Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ The Accident ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, again. Yup, here is the 10th chapter. I update real fast. And
this time..get ready..

An accident is going to happen. <|; ._. ;|>

Here's the next chapter...


Syaoran walked down the stairs, it was morning already. He walked into
the kitchen to prepare for breakfeast. He then saw a piece of paper on
the fridge, "What..?" he said, wondering and took it down. It was the
picture Hinyu had drawn for him, "I LOVE YOU DADDY! From:Hinyu" it
said in a colored heart. Syaoran smiled as he put it in his pocket.

Sure, this time zone was different. But, for Syaoran, it was so much
better. He was with Sakura, he has a beautfil son. And he was where
all his friend were. He couldn't be any happier.

"Good mornin'" A fimiliar morning voice came, as always. Kero floated
in, "Umm, kid?" Kero said.

Syaoran looked at Kero, "Yes, Keroberos?"

"I need to tell ya somethin'" Kero said, "Hinyu has been...worrying."

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Well, he said he has this feeling you are going to LEAVE him." Kero
said, "You don't think that you are going to be leaving back to your
time zone, do ya?"

Syaoran coughed nervously, "I-I don't know." Syaoran turned his back
on Kero, "Anyways, I promised Hinyu that I wouldn't leave him."

"Kid.." Kero said floating up to Syaoran, to face him, "You cannot
promise Hinyu something like that. Because you don't know if you will
stay at this time or go back in the past. All you are doing in messing
with his heart."

Syaoran grunted, "I just want him to be happy."

"Then, what if you DO go back? Hm?" Kero tested, "Do you think that
will make him happy? And what about Sakura? Sure! She'll be soooo

Syaoran put his hand into a fist, "I don't want to talk about this.."

"Maybe Hinyu, senses that you ARE going to go back to your time zone,
kid." Kero said, "Just, don't leave him in a heartbreak." Kero then
left our of the kitchen. Leaving a very troubled Syaoran.

Hinyu walked into the kitchen, "Hey, daddy." he said, and scanned the
fridge, noticing his picture was down. He smiled, knowing Syaoran must
of seen it.

"Oh..." Syaoran said slightly and turned to Hinyu, "Morning."

Hinyu walked up to Syaoran and hugged him, "Is there something wrong?"

"" Syaoran said, "I'm okay."

Hinyu nodded and gave a smile, "That's good."

"Hey," Syaoran said after a moment of thought, "How about we go for a

Hinyu smiled, "That would be fun!!"

Syaoran and Hinyu headed out the door after putting their coats on,
and walked down the street following the sidewalk, "It's beautiful
out." Syaoran said.

"Yeah." Hinyu said back, "And pretty warm." Syaoran nodded, "Daddy.."
Hinyu said and Syaoran looked at him, "I'm glad you're my daddy."

Syaoran smiled, "And I'm glad you are my son." Syaoran and Hinyu
walked through the park, looking at some statues and such. They
decided to sit down on a bench. Syaoran let out a sigh of relief. His
legs were killing him from walking, he scanned the scenery around him.
And he spotted an ice cream stand, "Hey, there's an ice cream stand."

Hinyu just looked over and nodded slightly, "Ummm..yeah..."

"Hey, I'll get some." Syaoran said.

Hinyu just looked at Syaoran strangely, "Daddy.."

"Just stay right there." Syaoran said and walked up to the ice cream
stand. He came back with some chocolate ice cream and took a bite out
of it, "Mmmm. You should have some, Hinyu." Syaoran said to him.

Hinyu shook his head, "No, I'd rather not."

"Awww..come on." Syaoran said, "It's real good."

Hinyu shook his head once more, "No."

"Just one bite, and that's it." Syaoran said taking a giant spoon-ful
and stuffing it into Hinyu's mouth. Hinyu's eyes went wide, it seemed
as if he was trying to restrain himself, but the ice cream went down
his throat.

"There, wasn't that good?" Syaoran asked, but all he got was a 'no' by
the turning of Hinyu's head. "Oh.." Syaoran said, "Listen. I'll go get
a napkin or something, alright?" Hinyu nodded, Syaoran got up and
headed for the ice cream stand.

Cough..cough...cough... Hinyu started coughing, and it kept building
up each time he coughed.

"Okay, Here I have two napkins." Syaoran said sitting back down.

Cough...cough..cough cough cough...cough.. Hinyu started to cough more
widely now.

"Hinyu??.." Syaoran asked, worriefull. But, Hinyu then started to weez
and breath heavily as if he couldn't breath. "HINYU!!!"


Syaoran had taken Hinyu to the hospital and sat, waiting in the
waiting, his head lowered.

"Mr. Syaoran Li?" A nurse said, peeking out the door. Syaoran looked
up and got out of his seat and walked in the door to speak to the

"Yes?" Syaoran asked, prepared to hear what the nurse was about to

The nurse looked at her papers, "Well, it so seems Hinyu has a bad
cause of asthma towards dairy products."

