Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ Hinyu's Birthday Special! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the next one...again...


Syaoran sat down watching television, smiling, =Finally, I realize how
much I love it here. Because, Sakura and Hinyu. I love them with all
my heart. Yue and Keroberos WERE right! I never want to leave from
this time zone!!=

There was knock on the door, that gave Syaoran a sudden jump, "Who
could that be?" he asked himsself and opened the door.

"SHAORAN!!!!" A female voice said in a burst. Syaoran got a giant hug.
The woman looked at him with her light brown eyes smiling.

"M-M-Meiling?" Syaoran asked.

The woman, flipped her long black hair behind her, "Who else would it
be, Shaoran?"

"Umm..What are you doing here?" he asked.

Meiling giggled, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I am here to visit from
Hong Kong."

"Oh." Syaoran said, "Well, you have to be quiet. Sakura is sleeping."

"Mou.." Meiling pouted, "Too bad. I wanted to see her."

Syaoran invited Meiling in, "Well, you can wait untill she wakes up."

"Okay." Meiling said, and looked around, "Where's my FAVORITE

"I'm right here, Meiling." Syaoran said pointing to himself.

Meiling sighed, "I meant Hinyu."

"Well.." Syaoran sweatdropped, "I don't know really."

Hinyu came running in from outside with Kero floating beside him, "HI
MEILING!!" he shouted and hugged her.

"Hey, Hinyu." Meiling said, "How've ya been?"

"Fine." Hinyu said.

Kero floated up to Meiling, "Hey, little brat!"

"Hey...stuffed animal." Meiling said, her eyes narrowed on Kero.

"What was that?!!?" Kero said.

"You heard me.." Meiling said.

Hinyu sighed, "Enough fighting."

"Meiling??" There was Sakura, standing at the end of the stairs

Meiling smiled and waved at Sakura, "Sakura!"

"When did you get here? I thought you were in Hong Kong." Sakura said

Meiling sighed, "Well, I got her about yesterday. I wanted to stay
after all. Tomorrow is Hinyu's birthday."

"I know." Sakura said, "And Shaoran took Hinyu out to Hooters last

Meiling looked at Syaoran, "Hooters?!" she then faced Sakura with a
typical look, "Men.." Sakura and Meiling laughed.

"Hey.." Syaoran whined, and then sighed, "Meiling, would you like
something to drink? Soda, juice, milk, beer?"

Meiling looked at Syaoran, "I don't drink beer, Shaoran. But, juice
will be fine."

"Alright." Syaoran said and headed for the kitchen. =The future is
great...= Syaoran thought, =This is the BEST thing that ever happened
to me. Well, finding Sakura was the best thing that happened to me.
But, this is just as great..= Syaoran got out a glass and poured some
orange juice in it. And he went back into the kitchen.

"Here." he said and handed the glass to Meiling.

"Thank you, Shaoran." Meiling thanked him, "So, do you have everything
planned out for Hinyu's birthday?"

Sakura smiled, "Well, Tomoyo has the decorations at her house that she
is bringing them over tomorrow."

"Who is all invited?" Meiling asked.

Sakura thought about everyone, "Let's see, My father, Touya, Grandpa,
Yukito, Eriol & Tomoyo, Chiharu & Yamazaki, Noako, Rika.."

"Basically, all the old gang?" Syaoran asked, smiling.

"Yeah." Sakura answered, "Hoe? They aren't old Shaoran."

Syaoran sweatdropped, "It's a figure of speech."

"COUSIN MEILING!!!!" Hinyu shouted happily, and ran into the family
room over to Meiling, "Hey, Meiling. Yesterday my daddy took me out
and we went to this place called "Hooters"!!"

Meiling giggled, "Sorry to tell you this though, but, Hooters isn't a
place that you should be proud of."

"Why not?" Hinyu asked, "It was fun!"

Syaoran looked at Sakura and smiled, "See, Syaoran is the BEST!!"

"Well, we all know who fed him, when he was a baby." Sakura

Syaoran sweatdropped, "Ummm..."

"That's what I thought." Sakura said.


"Shaoran, will you get the door please?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran sighed, "Okay." he left the two women to talk, and he opened
the door.

"Hey, Syaoran." Eriol greeted him holding a little three year old boy
in his hands.

Syaoran cocked and eyebrow, "Hiragizawa? What are you doing here

"Just dropping Riao off. I hope you don't mind watching him." Eriol

Syaoran sighed, "I don't..."

"Hi Riao." Hinyu said smiling.

Riao had blue hair like his dad, and had blue purplish eyes like
Tomoyo, "Hi.." he said shyly.

