Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Tao master Hope ❯ Chapter One: A New Tao Master is Born Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kero, say hi for me okay. Kero: Hi everyone from the author herself and me of course.

Kero thank you and Hope do you have anything you would like to add. [Silence] I guess she still isn't talking to me or doing what I asked when I asked "nicely". [Silence]. Oh well I tried so I guess that you have to do the disclaimer again Kero. Kero: Sakura here does not own Card captors Sakura or its all-star cast, but she does own her ideas which to me is something at least worth having I guess. You guess how could you say that Kero when I thought you loved me. Kero: I do oh man. I'm not talking to you. Kero: But, but oh well let the fic go on while I trying reasoning with why friend here. Oh come on Sakura I was just kidding around!

Chapter 1: A New Tao Master is Born Part 3

"Here I go. Wood card return to your spirit "Hey, stop," Kero shouted! "Why did you stop me," Hope asked? "Because I told you, that in order for you to capture the card you have to reveal its true form," Kero said. "How," Hope asked? By figuring out its weakness," Kero said. "Well okay, but Kero the only thing that might work is fire because water will just make it grow.

"Good Hope, now you're really starting to think like a Tao Master uh Hope what are you doing," Kero asked! "Well, I'm trying to use fire on it," Hope answered him back. " Not that way, you are not going to get it to reveal its true form like that," Kero said while watching Hope trying to set the Wood Card on fire with a lighter. "What else can I do Kero," Hope asked. "Use a fire talisman," Kero said. "Okay, but please don't tell me I have to use an incantation to summon one," Hope replied sighing. "Well no, all you need is a piece of paper like this which I have by the way and just use your magic to make it into a fire talisman," Kero said. [Kero handed hope the piece of paper and she held it between her first two fingers]. " Now focus your chi and use it to transform the paper into a talisman," Kero said.

"Okay, hmmmm. There I've done it. What now Kero," Hope asked? Now you have to use an incantation to use it," Kero said. "Kero, I don't know any incantation because the last one I used was luck," Hope sadly replied. "Try anyways," Kero said. "All right I'll try but I'm not making any promises," Hope said.

Ancient powers hear my cry

Release the light


[Fire shot out of the talisman hitting the Wood Card causing is to let go of the students and teachers in its trap]. "You have to use the talisman on the card again Hope, " Kero said as the Wood card was still turned into branches. "But Kero, I'm starting to get really tired all of a sudden," Hope answered while swaying from left to right. "Well that's because the talisman is using your magical energy to weaken the card more. Now just use it one more time and then it should reveal itself.

"What if it still doesn't reveal itself Kero, Hope asked? "Well let us hope it does now use it before it recovers," Kero said. [Hope uses the talisman again hitting the Wood Card with an all out blast of fury. Then all the branches began to glow and turn into the form of a green woman covered in vines]. "It has revealed itself Hope now you can capture it Hope…Hope. Hey wake up," Kero said to a sleeping Hope lying on the floor. "Oh good morning Kero. " Don't good morning me. You have to capture that card now Hope before it changes back into branches," Kero said.

"All right don't get your feathers all worked up. Now what was that incantation for capturing cards [Snores]. " Hey Hope isn't that Eric," Kero said. "It is him, I can't believe that card tried to hurt him. All right that does it

With this blessed seal, I

Command you to return to where

Your spirit is confined

Wood Card

[Then the figure of the woman is engulfed in a circle of fire and turned into a card]. "That should show her not to mess with guys I like. Now let me go see how he is doing. Eric, Eric are you all right," Hope asked a boy lying on the ground unconscious.

"Huh all man it's just Josh. Boy all my dreams and hopes. Gee, I feel so alone," Hope said sadly as she walked to nowhere really. "Hey, don't forget about me hey I'm talking to you," Kero said as he watched Hope walking out the door. "I hear you Kero, but I'm going home.

At home…

"I am so tired I'm going to bed. Kero, you should be going to bed to instead of playing that video game again," Hope said tiredly. "But, I still haven't beaten your high score yet," Kero said. "Please Kero, I'll make you some more pancakes tomorrow

if you turn the game off and go to bed," Hope said while getting in her bed. "Oh why didn't you say that in the first place," Kero said turning off the game and flying over to where Hope's pillow was. "You know what Hope," Kero asked sleepily. "What," Hope said turning off the light and lying down on her pillow.

"You did good on your first try. I mean you could improve, but most Tao masters in training at your age could not catch a Tao Card on the same day that they released the cards," Kero said. "Thanks Kero, that was nice to hear," Hope said. "Well as the saying goes one card down 51 more to go," Kero said. "Huh, what did you say," Hope said sleepily. "One down 51 more to go," Kero said. "Oh that' s what I thought you said," Hope said while closing her eyes. [Then all of a sudden those words 51 more cards sunk in]. "What, 51 more cards, Hope shouted!

End of Part 3 and Chapter One

Next time: Hope begins her training to become the new master of the Tao Cards. Also, Hope discovers another all when a new card joins the fun. Next Chappie Chapter 2: The Master of the Wind Part One.