Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ Will he leave me!?! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, I'm back and for Chistmas my mom came over to Tokyo for
Christmas. Which means, me, my little brother, my mom and dad. Were
all be together for Christmas.

I hope you all had a good Chistmas, too.

I'ts not too long untill an accident is going to occur... <|O._.O|> so
be ready.

This fic is basically involved with Hinyu.

Here's the next chpt.


Syaoran arose from his bed, and smiled. Life was so great now that the
elder showed him his future. Nothing could go wrong. He looked beside
him to see Sakura, sleeping. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, "I
love you.." he said silently, and got out of bed. He opened the
windows curtains, allowing the rays of sunlight to enter the room.
Syaoran let out a slight smirk, and headed down the stairs to brew
some coffee.

"Good mornin', kid." Kero said landing on the kitchen counter.

Syaoran looked at Kero, "Good morning, plush toy."

"Whatcha doin'" Kero asked curiously.

Syaoran dropped the coffee mix into the coffe grinder, "I fixing some

"Well," Kero said, crossing his little arms, "Fix me some tea while
your at it."

Syaoran gave a glare at Kero, "You can make your own tea."

"With my little arms?" Kero asked.

Syaoran grinned, "Yes."

"Ooohhh.." Kero growled.

Hinyu walked in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes, "Morning, Daddy."

"Mornin' Hinyu." Syaoran said to him, smiling. "Do you want soem
coffee too?" he jokingly asked.

Hinyu shook his head, "No. Coffee tastes yucky. Anyways, it will make
me short."

"True." Syaoran said, pouring some coffe into a cup, "Hey, I still
need to take you out for icecream sometime." Hinyu didn't answer just
look down, "But, I've already have tooken you somewhere. I need to
take your mother somewhere."

Hinyu smiled, "I bet she will like that." Hinyu then blinked, "But,
where will you take her?"

"I don't know." Syaoran said, "Maybe out for a romantic dinner."

"Eeeww." Hinyu said, scrunching his nose, "Not mushy stuff!"

Syaoran giggled, "Well, we have to have mushy stuff in the world.
Because if we didn't, then there would be no children in the world."

"Too bad, kid's mother had to do mushy stuff." Kero said.

Syaoran faced Kero with a vain popping out of his head, "What was

"Nothin'" Kero said floating out of the room, "Welp, I'm goin' to go
play a video game."

Hinyu looked at Syaoran worried, "Daddy?"

"Yeah?" Syaoran said looking at Hinyu.

Hinyu took his finger and ran it across the table, "You..aren't going
to...leave me are you?" he asked.

Syaoran froze, he looked around and then faced Hinyu, "Why would you
think that?"

"I don't know." Hinyu said, "It's just as if I have this feeling
inside me that you are going to leave me."

Syaoran walked up to Hinyu, and got on one knee to face him, "Hinyu, I
love you too much to leave you. And I feel the same way with your

"You promise?" Hinyu asked, his eyes full of worry, "Promise me you'll
never leave me."

Syaoran looked at Hinyu in the eyes, taking his tiny hand into his,
and with his other hand, Syaoran carressed Hinyu's cheek. Syaoran
smiled weakly, "I promise."

Hinyu hugged onto Syaoran.

"Good." he said.


"Come on! Come on!" Kero said, pressing various buttons on the game
controller, "Use the attack!!"

Hinyu walked into the room, walking slowly and gloomy, "Hey.."

"Hey, Hinyu." Kero said pausing the game to smile at him. Kero's face
faulted when he saw Hinyu sit onto his bed sadly, "What's wrong?" he
asked flying up to Hinyu.

Hinyu sighed, "Dad said, he won't leave me. But..this feeling inside
me is kind of telling me that he is going to leave." Hinyu faced Kero,
tears filling his eyes, "Is there something wrong with me, Kero?" he
asked sadly, "Is my daddy going to leave me!!??"

Kero felt sorry for Hinyu, he didn't know what was going on. He's just
a little boy, "Hinyu..." Kero said and sat down on his lap, "Listen."

"Is my dad going to leave me!?!" Hinyu said, a tear falling down his

Kero sighed, "Well, let's just say your father has a secret."

"What kind of secret?" Hinyu asked.

Kero looked around, "Well.." he faced Hinyu, "A secret that you
probably wouldn't understand, in some ways, I don't even understand it

"But, is my dad going to leave me!!??!!" Hinyu said crying some more.

Kero felt sad just because Hinyu was, Kero floated up and put his paw
on Hinyu's shoulder, "I don't know Hinyu. I just don't know..." Hinyu
started crying some more and took Kero, and hugged onto him.

"He promised me he would never leave me. But, then why do I still feel
like he is going to..?" Hinyu said tears falling down his cheeks.

Kero looked at Hinyu, "Hinyu, if your father promised you. I believe
he will keep that promise."

