Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Star Sanctity ❯ Chapter VIII ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Star Sanctity

Star Sanctity
Chapter VIII
by: the Lioness
I do not own any CSS or SW material, I only own this story and I don't make any money off of it.
The weeks had flown by. Kinomoto had not hit it off with Black 3, the man was infuriated that he had to 'baby-sit some greenie girl', but that wasn't important. The other commanders barely respected her, but that wasn't important. Sakura had discovered that she had some sort of control of the things around her. She didn't tell anyone. Every morning Sakura woke up early, got dressed, and tried to use her power a little before breakfast.

Sygnif Darkim frowned behind his mask, Sakura was already using a little of the Force. This was not as he had planned. He had wanted to train her when she was completely new to the Force, it would have been easier bending her ideas that way and he would not need much to make her turn to the dark side. If those blasted fools in her squad behaved better then perhaps she would not have turned to inner strength. Darkim cursed. Soon he would have to reveal to her the true extent of her power and start her training…down the dark path.

Sitting in the cafeteria Sakura was eating quickly, hoping to get time to practice her power. Looking around the cafeteria she caught sight of Spidra making her way to the table with the Commanders, her tray in her hands. Seeing the female, Sakura felt her anger rise within her, two days ago Prong had died because of Spidra. They had attacked a Rebel outpost and, during the battle, Spidra had left Prong's back undefended when she had gone after an X-wing by herself. One of the other X-wings had noticed this and had quickly fired at Prong, destroying the TIE fighter.
She had been out there herself, but she had been unable to do anything as she had to watch Black 3's back at the time. Letting her rage rise within her Sakura stared at Spidra, wishing she knew more of her newfound power.
How she longed to be able to release her anger on Spidra, if only to trip her. She could see it in her head, Spidra would be approaching the table with the other, older, commanders and then she would trip, her tray flying out of her hands either onto the table or onto one of the commanders. Spidra would be so embarrassed that she'd never be able to look the others in the eye again. Smiling Sakura closed her eyes so that she could see a mental image of it happening in her head.
Suddenly she was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a startled cry. Opening her eyes she looked up to see Spidra falling down and her tray flying to land on the lap of the commander sitting at the end of the table. Staring at Spidra, her mouth hanging open, Sakura wondered what had just happened. Had she done that? Looking around the cafeteria she saw that everyone had stopped talking and that all eyes were on Spidra.
Looking back to Spidra she saw the Archniane was slowly getting to her feet, her face bright red with embarrassment. Keeping her eyes lowered Spidra avoid making eye contact with anyone as she spoke to the commander on whom her breakfast tray had fallen.
"I'm sorry," Spidra apologized. "I…I must have tripped."
"Next time watch where you're going girl," the Commander growled threateningly.
Nodding her head Spidra quickly turned around and exited the cafeteria, unable to take the humiliation anymore. Sakura was satisfied to see that Spidra seemed to have lost some of her superior attitude.
Sakura then started wondering where how she had gotten this strange ability. Was it a chance occurrence? Or had she inherited it? And if so why wasn't she told about this power?
Shaking her head in frustration she continued eating her breakfast. She hoped she would find the answers soon. Finishing her breakfast she picked up her tray, put it away, and left the cafeteria.

Touya Kinomoto paced up and down, hands clasped behind his back. "The Fleet seems to have acquired a great pilot. That pilot almost got you! How can you be so calm about this?" He was apparently talking to a boy about 17 years of age leaning casually against the wall, head down with his messy chestnut hair fell over his forehead, hiding his eyes.
"We triumphed in that battle, what more could you want?" the boy asked calmly, not lifting his head.
"But if…"
"Touya, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself," the boy stood up, revealing fiery amber eyes, and walked over to an enormous metal desk. He picked up a Fighter model, turning it over in his hand. "Let us make a plan for our next attack."

Swallowing Sakura stopped in front of the door to Darkim's quarters. And then, just like the last time she had been here, the doors opened by themselves.
"Enter Black 2," Darkim's voice ordered.
Doing as she was told Sakura entered the room and walked over to stand next to an astonished Admiral Choas. The Admiral quickly looked at her before turning back to Lord Darkim.
"And that was when the Avenger lost track of the Rebels my lord," Admiral Choas finished.
"Tell them to search the area," Darkim ordered.
"As you wish," the Admiral replied before bowing, looking at Sakura, and then leaving the room.
Darkim waited until the Admiral was gone before he turned to Sakura. Reaching out he entered the girl's mind finding confusion, fear, and curiosity about both him and her new power.
"You have recently been able to experience a new kind of power." It was more a statement than a question.
Sakura could only nod, unknowingly holding her breath. Maybe, just maybe, Lord Darkim could tell her more about her power.
Darkim proceed to guide her through her power. "Close your eyes. Good, and focus your rage." Kinomoto did. It was easier now. The other commanders' disrespect made it easier, the isolation gave her plenty of time to practice. "Use your rage, let it swell out of you, let it fill this room." Sakura did. It was strange. She could feel the furniture in the room, 'see' Darkim's datapads stacked on a metal desk. "My rage senses this?"
"No. Your rage channels you to the Force. The Force surrounds this room, this ship, this galaxy. It connects to everything, and your rage connects you to it.'
"The Force?" Sakura's mind raced, where had she heard that term before?
"The Force is an energy field that binds the universe together. A group of people" Sakura could hear the rage packed into that phrase, "A group of people would tell you that the Force is created by life. This is only partially correct. Hate, fear, anger, and death also make it grow. Now, see how far around the ship you can sense."
Sakura pulled her mind along the ship. She could faintly make out people, sleeping, around the ship. A few were awake and working. It was odd, the images fleeting, the people ghosts, it was like a dream.
"Now we shall continue your training my apprentice," he stated and watched Sakura hesitate before nodding her head. "Do as you did at breakfast."
Letting her anger fill first her and then the room Sakura reached out as she had done earlier.

End Notes: This was kind of short too, but I'm saving it all for the next chapter which is going to be really interesting. By the way, Syaoran is going to play a big role in the next chapter. As always, please review!
Thank yous to TaTa, Manda-chan, Negai, LN, Big Wolf, and Empress Sarah-sama for reviewing chapter eight!
-the Lioness
July 5, 2001