"Alright my man," Eriol said putting Riao down, "I'm leaving now, you
just play with Hinyu, okay?"

"Okay..." Riao said sucking his thumb and walked off with Hinyu.

Eriol looked at Syaoran, "Hey, Syaoran. Thanks for watching him."

"No problem." Syaoran said, "It seems I watch over EVERYONE who steps
into the house." Sakura laughed inside the family room hearing
Syaoran's comment.

Eriol giggled, "Well, good day." he then walked off.

"Come on Riao, I'll show you my coloring books." Hinyu said and took
Riao's hand and they wallked into his bedroom. Syaoran smiled at his
son, and shook his head.

Next day....

"Happy Birthday Hinyu!!" Fujitaka said

Hinyu smiled, "Grandpa!" he then ran over and hugged him, "What did
you get me?"

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and see." Fujitaka said placing his
wrapped present on the table.

Yamazaki was talking to Syaoran, "You know, giving present on
birthdays were first invented in Egyptian times. The Pharoahs of Egypt
ordered their slaves to bring them present such as, meat, water, and
other supplies on a special day. So the slaves brought the present the
exact day the pharoah was born."

"Really?" Syaoran asked.

Yamazaki nodded, "Yeah. And also, the birthday cake tradition was
first invent in 200 A.D. whe-"

"Okay, okay, enough of that Takashi." Chiharu said and dragged
Yamazaki off.

Yamazaki waved by to Syaoran, "I'll talk to you later, Li!"

Over at the snack table, Kero was talking to Suppi.

"Yeah, and I mean, look at all the snacks!!" Kero taunted Suppi.

Suppi sighed, "I'm not interested, Keroberos."

"Awww, come on!" Kero said cheerfully, "Just one bite??"

"No, Keroberos!" Suppi gulped.

Kero sweatdropped, "Party pooper." Kero stuffed food into his own

"Pig.." Suppi mumbled under his breath.

"Hi Suppi-chan!" Nakuru said running over.

Suppi had a vain pop out from his head, "Don't call me that..."

"Sorry, SUPPI-CHAN!! But, have you seen Touya?" she asked.

Suppi sighed, "No..."

"Hi, Naoko." Sakua greeted her.

Naoko smiled, "Hi, Sakura. I hope I'm not too late for the party."

"No, you're just in time. Just one more person needs to arrive."
Sakura told her.

"Hello, Sakura." A humble voice said behind Sakura.

Sakura turned around to see who was behind her, "Grandpa.." she said

"Hello." Mr. Amamiya smiled at her, "Yes, it's been awhile."

Sakura smiled and hugged onto him, "I'm so happy to see you Grandpa!"

"I'm glad to see you too, Sakura." Mr. Amamiya said, and then looked
around, "So, where is my great great grandson?"

Sakura giggled, "He's over there." she said pointing to Hinyu talking
to other kids in a little circle.

"Ahh." Mr. Amamiya said and nodded, "He's very beautiful, just as you
are." Sakura blushed.

"OH MY!!!" various voice screamed at once, "KAWAII!!!!!"

At that moment, Syaoran froze. His face paled, and a slight color of
blue came upon his face, "Oh no..." he murmured. He knew those voice

Fuutie, Fanren, Siefa, and Feimei came bustling in with presents and
party hats on, "Hello!!!" the four of them greeted happily and ran in.
They all placed the present on the table and ran over to Sakura, "Hi,
Sakura!" they all said.

"Oooohh, she's as cute as she was when I FIRST saw her!" Fanren

"No, no, she even cutier!!" Feimei said.

"Hooooeeee..." Sakura sweatdropped.

Syaoran walked over to Meiling, "What are my sisters doing here

"I invited them." Meiling smiled.

Syaoran growled madely, "You what!?!!?"

"Xiaolang.." A woman's voice said. Syaoran froze immediatly and her
turned to see his mother, Yelan.

"Mom?" Syaoran asked, "I thought you were in Hong Kong, at home."
=Yeah! Slick move. How do you know if there were REALLY EVEN in Kong

Yelan put a hand on Syaoran, "Why wouldn't you really know?"

Syaoran gulped, he forgot his mother could hear what he was thinking,
"U-Ummm, nothing. Well, welcome."

"Thank you Xiaolang." She thanked him and walked over to Hinyu.

"Hi, Grandma." Hinyu said to her.

Yelan smiled and hugged him, "Hello, Hinyu. Happy Birthday." she then
gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Grandma.." Hinyu pouted wipping the kiss mark off his forehead, "Not
infront of everyone."

