Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ A Feeling ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yeppers. another one, so fast.....


"Co uld you pass me the butter?" Touya asked muching on his food.
Syaoran, Sakura, Hinyu, and Touya all sat at the dining table, eating.
Syaoran grabbed the butter and handed it to Touya, "Thanks, Chinese

Hinyu looked back and forth at everyone, "Could you pass me the
butter?" he said, trying to imitate Touya.

"Ha!" Touya laughed and patted Hinyu on the back playfully, "You are
picking the BEST person to be!!"

Sakura wasn't eating, she was just looking at Syaoran, trying to make
eye-contact, but got nothing...

=Shaoran is acting very wierd...= Sakura thought. =He's acting as if
we aren't even married.=

Syaoran just looked at the clock, and gave a gaze over to Sakura. And
saw Sakura, looking down.

Knock..knock..knock.. "I'll get it. It's probably Yuki." Touya said
getting off from the couch and opening the door.

"Good evening." Yukito said smiling, waving his hand.

Touya smiled and opened to door fully for Yukito to come inside, "Hey,

Yukito walked inside and smiled at Syaoran and Sakura, which were
sitting on the couch together, "Hello, Sakura, Syaoran."

"Yukito!" Sakura said happily waving her hand hello to him.

Syaoran gulped and nervously looked over at Yukito and smiled,

"Huh?" Yukito said staring at Syaoran, "...Hello."

Syaoran sweatdropped, =Uh-oh....=

Yukito shook his head, "Where's Hinyu?"

"He's in bed." Sakura said, "It was past his bedtime anyway."

Yukito smiled, "Well. I wanted to stop by to greet him an early happy

"Yukito," Syaoran pointed out, "Hinyu's brithday is three days away."

Yukito giggled, "I know..." Yukito looked at Syaoran strangely,

"Uhhh.." Syaoran sweatdropped.

"So," Sakura interrupted, "What are you getting Hinyu, Yukito?"

Yukito put his to his chin, "Well, I was thinking about getting him a
little remote controlled car."

"I was thinking about getting my little nephew a Tikes Plastic Surgery
Kit." Touya said, "He could 'really' use it on his father."

Syaoran growled, "Funny!!"

"Syaoran." Yukito said firmly.

"Eh?" Syaoran looked up at Yukito's face.

Yukito smiled, "May I speak with you?"

"Ummm...okay?" Syaoran said nervously.

Yukito walked down the hallway, and Syaoran followed. Yukito opened
the door and Syaoran walked in. They entered a visitor bedroom.

"Syaoran..." Yukito said.

Syaoran turned to Yukito and gulped, "Y-Yes??"

"I am going to change into my other form, if it not a problem with
you." Yukito said with a smile.

Syaoran shook his head nervously, "No, I don't mind."

Yukito closed his eyes, and glew a bright yellow, and two giant wings
grew from his back, the wings expanded and covered his whole body. His
wings unfolded around his body, to present his true form, Yue..

"Syaoran..I sense a difference inside of you." Yue said, crossing his

Syaoran sighed, "Yue, there's something I have to tell yo-"

"You have came from the past, and have been trapped in your future
body, am I right?" Yue immedialtley said.

Syaoran blinked in astonishment, "Yes.."

"It's okay," Yue said, "I won't tell."

Syaoran took his head to the side, "Not even, Touya?"

"Not even Touya." Yue promised with a smile, "So, how is it going with

Syaoran looked out the window, "He hasn't expected anything."

"Well, Hinyu isn't that bright sometimes, like Sakura. He probably
won't notcie." Yue said, "But, what about Sakura? Has she noticed?"

Syaoran scanned the room, "I'm not so sure. I don't know how to act
around her."

"You love her, don't you?" Yue asked.

Syaoran looked at Yue, "I can't. I mean, she isn't even the Sakura I
know... and I'm not the Syaoran she really knows. Therefore, I can't
REALLY love her."

"Hmmm...I seem to understand what you are feeling." Yue said, "But,
she is and will always be Sakura. Maybe you will see that soon,

Syaoran felt a little worried, "Maybe..." he said trying to encourage

Yue's wings covered his body and he shune a bright yellow, his wings
unfolded and there was Yukito. His wings grew small and dissapeared
into his body.

"So," Yukito said, "What's for supper?"

Syaoran sweatdropped, "We already ate supper, Tsukishiro. But, you can
fix yourself a plate if you want."

"Thanks." Yukito thanked Syaoran, and left the room.

=Maybe Yue is right..= Syaoran thought, as he walked out. He walked
down the hallway, and stood by the stairs, he looked into the family
room. He saw Sakura talking to Touya. She started giglgling at
something Touya said. Sakura's hairs swifted, on her soft sking, her
green emerald eyes shining. Syaoran melt at her sweet sounding over
her voice. =She is so bueatiful...= he thought and smiled sweetly as
his eyes softened on her. Syaoran then walked up the stairs, to his
room. He looked around.

=Maybe she is the same...= he thought, =She seems like it. I do love
the Sakura from my original time, don't I? Then what's keeping me from
loving this one? She's the same...=

Syaoran walked to the counter by his bed, and opened slid open the
first cabinet, and saw a stack of red strings of a ancient cloth
material. Syaoran picked it up, to reveal the red strings were all
together, hanging from a black orb. "My....sword??" Syaoran said. It
was his sword, in it's smaller form. Syaoran thought for a moment, and
had nothing else to do. He brought the red strings that were attached
to the black orb, up to his face. He closed his eyes and concentrated
his energy. Then the object in his hand all glew white. Then, the
white desolved to have Syaoran's sword, with the red stirngs and black
orb hagning off the end of the handle grip.

"Hmmm.." Syaoran mumbled examing his sword, it had some cracks in it,
"They are still there from The Sealed Card?" he asked himself and
sighed. He then took his sword and pointed it out, and started
practicing. (A/N: I like how Syaoran practiced his sword in CCS
episode 57: "Sakura, Syaoran and the elevator".)

After a little while, Sakura walked into the room, "Shaoran.." she
said seeing him practicing, "You know what I told you about practicing
your sword fighting inity. the room.." Syaoran cocked an eyebrow and
looked at his sword that he was holding in his right hand, "Don't
practice in the room, you'll cut the bed in the half."

"Oh, that would be a pity." Syaoran giggled, and smiled sweetly at

Sakura walked over and rubbed his arm, "Wouldn't it, though." Syaoran
grabbed Sakura's hand, and pulled her back a little.


Syaoran looked deeply into her eyes lovingly and Sakura looked into
his eyes lovingly back. Syaoran leaned his head forward to Sakura's,
he then put his lips against her. He felt as if he could explode, he
kissed her more emotionally and she helped out. She put her arms
around Syaoran's neck as their kiss deepened. Syaoran seperated their
kiss and put his forehead against Sakura's and smiled at her.

"Why the sudden change?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran took his hand and rubbed Sakura's back slowly and gentley, "I
just found out how much I love you."

"Oh?" Sakura asked smiling.

Syaoran put his arms around Sakura and pushed her forward against him,
"Yeah. And it's alot..." Sakura giggled and they went back into their


The light from the window light upon Syaoran's face. Syaoran opened
his eyes and looked around to find himself in the bedroom, beside
Sakura. He smiled at her and got up. He put on some clothes and walked

=I can't believe it...I really DO love her as much as the Sakura from
my time zone. No- I love her. She IS Sakura.=