakura standing and feeling immensely foolish. Seating herself, Sakura shook her head sullenly. If she wasn't so set on getting a position in the Fleet, she wouldn't be in this class, with that girl...that absolutely frustrating girl! 17 year old Sakura Kinomoto sighed sadly. How was she going to make it through this term?