Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Funhouse ❯ Questions and More Questions ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Funhouse
Epilogue: Questions and More Questions

"So your father didn't notice you and Sakura-chan were gone?" Yukito asked Touya the next day in the Kinomotos' kitchen.

"Nope. He came home really late and went straight to bed," Touya said. "He didn't bother to check if we were sleeping."

"Well, that was quite an adventure last night," Yukito stated.

"I'm just happy it's over," Touya said, yawning. "I'm amazed I stayed up in class today."

"You didn't really," Yukito said. "Sensei had to wake you up during math class."

"Hmph. Math was always boring," Touya said. "I'm glad you're okay, Yuki."

Yukito smiled. "Domo arigato."

Touya looked at him. "Nani? Why are you thanking me?"

"For coming to rescue me and Yue," Yukito said.

"It was the stuffed animal's idea," Touya said. "The kaiiju needed backup just in case something went wrong. After all, no one messes with her except me."

Yukito shook his head. "Still having that sister complex, I see," he said teasingly.

Touya grabbed Yukito. He put him in a headlock and playfully gave him a noogie.

* * * * *

"Nooooooooooooo!" Kero-chan screamed, putting his paws over his face. "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Sakura sighed. "Kero-chan."

The video from last night was being played. The TV in Sakura's room showed Psycho swinging Kerberos over his head.

"I can't believe you kept that," Kero-chan said to Tomoyo. "Me, the good-lookin' Sun Guardian, getting my butt kicked by a clown. I'll never live this down."

"Cheer up, Kero-chan," Tomoyo said, smiling. "Think of it as a learning experience."

Kero-chan winced as he watched Psycho use him as a puppet. "I guess so, but that was a very painful learning experience."

"From the looks of things, I guess I'll still be needing these," Sakura said, showing the Sakura Cards and Star Key. "That's what I learned."

"Looks like I'll be designing and sewing more battle costumes for you," Tomoyo said excitedly. "Oh, you'll love the new designs I came up with."

Sakura sweatdropped. "Tomoyo-chan..."

"Speaking of learning experiences, we got a lot from this one," Kero-chan said. "We learned Psycho's some sort of magical robot and he's after the Sakura Cards and the Star Key."

"He's extremely powerful and the Sakura Cards have little or no effect on him," Sakura said.

"He's not the only Cyber around," Tomoyo said.

"Cyber? Where'd you get that word?" Kero-chan asked.

"Psycho mentioned it a few times during the fight," Tomoyo explained. "I think it refers to the robots as a whole."

"Speaking of robots, there's a lot of them, and they seem to be organized like the military," Sakura said. "You know, like ranks. The two robots who trapped me in Psycho's chamber were pretty anxious to get promoted."

"Heard the same thing from another one guarding the Funhouse," Kero-chan said. "He won't be getting promoted any time soon. Strange names for ranks, though. 'Programmer?'"

"Then there's the connection to computers," Tomoyo stated. "Didn't you think their names were strange?"

"Hai," Sakura answered. "'Enter?' 'Backspace?'"

"'Insert?' 'Altron?' 'Controller?' 'Deleter?'" Kero-chan wondered. "Definitely some weird names to give to killer robots."

"Naming robots after the keys on computers is rather odd," Tomoyo said.

"Computer keys...?" Sakura wondered. "No wonder 'Enter' and 'Backspace' sounded familiar!"

"Their ranks and classes are also based on computers," Tomoyo recalled. "We know what a programmer is. 'Kilo' and 'Mega' refer to the amount of storage space for anything on a computer."

"They also seem light. Touya caught a missile with ease, then tossed a robot like it weighed nothin'. Then there's the whole video game feeling I had while fighting them." Kero-chan watched as Psycho stomped him on the back. "Speaking of which, can I play one now?"

"Kero-chan, it was your idea for me to bring the tapes here," Tomoyo reminded the Sun Guardian.

"But I wanted to point out stuff to Sakura when she fought the clown," Kero-chan said. He sighed. "At least the gaki wasn't around to see this."

"Oh, I already sent Li-kun a copy of the tape," Tomoyo said, smiling.

"What?" Kero-chan exclaimed.

Sakura stared at Tomoyo. "You sent a tape to Syaoran-kun?"

"I wanted him to see how fabulous Sakura-chan was in battle," Tomoyo said, looking at her best friend. "You were wonderful!"

Sakura tried not to fall off her bed. She looked at Syaoran the teddy bear. She picked it up and stared into its beady little eyes. *Syaoran-kun...* she thought.

