Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ The Time With You ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi- Hi I am Golden_Eyed_Dragon! People infromed me about this
MediaMiner so I came along. Well, ummm.. Enjoy???


The Time With You

Syaoran Li, a former Chinese boy at the age of seventeen let out a
sigh and floped onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling for a breif
moment, and let out smirk. All he could think about is, Sakura.

"Syaoran." he heard his mother call out to him. Syaoran faced towards
the door and got onto his feet and bowed to his mother.

"Mother." He said in a nice manner.

His mother, Yelan Li approached him, "We are going to have a visit
from the elders. They would like to talk to you."

"Okay." Syaoran said, having no other choice.

Yelan headed for the exit of his room, "Make sure to get ready." and
then she left.

Syaoran gazed around the room and sighed, he headed for the bathroom.


The elders sat around the table talking. Syaoran entered the room.

"Good evening, Syaoran." An elder greeted him.

Syaoran went up to the table and sat, "Good evening." Syaoran gazed at
the elders, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, nothing really." Another elder said, "But. Are you married

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow, "Married?

"Yes." The elder relpied.

Syaoran took a cup of tea, "Well, no. And I'm not really expecting

"Mm-hm." said the elder nodding his head, "Well, do you have any

Syaoran shot back and blinked, "Children? But I'm not even married."

"Okay, no children." said the elder.

Syaoran took a drink of his tead, "So, what's this about anyway?"

"Come with me." The elder said to Syaoran, and got up.

Syaoran faced his mother to see her approval.

"Go ahead, Syaoran." his mother said.

Syaoran gave a nod and left the room following the old man <Oh, sorry,
elder.> Syaoran walked into the garden were the elder stood.

"What is it that you want?" Syaoran asked.

The elder smirked, "You have a girlfriend, right?"

"H-How do you know that?" Syaoran said astonished.

The elder didn't even listen to Syaoran question and continued, "Her
name is, Sakura, am I right?"

Syaoran nodded, "Y-yes."

The elder gazed at Syaoran, "Have you ever wondered what your life may
be like in the future? If you were with her or not in the future?"

"This is nonesense, old man." Syaoran said not believing everything he
was hearing, "This has to be a dream." He said to himself.

"But it is not." The elder said, "And I am wiling to give you a chance
to see your future, but I cannot do so unless you want me to."

Syaoran grumbled and looked up a the elder, "What is this all about

"Just to give you a glance of what may be to come." the elder said.

"What do you mean may?"

The elder shook his head, "The future can be changed just by on
accident you make."

"So you mean, if I don't go to work or something my future will all
change?" Syaoran asked.

The elder stomped his cane, "No! Not little things such as that. I'm
talking about big things. Maybe as, divorce, or so forth."

"Okay, I think you are crazy old man." Syaoran retorted and heading
towards inside.

The elder watched Syaoran, "If you refuse, I cannot grant you this

"Fine." Syaoran sighed and walked inside, "Then I won't get it

The elder sighed, "You don't want to see Sakura?"

"Sakura!?" Syaoran shout and ran outside, "I would give anything to
see her!"

The elder pointed his cane at Syaoran, "Then I can let you see her!"

"Okay, old man. I'll accept your little fortune telling trick."
Syaoran said, finally giving in.

The elder swung his cane in the air, "Okay. Here we go." a magical
circle appeared underneath the elder, Syaoran gazed at it amazingly.
Then, the elder smacked the cane down on Syaoran's head.

"Ow." Syaoran said rubbing the top of his head, "What was that for?"
just then Syaoran started to fell faint, he then fell over passing


"Tu rn that alarm clock off." A woman's voice said.

Syaoran opened his eyes to find himself in a bedroom, the walls
painted in dark green, and in a bed. With a woman. "Huh?" He said
confused, not knowing where he was.

"I said, turn the alarm clock off." The woman said half- awake hanging
onto him.

Syaoran faced beside him and saw the over reacting alarm clock on
little wooden coffee table and turned it off. Syaoran got up and
looked around the room, "That old man's spell must of worked." he said

"You have been having dreams again, Shaoran?" the woman said again now
looking up at him.

"Eh?" Syaoran said and looked at her, she has green emerald eyes, with
honey brown hair. Dressed in a velvet pink night shirt, "Oh, yeah, I
guess so."

The woman smiled sweetly at him, "Well, don't you think you need to
take your shower?" she asked him.

"Uhh, oh yeah." He said having blush appear on his face and he walked
out the bedroom door. He then peeked in the door again, "Umm, Where's
the bathroom?"

The woman cocked her eyebrow, "The next door to the right." she said

"Oh, yeah." He said smirking, and shut the door.

The woman sighed and laid back down, "Either he has amnesia or those
dreams have brain-washed him."

Syaoran enetred the bathroom, he gazed around the room. The bathroom
was a normal bathroom. Painted in white, with a shower/bath, a closet,
sink, toilet, mirror, and other bathroom needs.

"Okay, but who is that girl?" Syaoran asked himself, "My wife? My
girlfriend?" he wondered while taking his clothes off. "But one thing
is for sure..she looks fimiliar."

Syaoran entered the shower turning on the hot water soaking his hair
and body, he sighed with relief. It seemed he has gone three days
without showering. Just then,

the bathroom door opened, Syaoran sweatdrooped not knowing who exactly
the person was.

"W-W-Who is it?" Syaoran stuttered.

"It's just me Shaoran." the woman's voice said.

Syaoran gulped, "Oh."

The curtain opened abit and shut, Syaoran grew another sweatdrop and
turned around to see the woman. He let out a big gasp feeling a little
uncomfortable and turned around fast not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Syaoran gulped, "Oh, nothing."

The woman approached him and started rubbing his shoulder, there was
shivers all over Syaoran's body he felt so uncomfortable but yet, so

"You feel so tense." the woman said now rubbing his back.

Syaoran gulped, "W-w-w-w-w-hat i-i-i-i-s yo-o-o-our name-e-e-e?"

"My name?" the woman asked, "Your joking right, Shaoran?"

Syaoran shook his head and faced her looking into her eyes, "No. I'm

The woman looked at him and then let out a chuckle, "Shaoran, it's me,
Sakura, your wife."

"EH!!!??" Syaoran shouted shokingly, until he felt Sakura's index
finger against his lip.

"Ssssh." Sakura whispered, "You'll wake him."


Sakura cocked her eyebrow at Syaoran, "Your son. Hinyu."

"My son!?" Syaoran said.

Sakura giggled, "Yeah, your son."

Syaoran gasped, and then Sakura took some soap and rubbed against
Syaoran. Syaoran sighed and relaxed.


A little while later, Syaoran walked down the stairs fully dressed in
a blue shirt and blue jeans, he looked around. The family room was
sorted nicely, the carpet was white, toddler toy trains were right by
the television screen on the carpet, there was a couch, and about
three chairs. A CD player with surrond sound. And a DVD player.
Syaoran looked around and heard talking in the next room. Syaoran
walked towards there to see the kitchen, just like a normal kitchen,
fridgerator, sink, oven, microwave, cabinets, table, etc. Sakura was
cooking some eggs and bacon at the oven. While a four year old boy sat
at the table, playing his his little toy helicoptor, he looked up at

"Oh, hi Daddy!" the little boy said.

Syaoran closed his eyes in relief, these things were going so fast for
him. It's getting so confused, and he doesn't really know exactly what
accident will cause thing to change...


How ya like it? Review if you want me to continue. I need inspiration.
This one was pretty short, the other chapters will be longer. Please
no flames, and I hope this goes well!