Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The China Doll ❯ Miko's Brilliant Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The China Doll

Chapter 2 - Miko's brilliant plan

Everybody met at Miko's house but there was a lot of tension between Tomoyo and Eriol who were standing on opposite ends of the room. Tomoyo kept shooting him uncharacteristic glares that mirrored Syaoran's old stares, but Eriol just kept his head down shamefully and listened to Miko. She ignored the two of them and explained the plan.

"Tomoyo, you'd do anything to help Sakura, right?" when Tomoyo shot a piercing glare at Eriol and nodded, she continued. "I think I might have a plan that will not only get back at Syaoran or Xiao Lang or whoever he is, but it will also help Sakura." She smiled proudly.

"Don't tell me we're gonna play matchmaker!" groaned Saurei.

"Well yeah, but it's not the way you're thinking. We're gonna need lots of money for this though." She explained slightly. When she was met by blank and confused faces, she sighed and explained everything to them.

"Here's what we're gonna do…"


Two weeks later Miko's plan had been perfected and school was out for the summer. While Sakura moped around her house, Tomoyo was busy calling in every favor she could to make sure the plan worked. She called the school, the airport and even the hairdresser's. Everything was set up by the end of July.

Tomoyo picked up the phone and dialed Miko's number.

"Moshi, moshi. Nagata residence." She answered the phone.

"Miko, it's Tomoyo. I was wondering when we were going to do this." She asked.

"How about Saurei and I have a sleepover and you can get all of her stuff. When she is ready to go home you can take her to the 'place' and get the first part done." Miko instructed.

"Ok. She wont like it though." Tomoyo warned but knew they wouldn't stop the plan.

"Yeah. I know, but it has to be done. She can't live her whole life in despair. She has to do this." Miko told her and hung up the phone.

'Everything has to be done quickly. She cant catch on to it.' Miko thought and began to finalize her plan.


"Where's Tomoyo?" Sakura wondered dully. They had finally gotten her over to Miko's almost two and a half weeks later with a lot of persuasion.

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"She was…um…busy this weekend." Saurei created.

"Yeah…she had too much things to do." Miko agreed and turned back to the movie. They had rented 3 horror flics to keep Sakura awake. They were already on the second one.

"She still should've come." Sakura said. She rummaged through her duffel bag and when she found what she was looking for she excused herself to the washroom.

She rushed in and locked he door. She sat down on the toilet and silently began to cry. She pulled out the two pictures she had taken from her bag and stared at them. One had been recreated from a video of Tomoyo's. It was of her and Syaoran after the final battle. They were holding hands and she was leaning into him slightly. The other was taken by Saurei just after the dance. It was a digital picture and had been edited to have half showing her and Xiao Lang during the dance and the other half was of her and him kissing. Nobody knew how she managed to get that picture.

"I want you back. I want you so bad it hurts. I guess you were right all those years ago. I am weak. Pathetic. How else could I have let you break my heart twice? I know you wont come back for me…I know…" she told the boy in the first picture. He just smiled back, blushing.

When she recollected herself and brushed her tears away, she walked back to the living room. Miko and Saurei had fallen asleep in front of the TV and the screen had gone to static. The movie had ended.

Sakura glanced at the clock. It read 2:30 am. Then she climbed into her sleeping bag and cried herself to sleep.


Ring! Ring!

Sakura was woken up at the sound of the telephone.

"Moshi, moshi…oh hi Tomoyo. Did you get everything she needs?…yeah, she's still asleep. You'll pick her up at 3pm. we'll meet you guys after her appointment…I hope so…you have everything ready, right? Ok…bye." Sakura heard Miko's voice in the next room.

"So did she have time to get everything she needs?" she heard Saurei ask.

"Yeah. It's all being sent to the airport."

Sakura staggered into the kitchen and saw Saurei and Miko, fully dressed.

"Was that Tomoyo?" she asked groggily.