"Asthma?.." Syaoran asked.

The nurse nodded, "Yes, if he eats dairy products it will do damage to
his throat and make it hard from him to breath. He could die from the
experiance. I thought we reported you that since he was one years

=That's why...= Syaoran thought, guilty. =That's why he never wanted
milk in his cereal, and was nervously afraid when I said I would take
him out for ice cream..Oh, Syaoran you baka!!=

Sakura ran into the room, "Is he okay?"

"We're not so sure, Mrs. Li." The nurse said.

Sakura turned to Syaoran, tears in her eyes, "Shaoran! Why!? Are you
trying to kill our son!!!??"

"N-No.." Syaoran stutured sadly.

"Mr & Mrs. Li." The nurse said, "You can take your seats, if you

Sakura wipped her tears, "Alright."

Syaoran and Sakura had been waiting, for five minutes. Not even
looking at eachother. Syaoran keep on trying to think of something to
say, but lowered his head. But, his head raised as a nurse came out.

"Well," the nurse said, "We are going to give him some treatments in a
few hours. But, I'm not so sure if he will make it.."

"WHAT!?!" Sakura shouted, tears falling down her cheeks.

Syaoran, stood still. He was in shock, untill he asked one thing, "May
I see him?"

"Well.." the nurse said looking at the schedule, "Alright." the nurse
lead him to the door and Syaoran walked in, "Don't take too long."

Syaoran walked over to the hospital bed, to see Hinyu laying in the
bed. The covers were completely white about, everything was white.
Syaoran kneeled down.

"I'm sorry Hinyu.." Syaoran said, "I didn't know..But..don't worry, I
won't leave you. No matter what.." Syaoran put his head down on the
blankets and cried, he closed his eyes..but..then all he saw was

"Xiaolang..Xiaolang..wake up Xiaolang.." a voice said. Syaoran opened
his eyes, to see his mother looking down at him.

"Eh?" Syaoran said, and sat up. For he was, laying on the grass in the
garden at the back of his house, "What happened?! Where's Hinyu!?!
Where's Sakura!?!"

Yelan looked at him as if spiders were crawling out of his ears,
"Xiaolang..What are you talking about?"

"You know what I am talking about!!!" Syaoran said jumping up, "Your
grandson, Hinyu!!!"

Yelan put her hand on Syaoran's shoulder, "Xiaolang, maybe you need
some rest."

"NO!!" Syaoran yelled, "I need to help Hinyu!!"

"Syaoran." Yelan said, "I don't know what you are talking about. But,
the elders made another stop by to tell you good luck on your
up-coming achivement as the Li Clan Leader."

Syaoran stopped and let out a few blinks, "Elders??.."

"Yes, don't you remember?" Yelan asked, "They stopped by one day."

"How old am I?" Syaoran asked nervously.

Yelan smiled, "Xiaolang. You're seventeen."

"What!?!?!" was the last thing that Syaoran said, and he ran into his
room. =I am willing to give you a chance to see your future= The
elder's voice echoed in Syaoran's head, =What is this all about
anyway?= Syaoran remembered what he said back to the elder,

="Just to give you a glance of what may be to come" The elder said

="What do you mean may?" Syaoran asked.=

="The future can be changed by just one accident you make." The elder

That conversation drummed in Syaoran's mind as he threw himself onto
his bed, he reached into his pocket. And felt something, "Eh??" he
grabbed it and pulled the object out. In his hand, was his dad's
pocket knife.

="A pocket knife?" Hinyu asked.=

="It was my fathers. It's basically the last thing I have to remember
him. You can have it. To have something of your grandfathers" Syaoran

="I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DADDY!!!" Hinyu said happily=

That time of conversation belled in Syaoran's head as he looked at the
pocket knife, he then put it back in his pocket and threw his head on
the pillow, looking around. He then thought of Sakura...

="Why the sudden change?" Sakura asked.=

="I just found out how much I love you." Syaoran told her.=

="Oh?" Sakura asked.=

="Yeah. And it's alot..." Syaoran told her=

Syaoran closed his eyes hearing that in his head, but then he
remembered something...

="It's just as if I have this feeling inside me that you are going to
leave me." Hinyu said worrying=

="Hinyu, I love you too much to leave you. And I feel the same way
with yout mother." Syaoran told him.=

="You promise?" Hinyu asked worrying, "Promise me you'll never leave

="I promise." Syaoran said back to him.=

Syaoran turned on his stomach, and clenched the covers, "I promised!"
he said silently to himself, "That I would never leave Hinyu! Or
Sakura! And now I have failed them..Just wait..Just wait..Just wait
til I get my hand on that elder!!!"


Poor Syaoran. I hope he GETS that elder. heh heh.

Okay. There's the tenth chapter. I would like if people would give me
a "good job" for making so many chapters real fastly. But...You have
to check up on this fanfic ALOT just to see if there is another
chapter. Because I am storming them in!