Yelan smiled, "You remind me so much of Xiaolang."

"Oooohhh! HINYU!!!!" Syaoran's sisters yelled running towards him.

Hinyu had millions of sweatdrops, "Hi...Aunties..."

"HINYU!!!" Syaoran's sister yelled and pounced on Hinyu <just like
they did to Sakura and Tomoyo in the first movie> playing with his
hair, and his check, and petting him.

"He is so CUTE!!" Siefa said.

"He must take that after his mother!" Fuutie said. All of Syaoran's
sister laughed in unison.

"They ae very lively.." Fujitaka sweatdropped.

Touya took a bite out of a sandwhich, "Tell me about it."

"Okay, everyone is here Hinyu." Sakura said out to him, "You can open
you presents!"

Hinyu jumped up, "PRESENTS!!" he then ran up to the present table,
"Gemme a present!!" Everyone gathered around the table to watch.

"Here." Touya said handing Hinyu a present, "This is from me."

Hinyu took the present, "Thank you Uncle Touya!" he then ripped open
the present, to reveal a PlaySkool doctors kits.

"It's a toy doctors kit." Touya said, "It was the closest thing I
could find to a plastic surgery kit to use on you dad."

"Ha...ha.." Syaoran said.

Hinyu smiled and hugged Touya, "Thank you Uncle Touya."

"Here Hinyu." Chiharu handed him two presents, "These present our from
me and Taiha. And the other is from Takashi."

"Thank you." Hinyu said and took the present, he opened the present,
to have an action figure. He smiled, "It's a Turboman Figure!!!"

Syaoran looked over, "Is it the one, That Tubroman With Mega Cannon

"No." Hinyu said, "It's Turboman with the Mega Helicopter!! I wanted
this one!!" Hinyu then opened the present from Takashi. It was a book.
"A book?"

Yamazaki pointed to the book, "Yup. It's called, "The Book Of Legends"
rely on this book with your life." Yamazaki said, Chiharu sighed.

"Okay.." Hinyu said, "Next present, please!" he said unpatiently.

Yukito handed Hinyu a present, "Here Hinyu."

"Thanks." Hinyu said and opened it. It was a TV Dinner.

Yukito smiled, "Oh, there's where my tv dinner went. Well, I guess you
can have it."

"Thanks." Hinyu said. "Any others??"

"Here." Tomoyo said handing him a present.

"That's from us." Eriol said holding Riao and holding Tomoiol's hand.

Hinyu opened the present to see a camera, "I camera!!!" he said
happily, "Now I can take pictures of other people's privacy!!" Syaoran
and Sakura sweatdropped and looked at eachother.

...Later on...

Everyone was eating sandwhiches inside. =I wonder why we don't have a
cake...= Syaoran thought as he took a bite of his sandwhich, siting on
the couch.

Hinyu walked up to him, "Daddy, I didn't get a present from you."

"Oh, yeah." Syaoran said, "Here." Syaoran handed Hinyu a wrapped

"Thank you, Daddy." Hinyu said and unwrapped the present and looked
astonished, "...It's...Turboman with Mega Cannon!"

Syaoran smiled, "Yeah. I got the last one."

Hinyu smiled at Syaoran, "Thanks Daddy."

"Oh." Syaoran said reaching into his pocket, "I got something else for

"You do?" Hinyu asked and sat down by Syaoran.

Syaoran took something out from his pocket, and smiled, "Here." he put
something in Hinyu's hand. Hinyu looked what was placed in his hand to
see an old pocket knife.

"A pocket knife?.." Hinyu asked looking up at Syaoran.

Syaoran smiled, "It was my fathers. It's basically the last thing I
have to remember him. You can have it. To have something of your

Hinyu smiled and clunged onto Syaoran embracing him, "I LOVE YOU SO

"I love you so much too, Hinyu." Syaoran said hugging onto him.

Later that day....

Sakura cleaned up the wrapping paper, and then looked at Syaoran, "I
saw what you gave Hinyu." she smiled.

"Yeah?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura walked up to him and hugged him, "I think that is very sweet of

"I can show you sweet." he said smiling at her.

Sakura giggled, "Is that so?"

"Yeah.." Syaoran said, and leaned in to kiss Sakura.

<SNAP> a camera flash went over them, and there was Hinyu with the new
camera Tomoyo gave me, "Haha!" he laughed, "Got ya!"

"Hinyu.." they both sighed.


Please review. If you are going to read this fic, the least you can do
is review. Or else I am not going to continue this fic...becuase if no
one reviews it means no one likes it..