"Here's the two most important things we learned from last night," Kero-chan said. "Your magic is getting stronger, Sakura. When Psycho launched his final attack, you managed to hang in there. I'm also amazed at the number of Cards you used. You were still tired afterwards, but it took longer for it to happen."

"What's the other thing, Kero-chan?" Sakura asked.

"It's not over," he replied gravely.

Tomoyo nodded. "Psycho's still out there..."

"And whoever created him probably still wants the Sakura Cards and the Star Key," Sakura said, looking at them. "Kero-chan, do you know why Psycho and whoever created him would want them?"

"I dunno, Sakura," the tiny winged lion said, shrugging. "It's possible the Cards can be controlled by someone else, but they've become your friends, so they'll only listen to you. As for the Key, it's the expression of your magic. It's worthless to everyone else except you."

"So we have more questions to answer," Sakura said.

"And a new enemy to fight," Tomoyo said. "Sakura-chan, your career as a magical girl has just gotten more exciting!"

"We'd better be prepared just in case Psycho or someone like him shows up in Tomoeda," Kero-chan said.

"How?" Sakura asked.

Kero-chan thought for a moment. "Well..." He flew in the air. "For starters, we can practice battle poses and phrases. You know something to put fear into those Cybers. Like this!" Kero-chan punched in the air, then spun around. He stopped and pointed at Sakura. "I'm Cardmistress Sakura! I possess the invincible spell and I'm going to defeat you!"

"That's good, Kero-chan!" Tomoyo said. "But what about this?" She crossed her arms over her chest, then pointed left and right and pointed to Sakura. "I'm Cardmistress Sakura! Feel the power of love or be punished!"

Soon both of them were showcasing various poses and battle cries for Sakura. "Hoeeeeeeeee," she groaned as she fell off her bed.

* * * * *

"You failed me, Psycho. You had the Sakura Cards and the Star Key in your possession, and the Cardmistress was at your mercy. Yet, you were defeated by her and badly damaged in the process. Care to explain this debacle?"

Having been repaired after last night's battle, Psycho faced his creator and leader. "Well, Majesty, it's those stupid calculations' fault! They said the girl would be easy to kill. Also, they didn't take into account of the Sun..."


Psycho clammed up immediately.

"You were supposed to bring the Sakura Cards and the Star Key to me or at least the scanned data. Now, what happened to the latter?"

Psycho gulped. "The Scanner was destroyed before it could obtain the data properly, Majesty. I would've downloaded it to you directly, but the magic of the Cards and Key is massive and requires careful treatment, not quick..."

"I'm aware of that!"

"Well, the Cardmistress's Star Magic is powerful..."

"Are you implying she is more powerful than me?"

"No, Majesty! You are the superior magician! You possess the most potent magic on Earth! You are the most powerful magician in the world!"

"That is correct. Never forget that."

An image of a globe appeared before them. Numerous lights covered its surface. Many were yellow or red. A green one showed up occasionally.

"Thanks to your bungling, my timetable has been upset. My search field remains too large for me and I can't launch a wider search with what I have. With the Sakura Cards and Star Key, I'd be seeing less yellow and red on that globe."

Psycho studied the globe. "Um, Majesty? This seems to be in error. I count five green lights. There are supposed to be four."

"Now it's five."

Psycho gasped as he beheld the blue egg-shaped stone in his leader's hand. "You found...another one?"

"One of your fellow Master Cybers got lucky in South America and brought this to me while you were dealing with the Cardmistress." Psycho watched as the stone vanished, knowing where it went. "My power is increased, but I need all of them to accomplish my ultimate goal. Now thanks to your incompetence, I must carry on with more tedious searches for the rest."

"Your forgiveness, Majesty!" Psycho cried, bowing. "I promise the next time you send me out, I'll bring you a magical object that'll be sure to reduce the search field dramatically! The next time the Cardmistress and her Guardians spoil your plans, I'll kill them and bring the Cards and Key to you!"

"We shall see, Psycho. Now, since my power has increased, albeit slightly, I'm somewhat in a good mood. I'm not going to punish you for your failure. Now get out of my sight before I delete you permanently!"

"As you wish, Majesty!" Psycho vanished without a second thought.

A Window appeared, showing Sakura's face. "So, Cardmistress, you caused me a great delay, eh? Well, I'll get them all no matter how long it takes me. Once they're all in my possession, I'll subject the entire world to the beautiful night, and the laughter will go away."

An evil smile formed. The Window closed, darkness descended quickly, and all was silent.