"How do you know?" Hinyu said, wipping his tears.

Kero smiled, "I don't really know. But, I have my own feeling. And I
feel as if, your father is going to keep his promise."

"...Thank you Kero." Hinyu said letting a little smile cross his face,
"That makes me feel alot better." he then looked out the window,
worried. He took out an item from his pocket, the pocket knife Syaoran
gave him. He looked at it, and then hugged onto it.

After a little while, Hinyu got up from sitting on his bed, and looked
at Kero, which was playing his video game. Hinyu got up and went into
the kitchen. He still felt a little worried, but a slight bit better.
He looked into the family room, to see Sakura and Syaoran talking, as
they sat on the couch. =Please..= Hinyu thought, =Please don't leave
me daddy..keep your promise..=

"Well, I guess we can have to go out for dinner." Sakura said.

Syaoran smiled, "Great!" Syaoran said, "Get ready. We'll leave in
about five minutes."

"What about a babysitter for Hinyu?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran rolled his eyes, "Kero can watch him."

"I guess..." Sakura said.

Syaoran smiled, "Okay, I'll go ahead and get changed." he said and
left the room.

Hinyu walked back up the stairs with a glass of orange juice. He
entered the room, "Maybe drinking will get my mind off dad leaving
me.." he said to himself. He took a drink of orange juice. and sighed.
=Nope..I still have this feeling.. Maybe I am just worrying to much.
It's no big deal, my daddy won't leave me. Maybe those present
hypnotized me or something.= There was a sound of the door open and
shut, Hinyu looked out the window to see Sakura and Syaoran enter the
car and drive off, =They must be going out for dinner now..= Hinyu

..... Awhile later...

Sakura and Syaoran had already gotten their food, and were talking.

"Maybe we should think about it..." Sakura said.

Syaoran cocked and eyebrow at Sakura, "About what?"

"Oh, sorry." Sakura blushed, "I didn't even say what to think ABOUT.
Well, what Eriol said."

Syaoran tried to remember, and then he blushed, "You mean..."

"Yeah," Sakura said, "Having another baby."

Syaoran gulped, "So, you are suggesting to go home and do the

"No." Sakura sighed, "Just think about."

Syaoran nodded, "Well, Hinyu is five years old. And I don't know what
he will think if you do get pregnant."

"He'll be happy." Sakura smiled, "I'm pretty sure that he will be.
He'd be delighted to have a baby brother or sister."

Syaoran smirked at Sakura sexily, "Or both."

"Both?" Sakura asked, "You mean twins?"

Syaoran giggled, "Yeah. Or both at two different times." he then took
a drink of wine.

"Shaoran.." Sakura said flushingly.

Hinyu was in his room, drawing a picture. It was a picture of heart,
and in the heart in green coloring Hinyu wrote, " I LOVE YOU DADDY!

=There. Hpefully that will make daddy want to stay if he wants to
leave!= Hinyu thought happily and smiled brightly.

Sakura and Syaoran came back from dinner at eight o' clock P.M. "Try
to be quiet. Hinyu is sleeping.." Sakura said.

"I will, will." Syaoran said and smiled to her. They both entered
their bedroom, "So, you have fun tonight?"

Sakura smiled at him, "Yeah. It was very nice of you to take me out
for dinner, Shaoran. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Syaoran asnwered, taking his shirt off. "You
know..." he said turning to Sakura, smiling sexily as he took off his
pants just to be in his boxers, "We can have more fun.."

Sakura giggled at Syaoran, "I think you've had to much wine."

"Nah." Syaoran shook his head, "I just want to have more fun with

Sakura cocked an eyebrow at Syaoran, "Just how much fun CAN you have
with me me, Shaoran?"

"JUST one night." He said jokingly with a smile, "So we better make it

Sakura smiled, "I guess I might as well go get in my pajamas." she
said going into the bathroom. Syaoran smiled and sat down on the end
of the bed. waiting.

"Okay." Sakura said after five minutes in the bathroom, she walked out
wearing a silky pink nightgown, it was almost see-through."

"Mm-hm." Syaoran nodded, "Trying to impress me, eh?"

Sakura walked over to him, "Yup."

"Well, let's have fun." Syaoran said sexily, putting his hand on
Sakura's waist and pulling her ontop of him.

Sakura took her finger and ran it down Syaoran's chest, "Fun, huh?"

"Yeah, sure is." he said kissing Sakura's forehead. Sakura laid her
head onto Syaoran's chest.

"I love you.." she said passionatly and quietly.

Syaoran smiled, "I love you too.."


Hinyu walked down the hallway with the paper he drew the heart on. He
tried to be quiet so his parents wouldn't know he's walking up after
his bedtime. He walked into the kicthen and hung the picture up by a
magnet on the fridge. He smiled at the picture. =Now my daddy will
never leave me...never..=