Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Escapees ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own CCS. I only own my cookies.


The Escapees

~By Semmerie

The whole town was asleep. It was a quiet night in Tomoedea.

The night air was cool and crisp, and a light breeze ruffled the Sakura trees as it swept past.

One solitary orange leaf was lifted off the sidewalk. Carried by the gentle wind, it flew higher and higher…past the park, past the elementary school…

It started to descend into a fenced building near the outskirts if the town. Fluttering slowly, it touched cold concrete…

…and its descent was rudely interrupted by the sole of a shoe, which slammed it into the ground and grinded it into powder with its heel.

Its owner huffed and kicked the debris away.

"Aww, come on, the leaf didn't do anything to you…" Deep Prussian eyes pierced the others and the two figures sat down on the steps in front of the building.

"Bah, Humbug. This leaf belongs to Tomoedea, and Tomoedea did something to me. Therefore this lead also bears responsibility."

…A sigh and the scraping of a shoe on the stone ground.

The one who had so blatantly destroyed the leaf started to talk again.

"They wronged us. It was their entire fault. If it weren't for them and the stupid police…" She snapped the last word out bitterly and spat onto the ground, as if the word was the scum of the earth itself.

"Back to your cells, girls! No more midnight roaming!" A shrill whistle pierced through the air and the two headed back into the building.

"My dear friend, -we- are going to escape."

"But how?"

"Just you wait…"

If there had been light, you would have seen a rather feral grin plastered onto her face.

By morning, the whole of Tomoedea was in total chaos.


The next day…

The whole CCS gang huddled around the television.

"This has been worst mass breakout the town has ever seen. Five patients charged for excessive stalking have escaped from the Town Asylum late last night. Investigation revealed that the cell bars of these girls had been broken and that the electric fencing had been torn. They have covered their tracks expertly and we have no leads on them. Police advise to lock all windows and doors securely at night and install a working alarm system."

Five pictures flashed onto the screen.

"If you glimpse any of these people, please notify the police immediately. This is the end of today's report."

Tomoyo muted the television as the News Reporter moved on to the weather.

Sakura muttered a strangled "Hoe…", Syaoran-kun was venomously glaring at the television screen, Yukito and Touya were looking terrified, and Eriol had donned his normal Cheshire cat grin.

"This is not good at all."

The response was unanimous.

"I suggest we follow the police's orders, and bolt our windows at night."

"I'll use the shield cards."

"I'll install the alarm system"

Eriol spoke.

"All we can do is keep our guard up and observe what happens. If one of us disappears, the rest have to try their outmost to rescue that person."

The meeting was then closed.

Little did they know what at the very same time, someone was formulating a plan…


Cold, calculative eyes observed the people gathered in the room.

"We are fan-girls. Rabid fan-girls."

The group nodded.

"Rabid being the operative word."

The group nodded again.

"And rabid fan-girls do -not- fail."


"And this time, we will get the whole CCS group in -our- grasp, no matter what!"

Different dolls representing each character were raised into the air, and cheers swept throughout the group.

The leader smirked.

This time their plan was going to work, and work it will.

After a few uneventful months…


A groan sounded from a bed in Syaoran Li's apartment. A chocolate brown head poked out of the covers.


Dazed brown eyes comprehended the scene before him. A strange sound in his house. Closet…window…open door…a distinct shadow…nice warm sunshine…

Since when did he unlock his door?! Syaoran was awake in a snap and his eyes darted from the door, to the clattered mess on the floor, and then to the seemingly still shadow on the wall.

Someone was in the house.

Whipping out his ofudas and transforming his sword, he set out to hunt the intruder.


A chill of fear went down his back.

"Show yourself, you coward!" He gripped his sword until his knuckles were white.

The shadow moved…and his sword was ripped from his grasp and it vanished into the darkness. His ofudas followed.

There was a distinct explosion and soon the room was filled with billowing smoke.

Now he couldn't see his surroundings or the mysterious shadow. Darn.

Stuck without his weapons, and also dressed rather embarrassingly in his boxer shorts (Yes, he does wear them ~-^) and a loose T-shirt, it didn't seem like a very compromising situation.

Especially since the "shadow" has started laughing maniacally.

And quite loudly too.


Syaoran's eyes widened as he realized he couldn't escape. The shadow fell on him as the evilly cackling figure raised its arms menacingly…

…and a gigantic fishing net descended upon him with an audible thwack.

A chuckle emitted from his captor and the smoke cleared…

"YAY! Syaoran-kun!"

From what Syaoran had deduced, this…"figure" was a fan-girl.

This was enough to terrify him into struggling against the net with his bare hands.

But, he could not succeed in carrying out his own escape as his hands were locked in shackles and he was tossed, albeit gently (Weakness of Fan girls: Cannot hurt their beloved bishounen) into a corner of a van…

And a lump of toilet paper got shoved into his mouth.

Guess what. Me, the future leader of the Li Clan, has been kidnapped by a rabid fangirl, bonded and gagged, and also tossed into a stinky van in only my boxer shorts!

This was thought was a generous amount of sarcasm.

Soon, his eyes had begun to grow accustomed to the darkness. Squinting, Syaoran negotiated himself over to the other side of the van, where it was much brighter.

It was then when he saw four figures, known as Touya, Yukito, Sakura, and Tomoyo, in the same predicament as himself.

His hopes of escaping plummeted immediately.

The future was bleak. It seemed as if only the deranged magician called Hiiragazwa Eriol could help them…

…if he didn't get abducted himself.

Resisting the urge to whack his own skull into the side of the van, Syaoran took a deep breath and leaned against the cool metal.

It was going to be one long ride.


~Signed by yours truly.


A/N: Seriously, I -don't- know what's wrong with me. -_-"" This story was the product of boredom and plain amusement. I doubt anyone would review this. Yeesh.

But…*puts on a hypnotic mask*

Click on the little blue-ish button…Review…
