Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon, The Sun, and the Chinese Cherry Blossom ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1:

Weird Dreams and Hints

`What a weird dream…' I thought as I looked up to see Kero-chan playing on the video game council. "I guess I'm not going to be late for once, ne Kero-chan." I said as I smiled at my small stuffed animal-like friend. He pushed the pause button on his video game remote and turned towards me. `You, Kinomoto Sakura, not late! It's a miracle." It was annoying that he was teasing me, again, but he did have a point. I was almost always either late or I got there only seconds before the bell.

"Hoe,' I muttered under my breath. `Hoe? Come to think of it, I wonder when and how I came up with that work,' I found myself absent-mindedly thinking. `It must have been around the… the same time Okaa-chan died…' I finished my thought sadly. I'm kind of glad that I was really little when Okaa-chan died, that way I don't have to remember how she died, so it's easier not to be sad.

I walked over to my dresser; whish had five creamy, light white drawers, each with two small white knobs parallel to each other. I opened the top drawer and took out a pair of snow-white socks that went just past my ankle, and a matching lacy white bra and underwear set. I put the garments that I had chosen in one hand and closed the drawer with the other. Then I walked over to my closet and took the white hanger that held my school uniform. The uniform consisted of a cute sky blue pleated skirt that was about twelve centimeters up from my knees. The shirt had long snow-white sleeves, which were nicely lose but not too much. The shirt also had a sky blue neck scarf, which had two slim white stripes on its ends. At the part where the knot on the scarf was tied I hade a broach, shaped like a cherry blossom with a crescent moon in the middle.

I got the broach from Eriol on my six-teenth birthday; I'd worn it all the time since then. He had never explain the secret of the broach to me, but I knew that it was more than it appeared. I sensed something from it, I didn't know what, I supposed that Eriol had, had it for such a long time that some of his or maybe Clow's magic had, rubbed off on it. Demo, at the same time I had always felt some sort of connection to it though. It was strange because I couldn't explain it. He had also given Tomoyo a broach like that for her last birthday but hers was a violet with the astrological symbol for Earth on it. Meiling, Chiharu-chan, Rikka-chan, and Naoko-chan had also gotten one from him on their birthdays to except a different flower and different symbol on each. Meiling's flower was a red rose with the symbol for Mars, Chiharu's flower was an orange magnolia with the symbol for Venus, Rikka's was blue baby breath and it's symbol was Mercury, Naoko's symbol was Jupiter and her flower was a very light green, almost white, water lily. Mine, Tomoyo's and Meiling's all had little notes with them, (I guess Naoko's Rikka's and Chiharu's didn't have them because they might have found the notes suspicious.) My note said, `Keep this with you always, when you need it you will know, Moon Cherry Blossom,' I never did under stand what it meant, but Eriol was probably playing his role of the mysterious one. `I still wish I knew what that meant…' I started to think when I heard a thump from down the hall.

`Onii-chan must be up,' I thought, `oh joy,' I finished my thought sarcastically. I laid my uniform over my left as I turned to walk into the bathroom. However, I saw the Sakura book glowing out of the corner of my eye. I changed my direction and walked towards it instead. When I reached the book, I opened it and the dream card came out. I picked it up curiously and almost thought that I heard it whispering to me. But then I heard it again, except in my mind. "Take note of your dream Mistress, your destiny is only beginning to unfold," Dream told me in a slow beautiful, but haunting voice.

I wasn't very surprised to hear the dream card speak into my mind; over the years I'd trained in magic and martial arts with Shaoran-chan. Because of my training in magic my bond with the cards had become much stronger. I have also become pretty good in martial arts, I didn't think that I'd do well in that, since I don't like to fight. But, to both mine and Shaoran-chan's surprise and Meiling-chan's, Eriol-kun's, and Tomoyo-chan's amusement I had managed to beat Shaoran more than once. `I wish I could remember my dream,' I thought in response to what Dream had told me, but I knew that she had already left and didn't hear me.

I was very surprised with what Dream had told me though, `What could she have meant?' I thought. I mean, I thought that I had already fulfilled my destiny, after all, I had finished capturing and changing the Clow Cards. I had also passed both Eriol's and Yue's judgments. Demo, I do remember Eriol telling me after the final battle that I had… only fulfilled my Clow destiny, ` But not my true destiny…" I said slowly remembering what he had said. `Then could my dream, whatever it was, be trying to tell me… my real destiny?' I asked myself.

"Did you say somethin' Sakura-chan?" I heard Kero-chan ask me. "It's nothing Kero-chan." I answered, drifting out of my thoughts. "`Kay!" He said as he turned back to his game.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the foist on warm. I took off my bathrobe, which Tomoyo-chan had made. I like the way that she had designed it actually. It was a bright light pink color and was made out of a soft silky material. The material was light and thin but it still kept me warm, whatever material it was made it flare out and frill at the end. It had two pockets on each side. On had a star design on it and a cherry blossom in the middle of the star. On the other pocket was a crescent moon that faced almost completely upward and smaller, but still good-sized sun behind it. I liked the designs on the pocket more than anything else on it; the designs felt… what's the word, familiar some how.

I hung my bathrobe up on the door hook. Then I slipped off my slippers, also designed by Tomoyo-chan to match the bathrobe, and put them in the corner. Then I took of my tank top jammy top, it was light pink as well but was made out of polyester instead of the silky material its counterpart bathrobe was made of. I had a sun on the left top of the shirt, a moon on the right topside, and a star in the middle with a small cherry blossom in the center. Then I took off my pants, which were made of the same material of the shirt, but had no designs except at the cuffs where there was a pattern of moons suns and stars. I folded my pants and shirt and put them on a small creamy white corner table and took off my underwear, putting them into the basket stitch, beige laundry hamper. I got into the shower and let the warm water flow over my shoulders, `It's nice, not to have to rush for once,' I thought to my self. I washed my hair and got out.

I rapped my warm, fluffy pink towel around me and started to brush my hair. I let the long full, and slightly curly honey auburn hair fall on my shoulders as I brushed it. My hair fell past my waist, and Otou-san told my that if it was black then I could pass as my Okaa-chan's twin sister. I suppose that I do look like Okaa-chan somewhat, I do have the same emerald eyes that I remember her having. Even Onii-chan seemed to notice a likeness. When Otou-san showed me a picture of when she was six-teen Onii-chan said, `Who would know the kajiou would ever not look like a monster.' I got mad at him and stepped on his foot. I chuckled quietly to my self.

I grabbed my hair dryer and plugged it in. It was pink. Unusual but Tomoyo decided that all the girls had to have a matching cosmetic sets in their favorite colors, customly designed with our names on them. I didn't use mine very much though, mainly because I was always rushing out the door. I let the warm air blow across my face and neck, it felt relaxing, and since I had a math test today I need to be relaxed when I had the chance.

I turned off my hair dryer and put it away. I slipped on my underwear and bra and then my socks. I slipped on my skirt and pulled my shirt over my heard. I pulled my hair out of it. I put on my socks and shoes and went down for breakfast.

`Just an ordinary day, I wish,' I thought sarcastically.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Konnichiwa Minna-san,

I know the first chapter was kind of boring, but there's some very important clues in it. This is my first fanfic so its not very good but it will get better. Please review but not to harsh flames. Thanks for reading.

Ja Ne,

Sakura Li-tenshi

Chapter 2:

School and Magic…Again