"Yeah. She's finished her stuff, so she said she'd pick you up at 3." Saurei answered. They had made Sakura pancakes.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Miko asked sweetly. Sakura sat down slowly at one plate of pancakes and looked from Saurei to Miko.

"I know you're up to something…with Tomo-Chan. Spill it." Sakura ordered, starting to get ticked off.

"If we told you then it wouldn't be a surprise!" Miko smiled brightly. Sakura sighed resignedly and ate her food.


By the time Tomoyo arrived for Sakura, she was ready to tear someone apart. The "surprise" was starting to worry her and she didn't want to worry.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Tomoyo.

"Yeah." Sakura answered and put her bags into the trunk of the limo. Then she climbed into the car beside Tomoyo.

"First stop girls!" Tomoyo called to the women in the front, and the car lurched forward. Sakura didn't pay much attention to where they were going until the car stopped. She looked outside and saw a huge neon sign:

Toki-kun's salon

Tomoyo dragged Sakura out of the car and into the shop. Luckily Sakura was too stunned to protest much or else she would have been screaming her head off and fighting with everything she had.

She was thrust into the chair with a bewildered look on her face.

"I hope you remembered how the picture looked but just in case I'll leave this picture with you." Tomoyo exclaimed and dropped a picture onto the counter. The woman nodded and went to work.


When the cut was finished the stylist turned Sakura to face Tomoyo. She held up the picture and let Tomoyo compare the two.

"Perfect!" she cheered and dragged Sakura out before she had a chance to check it out for herself. "Charge my mom for this one!" she called and they took off in her black limo.

"Tomoyo-chan! Where are we going now?" she cried in exasperation.

"I guess you should know…we're taking you to the airport." She explained.

"Why? Who's leaving?" Sakura asked densely.

"You'll have that question answered when we - oh we're here!" she cried. "Get the bags please." She asked the head driver and dragged Sakura through the airport.

After a few dizzying moments they ended up in gate twelve in the departures. There was a crowd of their friends already gathered there.

"Sakura!" Miko cried and flung herself into Sakura's arms.

"Are you leaving?" Sakura asked, still clueless to her reality.

"No, …you are." She sniffed. Xun and Sashi walked up to them and handed Sakura her ticket and an envelope.

"You're sending me away? Was I really too miserable to put up with?" she asked, the hurt evident in her expression.

"No." Tomoyo said, coming up behind her. "Don't think of the fact that we're sending you away, think of the destination. Look at your ticket." She instructed.

Sakura opened the ticket and read the information.

Destination: Hong Kong.

"H-Hong Kong? But why?" she asked with tears coming to her eyes.

"To find Syaoran. This time you're going to go to him. But we're sending you on one condition. Syaoran changed his name on you but he didn't recognize you. That was stupid. You know what he looks like so you can change your name for him. He deserves much worse that simple confusion but…" Miko trailed off.

'So this is it.' Sakura thought. The haircut was the same as when she was ten just so she could confuse Syaoran. Sakura smiled genuinely for the first time since before Xiao Lang left.

"Ok. But what name?" she asked. Sashi spoke up.

"I did a little research. You were named for the Sakura tree. In china the tree and it's blossoms are called 'Ying Fa. That'll be your name." He smiled.

"Kinomoto Ying Fa." Sakura tried out the name for herself. She liked it.

"Last call for flight 590 to Hong Kong!" a voice called over the P.A. system.

"I better go then…thanks guys!" Sakura exclaimed as she walked towards the gate.

"What's gonna happen to the stuff I had in you car?" Sakura cried to Tomoyo just before she gave the flight attendant her ticket.

"I'm gonna send it to you!" her friend answered. "Wait!! Don't open the letter until your plane lands in Hong Kong." Tomoyo advised and waved goodbye to her friend.

Sakura waved one last time before she boarded her plane.

"Good luck Sakura." Tomoyo whispered as the plane took off.

To be continued…